Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
//! @file f32test\concur\t_csfsoak.cpp
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include "t_server.h"
#include "t_chlffs.h"
#include "t_tdebug.h"
#include "t_cfssoak.h"
#include "f32_test_utils.h"
using namespace F32_Test_Utils;
GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_CFSTEST"));
LOCAL_D TFullName gFsName;
LOCAL_D TFullName gFsName1;
LOCAL_D TFullName gFsName2;
LOCAL_D TFullName gOldFsName;
LOCAL_D TFullName gNewFsName;
LOCAL_D TBool gNoMedia = ETrue;
_LIT(KFsName, "DelayFS");
LOCAL_D const TInt32 KSecond = 1000000;
LOCAL_D const TInt32 KTenthS = KSecond/10;
LOCAL_D const TInt KNumBuf = 10;
LOCAL_D const TInt KBufLen = 50000;
LOCAL_D TInt KSessionWaitSlow = 50 * KTenthS;
LOCAL_D TBuf8<KBufLen> gBuff[KNumBuf];
LOCAL_D TRequestStatus gStat[KNumBuf];
LOCAL_D TChar gRemFsChr = 0;
LOCAL_D TInt gRemFsDrv = 0;
LOCAL_D TChar gDrvCh0 = 0;
LOCAL_D TChar gDrvCh1 = 0;
LOCAL_D TChar gDrvCh2 = 0;
LOCAL_D TInt gWaitTime = KSessionWaitSlow;
GLDEF_D TExtension gPrimaryExtensions[KMaxDrives];
inline void TraceError(const char* aFile, TInt aLine, const TDesC& aStr, TInt aRsp)
// 'Helper' routine to output the file and line of an error as well as a string
// and a response value.
TBuf<256> fbuf;
TPtrC8 fptr((const TUint8*)aFile);
RDebug::Print(_L("%S:%d %S: r = %d"), &fbuf, aLine, &aStr, aRsp);
#define TESTSTR(r,s,cond) if (!(cond)) { TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, (s), (r)); test(0); }
#define TESTLIT(r,s,cond) { _LIT(KStr,s); TESTSTR(r,KStr,cond); }
#define TESTRES(r,cond) TESTLIT(r,"ERROR",cond)
LOCAL_C TChar MountTestFileSystem(TInt aDrive)
/// Mount a new CTestFileSystem on the drive under test.
/// @param aDrive Drive number (EDriveC etc.) to be used.
TInt r;
// Check attributes
TBuf<64> b;
TChar c;
TESTLIT(r, "DriveToChar", r==KErrNone);
b.Format(_L("Mount test file system on %c:"),(TUint)c);
TESTLIT(r, "AddFileSystem", r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
TESTLIT(r, "FileSystemName", r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
TDriveInfo drv;
r = TheFs.Drive(drv, gRemFsDrv);
TESTLIT(r, "Drive()", r == KErrNone);
gNoMedia = (drv.iType == EMediaUnknown || drv.iType == EMediaNotPresent);
if (gOldFsName.Length() > 0)
r = TheFs.ExtensionName(gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iName, aDrive, 0);
if (r == KErrNone)
gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists = ETrue;
TTest::Printf(_L("Dismount %C: %S"), (TUint)c, &gOldFsName);
TESTLIT(r, "DismountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
if (gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists == EFalse)
TESTLIT(r, "MountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
TESTLIT(r, "FileSystemName", r==KErrNone);
r = gNewFsName.CompareF(KFsName);
TESTLIT(r, "gNewFsName.Compare", r==0);
return c;
LOCAL_C void UnmountFileSystem(TInt aDrive)
/// Dismount the filesystem and remount the original one.
/// @param aDrive Drive number (EDriveC etc.) to be unmounted.
