author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\bench\t_asmbm.cpp

#include "t_asmbm.h"
#include <hal.h>
#include <e32test.h>

extern RTest test;

const TReal KDefaultRunLength = 1.0;
const TInt KInitIterations = 3000;

// Length of time to run benchmark for in seconds
TReal RunLength = KDefaultRunLength;

TInt FastCounterFrequency;
TBool FastCounterCountsUp;

 * Calculate the time in seconds corresponding to a fast counter delta value.
TReal TimeDelta(TInt aDelta)
	if (!FastCounterCountsUp)
		aDelta = -aDelta;
	return ((TReal) aDelta + 1) / FastCounterFrequency;

 * Run a benchmark for the specifiec number of iterations and return the total
 * time taken in seconds.
TReal TimeBenchmarkL(MBenchmarkList& aBenchmarks, TInt aIndex, const TBmParams& aParams)
	TInt delta = 0;
	User::LeaveIfError(aBenchmarks.Run(aIndex, aParams, delta));
	User::After(20 * 1000); // hack: wait for kernel thread to exit
	return TimeDelta(delta);

void RunGeneralBenchmarkL(MBenchmarkList& aBenchmarks, TInt aIndex, const TBmInfo& aInfo)
	// Run the benchmark with a small number of iterations and from this result
	// work out how many iterations we need to run it for RunLength seconds.
	// Loop till we get it right.

	TBmParams params;
	params.iSourceAlign = 0;
	params.iDestAlign = 0;
	TInt iterations = KInitIterations;
	TReal time;
	for (;;)
		params.iIts = iterations / 10;
		time = TimeBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, aIndex, params);
		if (time >= RunLength)
		iterations = (TInt) ((RunLength * 1.2) / (time/(TReal)iterations));
	TBuf<64> nameBuf;
    test.Printf(_L("%i\t%e\t%S\n"), aIndex, time/iterations * 1000000.0, &nameBuf);

void RunMemoryBenchmarkL(MBenchmarkList& aBenchmarks, TInt aIndex, const TBmInfo& aInfo)
	// Run the benchmark with a small number of iterations and from this result
	// work out how many iterations we need to run it for RunLength seconds.
	// Loop till we get it right.
	TBmParams params;
	params.iSourceAlign = 0;
	params.iDestAlign = 0;

	TInt iterations = KInitIterations;
	TReal time;
	for (;;)
		params.iIts = iterations / 10;
		time = TimeBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, aIndex, params);
		if (time >= RunLength)
		iterations = (TInt) ((RunLength * 1.2) / (time/(TReal)iterations));

	TBuf<64> nameBuf;
	test.Printf(_L("%i\t%S\talignment step == %d\n"), aIndex, &nameBuf, aInfo.iAlignStep);

	for (TInt sourceAlign = 0 ; sourceAlign < 32 ; sourceAlign += aInfo.iAlignStep)
		for (TInt destAlign = 0 ; destAlign < 32 ; destAlign += aInfo.iAlignStep)
			params.iSourceAlign = sourceAlign;
			params.iDestAlign = destAlign;
			time = TimeBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, aIndex, params);
			test.Printf(_L("%e\t"), time/iterations * 1000000.0);

void RunBenchmarkL(MBenchmarkList& aBenchmarks, TInt aIndex, TUint aCategories)
	TBmInfo info;
	User::LeaveIfError(aBenchmarks.Info(aIndex, info));

	if (!(info.iCategories & aCategories))

	if (info.iCategories & aCategories & KCategoryMemory)
		RunMemoryBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, aIndex, info);
		RunGeneralBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, aIndex, info);

void BadUsage()
	test.Printf(_L("usage: [ OPTIONS ] [ INDEX... ]\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("Options are:\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("  -r TIME  Set the length of time in seconds to run each benchmark for\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("  -m       Run memory alignment benchmarks only\n"));
	test.Printf(_L("  -x       Run extra benchmarks as well as normal ones\n"));

void RunBenchmarkTestsL(MBenchmarkList& aBenchmarks)
	User::LeaveIfError(HAL::Get(HALData::EFastCounterFrequency, FastCounterFrequency));
	User::LeaveIfError(HAL::Get(HALData::EFastCounterCountsUp, FastCounterCountsUp));

	TInt count = aBenchmarks.Count();
	TBool ok = ETrue;
	TUint categories = KCategoryGeneral;

	RArray<TInt> testsToRun;

	HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(User::CommandLineLength());
	TPtr ptr = buf->Des();

	if (ptr != KNullDesC)
		TLex lex(ptr);
		TPtrC16 token;

		while (ok && (token.Set(lex.NextToken()), token != KNullDesC))
			if (token == _L("-r"))
				if (token == KNullDesC ||
					TLex(token).Val(RunLength) != KErrNone ||
					RunLength < 0.0)
					ok = EFalse;
			else if (token == _L("-m"))
				categories = KCategoryMemory;
			else if (token == _L("-x"))
				categories = KCategoryGeneral | KCategoryExtra;
				TInt index;
				if (TLex(token).Val(index) != KErrNone)
					ok = EFalse;
				else if (index < 0 || index >= count)
					test.Printf(_L("Index out of range: %d\n"), index);
					ok = EFalse;


	if (ok)
		test.Printf(_L("Note that these benchmarks are intended to guide optimisation, and not to\n"));
		test.Printf(_L("provide a meaningful indication of the speed of specific functions\n"));
		if (testsToRun.Count() == 0)
			for (TInt i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
				RunBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, i, categories);
			for (TInt i = 0 ; i < testsToRun.Count() ; ++i)
				RunBenchmarkL(aBenchmarks, testsToRun[i], categories);