author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:13:38 +0200
changeset 14 5d2844f35677
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201004 Kit: 201004

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:



#ifdef _DEBUG

#if !defined(_USE_UTRACE_)

 * Each trace point must be statically assigned a ModuleUid to indicate the 
 * module in which the trace point is defined. It is recommended that this 
 * value is the UID3 of the associated binary file.
 * The ModuleUid and Classification attributes of a trace point are independent.
typedef TUint32 TModuleUid;

 * This is a numerical value statically assigned to a trace point which will be used 
 * on the host to look-up the format of the associated trace packets.
 * The meaning of a FormatId is specific to the ModuleUid and Category of the 
 * associated trace point.
typedef TUint16 TFormatId;

 * The maximum possible value for TFormatId
const static TFormatId KMaxFormatId = 65535; // 2^16 - 1

 * TFormatId used in packets produced by the Print and Printf 
 * functions. 
 * Note that this format should not be used on the
 * device by clients of UTrace. This symbol is only marked
 * as published to partners to give host side tools access to 
 * it.
 * @internalTechnology

 * @see TFormatId
const static TFormatId KFormatPrintf = 0;

 * This value is intended to be used by clients to specify the 
 * start of the range of enums used to define their format ids.
 * Any values between 0 up to this should not be used directly
 * by clients of UTrace on the device.
 * @see TFormatId
const static TFormatId KInitialClientFormat = 512; 

 * This value is intended to set the maximum size of a Printf call. 
const static TUint32 KMaxPrintfSize = 80;

 * The Classifications in the All range should be used by the majority of 
 * trace points. This range of Classifications are intended to identify which 
 * of the most common trace use-cases a trace point is contributing to.
 * The Classifications in this series are defined solely by Symbian but are 
 * intended for use by any software on a device. 
 * @see TClassification
 * @see TClassificationRange
 * @see EAllRangeFirst
enum TClassificationAll
	 * Used when a panic has occurred or when providing information on the execution 
	 * state that lead to the decision to panic.
	 * A trace point with this Classification indicates a fatal condition is about to 
     * occur which will halt the flow of program execution in the current thread.
	 * This Classification also provides information describing where a panic has been 
	 * dealt with.
	 * EPanic = EAllRangeFirst
	EPanic = 192,
	 * Used when an error has occurred that means the current operation cannot continue 
	 * but isn’t sufficiently serious to cause a Panic. The trace points could contain 
	 * not just the error code but any relevant information information about the 
	 * execution state when the error occurred.
	 * To be used for all types of error and includes situations where the errors are 
	 * returned from a function or in a Leave.
	 * This Classification also provides information describing where an error has been 
	 * dealt with.
	EError = 193,
	 * Used when something unexpected or unusual has occurred that does not stop the 
	 * current operation from happening but may result in unintended side effects or 
	 * actual errors later on.
	EWarning = 194, 
	 * Used to detail normal activity at the edges of a module. Does not include errors
	 * or warnings as these are covered in other Classifications.
	 * Includes data about exported or published functions defined by module as well as 
     * calls out of the module to get significant information. Exactly what is significant 
     * is for the module owner to decide. For example, getting the contents of an .ini file to 
     * determine which configuration to use might be significant but calling RArray::Count() 
     * would not be.
	 * The information in this Classification should be enough to allow someone unfamiliar 
	 * with the trace module to get a high level understanding of what functionality it has 
	 * executed.
	EBorder = 195, 
	 * Intended for tracing the state transitions of an application or service such as those 
	 * performed by a machine. 
	 * Trace packet’s using this Classification should contain the name of the 
	 * changed state variable and the new value. 
	EState = 196, 
	 * Used to provide detailed information about the normal activity of a module 
	 * to help a developer, who is familiar with the module, to understand what it is doing. 
	 * Does not include errors or warnings as those are covered in other Classifications.
	EInternals = 197, 
	 * Used when there is a need to output large amounts of data through individual trace 
	 * points that would likely cause significant intrusion if included under one of the 
	 * other Classifications.
	 * This Classification in intended to be used in conjunction with the Internals 
	 * Classification to provide more details when debugging a specific module.
	EDump = 198, 
	 * Used to provide comprehensive information on what paths the execution takes within 
	 * functions.
	 * This Classification is intended only to be assigned by tools that add temporary
	 * instrumentation points specifically to output this data.
	EFlow = 199, 
	 * Used to output data about the execution time, memory usage, disk usage, power 
	 * utilisation and other system characteristics of the trace module.
	 * This data may need to be processed before it can provide affective metrics. E.g. 
	 * the time between two timestamps might need to be computed.
	 * Intended only to be used to output system characteristic data that requires the 
	 * smallest possible intrusion.
	ESystemCharacteristicMetrics = 200, 
	 * Can be used when adding ad-hoc / temporary trace points if there’s a need to 
	 * distinguish it from existing trace.
	EAdhoc = 201,
	 * Provided to allow the following compile time assert:
	 * EClassificationAllHighWaterMark <= EAllRangeLast + 1
	 * @internalTechnology

