Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Performs some benchmarking of the LFFS media driver
@file bf_raw.cpp
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32base_private.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include "bf_raw.h"
#include "user_config.h"
const TInt KAverageOverInSeconds=10; ///< Number of seconds to run tests for
//TInt64 Count; ///< Global variable used to count number of operations completed
TUint32 Count;
RTest test(_L("BF_RAW"));
TTestInfo TestInfo; ///< Data passed to exector thread
TBusLocalDrive drive;
TLocalDriveCapsV2Buf driveInfo;
GLDEF_D HBufC8* writeBuffer; ///< Buffer for transferring data
GLDEF_D HBufC8* readBuffer; ///< Buffer for transferring data
GLDEF_D TBool StopTest; ///< set to ETrue to stop the test
GLREF_C TInt BmWrite(TAny*);
GLREF_C TInt BmWriteThread(TAny*);
GLREF_C TInt BmRead(TAny*);
GLREF_C TInt BmReadThread(TAny*);
GLDEF_D TInt mainThreadHandle;
TUint32 runTest(TThreadFunction aFunction)
* Function which actually runs the test.
* It creates a new thread to exeute the operations and then waits
* for a pre-determined time. The executor thread increments a counter
* each time it completes one operation. After the time period expires
* the counter is averaged to get an "operations per second". This is
* then multiplied by the data size to obtain tranfer rate
RThread thread;
TInt r=thread.Create(_L("TESTER"),aFunction,KDefaultStackSize,&User::Heap(),NULL);
test.Printf(_L("Failed to create thread with error %d\n"),r);
StopTest = EFalse; // allow the test to run
TRequestStatus deadStat;
thread.Logon( deadStat );
RThread().SetPriority( EPriorityMuchMore );
TUint32 result=Count;
// tell test to stop and wait for thread to exit.
StopTest = ETrue;
User::WaitForRequest( deadStat );
void PrintResult( TUint32 aCount, const TDesC& aTitle )
* Prints result of test
TInt64 count(static_cast<TUint>(aCount));
TInt64 transferRate = (count * TestInfo.iLength) / KAverageOverInSeconds;
test.Printf(_L("%S: %d bytes/second\n"),
I64LOW(transferRate) );
LOCAL_C TInt EraseSegment( TInt aSegmentNumber )
* Erases a segment on Flash
* @param aSegmentNumber index of segment to erase
* @return KErrNone or error code
TInt offset = aSegmentNumber * driveInfo().iEraseBlockSize;
TInt r = drive.Format( offset, driveInfo().iEraseBlockSize );
return r;
* Structure defining tests
class TTestData
TThreadFunction iFunction; ///< function to execute, NULL for end of list
TInt iLength; ///< data length
TInt iOffset; ///< Flash offset
const TDesC* iDescription; ///< descriptive text
_LIT( KErasingSegment0, "Erasing segment 0" );
_LIT( KWrite1Start, "Write, 1 byte, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KWrite24Start, "Write, 24 bytes, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KWrite64Start, "Write, 64 bytes, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KWrite512Start, "Write, 512 bytes, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KRead1Start, "Read, 1 byte, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KRead24Start, "Read, 24 bytes, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KRead64Start, "Read, 64 bytes, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
_LIT( KRead512Start, "Read, 512 bytes, 32-byte boundary, current thread" );
const TThreadFunction KEraseSegment = (TThreadFunction)0x000000F1;
const TTestData testData[] = ///< the test data
{ KEraseSegment, 0, 0, &KErasingSegment0 },
{ BmWrite, 1, 0, &KWrite1Start },
{ BmWrite, 24, 32, &KWrite24Start },
{ BmWrite, 64, 64, &KWrite64Start },
{ BmWrite, 512, 128, &KWrite512Start },
{ BmRead, 1, 0, &KRead1Start },
{ BmRead, 24, 0, &KRead24Start },
{ BmRead, 64, 0, &KRead64Start },
{ BmRead, 512, 0, &KRead512Start },
{ NULL, 0, 0, NULL }
void Initialize()
* Open channel to media driver
// Load the media driver
test.Printf( _L("Loading %S\n"), &KLfsDriverName );
TInt r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice( KLfsDriverName );
test( KErrNone == r || KErrAlreadyExists == r );
RFs fs;
test( KErrNone == fs.Connect() );
#if 0
// XXX - not EKA2
test( KErrNone == fs.SetDefaultPath( _L("Z:\\") ) );
TFullName name;
fs.FileSystemName( name, KLffsLogicalDriveNumber );
if( name.Length() > 0 )
test.Printf( _L("Unmounting drive") );
test( KErrNone == fs.DismountFileSystem( _L("Lffs"), KLffsLogicalDriveNumber) );
User::After( 2000000 );
test.Printf( _L("Drive unmounted") );
// Open a TBusLogicalDevice to it
test.Printf( _L("Opening media channel\n") );
TBool changedFlag = EFalse;
test( KErrNone == drive.Connect( KDriveNumber, changedFlag ) );
// Get size of Flash drive, block size, block count
// Create data buffer
writeBuffer = HBufC8::New( 1024 );
test( NULL != writeBuffer );
readBuffer = HBufC8::New( 1024 );
test( NULL != readBuffer );
mainThreadHandle = RThread().Handle();
TInt E32Main()
test.Start(_L("Benchmarks for media driver"));
const TTestData* pTest = &testData[0];
while( pTest->iFunction )
if( KEraseSegment == pTest->iFunction )
test.Printf( *pTest->iDescription );
TInt r = EraseSegment( pTest->iOffset );
test( KErrNone == r );
test.Printf( _L("Segment erased") );
TestInfo.iLength = pTest->iLength;
TestInfo.iOffset = pTest->iOffset;
PrintResult( runTest( pTest->iFunction ), *pTest->iDescription );