Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
#! perl
# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
if (@ARGV<1)
print <<USAGE_EOF;
Usage: d_exc_nnn [romimage.symbol]
Given the output of D_EXC, a file d_exc_nnn.txt and d_exc_nnn.stk, it
uses the other information to try to put symbolic information against
the stack image.
exit 1;
sub add_object
my ($base, $max, $name) = @_;
$address{$base} = [ $base, $max, $name ];
my $key=$base>>20;
my $maxkey=$max>>20;
while ($key <= $maxkey) # allowing for objects that span the boundary
push @{$addresslist{$key}}, $base;
my $RomBase = 0xF8000000;
my $RomLimit = 0xFFF00000;
add_object($RomBase,$RomLimit, "ROM");
# Handle a MAKSYM.LOG file for a ROM
sub read_rom_symbols
my ($romimage)=@_;
open ROMSYMBOLS, $romimage or print "Can't open $romimage\n" and return;
my $a;
my $b;
while (my $line = <ROMSYMBOLS>)
if(!($line =~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}/))
# 8 bytes for the address
$a = substr $line,0,8;
if(!($a =~ /[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}/))
# 4 bytes for the length
$b = substr $line,12,4;
if(!($b =~ /[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}/))
# rest of line is symbol
my $symbol = substr $line,20;
chomp $symbol;
my $base=hex($a);
my $length=hex($b);
if ($base < 0x50000000)
next; # skip this line
if ($length==0xffffffff)
$length=100; # MAKSYM bug? choose a rational length
add_object($base, $base+$length-1, $symbol);
print "ROM Symbols from $romimage\n";
# Handle MAP file for a non execute-in-place binary
sub read_map_symbols
my ($binary, $binbase)=@_;
$binary =~ /([^\\]+)$/;
my $basename=$1;
if (not open MAPFILE, "$")
print "Can't open map file for \n$\n";
my @maplines;
while (<MAPFILE>)
push @maplines, $_;
close MAPFILE;
# See if we're dealing with the RVCT output
if ($maplines[0] =~ /^ARM Linker/)
# scroll down to the global symbols
while ($_ = shift @maplines)
if (/Global Symbols/)
# .text gets linked at 0x00008000
$imgtext=hex(8000);#start of the text section during linking
foreach (@maplines)
# name address ignore size section
if (/^\s*(.+)\s*(0x\S+)\s+[^\d]*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/)
my $symbol = $1;
my $addr = hex($2);
my $size = $3;
if ($size > 0)#symbols of the 0 size contain some auxillary information, ignore them
add_object($addr-$imgtext+$binbase,#relocated address of the current symbol
$addr-$imgtext+$binbase+$size,#relocated address of the current symbol + size of the current symbol
"$binary $symbol");
#we are dealing with GCC output
my $imgtext;
# Find text section
while (($_ = shift @maplines) && !(/^\.text\s+/))
or die "ERROR: Can't get .text section info for \"$file\"\n";
$imgtext=hex($1);#start of the text section during linking
foreach (@maplines)
if (/___CTOR_LIST__/)
last; # end of text section
if (/^\s(\.text)?\s+(0x\w+)\s+(0x\w+)\s+(.*)$/io)
$textlimit = hex($2)+$binbase+hex($3)-1;
if (/^\s+(\w+)\s\s+([a-zA-Z_].+)/o)
my $addr = hex($1);
my $symbol = $2;
add_object($addr+$binbase,#relocated address of the current symbol
$textlimit,#limit of the current object section
"$binary $symbol");