TChar c;
TInt r=TheFs.DriveToChar(aDrive,c);
TESTLIT(r, "DriveToChar", r==KErrNone);
if (gNewFsName.Length() > 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Dismount %C: %S"), (TUint)c, &gNewFsName);
TESTLIT(r, "DismountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
// if there's no media present, don't try to mount it
if (gNoMedia)
TTest::Printf(_L("No media on %C: so don't remount it"), (TUint)c);
else if (gOldFsName.Length() > 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Mount %C: %S"), (TUint)c, &gOldFsName);
if (gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists == EFalse)
TESTLIT(r, "MountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
LOCAL_C TInt TestCalibrate(TChar aDrvCh)
/// Calibrate the timing for writing the data buffers. This also sets up
/// the buffers to the appropriate length (fast file systems such as LFFS
/// and FAT need big buffers, the slow test filesystem needs small ones).
TFileName name;
RFile file;
RFs fs;
TBool fast = (aDrvCh != gRemFsChr);
TInt drive;
TInt r;
name.Format(_L("%C:\\cfstest.txt"), (TUint)aDrvCh);
r=fs.CharToDrive(aDrvCh, drive);
TESTLIT(r, "CharToDrive", r==KErrNone);
TVolumeInfo info;
r = fs.Volume(info, drive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Getting volume info"));
TTest::Printf(_L("Total space on drive %C = %ld (0x%lX)"), (TUint) aDrvCh, info.iSize, info.iSize);
TTest::Printf(_L("Free space on drive %C = %ld (0x%lX)"), (TUint) aDrvCh, info.iFree, info.iFree);
TInt buffsize;
if (fast)
TInt64 bufSize64 = info.iFree / KNumBuf;
buffsize = bufSize64 > KBufLen ? KBufLen : I64LOW(bufSize64);
buffsize = 100;
TTest::Printf(_L("Writing %d buffers of size %d"), KNumBuf, buffsize);
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
gBuff[i].Fill('*', fast ? buffsize : 100);
r = file.Replace(fs, name, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), name.Ptr());
TTime startTime;
TTime endTime;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
r = file.Write(gBuff[i]);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Printf(_L("Error writing file, r %d buffsize %d"), r, buffsize);
return r;
TInt64 dtime = timeTaken.Int64();
gWaitTime = I64LOW(dtime);
if (gWaitTime < KTenthS)
TTest::Printf(_L("Time to complete writes (%d uS) too short"), gWaitTime);
return KErrGeneral;
while (gWaitTime > 50*KSecond && buffsize > 100)
gWaitTime /= 10;
buffsize /= 10;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
gBuff[i].Fill('*', buffsize);
TTest::Printf(_L("Time to complete writes %d mS"), gWaitTime / 1000);
return KErrNone;
void PrintBufStatus()
for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
TTest::Printf(_L("Req %d r %08X\n"), i, gStat[i].Int());
LOCAL_C TInt TestClose(TChar aDrvCh, TBool aCloseFs)
/// Test what happens when a file is closed in the middle of writing it. Note
/// that this assumes that the filesystem under test has been calibrated and
/// the buffers set up already.
/// @return KErrGeneral if an error was detected, KErrNone otherwise
TFileName fsname;
TFileName name;
RFile file;
RFs fs;
TInt drive;
TInt r;
r=TheFs.CharToDrive(aDrvCh, drive);
TESTLIT(r, "CharToDrive", r==KErrNone);
r=fs.FileSystemName(fsname, drive);
TESTLIT(r, "FileSystemName", r==KErrNone);
name.Format(_L("%C:\\cfstest.txt"), (TUint)aDrvCh);
TTest::Printf(_L("Testing %S (%S)"), &name, &fsname);
r = file.Replace(fs, name, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), name.Ptr());
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
file.Write(gBuff[i], gStat[i]);
// wait for around a half of the writes to complete, then close the file
// before the others finish.
