Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
Shadow Memory Region (SMR) Manual Test Suite
This folder contains the manual tests for the Shadow Memory Region feature
that is part of the kernel bootstrap PIL. The reference test variant for this
feature is the NaviEngine, NE1 PSL. This feature allows Loader software in a
local media boot scenario to shadow data held in local media partition into
RAM which is then reserved by the bootstrap for later access by kernel
extensions. The feature was introduced frist during the development of the
Hardware Configuration Repository component.
The folder contains an overlay of 'os' tree source code that modifies
several components to enable unit testing of this feature with existing NAND
User Data partitions separately from the new tool support added to support
SMR partitions.
This unit test suite was initially developed in the depot @
There are three main parts to the test suite which relate to individual MBC #
files as follows:
Used to build ROMs for H4 to test SMR results in zero regressions.
Test cases S01.xx
Used to build ROMs for NE1 to test for zero regressions when no SMRs
are shadowed.
Test cases S02.xx
Used to build ROMs for H4 to test SMR results in zero regressions.
Test cases S03.xx
Test cases listed in spreadsheet "aTestCases.xls". The memory model used does
not have a bearing on the testing of SMR as it is MM independent. Multiple
Memory Model ROMs should be used for H4 and NE1 uni-core testing
and Flexible Memory Model ROMs for NE1 multi-core SMP testing.
Build & Execute Instructions Summary
S01.xx tests
Build the Base tree and H4 variant tree
Build exports from the e32tests\smr\h4 project
Build H4 roms using smrtest_h4_production.mbc
Execute tests as explained in aTestCases.xls
S02.xx tests
Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_production.mbc
Execute tests as explained in aTestCases.xls
S03.01.xx tests
S03.02.xx tests
Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
Unzip the e32test\smr\ files onto your os source tree (patches coreldr)
Clean and then re-build the \os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2
component (builds patched coreldr)
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc
Execute tests as explained in aTestCases.xls
S03.03.xx test
Modify \os\boardsupport\naviengine\navienginebsp\ne1_tb\ to
define CFG_DebugBootRom & CFG_InitDebugPort to enable bootstrap tracing
Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
Unzip the e32test\smr\ files onto your os source tree (patches coreldr)
Clean and then re-build the \os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2
component (builds patched coreldr)
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc
Execute test S03.03.01 as explained in aTestCases.xls
Modify \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\srca\xsr\util\ONBL2\ONBL2.CPP
to uncomment line 627 (comment line 626) in ShadowHCR() routine so that
it create an invalid sized SMRIB with 128 bytes, i.e. 8 entries but is
the 7 maximum so will lead to a fault in the bootstrap.
Re-build the CoreLdr component for NE1 non FMM
Execute test S03.03.02 as explained in aTestCases.xls
Revert edits to Core Loader.
Revert edits to the NE1 source.
S03.04.01 tests
Modify \os\boardsupport\naviengine\navienginebsp\ne1_tb\ to
define CFG_DebugBootRom & CFG_InitDebugPort to enable bootstrap tracing
Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
Unzip the e32test\smr\ files onto your os source tree (patches coreldr)
Clean and then re-build the \os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2
component (builds patched coreldr)
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc
Modify \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\srca\xsr\util\ONBL2\ONBL2.CPP
to uncomment line 608 (comment line 607) in ShadowHCR() routine so that
it stores the size of the SMRs as not multiples of 4096bytes so will
lead to a fault in bootstrap.
Re-build the CoreLdr component for NE1 non FMM
Execute test S03.04.01 as explained in aTestCases.xls
Revert edits to Core Loader source.
Revert edits to the NE1 source.
Build SMR Test Projects
Build H4 Multiple Memory Model version:
cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\h4
bldmake -f=smr_h4bld.inf bldfiles
abld test build
Build NE1 Multiple Memory Model version:
cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1
bldmake -f=smr_ne1bld.inf bldfiles
abld test build
Build NE1 Flexible Memory Model / SMP version:
cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1\flex
bldmake -f=smr_ne1smpbld.inf bldfiles
abld test build
Build ROMs for Test Suite
Smoke test H4:
cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild
metabld smrtest_h4_production.mbc > \logs\h4p.log 2>&1
scanlog \logs\h4p.log
Smoke test NE1:
cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild
metabld smrtest_ne1_production.mbc > \logs\ne1p.log 2>&1
scanlog \logs\ne1p.log
Functional (+ve & -ve) tests for NE1:
cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild
metabld smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc > \logs\ne1at.log 2>&1
scanlog \logs\ne1at.log
*** variant.mmh Files
\os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1\variant.mmh is a direct unmodified
copy of the version in \os\boardsupport\naviengine\navienginebsp\ne1_tb\variant.mmh.
Please ensure this is aligned before building NE1 tests. Same for
\os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1\flex\variant.mmh which is a copy of