Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test/iic/t_iic.cpp
// This file interacts with test-specific LDD to instigate tests of functionality
// that would normally be invoked by kernel-side device driver clients of the IIC.
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32cmn_private.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32def_private.h>
#include "t_iic.h"
//for memory leak checking
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
_LIT(KIicProxyFileNameCtrlLess, "iic_client_ctrless.ldd"); // Kernel-side proxy LDD acting as a client of the IIC
_LIT(KIicProxyFileNameRootCtrlLess, "iic_client_ctrless");
_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileNameCtrlLess, "iic_slaveclient_ctrless.ldd"); // Kernel-side proxy LDD acting as a slave client of the IIC
_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootCtrlLess, "iic_slaveclient_ctrless");
_LIT(KIicProxyFileName, "iic_client.ldd"); // Kernel-side proxy LDD acting as a client of the IIC
_LIT(KIicProxyFileNameRoot, "iic_client");
_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileName, "iic_slaveclient.ldd"); // Kernel-side proxy LDD acting as a slave client of the IIC
_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRoot, "iic_slaveclient");
_LIT(KSpiFileNameCtrlLess, "spi_ctrless.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
_LIT(KI2cFileNameCtrlLess, "i2c_ctrless.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
_LIT(KIicPslFileName, "iic_testpsl.pdd"); // Simulated PSL implementation
_LIT(KSpiFileName, "spi.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
_LIT(KI2cFileName, "i2c.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
_LIT(KIicPslFileNameRoot, "iic.pdd");
// Specify a stand-alone channel
GLDEF_D TBool aStandAloneChan;
GLDEF_D RTest gTest(testName);
// SPI has Master channel numbers 1,2 and 4, Slave channel number 3
GLDEF_D RBusDevIicClient gChanMasterSpi;
GLDEF_D RBusDevIicClient gChanSlaveSpi;
// I2C has Master channel numbers 10 and 11, if built with MASTER_MODE, only
// I2C has Slave channel numbers 12 and 13, if built with SLAVE_MODE, only
// I2C has Master channel number 10 and Slave channel number 11 if built with both MASTER_MODE and SLAVE_MODE
GLDEF_D RBusDevIicClient gChanMasterI2c;
GLDEF_D RBusDevIicClient gChanSlaveI2c;
LOCAL_C TInt CreateSingleUserSideTransfer(TUsideTferDesc*& aTfer, TInt8 aType, TInt8 aBufGran, TDes8* aBuf, TUsideTferDesc* aNext)
// Utility function to create a single transfer
aTfer = new TUsideTferDesc();
return KErrNoMemory;
aTfer->iBuffer = aBuf;
aTfer->iNext = aNext;
return KErrNone;
LOCAL_C TInt CreateSingleUserSideTransaction(TUsideTracnDesc*& aTracn, TBusType aType, TDes8* aHdr, TUsideTferDesc* aHalfDupTrans, TUsideTferDesc* aFullDupTrans, TUint8 aFlags, TAny* aPreambleArg, TAny* aMultiTranscArg)
// Utility function to create a single transaction
aTracn = new TUsideTracnDesc();
return KErrNoMemory;
aTracn->iPreambleArg = aPreambleArg;
aTracn->iMultiTranscArg = aMultiTranscArg;
return KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2402
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMPREQ PREQ2128,2129
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case test the Master channel basic functionality
//! @SYMTestActions 0) Create a transaction and invoke the synchronous Queue Transaction API
//! 1) Re-use the transaction and invoke asynchronous Queue Transaction API. Wait for
//| the TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 2) Instruct the Kernel-side proxy client to instigate testing of priority queuing.
//! The proxy uses controlIO to block the transaction queue, then queues 5 transactions in reverse
//! priority order. The proxy then uses controlIO to unblock the transaction queue and checks that
//! the transactions complete in priority order.
//! 3) Attempt to cancel a previously-completed asynchronous request for a queued transaction
//! 4) Use controlio to block request completion. Issue two asynchronous Queue Transaction requests.
//! Request cancellation of the second transaction. Wait for completion of the TRequestStatus for
//! the second request. Attempt to de-register the channel. Use controlio to unblock request completion.
//! Wait for completion of the TRequestStatus for the first request.
//! 5) Attempt to de-register a channel that is not busy.
//! 6) Attempt to queue a transaction on an invalid (de-registered) channel
//! 7) Instruct the Kernel-side proxy client to instigate construction of a valid full duplex transaction.
//! 8) Instruct the Kernel-side proxy client to instigate construction of a invalid full duplex transaction,
//! where both transfer in same direction
//! 9) Instruct the Kernel-side proxy client to instigate construction of a invalid full duplex transaction,
//! where with different node length (not the number of node on opposite linklist ) at the same
//! position on the opposite transfer linklist
//! 10) Instruct the Kernel-side proxy client to instigate construction of a valid full duplex transaction,
//! with different size for the last node
//! 11) Instruct the Kernel-side proxy client to instigate construction of a valid full duplex transaction,
//! with different number of transfer
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 1) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise. TRequestStatus should
//! be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 2) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 3) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.TRequestStatus should
//! be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 4) The TRequestStatus for the cancelled request should be set to KErrCancel, exits otherwise.
//! The attempt to de-register the channel should return KErrInUse, exits otherwise. The
//! TRequestStatus for the first request should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 5) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone or KErrArgument, exits otherwise.
//! 6) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrArgument, exits otherwise.
//! 7) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 8) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNotSupported, exits otherwise.
//! 9) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNotSupported, exits otherwise.