// If the media is unexpectedly slow and hasn't written a single buffer, wait a little bit longer
TInt KMaxWaitTime = Max(gWaitTime * 3, KSessionWaitSlow);
TInt totalTimeWaited = 0;
for (TInt waitTime = gWaitTime/2;
totalTimeWaited < KMaxWaitTime && gStat[0].Int() == KRequestPending;
totalTimeWaited+= waitTime, waitTime = gWaitTime / 10)
TTest::Printf(_L("Waiting %d mS"), waitTime / 1000);
TTest::Printf(_L("Wait ended"));
if (aCloseFs)
TTest::Printf(_L("Closing file server session"));
TTest::Printf(_L("Closing file"));
// test what has happened
TInt nFinished = 0;
TInt nCancelled = 0;
TInt nPending = 0;
TBool bad = EFalse;
TRequestStatus tstat;
RTimer timer;
timer.After(tstat, 2 * gWaitTime);
TInt requestsCompleted = 0;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
User::WaitForRequest(tstat, gStat[i]);
if (tstat != KRequestPending)
TTest::Printf(_L("Timer expired"));
r = gStat[i].Int();
switch (r)
case KErrNone:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d finished\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
case KErrCancel:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d cancelled\n"), i);
#if !defined(__WINS__) // under some loads the calibration is wrong by now and no writes have finished yet
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
case KRequestPending:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d pending\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
#if !defined(__WINS__) // timing issue as above
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("incorrect status for write %d"), i);
while (i < KNumBuf)
r = gStat[i].Int();
switch (r)
case KErrNone:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d finished\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
case KErrCancel:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d cancelled\n"), i);
#if !defined(__WINS__) // under some loads the calibration is wrong by now and no writes have finished yet
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
case KRequestPending:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d pending\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
#if !defined(__WINS__) // timing issue as above
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("incorrect status for write %d"), i);
if (!aCloseFs)
// If we HAVEN'T closed the file server session, we must wait for all the remaining
// requests, including the timer.
TTest::Printf(_L("Waiting for %d uncompleted requests\n"), KNumBuf + 1 - requestsCompleted);
for (i = requestsCompleted ; i < KNumBuf + 1 ; ++i)
// If we have closed the session, then we need to work out if the timer went off (by
// checking if there are any writes still pending) and if not then we need to wait for it.
if (nPending == 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Waiting for timer to complete\n"));
if (aCloseFs)
TEntry entry;
r = fs.Entry(name, entry);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Entry(%S)"), &name);
TInt nWritten = entry.iSize / gBuff[0].Length();
TTest::Printf(_L("Created file %d bytes, %d complete buffers written"),
entry.iSize, nWritten);
if (nCancelled < 2)
// At present, undefined whether cancelled or left pending
// TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Not enough buffers (%d) cancelled"), nCancelled);
if (nPending > 0)
// At present, undefined whether cancelled or left pending
// TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Too many buffers (%d) still pending"), nPending);
// Get the TFileCacheFlags for this drive
TVolumeInfo volInfo; // volume info for current drive
r = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, drive);
test.Printf(_L("DriveCacheFlags = %08X\n"), volInfo.iFileCacheFlags);
// There's no point testing the numbers of buffers written if write caching enabled, as
// in this case, the write requests are completed successfully before the data is written to disk
if ((volInfo.iFileCacheFlags & EFileCacheWriteOn) && aCloseFs)
test.Printf(_L("%d write requests completed, %d of %d buffers written to disk\n"), nFinished, nWritten, KNumBuf);
test.Printf(_L("Skipping test for buffers written as write caching enabled and FS session destroyed\n"));
#if !defined(__WINS__) // timing issue as above
if (nWritten < 2)
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Not enough buffers (%d) written"), nFinished);
if (nWritten < nFinished)
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Only %d buffers written, should be %d"), nWritten, nFinished);
if (bad)
TTest::Printf(_L("Test %c: FAILED\n"), name[0]);
TTest::Printf(_L("Test %c: OK\n"), name[0]);
return (bad ? KErrGeneral : KErrNone);
LOCAL_C TInt TestCloseOperation()
/// Task to exercise the remote (special) filesystem.