class TTraceContext
 * Class to encapsulate the trace context
 * @internalTechnology
	TTraceContext(TClassificationAll aClassification) : iClassification(aClassification) {};
	TModuleUid DefaultModuleUid();
	TClassificationAll	iClassification;

 * Function to create a UTF Printf style trace record
 * @internalTechnology
void Printf(TTraceContext aTraceContext, const char* aFmt, ...);

 * Function to create a UTF style trace record without parameters
 * @internalTechnology
void Trace(TTraceContext aTraceContext, TFormatId aFormatId);

 * Function to create a UTF style trace record with 1 TUint32 parameter
 * @internalTechnology
void Trace(TTraceContext aTraceContext, TFormatId aFormatId, TUint32 aA1);

 * Function to create a UTF style trace record with 2 TUint32 parameters
 * @internalTechnology
void Trace(TTraceContext aTraceContext, TFormatId aFormatId, TUint32 aA1, TUint32 aA2);

 * Function to create a UTF style trace record with variable length byte data
 * @internalTechnology
void Trace(TTraceContext aTraceContext, TFormatId aFormatId, TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aLen);


#include "e32utrace_basic_types.h"
using namespace UTF;


Enable this macro to compile in the SDIO driver trace points that trace out all bus 
traffic passing to or from the SDIO card operations.



Enable this macro to compile in the SDIO driver trace points that trace out all previous 
Kern::Printf verbose debug information.



The scope of this module is for the SDIO classes, specifically the PIL of SDIO
namespace UTraceModuleEPBusSDIO

    const static TModuleUid KModuleUid = 0x10004087;

    enum FormatId
        This format is called when data is written to the SDIO bus

        @SymTraceFormatString "Data written to SDIO" 
        ESDIOWrite = KInitialClientFormat,
        This format is called when data is about to be read from the SDIO bus

        @SymTraceFormatString "Data read pending from SDIO" 
        ESDIORead, // 0x201

        This format is called when a register is modified

        @SymTraceFormatString "Register modified, set %02X, clear %02X" 
        ESDIOModified, // 0x202

        This format is called when data has been read from the SDIO bus

        @SymTraceFormatString "Data read from SDIO" 
        ESDIOReadComplete, // 0x203

        This format is called when a read/write operation has completed

        @SymTraceFormatString "Operation completed in %d ticks" 
        ESDIOOperationComplete, // 0x204

        This format is called when a new function callback is registered for a socket

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunctionCallback::Register, function callback registered for socket %08X" 

        This format is called after a new function callback is registered for a socket

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunctionCallback::Register" 

        This format is called when a TCisReader object is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TCisReader::TCisReader, Constructing TCisReader" 

        This format is called after a TCisReader object is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TCisReader::TCisReader" 

        This format is called when a Cis (Card Information Structure) is selected for a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TCisReader::SelectCis, Selecting CIS for Card %d" 

        This format is called after a Cis (Card Information Structure) is selected for a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TCisReader::SelectCis, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a memory allocation failed for a socket

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Error creating socket. Out Of Memory.