//! 10) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 11) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt MasterBasicTests()
// Exercise the Master Channel API with trivial data
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting MasterBasicTests\n"));
TInt r=KErrNone;
TUint32 busIdSpi = 0;
// Use the SPI bus
// SPI uses channel numbers 1,2,3 and 4
TConfigSpiBufV01* spiBuf = NULL;
// aDeviceId=1 ... 100kHz ... aTimeoutPeriod=100 ... aTransactionWaitCycles=10 - arbitrary paarmeters.
r = CreateSpiBuf(spiBuf, ESpiWordWidth_8, 100000, ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge, 100 ,ELittleEndian, EMsbFirst, 10, ESpiCSPinActiveLow);
// Use a single transfer
_LIT(halfDuplexText,"Half Duplex Text");
TBuf8<17> halfDuplexBuf_8;
TUsideTferDesc* tfer = NULL;
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransfer(tfer, EMasterWrite, 8, &halfDuplexBuf_8, NULL);
// Create the transaction object
TUsideTracnDesc* tracn = NULL;
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransaction(tracn, ESpi, spiBuf, tfer, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Test basic queueing operations
// inline TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TUsideTracnDesc* aTransaction)
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting synchronous QueueTransaction \n"));
r = gChanMasterSpi.QueueTransaction(busIdSpi, tracn);
gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous QueueTransaction returned = %d\n"),r);
// inline void QueueTransaction(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aBusId, TUsideTracnDesc* aTransaction)
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting asynchronous QueueTransaction \n"));
TRequestStatus status;
gChanMasterSpi.QueueTransaction(status, busIdSpi, tracn);
if(status != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after queue = %d\n"), status.Int());
// Test message with priorities
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting test for message with priorities\n\n"),r);
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestPriority(busIdSpi);
// Test cancel operation (on previously completed request)
// inline void CancelAsyncOperation(TRequestStatus* aStatus, TInt aBusId) {TInt* parms[2]; parms[0]=(TInt*)aStatus; parms[1]=(TInt*)aBusId;DoCancel((TInt)&parms[0]);}
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting CancelAsyncOperation \n"));
gChanMasterSpi.CancelAsyncOperation(&status, busIdSpi);
if(status == KRequestPending)
if(status != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after (belated) cancel = %d\n"), status.Int());
// Test cancel operation (on pending request)
// Also test that a channel with a transaction queued can not be de-registered.
// For this:
// (1) create a second transaction object
// (2) use controlio/StaticExtension to block request completion
// (3) use asynchronous queue transaction for the two transaction objects
// (4) request cancellation of the second request
// (5) check that the TRequestStatus object associated with the second request is completed with KErrCancel
// (6) check that attempt to de-register the channel fails with KErrInUse
// (7) use controlio/StaticExtension to unblock request completion
// (8) check that the TRequestStatus object associated with the first request is completed with KErrNone
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting (successful) cancellation test\n\n"),r);
_LIT(halfDuplexText2,"2 Half Duplex Text 2");
TBuf8<21> halfDuplexBuf2_8;
TUsideTferDesc* tfer2 = NULL;
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransfer(tfer2, EMasterRead, 16, &halfDuplexBuf2_8, NULL);
gTest(r == KErrNone);
TUsideTracnDesc* tracn2 = NULL;
delete spiBuf;
spiBuf = NULL;
// aDeviceId=1 ... 100kHz ... aTimeoutPeriod=100 ... aTransactionWaitCycles=10 - arbitrary paarmeters.
r = CreateSpiBuf(spiBuf, ESpiWordWidth_8, 100000, ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge, 100 ,ELittleEndian, EMsbFirst, 10, ESpiCSPinActiveLow);
gTest(r == KErrNone);
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransaction(tracn2, ESpi, spiBuf, tfer2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
gTest(r == KErrNone);
gTest.Printf(_L("Invoking BlockReqCompletion\n"));
r = gChanMasterSpi.BlockReqCompletion(busIdSpi);
gTest.Printf(_L("BlockReqCompletion returned = %d\n"),r);
gTest(r == KErrNone);
gTest.Printf(_L("Queueing first transaction \n"));
gChanMasterSpi.QueueTransaction(status, busIdSpi, tracn);
TRequestStatus status2;
gTest.Printf(_L("Queueing second transaction \n"));
gChanMasterSpi.QueueTransaction(status2, busIdSpi, tracn2);
gTest.Printf(_L("Issuing Cancel for second transaction\n"));
gChanMasterSpi.CancelAsyncOperation(&status2, busIdSpi);
gTest.Printf(_L("Returned from Cancel for second transaction\n"));
if(status2 == KRequestPending)
if(status2 != KErrCancel)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus (2) value after cancel = %d\n"), status2.Int());
// If it is stand-alone channel, the client is reponsible for channel creation.
// So the RegisterChan and DeRegisterChan are not needed.
