author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Tests erasing of Flash while forcing suspend-resume cycles

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include "user_config.h"

RTest test( _L("TF_SUSPEND") );

class CEraser
		enum TFunction

		void CreateL();
		void Stop();
		void WaitForReady();

		inline void WaitForDone()
			iWaitingSignal.Signal();	// resignal, ready for next Start()

		void EraseBlock( TUint32 aOffset, TUint aLength );

		void Panic( TInt aPanicNum );
		void Start( TFunction aFunction );

		static TInt EraserThread( TAny* aParam );

		void DoEraseBlock();

		RThread		iThread;

		// Shared between main & eraser thread
		TFunction	iRequestedFunction;
		RSemaphore	iGoSignal;
		RSemaphore	iWaitingSignal;
		TBool		iStop;

		// These are local to the eraser thread
		TUint		iOffset;
		TUint		iLength;
		TBusLocalDrive	iDrive;

	iThread.Terminate( KErrNone );

void CEraser::Panic( TInt aPanicNum )
	_LIT( KPanicCat, "ERASE-T" );
	User::Panic( KPanicCat, aPanicNum );
	RProcess().Panic( KPanicCat, aPanicNum );

void CEraser::CreateL()
	// Create new thread and wait for it to become ready
	iGoSignal.CreateLocal( 0 );	// initially blocked
	iWaitingSignal.CreateLocal( 0 );	// initially blocked
	iStop = EFalse;
	User::LeaveIfError( iThread.Create( _L("ERASER"), EraserThread, 2048, 2048, 65536, this ) );
	test.Printf( _L("Eraser thread created\n") );
	test.Printf( _L("Waiting for thread to become ready\n") );

void CEraser::Start( TFunction aFunction )
	// Start the suspender thread executing function aFunction
	iStop = EFalse;
	iRequestedFunction = aFunction;

void CEraser::Stop()
	// Stop the thread
	iStop = ETrue;

void CEraser::WaitForReady()

void CEraser::EraseBlock( TUint32 aOffset, TUint aLength )
	// Execute a block erase
	iOffset = aOffset;
	iLength = aLength;
	Start( EEraseBlock );

TInt CEraser::EraserThread( TAny* aParam )
	// The thread which executes suspend functions
	RDebug::Print( _L("Eraser thread starts") );

	CEraser& self = *reinterpret_cast<CEraser*>(aParam);

	// Open our own TBusLogicalDevice channel
	TBool changedFlag;
	if( KErrNone != self.iDrive.Connect( KDriveNumber, changedFlag ) )
		self.Panic( 1 );

	RDebug::Print( _L("Eraser thread connected to drive") );
	while( !self.iStop )
		// Signal that we are ready for a request
		RDebug::Print( _L("Eraser thread waiting...") );

		// Wait for a request
		RDebug::Print( _L("Eraser thread go (%d)"), self.iRequestedFunction );

		switch( self.iRequestedFunction )
			case EEraseBlock:

				self.Panic( 0 );


	return KErrNone;

void CEraser::DoEraseBlock()
	// Issue an erase
	RDebug::Print( _L("Eraser starting erase...") );
	TInt64 offs( iOffset );
	TInt r = iDrive.Format( offs, iLength );
	if( KErrNone != r )
		RDebug::Print( _L("Eraser: FAIL: erase request returns %d"), r );
		Panic( 2 );

class CSuspendTest : public CBase

		void CreateL();

		void DoTest();


		TInt EraseOneBlock( TInt aBlockNumber );
		TInt ZeroFillBlock( TInt aBlockNumber );
		TBool ValidateBlock( TInt aBlockNumber, TUint32 aFillWord );
		TInt ZeroAllBlocks();
		TBool ValidateAllBlocks( TUint32 aFillWord );

		void DoImmediateSuspendTest();

		TBusLocalDrive	iDrive;
		TBool			iDriveOpened;

		CEraser*		iEraser;

		TInt			iFlashSize;
		TInt			iBlockSize;
		TInt			iBlockCount;

		TBuf8<512>		iReadBuffer;

	if( iDriveOpened )

	delete iEraser;

void CSuspendTest::CreateL()
	// Create the eraser thread
	iEraser = new(ELeave) CEraser;

	// Load the device drivers
	TInt r;
	test.Printf( _L("Loading %S\n"), &KLfsDriverName );
	r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice( KLfsDriverName );
	test( KErrNone == r || KErrAlreadyExists == r );

	RFs fs;
	test( KErrNone == fs.Connect() );
#if 0
	// XXX - not EKA2
	test( KErrNone == fs.SetDefaultPath( _L("Z:\\") ) );
	TFullName name;
	fs.FileSystemName( name, KLffsLogicalDriveNumber );
	if( name.Length() > 0 )
		test.Printf( _L("Unmounting drive") );
		test( KErrNone == fs.DismountFileSystem( _L("Lffs"), KLffsLogicalDriveNumber) );
		User::After( 2000000 );
		test.Printf( _L("Drive unmounted") );

	// Open a TBusLogicalDevice to the driver
	test.Printf( _L("Opening media channel\n") );
	TBool changedFlag = EFalse;
	r = iDrive.Connect( KDriveNumber, changedFlag );
	User::LeaveIfError( r );
	iDriveOpened = ETrue;