        This format is called when a memory allocation failed for a stack

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Error creating stack. Out Of Memory.

        This format is called when a memory allocation failed for a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Error creating card. Out Of Memory.

        This format is called when the CIS (Card Information Structure) reader will be reset to the start of the CIS

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Restart CIS Reader" 

        This format is called when a specified CIS tuple is going to be located and read

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TCisReader::FindReadTuple, Find and read tuple %d" 

        This format is called after a specified CIS tuple is located and read

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TCisReader::FindReadTuple, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a specified CIS tuple is going to be read from the current offset

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TCisReader::ReadTuple, Read tuple from current offset" 

        This format is after a specified CIS tuple is read from the current offset

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TCisReader::ReadTuple, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when the card common config is going to be located and read

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TCisReader::FindReadCommonConfig, Find and read common config" 

        This format is called after the card common config is located and read

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TCisReader::FindReadCommonConfig, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when the function config is located and read

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TCisReader::FindReadFunctionConfig, Find and read function config" 

        This format is called after the function config is located and read

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TCisReader::FindReadFunctionConfig, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a new function is being created for a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::TSDIOFunction, New function created for Card %08X, Function Number %d" 

        This format is called after a new function is created for a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::TSDIOFunction" 

        This format is called when a function is being destroyed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::~TSDIOFunction, Function Destructing" 

        This format is called after a function is destroyed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::~TSDIOFunction" 

        This format is called when a client is being registered for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::RegisterClient, Registering a client %08X for the function" 

        This format is called when a client is being registered for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::RegisterClient, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a client is being registered for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: DSDIORegisterInterface cannot be created. Out Of Memory." 

        This format is called when a client is being deregistered for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::DeregisterClient, Unregistering a client %08X for the function" 

        This format is called after a client is deregistered for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::DeregisterClient, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a function is being enabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::Enable, Enabling function" 

        This format is called after a function is enabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::Enable, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a function is being disabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::Disable, Disabling function" 

        This format is called after a function is being disabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::Disable, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a function is being checked to see if it is powered up and ready

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::IsReady, Checking the state of a function" 

        This format is called after a function is checked to see if it is powered up and ready

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::IsReady, Function readyness is %d, Error code %d" 

        This format is called when a function's priority is being set

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunction::SetPriority, Function priority set to %d"

        This format is called when a function's priority is being set

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunction::SetPriority, Error code %d"

        This format is called to check a functios's capabilities match a specified criteria

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOFunctionCaps::CapabilitiesMatch, Checking the function capabilities match flags %08X"

        This format is called to show the status of a capabalities match check

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOFunctionCaps::CapabilitiesMatch, Capability Match Check : %d"

        This format is called when an interrupt is created for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOInterrupt::TSDIOInterrupt, New interrupt created for for function %d"

        This format is called when an interrupt has been created for a function

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOInterrupt::TSDIOInterrupt"

        This format is called when an interrupt is being destroyed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOInterrupt::~TSDIOInterrupt, Interrupt being destroyed"

        This format is called when after an interrupt is destroyed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOInterrupt::~TSDIOInterrupt"

        This format is called when an interrupt is being bound

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOInterrupt::Bind, Interrupt being bound to ISR %08X"

        This format is called after an interrupt has been bound

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOInterrupt::Bind, Error code %d"

        This format is called when an interrupt is being unbound

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOInterrupt::Unbind, Interrupt being unbound"

        This format is called after an interrupt has been unbound

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOInterrupt::Unbind, Error code %d"

        This format is called when an interrupt is being enabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOInterrupt::Enable, Interrupt enabled"

        This format is called after an interrupt has been enabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOInterrupt::Enable, Error code %d"

        This format is called when an interrupt is being disabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOInterrupt::Disable, Interrupt disabled"

        This format is called after an interrupt has been disabled

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOInterrupt::Disable, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface is being created

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::DSDIORegisterInterface, Register interface being created for card %08X, Function number %d"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface has been created

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::DSDIORegisterInterface"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface is destroying