TSoakRemote rem(gDrvCh1);
TInt r = KErrNone;
TBool ok = ETrue;
test.Next(_L("Mount as synchronous"));
r = TestCalibrate(gDrvCh1);
if (r == KErrNone)
test.Next(_L("Test SubSession synchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, EFalse);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("Test Session synchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, ETrue);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("Mount as asynchronous"));
r = TestCalibrate(gDrvCh1);
if (r == KErrNone)
test.Next(_L("Test SubSession asynchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, EFalse);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("Test Session asynchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, ETrue);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
return (ok ? KErrNone : KErrGeneral);
LOCAL_C TInt parseCmd(TInt aArgC, TPtrC aArgV[], TChar& dr0, TChar& dr1, TChar& dr2)
/// Get drive characters from the command line.
if (aArgC > 1)
dr0 = User::UpperCase(aArgV[1][0]);
if (aArgC > 2)
dr1 = User::UpperCase(aArgV[2][0]);
if (aArgC > 3)
dr2 = User::UpperCase(aArgV[3][0]);
if (dr1 < 'A' || dr1 > 'Z')
dr1 = dr0;
return KErrNone;
GLDEF_C void CallTestsL()
/// Do all tests.
//-- set up console output
for (TInt i = 0; i < KMaxDrives; i++)
gPrimaryExtensions[i].iExists = EFalse;
// first thing, initialise local test class to make sure it gets done.
TInt r = TTest::Init();
test(r == KErrNone);
const TInt KMaxArgs = 4;
TPtrC argv[KMaxArgs];
TInt argc = TTest::ParseCommandArguments(argv, KMaxArgs);
gDrvCh0 = TTest::DefaultDriveChar();
r = parseCmd(argc, argv, gDrvCh0, gDrvCh1, gDrvCh2);
if (r != KErrNone)
gRemFsChr = gDrvCh0;
r = TheFs.CharToDrive(gRemFsChr, gRemFsDrv);
test(r == KErrNone);
PrintDrvInfo(TheFs, gRemFsDrv);
if (r != KErrNone || gRemFsDrv == EDriveZ)
test.Printf(_L("Test cannnot run on drive %C:\n"), (TUint)gRemFsChr);
TDriveInfo drv;
r = TheFs.Drive(drv, gRemFsDrv);
test(r == KErrNone);
if(Is_Automounter(TheFs, gRemFsDrv))
//-- this test tries to mount the curent drive as a synchronous one,
//-- automounter can't work on synchronous drives.
test.Printf(_L("This test can't be performed on AutoMounter FS, Skipping.\n"));
// if it's a RAM drive or no media present, use the slow FS
if (drv.iType == EMediaRam)
test.Printf(_L("Test can't run on RAM drive %C:\n"), (TUint)gRemFsChr);
if (drv.iType == EMediaUnknown || drv.iType == EMediaNotPresent)
// Mount test filesystem on that drive
test.Printf(_L("Using slow filesystem on drive %C:\n"), (TUint)gRemFsChr);
else if (argc > 2)
// two parameters, mount the test filesystem on the first
// Use the existing filesystem on the drive
gRemFsChr = 0;
// If we can do it, check whether the drive is LFFS and is OK
// !!! Disable platform security tests until we get the new APIs
// if (User::Capability() & KCapabilityRoot)
// CheckMountLFFS(TheFs, gDrvCh1);
//!!!!! Warning: MountTestFileSystem() and UnmountFileSystem() code is lousy! it always mounts back the drive as SYNCHRONOUS.
//!!!!! anyway, this code seems not to be called, because of "else if (argc > 2)"
// Do tests
r = TestCloseOperation();
// restore the original mounted drive if anything changed
test(r == KErrNone);