if (aStandAloneChan == 0)
gTest.Printf(_L("Invoking DeRegisterChan\n"));
r = gChanMasterSpi.DeRegisterChan(busIdSpi);
gTest.Printf(_L("DeRegisterChan returned = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Invoking UnlockReqCompletion\n"));
r = gChanMasterSpi.UnblockReqCompletion(busIdSpi);
gTest.Printf(_L("UnblockReqCompletion returned = %d\n"),r);
if(status != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after queue = %d\n"), status.Int());
// Clean up
delete spiBuf;
delete tfer;
delete tracn;
delete tfer2;
delete tracn2;
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting full duplex transaction creation test\n\n"),r);
TUint32 busIdSpiFd = 0;
// Use the SPI bus
// SPI uses channel numbers 1,2,3 and 4
// Test creating a valid full duplex transaction
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting valid full duplex transaction test\n\n"),r);
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestValidFullDuplexTrans(busIdSpiFd);
// Test creating a full duplex transaction with both transfer in same direction (invalid)
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting invalid direction full duplex transaction test\n\n"),r);
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestInvalidFullDuplexTrans1(busIdSpiFd);
gTest.Printf(_L("Full duplex transaction with invalid direction returned = %d\n"),r);
// Test creating a full duplex transaction with different node length (not the number of node on opposite linklist )
// at the same position on the opposite transfer linklist
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting invalid transfer length full duplex transaction test\n\n"),r);
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestInvalidFullDuplexTrans2(busIdSpiFd);
// Test creating a valid full duplex transaction with different size for the last node
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting valid full duplex transaction test with diff size last node\n\n"),r);
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestLastNodeFullDuplexTrans(busIdSpiFd);
// Test creating a valid full duplex transaction with different number of transfer
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting valid full duplex transaction test with diff number of transfer\n\n"),r);
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestDiffNodeNumFullDuplexTrans(busIdSpiFd);
return KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2403
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMPREQ PREQ2128,2129
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case tests the Master channel data handling for transactions
//! @SYMTestActions 0) Instruct the kernel-side proxy to construct a transaction of pre-defined data
//! and inform the simulated bus to expect to receive this data. Then the proxy invokes
//! the synchronous Queue Transaction API. On receipt of the transaction, the simulated bus
//! checks the header and transafer content of the transaction to confirm that it is correct.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt MasterTransactionTests()
// Exercise the Master Channel API with trivial data
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting MasterTransactionTests\n"));
TInt r = KErrNone;
// Prove that the simulated bus can access the transfer data contained within a transaction
// Do this by instructing the proxy client to:
// (1) Inform the bus of the test about to be informed
// (2) Send a transaction with a known number of transfers with known data
// (3) Check the result announced by the bus.
// Use the SPI bus
// SPI uses channel numbers 1,2,3 and 4
TUint32 busIdSpi = 0;
SET_CHAN_NUM(busIdSpi,4); // Master, Full-duplex - required by TestBufferReUse
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestTracnOne(busIdSpi);
gTest.Printf(_L("TestTracnOne returned = %d\n"),r);
// Test that transfer and transaction buffers can be modifed for re-use
// This test modifies the content of a full-duplex transaction - so a full-duplex channel must be used
TRequestStatus status;
gChanMasterSpi.TestBufferReUse(busIdSpi, status);
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after CaptureChannel = %d\n"),r);
return KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2401
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMPREQ PREQ2128,2129
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case test the Master channel preamble and multi-transaction functionality.
//! @SYMTestActions 0) Create a transaction that requires preamble support, and queue it for processing
//! 1) If the test has been invoked for preamble testing, wait for the preamble-specific
//! TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 2) If the test has been invoked for multi-transaction testing, wait for the multi-transaction
//! -specific TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 1) If waiting on the preamble-specific TRequestStatus, it should be set to KErrNone, exists otherwise.
//! 2) If waiting on the multi-transaction-specific TRequestStatus, it should be set to KErrNone, exists otherwise.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt MasterExtTests(TUint8 aFlags)
// Exercise the Master Channel API for Preamble functionality
// For the multi-transaction test, a bus Master might not know
// how much data to write to a Slave until it performs a single read on it.
// However, specifying a read separately from the subsequent write
// introduces the risk of allowing another transaction to go ahead of the
// following write and thus invalidating it. The multi-transaction feature of IIC
// allows a callback to be called(in the context of the bus channel) after
// the transfers of a preliminary transaction have taken place
// (could be a single read), without completing the overall transaction,
// then extend the delayed transaction by inserting more transfers
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting MasterExtTests\n"));
TInt r = KErrNone;
// Create a transaction that requires preamble support
// To prove required operation has executed, make callback complete a TRequestStatus object
TRequestStatus preamblestatus;
TRequestStatus multitranscstatus;
// Use the SPI bus
// SPI uses channel numbers 1,2,3 and 4
TUint32 busIdSpi = 0;
SET_BUS_TYPE(busIdSpi, ESpi);
SET_CHAN_NUM(busIdSpi, 1);
TConfigSpiBufV01* spiBuf = NULL;
// aDeviceId=1 ... 100kHz ... aTimeoutPeriod=100 ... aTransactionWaitCycles=10 - arbitrary paarmeters.
r = CreateSpiBuf(spiBuf, ESpiWordWidth_8, 100000,
ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge, 100, ELittleEndian, EMsbFirst, 10,
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
// Use a single transfer
_LIT(extText, "Ext Text");
TBuf8<14> extBuf_8;
TUsideTferDesc* tfer = NULL;
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransfer(tfer, EMasterRead, 8, &extBuf_8, NULL);
if (r != KErrNone)
delete spiBuf;
return r;
// Create the transaction object
TUsideTracnDesc* tracn = NULL;
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransaction(tracn, ESpi, spiBuf, tfer, NULL,
aFlags, (TAny*) &preamblestatus, (TAny*) &multitranscstatus);
if (r != KErrNone)
delete spiBuf;
delete tfer;
return r;
// Send the transaction to the kernel-side proxy
// inline TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TUsideTracnDesc* aTransaction)
gTest.Printf(_L("\nInvoke synchronous QueueTransaction for preamble test %x\n"), tracn);
r = gChanMasterSpi.QueueTransaction(busIdSpi, tracn);
gTest.Printf(_L("synchronous QueueTransaction returned = %d\n"), r);
if (r == KErrNone)
// ... and wait for the TRequestStatus object to be completed
if (aFlags & KTransactionWithPreamble)
r = preamblestatus.Int();
if (r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("MasterPreambleTests: TRequestStatus completed with = %d\n"), r);
if (aFlags & KTransactionWithMultiTransc)
if (r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("MasterMultiTranscTests: TRequestStatus completed with = %d\n"), r);
delete spiBuf;
delete tfer;
delete tracn;
return r;
LOCAL_C TInt CreateSlaveChanI2cConfig(TConfigI2cBufV01*& aI2cBuf, TUint32& aBusIdI2c, TUint8 aChanNum)
// Initialise TConfigI2cBufV01 and the Bus Realisation Config for gChanSlaveI2c.
