author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# \f32test\loader\dlltree.txt
# Description file for trees of DLLs and EXEs used for loader testing.
# Tree with no data

Tree0				:	Tree1 Tree2
Tree1				:	Tree3 Tree4
Tree2				:	Tree5 Tree6

# Tree with data

DTree0		D		:	DTree1 DTree2
DTree1		D		:	DTree3 DTree4
DTree2		D		:	DTree5 DTree6
DTree3		D
DTree4		D
DTree5		D
DTree6		D

# Tree with some data

PDTree0				:	Tree2 DTree2

# Lattice with no data

Lat0				:	Lat1 Lat2
Lat1				:	Lat3
Lat2				:	Lat3

# Lattice with data

DLat0		D		:	DLat1 DLat2
DLat1		D		:	DLat3
DLat2		D		:	DLat3
DLat3		D

# Lattice with some data

PDLat0				:	PDLat1 Lat2
PDLat1		D		:	Lat3

# Cycle with no data

Cyc0				:	Cyc1
Cyc1				:	Cyc2
Cyc2				:	Cyc0

# Cycle with data

DCyc0		D		:	DCyc1
DCyc1		D		:	DCyc2
DCyc2		D		:	DCyc0

# Cycle with some data

PDCyc0				:	PDCyc1
PDCyc1		D		:	PDCyc2
PDCyc2				:	PDCyc0

# Cycle with spurs, no data

CycS0				:	CycS1
CycS1				:	CycS2 Lat0
CycS2				:	CycS0

# Cycle with spurs, data

DCycS0		D		:	DCycS1
DCycS1		D		:	DCycS2 DLat0
DCycS2		D		:	DCycS0

# Cycle with spurs, some data

PDCycS0				:	PDCycS1
PDCycS1				:	PDCycS2 PDLat0
PDCycS2		D		:	PDCycS0

# EXEs

Exe0		X
Exe1		X F
Exe2		X R
Exe3		X R F
Exe4		X D
Exe5		X F D
Exe6		X R D
Exe7		X R F D

# EXE with link to DLL

Exe8		X		: PDLat0
Exe9		X F		: PDLat0
Exe10		X R		: X10Dep0
Exe11		X R F	: X11Dep0
Exe12		X		: Rom6

X10Dep0		R,Exe10 D
X11Dep0		R,Exe11 D


Rom5		R D		: Rom6 Rom3
Rom7		R D
Rom6		R D		: Rom7 Rom8
Rom8		R D
Rom0		R
Rom1		R D
Rom2		R D		: Rom1
Rom3		R D		: Rom1 Rom2
Rom4		R		: Rom1
RomCyc0		R D		: RomCyc1
RomCyc1		R D		: RomCyc2
RomCyc2		R D		: RomCyc0
RomCycS0	R 		: RomCycS1
RomCycS1	R 		: RomCycS2 Rom3
RomCycS2	R D		: RomCycS0

# RAM linking to ROM

RamRom0				: Rom1
RamRom1				: Lx5
RamRom2				: Lx3
RamRom3				: Lx4

# Link to EXE

Lx0					: Exe8
Lx1					: Exe10
Lx2					: Exe11
Lx3			R		: Exe10
Lx4			R		: Exe11
Lx5			R		: Exe7

# ---- Code paging tests ----

# paged binaries must be copied to removable media because the block map API
# does not support paging from ROM.

# bytepair with paged, unpaged subsets

GTreeA		I		: GBTree1 GBNTree2 GBPTree3
GBTree1		I B
GBNTree2	I B N
GBPTree3	I B P

# uncompressed with paged, unpaged subsets
# GUPNITree4 must be copied to writable media because toolchain should not set both flags

GTreeB		I 		: GUTree1 GUNTree2 GUPTree3
GUTree1		I U
GUNTree2	I U N
GUPTree3	I U P

# deflate compressed with non-empty paged, unpaged subsets
# must copy to writable media because toolchain only supports paging flags with bytepair or uncompressed

GTreeC		I		: GTree1 GNTree2 GPTree3
GTree1		I
GNTree2		I N
GPTree3		I P

# paged and unpaged together are corrupt if they have to be acted on


# paged but loaded from nonpageable media


# mixed paged / unpaged lattice

GLat0		B P I T		: DTree1
GLat1		B P I D	T	: Tree2
GLat2		N T			: GLat1 GLat0
GLat3		N T			: GLat1 GLat0 GLat2
GLat4		B P I D	T	: GLat1 GLat2 GLat3

# paged / unpaged executables

GBPExe		X B P I T		:	GLat4
GBPDExe		X B P I D T		:	GLat4
GBPFExe		X B P I F T		:	GLat4
GBPDFExe	X B P I D F T	:	GLat4
GBNExe		X B N I	T		:	GLat4
GBNFExe		X B N I F T		:	GLat4

# ---- Data paging tests ----

# just add some data paged executables so loading gets OOM tested

DataPagedExe1	X PD T
DataPagedExe2	X PD D T


ExeLoad:	Tree0		DTree0		PDTree0		\
			Lat0		DLat0		PDLat0		\
			Cyc0		DCyc0		PDCyc0		\
			CycS0		DCycS0		PDCycS0		\
			Rom4		RomCyc0		RomCycS0	\
			RamRom1		GTreeA		GTreeB		\
			GTreeC		GLat4

DllOOM:		Tree0		DTree0		PDTree0		\
			Lat0		DLat0		PDLat0		\
			Cyc0		DCyc0		PDCyc0		\
			CycS0		DCycS0		PDCycS0		\
			Rom4		RomCyc0		RomCycS0	\
			RamRom1		GTreeA		GTreeB		\
			GTreeC		GLat4		GBPVTree

MultLoad:														\
			Exe0		RomCyc0		Tree0		Tree0			\
			Exe2		RomCyc0		Tree0		Tree0			\
			Exe3		RomCyc0		Tree0		Tree0			\
			Exe3		DCycS0		Tree0		Tree0			\
			Exe8		PDCycS0		Tree0		Tree0			\
			Exe3		DCycS0		Tree0		Tree0			\
			Exe8		DCycS0		Exe8		PDCycS0			\
			Exe7		DCycS0		Exe3		DCycS0			\
			Exe3		DLat0		Exe8		DCycS0			\
			Tree0		Tree0		Exe3		DCycS0			\
			Tree0		Tree0		Exe3		DLat0

MultLoadTargetOnly:												\
			GBPExe		GLat2		GBPExe		GLat4			\
			GBPExe		GLat4		GLat3		GLat2