Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\pccd\t_medch.cpp
// Continuously generate media changes followesd by a remount of the peripheral bus controller.
#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include "d_medch.h"
//#define __SOAK_TEST__ // Define to run until a key is pressed (Automatic tests only)
//#define __MANUAL_TEST__ // Define to allow manual control of the door/media
//#define __DEVICE_HAS_NO_DOOR__ // Define for devices that have no door (Manual tests only)
#if defined(__MANUAL_TEST__) && defined(__WINS__)
#define __DEVICE_HAS_NO_DOOR__
#if !defined(__MANUAL_TEST__) && defined(__DEVICE_HAS_NO_DOOR__)
#if defined(__MANUAL_TEST__) && defined(__SOAK_TEST__)
#undef __SOAK_TEST__
#ifndef __SOAK_TEST__
#ifdef __WINS__
const TInt KMaxTestTime = 5000000; // Run the test for 5 seconds on emulator
const TInt KMaxTestTime = 10000000; // Run the test for 10 seconds on target
const TInt KPowerUpTimeOut = 5000000; // Give the card 5 seconds to power up
LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("Media change test"));
LOCAL_D TBusLocalDrive TheDrive;
LOCAL_D RMedCh TheMediaChange;
LOCAL_D TRequestStatus TheMediaStatus;
LOCAL_D TBool TheChangedFlag;
LOCAL_C TBool SetupDrivesForPlatform(TInt& aDrive, TInt& aSocket)
* Finds a suitable drive for the media change test
* @param aDrive The number of the local drive to test
* @param aSocket The number of the socket to test
* @return TBool ETrue if a suitable drive is found, EFalse otherwise.
TDriveInfoV1Buf diBuf;
TDriveInfoV1 &di=diBuf();
aDrive = -1;
aSocket = -1;
for(aDrive=0; aDrive < di.iTotalSupportedDrives; aDrive++)
test.Printf(_L(" Drive %d - %S\r\n"), aDrive, &di.iDriveName[aDrive]);
if(di.iDriveName[aDrive].MatchF(_L("MultiMediaCard0")) == KErrNone)
if(aDrive == di.iTotalSupportedDrives)
test.Printf(_L(" MMC Drive Not Found\r\n"));
return EFalse;
for(aSocket=0; aSocket < di.iTotalSockets; aSocket++)
test.Printf(_L("Socket %d - %S\r\n"), aSocket, &di.iSocketName[aSocket]);
if(di.iSocketName[aSocket].MatchF(_L("MultiMediaCard0")) == KErrNone)
if(aSocket == di.iTotalSockets)
test.Printf(_L(" MMC Socket Not Found\r\n"));
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
LOCAL_C void TestMediaAccess(TInt aExpectedError, TBool aExpectedChange)
* Tests that the drive is accessable (or not) by issuing a request
* to power up the media. Also verifies that the attributes are correct.
* @param aExpectedError The expected result of powering up the drive
* @param aExpectedChange ETrue if the changed flag is expected to be set
* @return ETrue if successful, EFalse otherwise
RTimer rto;
TInt r = rto.CreateLocal();
test(r == KErrNone);
TRequestStatus rtoStat;
rto.After(rtoStat, KPowerUpTimeOut);
test(rtoStat == KRequestPending);
// TheChangedFlag is set when the door is opened if media was present.
// The asynch notifier is signalled when media is removed OR inserted.
User::WaitForRequest(TheMediaStatus, rtoStat);
test(TheMediaStatus != KRequestPending);
// ...aChangedFlag's purpose is to notify us of media removal.
TheChangedFlag = EFalse;
// Attempt to power up the drive
TLocalDriveCapsV2Buf info;
r = TheDrive.Caps(info);
while(r != aExpectedError && rtoStat == KRequestPending);
// ...was the error as expected?
test(r == aExpectedError);
// ...and are the caps still OK?
if(r == KErrNone)
test(info().iType == EMediaHardDisk);
else if(r == KErrNotReady)
test(info().iType == EMediaNotPresent);
if(aExpectedChange == EFalse)
test(TheMediaStatus == KRequestPending);
LOCAL_C void NextTest(const TDesC& aTitle, TInt aCycles)
* Simply displays a string on the console and the current iteration.
* @param aTitle The text to be displayed
* @param aCycles The current iteration
test.Console()->SetPos(20, 25);
test.Printf(_L("%S [%d cycles]"), &aTitle, aCycles);
#ifdef __MANUAL_TEST__
test.Console()->SetPos(20, 27);
test.Printf(_L("<press a key>"));
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
* Test Entry Point for T_MEDCH.