// Customised:
// - token containing the bus realisation variability.
// - pointer to a descriptor containing the device specific configuration option applicable to all transactions.
// - reference to variable to hold a platform-specific cookie that uniquely identifies the channel instance to be
// used by this client
aBusIdI2c = 0;
// clock speed=36Hz, aTimeoutPeriod=100 - arbitrary parameter
TInt r=CreateI2cBuf(aI2cBuf, EI2cAddr7Bit, 36, ELittleEndian, 100);
return r;
LOCAL_C TInt SyncCaptureGChanSlaveI2c(TInt& aChanId, TConfigI2cBufV01* aI2cBuf, TUint32 aBusIdI2c)
// Synchronous capture of a Slave channel. Need to provide:
// - token containing the bus realisation variability.
// - pointer to a descriptor containing the device specific configuration option applicable to all transactions.
// - reference to variable to hold a platform-specific cookie that uniquely identifies the channel instance to be used by this client
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting synchronous CaptureChannel \n"));
TInt r = gChanSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(aBusIdI2c, aI2cBuf, aChanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous CaptureChannel returned = %d, aChanId=0x%x\n"),r,aChanId);
return r;
LOCAL_C TInt AsyncCaptureGChanSlaveI2c(TInt& aChanId, TConfigI2cBufV01* aI2cBuf, TUint32 aBusIdI2c)
// Asynchronous capture of a Slave channel. Need to provide:
// - token containing the bus realisation variability.
// - pointer to a descriptor containing the device specific configuration option applicable to all transactions.
// - reference to variable to hold a platform-specific cookie that uniquely identifies the channel instance to be used by this client
// - pointer to TRequestStatus used to indicate operation completion
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting asynchronous CaptureChannel \n"));
TRequestStatus status;
TInt r = gChanSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(aBusIdI2c, aI2cBuf, aChanId, status );
if(r != KErrCompletion)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after CaptureChannel = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Asynchronous CaptureChannel gave aChanId=0x%x\n"),aChanId);
return KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2399
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMPREQ PREQ2128,2129
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case tests Slave channel capture and release APIs.
//! @SYMTestActions 0) Perform synchronous capture of a channel
//! 1) Release the channel
//! 2) Perform asynchronous capture of a channel
//! 3) Attempt synchronous capture of a channel that is already captured
//! 4) Attempt asynchronous capture of a channel that is already captured
//! 5) Release the channel
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrCompletion, exits otherwise.
//! 1) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 2) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 3) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrInUse, exits otherwise.
//! 4) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrInUse, exits otherwise.
//! 5) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt SlaveChannelCaptureReleaseTests()
// Exercise the Slave Channel API for channel capture and release
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting SlaveChannelCaptureReleaseTests\n"));
TInt r=KErrNone;
// Create a I2C configuration buffer and the configuration data for use in capturing gChanSlaveI2c
TUint32 busIdI2c = 0;
TConfigI2cBufV01* i2cBuf=NULL;
r=CreateSlaveChanI2cConfig(i2cBuf, busIdI2c, 11); // 11 is the Slave channel number
// Synchronous capture of a Slave channel.
TInt chanId = 0; // Initialise to zero to silence compiler ...
r=SyncCaptureGChanSlaveI2c(chanId, i2cBuf, busIdI2c);
// Release the channel
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nInvoke ReleaseChannel for chanId=0x%x \n"),chanId);
r = gChanSlaveI2c.ReleaseChannel( chanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("ReleaseChannel returned = %d\n"),r);
// Asynchronous capture of a Slave channel.
chanId = 0; // Re-initialise to zero to silence compiler ...
r=AsyncCaptureGChanSlaveI2c(chanId, i2cBuf, busIdI2c);
// Try capturing a slave channel that is already captured
// Create another instance of a client, and use to attempt duplicated capture
TInt dumChanId = 0; // Initialise to zero to silence compiler ...
RBusDevIicClient tempChanSlaveI2c;
TBufC<24> proxySlaveName;
if(aStandAloneChan == 0)
proxySlaveName = KIicProxySlaveFileNameRoot;
proxySlaveName = KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootCtrlLess;
r = tempChanSlaveI2c.Open(proxySlaveName);
r = tempChanSlaveI2c.InitSlaveClient();
// Synchronous capture
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting attempted synchronous CaptureChannel of previously-captured channel\n"));
r = tempChanSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(busIdI2c, i2cBuf, dumChanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous CaptureChannel returned = %d, dumChanId=0x%x\n"),r,dumChanId);
// Asynchronous capture
dumChanId = 0;
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting attempted asynchronous CaptureChannel of previously-captured channel\n"));
TRequestStatus status;
r = tempChanSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(busIdI2c, i2cBuf, dumChanId, status );
if(r != KErrInUse)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after attempted CaptureChannel of previously-captured channel = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Asynchronous CaptureChannel gave dumChanId=0x%x\n"),dumChanId);
// Clean up, release the channel
r = gChanSlaveI2c.ReleaseChannel( chanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("ReleaseChannel returned = %d\n"),r);
delete i2cBuf;
gTest.Printf(_L("\nSlaveChannelCaptureReleaseTests only supported when SLAVE_MODE is defined\n"));
return r;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2400
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMPREQ PREQ2128,2129
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case tests Slave channel capture operation for receive and transmit of data
//! @SYMTestActions 0) Check that the timeout threshold values can be updated
//! 1) Check that an Rx Buffer can be registered, and that a replacement buffer can be registered in its place
//! if a notification has not been requested.