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::~DSDIORegisterInterface, Register interface destroying"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface is destroyed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::~DSDIORegisterInterface"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface read operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::Read8, Register interface read of %d byte(s)"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface read operation has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::Read8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface write operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::Write8, Register interface write of %d byte(s)"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface write operation has been being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::Write8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface modify operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::Modify8, Register interface modify"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface modify operation has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::Modify8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface read multiple operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::ReadMultiple8, Register interface multiple read of %d byte(s)"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface read multiple operation has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::ReadMultiple8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface read multiple chunk operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::ReadMultiple8, Register interface multiple read of %d byte(s) using chunk"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface read multiple chunk operation has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::ReadMultiple8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface write multiple operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::WriteMultiple8, Register interface write multiple of %d byte(s)"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface write multiple operation has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::WriteMultiple8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface write multiple chunk operation is being performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::WriteMultiple8, Register interface write multiple of %d byte(s) using chunks"
        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface write multiple chunk operation has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::WriteMultiple8, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface set bus width is performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::SetBusWidth, attempt to set bus width to %d bits"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface set bus width has been performed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::SetBusWidth, Error code %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface object is set to respond asynchronously

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::SetAsync, Register interface set to async"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface object is set to respond asynchronously

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::SetAsync, Success"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface object is set to respond synchronously

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIORegisterInterface::SetSync, Register interface set to sync"

        This format is called after a DSDIORegisterInterface object is set to respond synchronously

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIORegisterInterface::SetSync, Success"

        This format is called when a DSDIORegisterInterface operation is complete

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Register interface operation complete, error %d"

        This format is called when a TSDIOCardConfig is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOCardConfig::TSDIOCardConfig, New card config created"

        This format is called after a TSDIOCardConfig is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOCardConfig::TSDIOCardConfig"

        This format is called when a request an attempt to find a function on a card is made

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOCard::FindFunction, Find function which matches flags %08X"

        This format is called after a request to find a function on a card is made

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOCard::FindFunction, Function ptr returning %08X"

        This format is called the card's CIS is being parsed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOCard::CheckCIS, Parse card's CIS"

        This format is called after the card's CIS has been parsed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOCard::CheckCIS, Error code %d"

        This format is called when the SDIO card array is allocating memory

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOCardArray::AllocCards, Allocating memory for cards"

        This format is called after the SDIO card array has allocated memory

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOCardArray::AllocCards, Error code %d"

        This format is called when an SDIO card is declared as gone

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOCardArray::DeclareCardAsGone, Card %d has gone"

        This format is called after an SDIO card has been declared as gone

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOCardArray::DeclareCardAsGone"

        This format is called when the card controller interface registers a new media device

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >TSDIOCardControllerInterface::RegisterMediaDevices, Register an SDIO card on socket %d"

        This format is called after the card controller interface registers a new media device

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <TSDIOCardControllerInterface::RegisterMediaDevices, Error code %d"

        This format is called when the DSDIOPsu object is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOPsu::DSDIOPsu"

        This format is called after a DSDIOPsu object is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOPsu::DSDIOPsu"

        This format is called when the DSDIOPsu object is created

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOPsu::DoCreate"

        This format is called after the DSDIOPsu object is created

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOPsu::DoCreate, Error code %d"

        This format is called when the DSDIOPsu tick occurs

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOPsu::DoTickService"

        This format is called after the DSDIOPsu tick occurs

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOPsu::DoTickService"

        This format is called to detect whether the power supply is locked

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOPsu::IsLocked"

        This format is called after the detection of whether the power supply is locked

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOPsu::IsLocked, Locked Status %d"

        This format is called when a DSDIOSocket object is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOSocket::DSDIOSocket, for socket %d"

        This format is called after a DSDIOSocket object is constructed

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOSocket::DSDIOSocket"

        This format is called when the socket is request to sleep

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOSocket::RequestAsyncSleep, request to sleep"

        This format is called after the socket has been requested to sleep

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOSocket::RequestAsyncSleep, sleep count %d"