* This test uses the associated driver (D_MEDCH) to simulate media removal and
* door opening/closing. The media is powered up in each state and verified that
* the correct error code and changed count is returned.
TBuf<64> b;
* Load the associated media driver (MEDMMC by default). This is required to ensure
* that the device can be powered up and the capabilities if the media accessed.
test.Start(_L("Load Media Driver"));
TInt r;
test.Printf(_L("Test not supported on this platform \n"));
test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
* Connect to the required local drive.
* TheChangedFlag is used for detection of media removal.
TInt drive;
TInt socket;
if(SetupDrivesForPlatform(drive, socket))
b.Format(_L("Connect to local drive %d"), drive);
TheDrive.Connect(drive, TheChangedFlag);
* Read the drive capabilities to ensure that this test may be run.
test.Next(_L("Get drive capabilities"));
TLocalDriveCapsV2Buf info;
r = TheDrive.Caps(info);
if(r == KErrNotReady || r == KErrNotSupported)
test.Next(_L("\r\nTest requires media to be present and the door closed - Disconnecting"));
return KErrNone;
test(r == KErrNone);
test(TheDrive.Caps(info) == KErrNone);
test(info().iType == EMediaHardDisk);
* Load the media simulation test driver
test.Next(_L("Load media change logical device"));
test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrAlreadyExists);
test.Next(_L("Open device"));
r=TheMediaChange.Open(socket, TheMediaChange.VersionRequired());
if(r == KErrNotSupported)
test.Next(_L("\r\nTest not supported on this drive - Disconnecting"));
test(r == KErrNone);
return KErrNone;
test(r == KErrNone);
* Verify that the system supports simulation of media change events
test.Next(_L("Test support for media change simulation"));
r = TheMediaChange.DoorNormal();
test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotSupported);
* Now for the real testing...
if(r == KErrNone)
* Test0 - Simulate 2 consecutive door open interrupts
test.Next(_L("Test that the pbus can handle 2 consecutive door open interrupts"));
r = TheMediaChange.DoubleDoorOpen();
test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotSupported);
TestMediaAccess(KErrNone, ETrue);
TInt cycles=0;
#if defined(__SOAK_TEST__)
TRequestStatus endStat;
while(endStat == KRequestPending)
#elif !defined(__MANUAL_TEST__)
RTimer t;
test(r == KErrNone);
TRequestStatus endStat;
t.After(endStat, KMaxTestTime);
test(endStat == KRequestPending);
while(endStat == KRequestPending)
TheChangedFlag = EFalse;
* Test1 - Simulate door open
* - Power up responds with KErrNotReady
NextTest(_L("Open Door......"), cycles);
#ifndef __MANUAL_TEST__
test(TheMediaChange.DoorOpen() == KErrNone);
TestMediaAccess(KErrNotReady, ETrue);
* Test2 - Simulate door closed (with media removed)
* - Power up responds with KErrNotReady
#ifndef __DEVICE_HAS_NO_DOOR__
NextTest(_L("Remove Media..."), cycles);
#ifndef __MANUAL_TEST__
test(TheMediaChange.DoorClose(EFalse) == KErrNone);
TestMediaAccess(KErrNotReady, EFalse);
* Test3 - Simulate door open
* - Power up responds with KErrNotReady
NextTest(_L("Open Door......"), cycles);
#ifndef __MANUAL_TEST__
test(TheMediaChange.DoorOpen() == KErrNone);
TestMediaAccess(KErrNotReady, EFalse); // Power up responds with KErrNotReady
* Test4 - Simulate door closed (with media present)
* - Power up responds with KErrNone
NextTest(_L("Insert Media..."), cycles);
#ifndef __MANUAL_TEST__
test(TheMediaChange.DoorClose(ETrue) == KErrNone);
TestMediaAccess(KErrNone, ETrue);
test.Console()->SetPos(0, 27);
#if !defined(__SOAK_TEST__) && !defined(__MANUAL_TEST__)
else if(r == KErrNotSupported)
test.Printf(_L("Media change simulation not supported"));
* Tidy up and exit
test.Next(_L("\r\nClose device"));
test.Next(_L("Free device"));
test(r == KErrNone);
b.Format(_L("\r\nDisconnect from local drive %d "), drive);