//! 2) Specify a notification trigger for Rx events
//! 3) Attempt to register a replacement Rx buffer
//! 4) Use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to indicate that it has received the required number of words
//! and wait for the TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 5) Specify a notification trigger for Rx events, use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to indicate that
//! it has received less than the required number of words and wait for the TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 6) Specify a notification trigger for Rx events, use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to indicate that
//! it has received more than the required number of words and wait for the TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 7) Repeat steps 1-6, but for Tx
//! 8) Specify a notification trigger for Rx and Tx events. Use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to indicate that
//! it has received the required number of words, then that it has transmitted the required number of words, and wait
//! for the TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 9) Repeat step 8, but simulate Tx, then Rx.
//! 10) Specify a notification trigger for bus error events. Use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to indicate that
//! it has encountered a bus error, and wait for the TRequestStatus to be completed.
//! 11) Use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to block Master response. Specify a notification trigger for bus error
//! events. Use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to indicate that it has received more than the required number
//! of words. Wait for the TRequestStatus to be completed (with KErrNone). Specify a notification trigger for Tx and
//! Tx Overrun, then use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to unblock Master responses.Wait for the TRequestStatus
//! to be completed.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 1) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 2) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 3) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrAlreadyExists, exits otherwise.
//! 4) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 5) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for both API calls, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 6) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for both API calls, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 7) Results should be the same as for steps 1-6.
//! 8) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for each API call, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 9) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for each API call, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 10) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for each API call, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 11) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for each API call, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone in both cases, exits otherwise.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt SlaveRxTxNotificationTests()
// Exercise the Slave channel operation for receive and transmit of data
// The means to supply a buffer to be filled with data received from the Master, and the number of words expected.
// It is only after the reception of the number of words specified that the notification should be issued
// (or on under-run/overrun/timeout/bus specific error).
// The means to supply a buffer with data to be transmitted to the Master, and the number of words to transmit.
// It is only after the transmission of the number of words specified that the notification should be issued
// (or under-run/overrun/timeout/bus specific error).
// The means to enable and disable the events which will trigger the notification callback. These events are:
// 1) the complete reception of the number of words specified,
// 2) the complete transmission of the number of words specified,
// 3) errors: receive buffer under-run (the Master terminates the transaction or reverts the direction of
// transfer before all expected data has been received), receive buffer overrun
// (Master attempts to write more data than this channel expected to receive), transmit buffer overrun
// (Master attempts to read more data than supplied by client), transmit buffer under-run
// (the Master terminates the transaction or reverts the direction of transfer before all expected data
// has been transmitted to it), access timeout(1) error, or bus specific error (e.g. collision, framing).
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting SlaveRxTxNotificationTests\n"));
TInt r=KErrNone;
//Configure and capture a channel
gTest.Printf(_L("Create and capture channel\n"));
TUint32 busIdI2c;
TConfigI2cBufV01* i2cBuf=NULL;
r=CreateSlaveChanI2cConfig(i2cBuf, busIdI2c, 11); // 11 is the Slave channel number
TInt chanId = 0; // Initialise to zero to silence compiler ...
r=SyncCaptureGChanSlaveI2c(chanId, i2cBuf, busIdI2c);
// Update wait times for Master and Client
// Delegate the operation of this test to the proxy client (iic_client). The proxy will read, modify, and reinstate
// the timeout values.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting UpdateTimeoutValues\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.UpdateTimeoutValues(busIdI2c, chanId);
// Receive and transmit buffers must be created by the client in Kernel heap and remain in their ownership throughout.
// Therefore, the kernel-side proxy will provide the buffer
// The buffers are of size KRxBufSizeInBytes and KRxBufSizeInBytes (currently 64)
// Rx tests
// For Rx, specify buffer granularity=4 (32-bit words), 8 words to receive, offset of 16 bytes
// 64 bytes as 16 words: words 0-3 offset, words 4-11 data, words 12-15 unused
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterRxBuffer(chanId, 4, 8, 16);
// If a buffer is already registered but a notification has not yet been requested the API should return KErrNone
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting (repeated) RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterRxBuffer(chanId, 4, 8, 16);
// Now set the notification trigger
TRequestStatus status;
TInt triggerMask=ERxAllBytes;
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes\n"));
// If a buffer is registered and a notification has been requested the API should return KErrAlreadyExists
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting RegisterRxBuffer (to be rejected)\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterRxBuffer(chanId, 4, 8, 16);
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent receipt of the required number of words from the bus master.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 8);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting Rx test completed OK\n"));
// Repeat for each error condition. Re-use the buffer previously registered.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent the bus master transmitting less words than anticipated (Rx Underrun)
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxNWords for Underrun\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 6);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Rx Underrun test completed OK\n"));
// Re-set the notification trigger
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent the bus master attempting to transmit more words than
// anticipated (Rx Overrun)
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxNWords for Overrun\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 10);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Rx Overrun test completed OK\n"));
// Tx tests
// For Tx, specify buffer granularity=4 (32-bit words), 12 words to transmit, offset of 8 bytes
// 64 bytes as 16 words: words 0-1 offset, words 2-13 data, words 14-15 unused
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting RegisterTxBuffer\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterTxBuffer(chanId, 4, 12, 8);
// If a buffer is already registered but a notification has not yet been requested the API should return KErrNone
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting (repeated) RegisterTxBuffer\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterTxBuffer(chanId, 4, 12, 8);
// Re-set the notification trigger
// Now set the notification trigger
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger\n"));
// If a buffer is already registered, a subsequent request to do the same should return KErrAlreadyExists
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting RegisterTxBuffer (to be rejected)\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterTxBuffer(chanId, 4, 12, 8);
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent transmission of the required number of words to the bus master.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateTxNWords (to be rejected)\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 12);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after transmitting data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Tx test completed OK\n"));
// Repeat for each error condition. Re-use the buffer previously registered
// Re-set the notification trigger
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent transmission of less than the required number of words
// to the bus master (Tx Overrun)
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateTxNWords for Tx Overrun\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 10);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after transmitting data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Tx Overrun test completed OK\n"));
// Re-set the notification trigger
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent the bus master attempting to read more words than
// anticipated (Tx Underrun)
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateTxNWords for Tx Underrun\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 14);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after transmitting data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Tx Underrun test completed OK\n"));
// Simultaneous Rx,Tx tests
// For these tests, the proxy client (iic_slaveclient) will check that the expected results are witnessed
// in the required order, and will complete the TRequestStatus when the sequence is complete (or error occurs).