        This format is called when the socket is released to sleep

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOSocket::SleepComplete"

        This format is called after the socket is released to sleep

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOSocket::SleepComplete, sleep count %d"

        This format is called when the stack acquires new cards

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::AcquireStackSM, Acquire new cards"

        This format is called after the stack acquires new cards

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::AcquireStackSM"

        This format is called when the stack issues the IO_RW_DIRECT command (CMD52)

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::CIMIoReadWriteDirectSM, I/O Read Write Direct command"

        This format is called after the stack issues the IO_RW_DIRECT command (CMD52)

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::CIMIoReadWriteDirectSM"

        This format is called when the stack issues IO_RW_EXTENDED command (CMD53)

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::CIMIoReadWriteExtendedSM, I/O Read Write Extended command"

        This format is called after the stack issues the IO_RW_EXTENDED command (CMD53)

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <SDIOStack::CIMIoReadWriteExtendedSM"

        This format is called when the stack modifies a register

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::CIMIoModifySM, I/O Modify register"

        This format is called after the stack modifies a register

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::CIMIoModifySM"

        This format is called when the stack reads or writes a block

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSM, I/O Read Write block"

        This format is called after the stack reads or writes a block

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSM"

        This format is called when the stack modifies the capability of a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::ModifyCardCapabilitySM, Modify card capability"

        This format is called after the stack modifies the capability of a card

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::ModifyCardCapabilitySM"

        This format is called when the stack blocks an IO session

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::BlockIOSession, Block IO session"

        This format is called after the stack blocks an IO session

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::BlockIOSession"

        This format is called when the stack unblocks an IO session

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::UnblockIOSession, Unblock IO session"

        This format is called after the stack unblocks an IO session

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::UnblockIOSession"

        This format is called to allocate a new session for a stack

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: >DSDIOStack::AllocSession, Allocate new session"

        This format is called after a new session is allocated for a stack

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: <DSDIOStack::AllocSession, New session %08X"

        This format is called to indicate that the PSL function EnableSDIOInterrupts is going to be called

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Called PSL, EnableSDIOInterrupts"

        This format is called to indicate that the PSL function EnableSDIOInterrupts has returned

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Returned PSL, EnableSDIOInterrupts"

        This format is called to indicate that the PSL function AddressCard is going to be called

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Called PSL, AddressCard %d"

        This format is called to indicate that the PSL function AddressCard has returned

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Returned PSL, AddressCard"
        This format is called to indicate that the PSL function MaxBlockSize is going to be called

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Called PSL, MaxBlockSize"

        This format is called to indicate that the PSL function MaxBlockSize has returned

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Returned PSL, MaxBlockSize %d bytes"

        This format is called to indicate that the power up sequence has started

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Powering up card"

        This format is called to indicate that the power down sequence has started

        @SymTraceFormatString "%08X: Powering down card"
    __ASSERT_COMPILE(EFormatIdHighWaterMark <= KMaxFormatId + 1);
} // end of namespace UTraceModuleEPBusSDIO	

// ModuleUid Default

#if !defined(_USE_UTRACE_)
#include <e32btrace.h>

// Normal PC and ContextId Defaults
// Note these are the same as the ones provided by the UTF

#include <e32utrace.h>

 * Function to create a UTF style trace record with multiple TUint32 parameters
 * @internalTechnology
void Trace(TTraceContext aTraceContext, TFormatId aFormatId, TUint32 aArgCount, TUint32 aA1, ...);

#define TRACE(tc, fi, ptr, len) Trace(tc, fi, ptr, len)
#define TRACE0(tc, fi) Trace(tc, fi)
#define TRACE1(tc, fi, a1) Trace(tc, fi, a1)
#define TRACE2(tc, fi, a1, a2) Trace(tc, fi, 2, a1, a2)
#define TRACE3(tc, fi, a1, a2, a3) Trace(tc, fi, 3, a1, a2, a3)
#define TRACE4(tc, fi, a1, a2, a3, a4) Trace(tc, fi, 4, a1, a2, a3, a4)