#end of GCC output parsing
# Handle a matched pair of D_EXC output files (.txt and .stk)
sub read_d_exc
my ($name)=@_;
$stackbase = 0;
open D_EXC, "$name.txt" or die "Can't open $name.txt\n";
binmode D_EXC;
read D_EXC, $data, 16;
close D_EXC;
if ($data =~ /^(..)*.\0.\0/)
# Assuming Unicode
close D_EXC;
# Charconv won't convert STDIN or write to STDOUT
# so we generate an intermediate UTF8 file
system "charconv -little -input=unicode $name.txt -output=utf8 $name.utf8.txt";
open D_EXC, "$name.utf8.txt" or die "Can't open $name.utf8.txt\n";
# Assuming ASCII
open D_EXC, "$name.txt" or die "Can't open $name.txt\n";
my $is_eka2_log = 0;
while (my $line = <D_EXC>)
if ($line =~ /^EKA2 USER CRASH LOG$/)
$is_eka2_log = 1;
# code=1 PC=500f7ff8 FAR=00000042 FSR=e8820013
if ($line =~ /^code=\d PC=(.{8})/)
$is_exc = 1;
$fault_pc = hex($1);
# R13svc=81719fc0 R14svc=50031da0 SPSRsvc=60000010
if ($line =~ /^R13svc=(.{8}) R14svc=(.{8}) SPSRsvc=(.{8})/)
$fault_lr = hex($2);
# r00=fffffff8 00000000 80000718 80000003
if ($line =~ /^r(\d\d)=(.{8}) (.{8}) (.{8}) (.{8})/)
$registers{$1} = $line;
if ($1 == 12)
$activesp = hex($3);
$user_pc = hex($5);
$user_lr = hex($4);
# User Stack 03900000-03905ffb
# EKA1 format deliberately broken (was /^Stack.*/) to catch version problems
if ($line =~ /^User Stack (.{8})-(.{8})/)
$stackbase = hex($1);
add_object($stackbase,hex($2), "Stack");
# fff00000-fff00fff C:\foo\bar.dll
if ($line =~ /^(.{8})-(.{8}) (.+)/)
next if ($RomBase <= hex($1) && hex($1) < $RomLimit); # skip ROM XIP binaries
add_object(hex($1), hex($2), $3);
read_map_symbols($3, hex($1));
close D_EXC;
die "$name.txt is not a valid EKA2 crash log" unless $is_eka2_log;
if ($stackbase == 0)
die "couldn't find stack information in $name.txt\n";
die "couldn't find stack pointer in $name.txt\n" unless $activesp != 0;
$activesp -= $stackbase;
# Read in the binary dump of the stack
open STACK, "$name.stk" or die "Can't open $name.stk\n";
print "Stack Data from $name.stk\n";
binmode STACK;
while (read STACK, $data, 4)
unshift @stack, (unpack "V", $data);
$stackptr = 0;
# Handle the captured text output from the Kernel debugger
sub read_debugger
my ($name)=@_;
open DEBUGFILE, "$name" or die "Can't open $name\n";
print "Kernel Debugger session from $name\n";
# stuff which should be inferred from "$name"
$stackbase = 0x81C00000;
$stackmax = 0x81C01DC0;
$activesp = 0x81c01bc4-$stackbase;
add_object($stackbase,0x81C01FFF, "Stack");
while (my $line = <DEBUGFILE>)
if ($line =~ /^(\w{8}): ((\w\w ){16})/)
my $addr = hex($1);
if ($addr < $stackbase || $addr > $stackmax)
if (@stack == 0)
if ($addr != $stackbase)
printf "Missing stack data for %x-%x - fill with 0x29\n", $stackbase, $addr-1;
@stack = (0x29292929) x (($addr-$stackbase)/4);
unshift @stack, reverse (unpack "V4", (pack "H2"x16, (split / /,$2)));
$stackptr = 0;
if (@ARGV>1)
# We've accumulated the ranges of objects indexed by start address,
# with a companion list of addresses subdivided by the leading byte
# Now sort them numerically...
sub numerically { $a <=> $b }
foreach my $key (keys %addresslist)
@{$addresslist{$key}} = sort numerically @{$addresslist{$key}};