// Set the notification trigger for both Rx and Tx
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent receipt of the required number of words from the bus master.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 8);
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent transmission of the required number of words to the bus master.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateTxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 12);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving and transmitting data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Rx, Tx test completed OK\n"));
// Set the notification trigger for both Rx and Tx
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent transmission of the required number of words to the bus master.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateTxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 12);
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent receipt of the required number of words from the bus master.
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 8);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving and transmitting data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Tx, Rx test completed OK\n"));
// Set the notification trigger for both Rx and Tx
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent simultaneous transmission of the required number of words (12)
// to the bus master and receipt of the required number of words (8) from the bus master
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxTxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 8, 12);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving and transmitting data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Tx with Rx test completed OK\n"));
// Clear the trigger mask - this is just invoking SetNotificationTrigger with a zero trigger
// so that no subsequent triggers are expected (and so no TRequestStatus is provided)
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with 0\n"));
// Rx Overrun and Tx Underrun when both Rx and Tx notifications are requested
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting RxOverrun-TxUnderrun with simultaneous Rx,Tx notification requests\n"));
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after RxOverrun-TxUnderrun with simultaneous Rx,Tx notification requests= %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("RxOverrun-TxUnderrun with simultaneous Rx,Tx notification requests test completed OK\n"));
// Bus Error tests
// Simulate a bus error
// A bus error will cause all pending bus activity to be aborted.
// Request a notification, then simulate a bus error
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateBusErr\n"));
r = gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateBusErr(busIdI2c,chanId);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Bus error test completed OK\n"));
// Clear the trigger mask and prepare for the next test
// This is unnecessary if the SetNotificationTrigger for the following test
// is called within the timeout period applied for Client responses ...
// but it represents a Client ending a transaction cleanly, and so is
// left here as an example
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting SetNotificationTrigger with 0\n"));
// Simulate Master timeout
// Do this by:
// - Requesting a trigger for Tx
// - simulating the Master performing a read (ie the PSL indicates a Tx event) to start the transaction
// - provide a buffer for Tx, and request notification of Tx events, ie wait for Master response
// - block the PSL Tx notification to the PIL, so that the PIL timeout timer expires when a simulated Tx event
// is next requested
// Indicate the test to be performed
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting BlockNotification\n"));
// Register a buffer for Tx, then set the notification trigger
gTest.Printf(_L("RegisterTxBuffer - for Master to start the transaction\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterTxBuffer(chanId, 4, 12, 8);
gTest.Printf(_L("SetNotificationTrigger - for Master to start the transaction\n"));
// Now instruct the bus implementation to simulate the Master reading the expected number of words
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateTxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 12);
// Wait for the notification
gTest.Printf(_L("Status request completed\n"));
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
// Client is now expected to perform its part of the transaction - so pretend we need another Tx
// - but block completion of the Tx so that we generate a bus error
gTest.Printf(_L("SetNotificationTrigger - for second part of the transaction\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.BlockNotification(busIdI2c, chanId);
// Now instruct the bus implementation to represent the bus master attempting to read the required number of words
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting SimulateTxNWords\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateTxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 12);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Blocked notification test completed OK\n"));
// Re-set the notification trigger - for the 'blocked' Tx
// This is required because, in the event of a bus error, the set of requested Rx,Tx
// flags are cleared
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ETxAllBytes\n"));
// Remove the block
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting UnblockNotification\n"));
r=gChanSlaveI2c.UnblockNotification(busIdI2c, chanId);
// Wait for the notification
if(r != KErrNone)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("UnBlocked notification test completed OK\n"));
// Clear the trigger mask
gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with 0\n"));
// Release the channel
r = gChanSlaveI2c.ReleaseChannel( chanId );
delete i2cBuf;
gTest.Printf(_L("\nSlaveRxTxNotificationTests only supported when SLAVE_MODE is defined\n"));
return r;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2404
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMPREQ PREQ2128,2129
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case tests that MasterSlave channels can only be used in one mode at a time, and that
//! if captured for Slave operation or with transactions queued for Master operation the channel can
//! not be de-registered.
