Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\examples\defrag\d_defrag_ref.cpp
// Reference LDD for invoking defrag APIs.
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "nk_priv.h"
#include "d_defrag_ref.h"
const TInt KMajorVersionNumber=0;
const TInt KMinorVersionNumber=1;
const TInt KBuildVersionNumber=1;
#if 1 // Set true for tracing
#define TRACE(x) x
#define TRACE(x)
const TInt KDefragCompleteThreadPriority = 27;
const TInt KDefragRamThreadPriority = 1;
class DDefragChannel;
Clean up item responsible for ensuring all memory commmited to a chunk is
freed once the chunk is destroyed
class TChunkCleanup : public TDfc
TChunkCleanup(DDefragChannel* aDevice, TPhysAddr* aBufAddrs, TUint aBufPages);
TChunkCleanup(DDefragChannel* aDevice, TPhysAddr aBufBase, TUint aBufBytes);
static void ChunkDestroyed(TChunkCleanup* aSelf);
void RemoveDevice();
void DoChunkDestroyed();
TPhysAddr* iBufAddrs; /**< Pointer to an array of the addresses of discontiguous buffer pages*/
TPhysAddr iBufBase; /**< Physical base address of a physically contiguous the buffer*/
TUint iBufSize; /**< The number of pages or bytes in the buffer depending if this is
discontiguous or contiguous buffer, repsectively*/
TBool iBufContiguous; /**< ETrue when the memory to be freed is contiguous, EFalse otherwise*/
DDefragChannel* iDevice; /**< The device to be informed when the chunk is destroyed */
Reference defrag LDD factory.
class DDefragChannelFactory : public DLogicalDevice
virtual TInt Install(); //overriding pure virtual
virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const; //overriding pure virtual
virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);//overriding pure virtual
TDynamicDfcQue* iDfcQ;
Reference defrag logical channel.
class DDefragChannel : public DLogicalChannelBase
DDefragChannel(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
void ChunkDestroyed();
virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
virtual TInt Request(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
TInt DoAllocLowestZone();
TInt DoClaimLowestZone();
TInt DoChunkClose();
TInt FindLowestPrefZone();
static void DefragCompleteDfc(TAny* aSelf);
void DefragComplete();
TInt iPageShift; /**< The system's page shift */
DSemaphore* iDefragSemaphore;/**< Semaphore to ensure only one defrag operation is active per channel*/
TClientRequest* iCompleteReq;/**< Pointer to a request status that will signal to the user side client once the defrag has completed*/
DThread* iRequestThread; /**< Pointer to the thread that made the defrag request*/
TRamDefragRequest iDefragReq;/**< The defrag request used to queue defrag operations*/
DChunk* iBufChunk; /**< Pointer to a chunk that can be mapped to a physical RAM area*/
TChunkCleanup* iChunkCleanup;/**< Pointer to iBufChunk's cleanup object */
TDfcQue* iDfcQ; /**< The DFC queue used for driver functions */
TDfc iDefragCompleteDfc; /**< DFC to be queued once a defrag operation has completed */
TBool iDefragDfcFree; /**< Set to fase whenever a dfc defrag operation is still pending*/
TUint iLowestPrefZoneId; /**< The ID of the least preferable RAM zone*/
TUint iLowestPrefZonePages; /**< The number of pages in the least preferable RAM zone*/
TUint iLowestPrefZoneIndex; /**< The test HAL function index of the least preferable RAM zone*/
Utility functions to wait for chunk clean dfc to be queued by waiting for the
idle thread to be queued.
void signal_sem(TAny* aPtr)
TInt WaitForIdle()
{// Wait for chunk to be destroyed and then for the chunk cleanup dfc to run.
for (TUint i = 0; i < 2; i++)
NFastSemaphore s(0);
TDfc idler(&signal_sem, &s, Kern::SvMsgQue(), 0); // supervisor thread, priority 0, so will run after destroyed DFC
NTimer timer(&signal_sem, &s);
timer.OneShot(NKern::TimerTicks(5000), ETrue); // runs in DFCThread1
NKern::FSWait(&s); // wait for either idle DFC or timer
TBool timeout = idler.Cancel(); // cancel idler, return TRUE if it hadn't run
TBool tmc = timer.Cancel(); // cancel timer, return TRUE if it hadn't expired
if (!timeout && !tmc)
NKern::FSWait(&s); // both the DFC and the timer went off - wait for the second one
if (timeout)
return KErrTimedOut;
return KErrNone;
Standard logical device driver entry point.
Called the first time this device driver is loaded.
