author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Contains all of the delay filesystem classes.

//! @file f32test\concur\cfafsdly.h

#ifndef __CFAFSDLY_H__
#define __CFAFSDLY_H__

#include <f32file.h>
#include "common.h"
#include <f32fsys.h>
#include <f32ver.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include <e32svr.h>

const TInt KMaxFiles   = 10;    ///< Maximum number of files in the filesystem
const TInt KMaxFileLen = 8192;  ///< Maximum length of an individual file

class TTestFile
/// Describe a file, including the data.
	void Entry(TEntry& aEntry) const;
	TFileName iName;				///< name of the file.
	TUint8    iData[KMaxFileLen];	///< data in the file (fixed maximum length).
	TInt      iSize;				///< current size of the file (length of data).
	TTime     iTime;				///< timestamp of last modification.

class TTestDir
/// Holds the directory for the filesystem (there is only one!), including all
/// of the files with their data.  Only practical for a simple test system.
	TTestFile* Create(const TDesC& aName);
	TTestFile* Find(const TDesC& aName);
	const TTestFile* Find(const TDesC& aName) const;
	void       Delete(const TDesC& aName);
	TTestFile* Entry(TInt aIndex);
	TTestFile  iFile[KMaxFiles];	///< All of the file data.

class CTestMountCB : public CMountCB
/// Data and functions associated with a mounted filesystem.  It is allocated
/// by the file server when the filesystem is mounted and destroyed when it is
/// unmounted (hence losing all of the data in files in this case).
	void MountL(TBool aForceMount);
	TInt ReMount();
	void Dismounted();
	void VolumeL(TVolumeInfo& aVolume) const;
	void SetVolumeL(TDes& aName);
	void MkDirL(const TDesC& aName);
	void RmDirL(const TDesC& aName);
	void DeleteL(const TDesC& aName);
	void RenameL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
	void ReplaceL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
	void EntryL(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const;
	void SetEntryL(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint learAttMask);
	void FileOpenL(const TDesC& aName,TUint aMode,TFileOpen anOpen,CFileCB* aFile);
	void DirOpenL(const TDesC& aName,CDirCB* aDir);
	void RawReadL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aDes,TInt anOffset,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage) const;
	void RawWriteL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aDes,TInt anOffset,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
	void ReadUidL(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const;
	void GetShortNameL(const TDesC& aLongName,TDes& aShortName);
	void GetLongNameL(const TDesC& aShortName,TDes& aLongName);
	void IsFileInRom(const TDesC& aFileName,TUint8*& aFileStart);
	void ReadSectionL(const TDesC& aName,TInt aPos,TAny* aTrg,TInt aLength,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
        TTestDir iDir;	///< The directory information, including all files and their data.

class CTestFileCB : public CFileCB
/// Data about a specific open file.
	void RenameL(const TDesC& aNewName);
	void ReadL(TInt aPos,TInt& aLength,const TAny* aDes,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
	void WriteL(TInt aPos,TInt& aLength,const TAny* aDes,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
	TInt Address(TInt& aPos) const;
	void SetSizeL(TInt aSize);
	void SetEntryL(const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask);
	void FlushDataL();
	void FlushAllL();
	void CheckPos(TInt aPos);

	TUint8	iPadding[128];	// in case we're passed a CFATFileCB
	TTestFile* iFile;	///< Points to the file structure of the open file.
	TUint8*    iData;	///< Points to the data area of the file.

class CTestDirCB : public CDirCB
/// Data for accessing a directory for search etc.
	void ReadL(TEntry& anEntry);
	TFileName iName;	///< Name of the current file.
	TTestDir* iDir;		///< Pointer to the directory data.
	TInt      iIndex;	///< Current position in the directory.

class CTestFormatCB : public CFormatCB
/// Functions for formatting the filesystem.  Not used.
	void DoFormatStepL();

class CTestFileSystem : public CFileSystem
/// Describes the filesysem, and creates a new one when it is mounted.
	TInt Install();
	TInt DefaultPath(TDes& aPath) const;
	void DriveInfo(TDriveInfo& anInfo, TInt aDriveNumber) const;
	TBusLocalDrive& DriveNumberToLocalDrive(TInt aDriveNumber);
	TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput);
	CMountCB*  NewMountL() const;
	CFileCB*   NewFileL() const;
	CDirCB*    NewDirL() const;
	CFormatCB* NewFormatL() const;
	static CFileSystem* NewL();