# Off we go, reading the stack!
sub skip_unused
my $skipped=0;
while (@stack)
my $word=(pop @stack);
if ($word!=0x29292929)
push @stack, $word;
$skipped += 4;
$stackptr += $skipped;
return $skipped;
sub lookup_addr
my ($word) = @_;
# Optimization - try looking up the address directly
my $base;
my $max;
my $name;
if(defined $address{$word}) {
($base, $max, $name) = @{$address{$word}};
if (!(defined $base))
my $key=$word>>20;
my $regionbase;
foreach $base (@{$addresslist{$key}})
if ($base <= $word)
$regionbase = $base;
if ($base > $word)
if(defined $regionbase)
($base, $max, $name) = @{$address{$regionbase}};
if (defined $base && defined $max && $base <= $word && $max >= $word)
my $data = pack "V", $word;
$data =~ tr [\040-\177]/./c;
return sprintf "%08x %4s %s + 0x%x", $word, $data, $name, $word - $base;
return "";
sub match_addr
# Try matching one of the named areas in the addresslist
my $word = (pop @stack);
if ($word < 1024*1024)
push @stack, $word;
return 0;
my $result = lookup_addr($word);
if ($result ne "")
print "$result\n";
return 1;
push @stack, $word;
return 0;
sub match_tbuf8
# Try matching a TBuf8
# 0x3000LLLL 0x0000MMMM data
if (scalar @stack <3)
return 0; # too short
my $word = (pop @stack);
my $maxlen = (pop @stack);
my $len = $word & 0x0ffff;
my $type = ($word >> 16) & 0x0ffff;
if ( $type != 0x3000 || $maxlen <= $len || $maxlen > 4* scalar @stack
|| ($stackptr < $activesp && $stackptr + $maxlen + 8 > $activesp))
push @stack, $maxlen;
push @stack, $word;
return 0; # wrong type, or invalid looking sizes, or out of date
printf "TBuf8<%d>, length %d\n", $maxlen, $len;
$stackptr += 8;
my $string="";
while ($maxlen > 0)
$string .= pack "V", pop @stack;
$maxlen -= 4;
$stackptr += 4;
if ($len==0)
print "\n";
return 1;
my $line = substr($string,0,$len);
my @buf = unpack "C*", $line;
$line =~ tr [\040-\177]/./c;
printf "\n %s", $line;
while ($len > 0)
my $datalen = 16;
if ($datalen > $len)
$datalen = $len;
$len -= $datalen;
printf "\n ";
while ($datalen > 0)
my $char = shift @buf;
printf "%02x ", $char;
$datalen -= 1;
printf "\n\n";
return 1;
# Skip the unused part of the stack
printf "High watermark = %04x\n", $stackptr;
# process the interesting bit!
my $printed_current_sp = 0;
while (@stack)
if (!$printed_current_sp && $stackptr >= $activesp)
printf "\n >>>> current user stack pointer >>>>\n\n";
print $registers{"00"};
print $registers{"04"};
print $registers{"08"};
print $registers{"12"};
if ($is_exc && $user_pc != $fault_pc)
print "\nWARNING: A kernel-side exception occured but this script\n";
print "is currently limited to user stack analysis. Sorry.\n";
my $result = lookup_addr($fault_pc);
if ($result ne "")
print "Kernel PC = $result\n";
$result = lookup_addr($fault_lr);
if ($result ne "")
print "Kernel LR = $result\n";
print "\n";
my $result = lookup_addr($user_pc);
if ($result ne "")
print "User PC = $result\n";
$result = lookup_addr($user_lr);
if ($result ne "")
print "User LR = $result\n";
printf "\n >>>> current user stack pointer >>>>\n\n";
$printed_current_sp = 1;
printf "%04x ", $stackptr;
match_tbuf8() and next;
match_addr() and next;
$word = pop @stack;
$data = pack "V", $word;
$data =~ tr [\040-\177]/./c;
printf "%08x %4s ", $word, $data;
$stackptr += 4;
if ($word == 0x29292929)
$skipped = skip_unused;
if ($skipped != 0)
printf "\n....";
printf "\n";
# Try matching $word against the known addresses of things
printf "\n";