//! @SYMTestActions 0) Capture the channel for Slave operation. Attempt to synchronously queue a transaction
//! on the channel. Attempt to asynchronously queue a transaction on the channel. Attempt
//! to de-register the channel.Release the Slave channel
//! 1) Use controlio to block completion of queued transactions. Request asynchronous queue
//! transaction. Attempt to capture the channel for Slave operation. Attempt to de-register
//! the channel. Unblock completion of transactions and wait for the TRequestStatus for the
//! transaction to be completed.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Once captured for Slave operation, attempts to queue a transaction or de-register the channel
//! return KErrInUse, exits otherwise.
//! 1) With a transaction queued, attempt to capture the channel returns KErrInUse, exits otherwise.
//! Attempt to de-register channel returns KErrInUse, exits otherwise. The TRequestStatus should
//! be set to KErrTimedOut, exits otherwise.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt MasterSlaveAcquisitionTests()
// Test to check that:
// (1) A Master-Slave channel that has been captured for use in Slave mode will not allow requests for
// queing transactions to be accepted
// (2) A Master-Slave channel that has been captured for use in Slave mode can not be de-registered
// (3) A Master-Slave channel that has one or more transactions queued in its Master channel transaction queue
// can not be captured for use in Slave Made
// (4) A Master-Slave channel that has one or more transactions queued in its Master channel transaction queue
// can not be de-registered
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting MasterSlaveAcquisitionTests\n"));
TInt r=KErrNone;
#if defined(MASTER_MODE) && defined(SLAVE_MODE)
// Create a Master-Slave channel
RBusDevIicClient chanMasterSlaveI2c;
TBufC<18> proxyName;
proxyName = KIicProxyFileNameRoot;
proxyName = KIicProxyFileNameRootCtrlLess;
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.Open(proxyName);
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.InitSlaveClient(); // Initialise callback used for Slave processing
// Capture the channel for Slave operation
// Attempt to synchronously queue a transaction on the channel - expect KErrInUse as a response
// Attempt to asynchronously queue a transaction on the channel - expect KErrInUse as a response
// Attempt to de-register the channel - expect KErrInUse as a response
// Release the Slave channel
// Create a I2C configuration buffer and the configuration data for use in capturing gChanSlaveI2c
TUint32 busIdI2c = 0;
TConfigI2cBufV01* i2cBuf=NULL;
r=CreateSlaveChanI2cConfig(i2cBuf, busIdI2c, 12); // 12 is the MasterSlave channel number
TInt chanId;
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting synchronous CaptureChannel \n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(busIdI2c, i2cBuf, chanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous CaptureChannel returned = %d, chanId=0x%x\n"),r,chanId);
_LIT(halfDuplexText,"Half Duplex Text");
TBuf8<17> halfDuplexBuf_8;
TUsideTferDesc* tfer = NULL;
r=CreateSingleUserSideTransfer(tfer, EMasterWrite, 8, &halfDuplexBuf_8, NULL);
return r;
return KErrGeneral;
TUsideTracnDesc* tracn = NULL;
r = CreateSingleUserSideTransaction(tracn, EI2c, i2cBuf, tfer, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
return r;
return KErrGeneral;
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting synchronous QueueTransaction \n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.QueueTransaction(busIdI2c, tracn);
gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous QueueTransaction returned = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting asynchronous QueueTransaction \n"));
TRequestStatus status;
chanMasterSlaveI2c.QueueTransaction(status, busIdI2c, tracn);
if(status != KErrInUse)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after queue = %d\n"),status.Int());
// // If it is stand-alone channel, the client is responsible for channel creation.
// // So the RegisterChan and DeRegisterChan are not needed.
if(aStandAloneChan == 0)
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting deregistration of captured channel\n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.DeRegisterChan(busIdI2c);
gTest.Printf(_L("DeRegisterChan returned = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("\nInvoke ReleaseChannel for chanId=0x%x \n"),chanId);
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.ReleaseChannel( chanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("ReleaseChannel returned = %d\n"),r);
// Use ControlIO/StaticExtension to block transactions on the Master Channel
// Queue an asynchronous transaction on the channel
// Attempt to capture the channel for Slave operation - expect KErrInUse as a response
// Attempt to de-register the channel - expect KErrInUse as a response
// Unblock the channel
// Check for (timed out) completion of the transaction
gTest.Printf(_L("Invoking BlockReqCompletion\n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.BlockReqCompletion(busIdI2c);
gTest.Printf(_L("BlockReqCompletion returned = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Queueing first transaction \n"));
chanMasterSlaveI2c.QueueTransaction(status, busIdI2c, tracn);
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting synchronous CaptureChannel \n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(busIdI2c, i2cBuf, chanId );
gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous CaptureChannel returned = %d, chanId=0x%x\n"),r,chanId);
// If it is stand-alone channel, the client is responsible for channel creation.
// So the RegisterChan and DeRegisterChan are not needed.
if(aStandAloneChan == 0)
gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting deregistration of channel\n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.DeRegisterChan(busIdI2c);
gTest.Printf(_L("DeRegisterChan returned = %d\n"),r);
gTest.Printf(_L("Invoking UnlockReqCompletion\n"));
r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.UnblockReqCompletion(busIdI2c);
gTest.Printf(_L("UnblockReqCompletion returned = %d\n"),r);
if(r != KErrTimedOut)
gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after queue = %d\n"),r);
r=KErrNone; // Ensure error code is not propagated
delete i2cBuf;
delete tfer;
delete tracn;
gTest.Printf(_L("\nMasterSlaveAcquisitionTests only supported when both MASTER_MODE and SLAVE_MODE are defined\n"));
return r;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-T_IIC-2404
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMDEF DEF141732
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case tests the inline functions of DIicBusChannel interface.