DDefragChannelFactory* factory = new DDefragChannelFactory;
if (factory)
// Allocate a kernel thread to run the DFC
TInt r = Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(factory->iDfcQ, KDefragCompleteThreadPriority, KDefragCompleteThread);
if (r != KErrNone)
// Must close rather than delete factory as it is a DObject object.
return NULL;
return factory;
if (iDfcQ != NULL)
{// Destroy the DFC queue created when this device drvier was loaded.
Create a new DDefragChannel on this logical device.
@param aChannel On successful return this will point to the new channel.
@return KErrNone on success or KErrNoMemory if the channel couldn't be created.
TInt DDefragChannelFactory::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
aChannel = new DDefragChannel(iDfcQ);
return (aChannel)? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
Install the LDD - overriding pure virtual
@return KErrNone on success or one of the system wide error codes.
TInt DDefragChannelFactory::Install()
return SetName(&KLddName);
Get capabilities - overriding pure virtual
@param aDes A descriptor to be loaded with the capabilities.
void DDefragChannelFactory::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const
TCapsDefragTestV01 b;
@param aDfcQ The DFC queue to use for defrag completion DFCs.
DDefragChannel::DDefragChannel(TDfcQue* aDfcQ)
iDefragCompleteDfc(DefragCompleteDfc, (TAny*)this, 1) // DFC is priority '1', it is the only type of dfc on this queue.
Create channel.
@param aVer The version number required.
@return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if the device doesn't support defragmentation.
TInt DDefragChannel::DoCreate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
// Check the client has ECapabilityPowerMgmt capability.
if(!Kern::CurrentThreadHasCapability(ECapabilityPowerMgmt, __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by DDefragChannel")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
TInt pageSize;
TInt r = Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalPageSizeInBytes, &pageSize, 0);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ERROR - Unable to determine page size"));
return r;
TUint32 pageMask = pageSize;
TUint i = 0;
for (; i < 32; i++)
if (pageMask & 1)
if (pageMask & ~1u)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ERROR - page size not a power of 2"));
return KErrNotSupported;
iPageShift = i;
pageMask >>= 1;
// Check the client is a supported version.
if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber),aVer))
return KErrNotSupported;
// Check this system has more than one RAM zone defined.
// A real driver shouldn't need to do this as any driver that uses defrag should
// only be loaded on devices that support it.
TInt ret = FindLowestPrefZone();
if (ret != KErrNone)
{// Only one zone so can't move pages anywhere or empty a zone
return KErrNotSupported;
// Create a semaphore to protect defrag invocation. OK to just use one name as
// the semaphore is not global so it's name doesn't need to be unique.
ret = Kern::SemaphoreCreate(iDefragSemaphore, _L("DefragRefSem"), 1);
if (ret != KErrNone)
return ret;
// Create a client request for completing dfc defrag requests.
ret = Kern::CreateClientRequest(iCompleteReq);
if (ret != KErrNone)
return ret;
// Setup a DFC to be invoked when a defrag operation completes.
iDefragDfcFree = ETrue;
return KErrNone;
// Clean up any heap objects.
if (iDefragSemaphore != NULL)
// Unregister from any chunk cleanup object as we are to be deleted.
if (iChunkCleanup != NULL)
// Clean up any client request object.
if (iCompleteReq)
// Free any existing chunk.
Handle the requests for this channel.
@param aFunction The operation the LDD should perform.
@param a1 The first argument for the operation.
@param a2 The second argument for the operation.
@return KErrNone on success or one of the system wide error codes.
TInt DDefragChannel::Request(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
TInt r = KErrNone;
if (!iDefragDfcFree && aFunction != RDefragChannel::EControlGeneralDefragDfcComplete)
{// Only allow a single defrag operation at a time.
r = KErrInUse;
goto exit;
switch (aFunction)
case RDefragChannel::EControlGeneralDefragDfc:
// Queue a defrag operation so that on completion it queues a
// DFC on this driver.
iRequestThread = &Kern::CurrentThread();
// Open a reference on this channel to stop the destructor running before
// the defrag request has completed.
r = iCompleteReq->SetStatus((TRequestStatus*)a1);
if (r == KErrNone)
r = iDefragReq.DefragRam(&iDefragCompleteDfc, KDefragRamThreadPriority);
if (r != KErrNone)
{// defrag operation didn't start so close all openned handles
iRequestThread = NULL;
iDefragDfcFree = EFalse;
case RDefragChannel::EControlGeneralDefragDfcComplete:
if (iRequestThread != NULL)
{// The defrag dfc hasn't completed so this shouldn't have been invoked.
r = KErrGeneral;
iDefragDfcFree = ETrue;
case RDefragChannel::EControlGeneralDefragSem:
{// Queue a defrag operation so that it will signal a fast mutex once
// it has completed.
