author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__

#include <e32test.h>
#include <HAL.H>
#include <f32fsys.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include "..\server\t_server.h"
#include "fat_utils.h"

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
using namespace Fat_Test_Utils;
static RRawDisk TheDisk;
static TFatBootSector gBootSector;

#define MakeFile_CPTest(filename)											\
	{																		\
	test.Printf(_L("MakeFile(%S)	at	LINE:%d\n"),&filename,__LINE__);	\
	MakeFile(filename);														\

void QuickFormat()
    FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), ETrue);

void ReadBootSector(TFatBootSector& aBootSector)
    TInt nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), KBootSectorNum<<KDefaultSectorLog2, aBootSector);
    test(nRes == KErrNone);

        test.Printf(_L("Wrong bootsector! Dump:\n"));

void GetBootInfo()

void doDirNameTest(const TDesC& aLongName, const TDesC& aShortName)
	TBuf<KMaxFileName> longDirNamePath;
	TBuf<KMaxFileName> shortDirNamePath;
	TBuf<KMaxFileName> longName;
	TBuf<KMaxFileName> shortName;
	longDirNamePath = gSessionPath;
	longDirNamePath += aLongName;

	// Create new directory and check creation
	TInt r = TheFs.MkDir(longDirNamePath);
	TUint dumUint=0;
	CDir* dumDir;
	r= TheFs.GetDir(longDirNamePath, dumUint, dumUint, dumDir);
	delete dumDir;

	// Check short name
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(longDirNamePath, shortName);
	r = shortName.Compare(aShortName);
	// Check long name
	shortDirNamePath = gSessionPath;
	shortDirNamePath += shortName;
	r = TheFs.GetLongName(shortDirNamePath, longName);
	r = longName.Compare(aLongName);

	r = TheFs.RmDir(longDirNamePath);

void doFileNameTest(const TDesC& aLongName, const TDesC& aShortName)
	TFileName lgnFullPath;
	TFileName shnFullPath;
	TFileName lgn;
	TFileName shn;

	TInt r = TheFs.SessionPath(gSessionPath);
	lgnFullPath = gSessionPath;
	lgnFullPath += aLongName;
	// Check short name	
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(lgnFullPath, shn);
	r = shn.Compare(aShortName);

	// Check long name	
	shnFullPath = gSessionPath;
	shnFullPath += aShortName;

	r = TheFs.GetLongName(shnFullPath, lgn);
	r = lgn.Compare(aLongName);

	r = TheFs.Delete(lgnFullPath);


//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0407
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             DEF101875
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test volume label setting with Unicode characters
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Changes locale to load testing codepage dll, check returning error code
//!                     2. Sets volume label with Unicode (less than 11 bytes long), test setting 
//!                        success, gets volume label and compares it with the original Unicode string;
//!                     3. Sets volume label with a Unicode string contains less than 11 characters 
//!                        but occupies bigger than 11 bytes, checks the returning error code;
//!                     4. Compares the volume label with the Unicode string used in action 2
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!                     1. KErrNone should be returned;
//!                     2. The comparison should return 0;
//!                     3. KErrBadName should be returned;
//!                     4. The comparison should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestUnicodeVolumeLabel()
	test.Next(_L("Test unicode volume labels"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	TInt r = TheFs.SessionPath(gSessionPath);
	TInt driveNum;
	r = TheFs.CharToDrive(gSessionPath[0], driveNum);

	// Retrieves the original volume label
	TVolumeInfo vInfo;
	r = TheFs.Volume(vInfo, driveNum);
	const TInt KVolumeLabelSize = 11;
	TBuf<KVolumeLabelSize> originalVolumeLabel(vInfo.iName);

	// Tests setting volume label with unicode characters
	_LIT(KUnicodeVolumeLabel, 		"\x65B0\x65B0\x65B0");

	r = TheFs.SetVolumeLabel(KUnicodeVolumeLabel, driveNum);
	r = TheFs.Volume(vInfo, driveNum);
	r = vInfo.iName.Compare(KUnicodeVolumeLabel);

	// Tests setting volume label with unicode characters that bigger than 11 bytes
	_LIT(KVolumeLabelOverflow,		"\x65B0\x65B0\x65B0\x65B0\x65B0\x65B0");
	r = TheFs.SetVolumeLabel(KVolumeLabelOverflow, driveNum);