//! @SYMTestActions Call Kernel-side proxy client function to perform interface tests.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority Medium
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
LOCAL_C TInt IicInterfaceInlineTests()
if(aStandAloneChan == 1)
gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting IicInterfaceInlineTests\n"));
TInt r=KErrNone;
r = gChanMasterSpi.TestIiicChannelInlineFunc();
return r;
gTest.Printf(_L("\nIicInterfaceInlineTests can only be run in Standalone mode\n"));
return KErrNone;
LOCAL_C TInt RunTests()
// Utility method to invoke the separate tests
TInt r =KErrNone;
r = IicInterfaceInlineTests();
return r;
r = MasterBasicTests();
return r;
r = SlaveRxTxNotificationTests();
return r;
r = SlaveChannelCaptureReleaseTests();
return r;
r = MasterExtTests(KTransactionWithPreamble);
return r;
r = MasterExtTests(KTransactionWithMultiTransc);
return r;
r = MasterExtTests(KTransactionWithMultiTransc|KTransactionWithPreamble);
return r;
r = MasterTransactionTests();
return r;
r = MasterSlaveAcquisitionTests();
return r;
return KErrNone;
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
// Main
gTest.Start(_L("Test IIC API\n"));
TInt r = KErrNone;
// Turn off lazy dll unloading
RLoader l;
gTest.Next(_L("Start the IIC with controller test\n"));
aStandAloneChan = 0;
gTest.Next(_L("Load Simulated IIC PSL bus driver"));
r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KIicPslFileName);
gTest.Printf(_L("return value r=%d"),r);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load Simulated PSL SPI bus driver"));
r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KSpiFileName);
gTest.Printf(_L("return value r=%d"),r);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load Simulated PSL I2C bus driver"));
r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KI2cFileName);
gTest.Printf(_L("return value r=%d"),r);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load kernel-side proxy IIC client"));
r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KIicProxyFileName);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load kernel-side proxy IIC slave client"));
r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KIicProxySlaveFileName);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
// First ascertain what bus options are available.
// SPI has Master channel numbers 1,2 and 4, Slave channel number 3
// Open a Master SPI channel to the kernel side proxy
TBufC<30> proxyName(KIicProxyFileNameRoot);
r = gChanMasterSpi.Open(proxyName);
// I2C has Master channel numbers 10 and 11, if built with MASTER_MODE, only
// I2C has Slave channel numbers 12 and 13, if built with SLAVE_MODE, only
// I2C has Master channel number 10 and Slave channel numer 11 if built with both MASTER_MODE and SLAVE_MODE
// Open a Master I2C channel to the kernel side proxy
r = gChanMasterI2c.Open(proxyName);
TBufC<15> proxySlaveName(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRoot);
r = gChanSlaveI2c.Open(proxySlaveName);
r = gChanSlaveI2c.InitSlaveClient();
// Instigate tests
r = RunTests();
gTest.Printf(_L("Tests completed OK, about to close channel\n"));
UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSupervisorBarrier, 0, 0);
gTest.Next(_L("Free kernel-side proxy IIC client"));
TInt err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KIicProxyFileNameRoot);
gTest(err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Free kernel-side proxy IIC slave client"));
err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRoot);
gTest(err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated PSL I2C bus driver"));
err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KI2cFileName);
gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated PSL SPI bus driver"));
err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KSpiFileName);
gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated IIC PSL bus driver"));
err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KIicPslFileNameRoot);
gTest.Next(_L("Start the controller-less IIC test\n"));
aStandAloneChan = 1;
gTest.Next(_L("Load Simulated PSL SPI bus driver"));
r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KSpiFileNameCtrlLess);
gTest.Printf(_L("return value r=%d"),r);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load Simulated PSL I2C bus driver"));
r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KI2cFileNameCtrlLess);
gTest.Printf(_L("return value r=%d"),r);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load kernel-side proxy IIC client"));
r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KIicProxyFileNameCtrlLess);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Load kernel-side proxy IIC slave client"));
r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KIicProxySlaveFileNameCtrlLess);
gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
// First ascertain what bus options are available.
// SPI has Master channel numbers 1,2 and 4, Slave channel number 3
// Open a Master SPI channel to the kernel side proxy
TBufC<30> proxyNameCtrlLess(KIicProxyFileNameRootCtrlLess);
r = gChanMasterSpi.Open(proxyNameCtrlLess);
// I2C has Master channel numbers 10 and 11, if built with MASTER_MODE, only
// I2C has Slave channel numbers 12 and 13, if built with SLAVE_MODE, only
// I2C has Master channel number 10 and Slave channel numer 11 if built with both MASTER_MODE and SLAVE_MODE
// Open a Master I2C channel to the kernel side proxy
r = gChanMasterI2c.Open(proxyNameCtrlLess);
TBufC<35> proxySlaveNameCtrlLess(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootCtrlLess);
r = gChanSlaveI2c.Open(proxySlaveNameCtrlLess);
r = gChanSlaveI2c.InitSlaveClient();
// Instigate tests
r = RunTests();
gTest.Printf(_L("Tests completed OK, about to close channel\n"));
UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSupervisorBarrier, 0, 0);
gTest.Next(_L("Free kernel-side proxy IIC client"));
err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KIicProxyFileNameRootCtrlLess);
gTest(err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Free kernel-side proxy IIC slave client"));
err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootCtrlLess);
gTest(err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists);
gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated PSL I2C bus driver"));
err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KI2cFileNameCtrlLess);
gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated PSL SPI bus driver"));
err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KSpiFileNameCtrlLess);
gTest.Printf(_L("Don't do the test if it is not IIC_SIMULATED_PSL"));
return r;