NFastSemaphore sem;
NKern::FSSetOwner(&sem, 0);
r = iDefragReq.DefragRam(&sem, KDefragRamThreadPriority);
if (r != KErrNone)
{// Error occurred attempting to queue the defrag operation.
// Defrag operation has now been queued so wait for it to finish.
// Could do some extra kernel side work here before waiting on the
// semaphore.
r = iDefragReq.Result();
case RDefragChannel::EControlGeneralDefrag:
// Synchronously perform a defrag.
r = iDefragReq.DefragRam(KDefragRamThreadPriority);
case RDefragChannel::EControlAllocLowestZone:
// Allocate from the lowest preference zone
r = DoAllocLowestZone();
case RDefragChannel::EControlClaimLowestZone:
// Claims the lowest preference zone
r = DoClaimLowestZone();
case RDefragChannel::EControlCloseChunk:
// Have finished with the chunk so close it then free the RAM mapped by it
r = DoChunkClose();
TRACE( if (r != KErrNone) {Kern::Printf("ChunkClose returns %d", r);});
TRACE(if (r!=KErrNone) {Kern::Printf("DDefragChannel::Request returns %d", r); });
return r;
Allocates RAM from the lowest preference zone and maps it to a shared chunk.
Real drivers would not need to determine which zone to allocate from as they
will know the zone's ID.
@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt DDefragChannel::DoAllocLowestZone()
TInt r = KErrNone;
TLinAddr chunkAddr = NULL;
TUint32 mapAttr = NULL;
TChunkCreateInfo createInfo;
TLinAddr bufBaseAddr;
TUint bufPages;
TPhysAddr* bufAddrs;
if (iBufChunk != NULL)
{// The buffer chunk is already mapped so can't use again until it is
// freed/closed. Wait a short while for it to be freed as it may be in the
// process of being destroyed.
if (WaitForIdle() != KErrNone || iBufChunk != NULL)
{// chunk still hasn't been freed so can't proceed.
r = KErrInUse;
goto exit;
// Attempt to allocate all the pages it should be possible to allocate.
// Real device drivers will now how much they need to allocate so they
// wouldn't determine it here.
SRamZoneUtilisation zoneUtil;
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneUtilisation, (TAny*)iLowestPrefZoneIndex, (TAny*)&zoneUtil);
bufPages = iLowestPrefZonePages - (zoneUtil.iAllocFixed + zoneUtil.iAllocUnknown + zoneUtil.iAllocOther);
bufAddrs = new TPhysAddr[bufPages];
if (!bufAddrs)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("Failed to allocate an array for bufAddrs"));
r = KErrNoMemory;
goto exit;
// Update the page count as bufAddrs allocation may have caused the kernel
// heap to grow.
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneUtilisation, (TAny*)iLowestPrefZoneIndex, (TAny*)&zoneUtil);
bufPages = iLowestPrefZonePages - (zoneUtil.iAllocFixed + zoneUtil.iAllocUnknown + zoneUtil.iAllocOther);
// Allocate discontiguous pages from the zone
r = Epoc::ZoneAllocPhysicalRam(iLowestPrefZoneId, bufPages, bufAddrs);
if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrNoMemory)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("Zone Alloc returns %d bufPages %x", r, bufPages));
goto exit;
// If we couldn't allocate all the required pages then empty the zone
// and retry.
if (r == KErrNoMemory)
r = iDefragReq.EmptyRamZone(iLowestPrefZoneId, TRamDefragRequest::KInheritPriority);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("Empty returns %d", r));
goto exit;
r = Epoc::ZoneAllocPhysicalRam(iLowestPrefZoneId, bufPages, bufAddrs);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ZoneAlloc1 returns %d bufPages %x", r, bufPages));
goto exit;
// Create a chunk cleanup object which will free the physical RAM when the
// chunk is detroyed
iChunkCleanup = new TChunkCleanup(this, bufAddrs, bufPages);
if (!iChunkCleanup)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("iChunkCleanup creation failed"));
r = Epoc::FreePhysicalRam(bufPages, bufAddrs);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ERROR - freeing physical memory when chunkCleanup create failed"));
r = KErrNoMemory;
goto exit;
// Map the allocated buffer pages to a chunk so we can use it.