	// Get size of Flash drive, block size, block count
	TLocalDriveCapsV2Buf info;
	iFlashSize = I64LOW(info().iSize);
	iBlockSize = info().iEraseBlockSize;
	iBlockCount = iFlashSize / iBlockSize;

	test.Printf( _L("Flash size is 0x%x bytes\n"), iFlashSize );
	test.Printf( _L("Block size is 0x%x bytes\n"), iBlockSize );
	test.Printf( _L("Block count is %d\n"), iBlockCount );

	test.Printf( _L("CreateL complete\n") );

void CSuspendTest::DoTest()
	// Main test dispatcher

TInt CSuspendTest::EraseOneBlock( TInt aBlockNumber )
	// Erases block aBlockNumber on Flash
	TInt blockBaseOffset = aBlockNumber * iBlockSize;

	test.Printf( _L("Erasing block %d (offs=0x%x)\n"), aBlockNumber, blockBaseOffset );
	TInt r = iDrive.Format( blockBaseOffset, iBlockSize );

	test.Printf( _L("... block erased, rv=%d\n"), r );
	return r;

TBool CSuspendTest::ValidateBlock( TInt aBlockNumber, TUint32 aFillWord )
	// Checks that every word in block aBlockNumber has the value aFillWord
	TUint offset = aBlockNumber * iBlockSize;
	test.Printf( _L("Validating block %d (offs=0x%x)\n"), aBlockNumber, offset );
	TBool failed = EFalse;
	const TInt readBufLen = iReadBuffer.MaxLength();

	for( TInt len = iBlockSize; len > 0 && !failed ;)
		TInt r = iDrive.Read( offset, readBufLen, iReadBuffer );
		if( r != KErrNone )
			test.Printf( _L("... FAIL: read failed (%d) at offset 0x%x\n"), r, offset );
			test( KErrNone == r );
		test( iReadBuffer.Length() == readBufLen );

		TUint32* p = (TUint32*)iReadBuffer.Ptr();
		for( TInt i = 0; i < readBufLen; i += 4 )
			if( aFillWord != *p )
				failed = ETrue;
				test.Printf( _L("... FAILED: word @ offs=0x%x, read=0x%x, expected=0x%x\n"), 
								offset+i, p[0], aFillWord );
		offset += readBufLen;
		len -= readBufLen;
	return !failed;

TInt CSuspendTest::ZeroFillBlock( TInt aBlockNumber )
	// Zero-fills and entire block
	// The requires that writing works
	test.Printf( _L("Zero-filling block %d\n"), aBlockNumber );

	// Create a buffer full of zeros
	const TInt KZeroBufSize = 512;

	TBuf8<KZeroBufSize> buf;
	buf.FillZ( buf.MaxLength() );

	// Write the data out to the Flash
	TInt writeCount = iBlockSize / KZeroBufSize;
	TInt r = KErrNone;
	TInt blockBaseOffset = aBlockNumber * iBlockSize;
	for( ; (writeCount > 0) && (KErrNone == r); writeCount-- )
		r = iDrive.Write( blockBaseOffset, buf );
		if( r != KErrNone )
			test.Printf( _L("... FAIL: write failed (%d) at offset 0x%x\n"), blockBaseOffset );
		blockBaseOffset += KZeroBufSize;

	return r;

TInt CSuspendTest::ZeroAllBlocks()
	// Writes zeros to all blocks
	test.Printf( _L("Zeroing all blocks\n") );

	TInt r = KErrNone;
	for( TInt i = 0; (i < iBlockCount) && (KErrNone == r); i++ )
		r = ZeroFillBlock( i );

	return r;

TBool CSuspendTest::ValidateAllBlocks( TUint32 aFillWord )
	// Checks that all blocks contain aFillWord
	test.Printf( _L("Validating all blocks\n") );

	TBool failed = EFalse;
	for( TInt i = 0; (i < iBlockCount) && (!failed); i++ )
		failed = !ValidateBlock( i, aFillWord );

	return !failed;

void CSuspendTest::DoImmediateSuspendTest()
	// For each block issues an erase and then immediately
	// requests a read on another block. Waits for erase to
	// finish and validates it
	test.Next( _L("Immediate suspend test") );
	test( KErrNone == ZeroAllBlocks() );
	test( ValidateAllBlocks( 0 ) );

	// We repeat the test for each block, erasing block n and reading from
	// block (n+1) modulo iBlockCount
	for( TInt eraseBlock = 0; eraseBlock < iBlockCount; eraseBlock++ )
		TUint32 readBlock = (eraseBlock + 1) % iBlockCount;
		TUint32 erasePos = eraseBlock * iBlockSize;
		TInt readPos = readBlock * iBlockSize;

		TBuf8<32> buf;

		// Start the erase
		iEraser->EraseBlock( erasePos, iBlockSize );

		// Do a read immediately
		test.Printf( _L("main thread requesting read") );
		test( KErrNone == iDrive.Read( readPos, buf.MaxLength(), buf ) );

		// Wait for erase to finish
		test.Printf( _L("main thread waiting for erase to finish...") );

		// Now check that the block was erased
		test( ValidateBlock( eraseBlock, 0xFFFFFFFF ) );


TInt E32Main()
	test.Start(_L("Testing media erase+suspend operations"));

	CSuspendTest suspendTest;
	TRAPD( ret, suspendTest.CreateL() );
	if( KErrNone == ret )

	return KErrNone;