createInfo.iType = TChunkCreateInfo::ESharedKernelSingle; // could also be ESharedKernelMultiple
createInfo.iMaxSize = bufPages << iPageShift;
createInfo.iMapAttr = EMapAttrFullyBlocking; // Non-cached - See TMappingAttributes for all options
createInfo.iOwnsMemory = EFalse; // Must be false as the physical RAM has already been allocated
createInfo.iDestroyedDfc = iChunkCleanup;
r = Kern::ChunkCreate(createInfo, iBufChunk, chunkAddr, mapAttr);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ChunkCreate returns %d size %x pages %x", r, createInfo.iMaxSize, bufPages));
goto exit;
// Map the physical memory to the chunk
r = Kern::ChunkCommitPhysical(iBufChunk, 0, createInfo.iMaxSize, bufAddrs);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("CommitPhys returns %d", r));
goto exit;
// Now that the RAM is mapped into a chunk get the kernel-side virtual
// base address of the buffer.
r = Kern::ChunkAddress(iBufChunk, 0, createInfo.iMaxSize, bufBaseAddr);
// Using bufBaseAddr a real driver may now do something with the buffer. We'll just return.
return r;
Claims the lowest preference zone and maps it to a shared chunk.
Real drivers would not need to determine which zone to allocate from as they
will know the zone's ID.
@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt DDefragChannel::DoClaimLowestZone()
TInt r = KErrNone;
TChunkCreateInfo createInfo;
TLinAddr bufBaseAddr;
TLinAddr chunkAddr;
TUint32 mapAttr = NULL;
TPhysAddr bufBase;
TUint bufBytes;
if (iBufChunk != NULL)
{// The buffer chunk is already mapped so can't use again until it is
// freed/closed. Wait a short while for it to be freed as it may be in the
// process of being destroyed.
if (WaitForIdle() != KErrNone || iBufChunk != NULL)
{// chunk still hasn't been freed so can't proceed.
r = KErrInUse;
goto exit;
// Claim the zone the base address of which will be stored in iBufBase.
r = iDefragReq.ClaimRamZone(iLowestPrefZoneId, bufBase, TRamDefragRequest::KInheritPriority);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("Claim returns %d", r));
goto exit;
// Create a chunk cleanup object which will free the physical RAM when the
// chunk is detroyed
bufBytes = iLowestPrefZonePages << iPageShift;
iChunkCleanup = new TChunkCleanup(this, bufBase, bufBytes);
if (!iChunkCleanup)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("chunkCleanup creation failed"));
r = Epoc::FreePhysicalRam(bufBytes, bufBase);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ERROR - freeing physical memory when chunkCleanup create failed"));
r = KErrNoMemory;
goto exit;
// Map the allocated buffer pages to a chunk so we can use it.
createInfo.iType = TChunkCreateInfo::ESharedKernelSingle; // could also be ESharedKernelMultiple
createInfo.iMaxSize = bufBytes;
createInfo.iMapAttr = EMapAttrFullyBlocking; // Non-cached - See TMappingAttributes for all options
createInfo.iOwnsMemory = EFalse; // Must be false as the physical RAM has already been allocated
createInfo.iDestroyedDfc = iChunkCleanup;
r = Kern::ChunkCreate(createInfo, iBufChunk, chunkAddr, mapAttr);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("ChunkCreate returns %d size %x bytes %x", r, createInfo.iMaxSize, bufBytes));
goto exit;
// Map the physically contiguous memory to the chunk
r = Kern::ChunkCommitPhysical(iBufChunk, 0, createInfo.iMaxSize, bufBase);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRACE(Kern::Printf("CommitPhys returns %d", r));
goto exit;
// Now that the RAM is mapped into a chunk get the kernel-side virtual
// base address of the buffer.
r = Kern::ChunkAddress(iBufChunk, 0, createInfo.iMaxSize, bufBaseAddr);
// Using bufBaseAddr a real driver may now do something with the buffer. We'll just return.
return r;
Determine the lowest preference zone.
@return KErrNone on success or KErrNotFound if there is only one zone.
TInt DDefragChannel::FindLowestPrefZone()
TUint zoneCount;
TInt r = Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneCount, (TAny*)&zoneCount, NULL);
return r;
if (zoneCount == 1)
{// Only one zone so can't move pages anywhere or empty a zone
return KErrNotFound;
SRamZoneConfig zoneConfig;
SRamZoneUtilisation zoneUtil;
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneConfig, (TAny*)0, (TAny*)&zoneConfig);
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneUtilisation, (TAny*)0, (TAny*)&zoneUtil);
TUint lowestPref = zoneConfig.iPref;
TUint lowestFreePages = zoneUtil.iFreePages;
iLowestPrefZoneIndex = 0;
iLowestPrefZoneId = zoneConfig.iZoneId;
TUint i = 1;
for (; i < zoneCount; i++)
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneConfig, (TAny*)i, (TAny*)&zoneConfig);
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneUtilisation, (TAny*)i, (TAny*)&zoneUtil);
// When zones have the same preference the zone higher in the zone list is picked.
if (zoneConfig.iPref > lowestPref ||
(zoneConfig.iPref == lowestPref && zoneUtil.iFreePages >= lowestFreePages))
lowestPref = zoneConfig.iPref;
lowestFreePages = zoneUtil.iFreePages;
iLowestPrefZoneIndex = i;
iLowestPrefZoneId = zoneConfig.iZoneId;
// Now that we know the current least preferable zone store its size.
Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupRam, ERamHalGetZoneConfig, (TAny*)iLowestPrefZoneIndex, (TAny*)&zoneConfig);
iLowestPrefZonePages = zoneConfig.iPhysPages;
TRACE(Kern::Printf("LowestPrefZone %x size %x", iLowestPrefZoneId, iLowestPrefZonePages));
return KErrNone;
DFC callback called when a defrag operation has completed.
@param aSelf A pointer to the DDefragChannel that requested the defrag operation
void DDefragChannel::DefragCompleteDfc(TAny* aSelf)
// Just call non-static method
Invoked by the DFC callback which is called when a defrag
operation has completed.
void DDefragChannel::DefragComplete()
TInt result = iDefragReq.Result();
TRACE(Kern::Printf("complete code %d", result));
Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iRequestThread, iCompleteReq, result);
iRequestThread = NULL;
// Close the handle on this channel - WARNING this channel may be
// deleted immmediately after this call so don't access any members
Close the chunk.
@return KErrNone on success or one of the system wide error codes.
TInt DDefragChannel::DoChunkClose()
if (iBufChunk == NULL)
{// Someone tried to close the chunk before using it
return KErrNotFound;
// Rely on the chunk cleanup object being called as that
// is what will actually free the physical RAM commited to the chunk.
return KErrNone;
The chunk has now been destroyed so reset the pointers to allow a new
chunk to be created.
void DDefragChannel::ChunkDestroyed()
__e32_atomic_store_ord_ptr(&iBufChunk, 0);
__e32_atomic_store_ord_ptr(&iChunkCleanup, 0);
Contruct a Shared Chunk cleanup object which will free the chunk's discontiguous
physical memory when a chunk is destroyed.
@param aDevice The device to inform when the chunk is destroyed.
@param aBufBase The physical base addresses of each of the chunk's memory pages.
@param aBufPages The total number of the chunk's pages.
TChunkCleanup::TChunkCleanup(DDefragChannel* aDevice, TPhysAddr* aBufAddrs, TUint aBufPages)
: TDfc((TDfcFn)TChunkCleanup::ChunkDestroyed,this,Kern::SvMsgQue(),0),
Contruct a Shared Chunk cleanup object which will free the chunk's contiguous
physical memory when a chunk is destroyed.
@param aDevice The device to inform when the chunk is destroyed.
@param aBufBase The physical base address of the chunk's memory.
@param aBufBytes The total number of the chunk's bytes.
TChunkCleanup::TChunkCleanup(DDefragChannel* aDevice, TPhysAddr aBufBase, TUint aBufBytes)
: TDfc((TDfcFn)TChunkCleanup::ChunkDestroyed,this,Kern::SvMsgQue(),0),
Callback function which is called the DFC runs, i.e. when a chunk is destroyed
and frees the physical memory allocated when the chunk was created.
@param aSelf Pointer to the cleanup object associated with the chunk that has
been destroyed.
void TChunkCleanup::ChunkDestroyed(TChunkCleanup* aSelf)
// We've finished so now delete ourself
delete aSelf;
The chunk has been destroyed so free the physical RAM that was allocated
for its use and inform iDevice that it has been destroyed.
void TChunkCleanup::DoChunkDestroyed()
if (iBufContiguous)
__NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(Epoc::FreePhysicalRam(iBufBase, iBufSize) == KErrNone);
__NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(Epoc::FreePhysicalRam(iBufSize, iBufAddrs) == KErrNone);
if (iDevice != NULL)
{// Allow iDevice to perform any cleanup it requires for this chunk.
Remove the device so its ChunkDestroyed() method isn't invoked when the chunk is
void TChunkCleanup::RemoveDevice()
__e32_atomic_store_ord_ptr(&iDevice, 0);