	// Sets back the original volume label
	r = TheFs.SetVolumeLabel(originalVolumeLabel, driveNum);
	r = TheFs.Volume(vInfo, driveNum);
	r = vInfo.iName.Compare(originalVolumeLabel);
	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0408
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             DEF101875
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test the "8 bytes" boundary of short name length, 
//!                     which is defined in FAT Specification.
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates files and directories with different Unicode strings that 
//!                        have different combinations of length (of characters) and size (of 
//!                        bytes occupied), check for error of creation.
//!                     2. Gets their short name, compares with expected values, gets their long 
//!                        name, compares with original Unicode strings.
//!                        The strings and short name tested are as below:
//!                        2.1. original string: "Abc"
//!                             expected short name: "ABC";
//!                        2.2. original string: "\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6"
//!                             expected short name: "\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6";
//!                        2.3. original string: "\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6(01)"
//!                             expected short name: "\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~1";
//!                        2.4. original string: "Abcdefghi"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCDEF~1";
//!                        2.5. original string: "\x65B0(Abcdefgh)"
//!                             expected short name: "\x65B0(ABC~1";
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						1. File should be created with no error;
//!                     2. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestShortNameBoundary()
	test.Next(_L("8 bytes' name boundary tests"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	// File names will be used for testing boundaries
	_LIT(KTestFileName3C3B, 		"Abc");						// 3 characters, 3 bytes long
	_LIT(KTestFileName3C3B_short,	"ABC");						// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName4C8B, 		"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6");// 4 characters, 8 bytes long
	_LIT(KTestFileName4C8B_short,	"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6");// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName7C10B, 		"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6(01)");	// 7 characters, 10 bytes long
	_LIT(KTestFileName7C10B_short, 	"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~1");	// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C9B, 		"Abcdefghi");				// 9 characters, 9 bytes long
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C9B_short, 	"ABCDEF~1");				// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B, 		"\x65B0(Abcdefgh)");		// 9 characters, 10 bytes long
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B_short, 	"\x65B0(ABC~1");			// Expected short name

	// Test file creation and long/short name generation
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName3C3B, 		KTestFileName3C3B_short); 
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName4C8B, 		KTestFileName4C8B_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName7C10B, 		KTestFileName7C10B_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName9C9B, 		KTestFileName9C9B_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B, 		KTestFileName9C10B_short);

	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName3C3B, 		KTestFileName3C3B_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName4C8B, 		KTestFileName4C8B_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName7C10B, 		KTestFileName7C10B_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName9C9B, 		KTestFileName9C9B_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B, 		KTestFileName9C10B_short);

	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0794
//!	@SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test the extensions of the short names generated are consistent for file names
//!                     consisting of UNICODE characters. In a shortname, if the character at the third location (in 8.3 format)
//!						is a head byte of a UNICODE character then it should be ignored.
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates files and directories with different Unicode strings that 
//!                        have different combinations of extension length (of characters) and size (of 
//!                        bytes occupied), check for error of creation.
//!                     2. Gets their short name, compares with expected values, gets their long 
//!                        name, compares with original Unicode strings.
//!                        The strings and short name tested are as below:
//!                        2.1. original string: "abcdef.\x65B0"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCDEF.\x65B0";
//!                        2.2. original string: "abcdef.t\x65B0"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCDEF.T\x65B0";
//!                        2.3. original string: "abcdef.\x65B0t"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCDEF.\x65B0T";
//!                        2.4. original string: "abcdefg.\x65B0\x65B0"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCDEF~1.\x65B0";
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						1. File should be created with no error;
//!                     2. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented

void TestConsistentShortNameExtGeneration()
	test.Next(_L("Test consistent short name extensions are generated"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
	// File names will be used for testing boundaries
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt1C2B, 			"abcdefg.\x65B0");		// 1 characters, 2 bytes long ;only one Unicode character in the extension
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt1C2B_short,	"ABCDEFG.\x65B0");		//Expected short name					
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt2C3B2U, 		"abcdefg.t\x65B0");		// 2 characters, 3 bytes long ;Unicode character at the 2nd location of the extension
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt2C3B2U_short, 	"ABCDEFG.T\x65B0");		//Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt2C3B1U, 		"abcdefg.\x65B0t");		// 2 characters, 3 bytes long ;Unicode character at the 1st location of the extension
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt2C3B1U_short,	"ABCDEFG.\x65B0T");		//Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt2C4B, 			"abcdefg.\x65B0\x65B0");// 2 characters, 4 bytes long ;both are Unicode characters in the extension
	_LIT(KTestFileNameExt2C4B_short,	"ABCDEF~1.\x65B0");		//Expected short name				

	// Test file creation and long/short name generation
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileNameExt1C2B, 	KTestFileNameExt1C2B_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileNameExt2C3B2U, 	KTestFileNameExt2C3B2U_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileNameExt2C3B1U, 	KTestFileNameExt2C3B1U_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileNameExt2C4B, 	KTestFileNameExt2C4B_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileNameExt1C2B, 	KTestFileNameExt1C2B_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileNameExt2C3B2U, 	KTestFileNameExt2C3B2U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileNameExt2C3B1U, 	KTestFileNameExt2C3B1U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileNameExt2C4B, 	KTestFileNameExt2C4B_short);
	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID		PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0795
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test whether the short names generated for file names
//!                     consisting of UNICODE characters are consistent or not. In a shortname, if the character immediately
//!						preceding the tilde(~) is a head byte of a UNICODE character then it should be ignored.
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates files and directories with different Unicode strings that 
//!                        have different combinations of length (of characters) and size (of 
//!                        bytes occupied), check for error of creation.
//!                     2. Gets their short name, compares with expected values, gets their long 
//!                        name, compares with original Unicode strings.
//!                        The strings and short name tested are as below:
//!                        2.1. original string: "a\x65B0(bcd)"
//!                             expected short name: "A\x65B0(BCD)";
//!                        2.2. original string: "ab\x65B0(cdef)"
//!                             expected short name: "AB\x65B0(C~1")";
//!                        2.3. original string: "abc\x65B0(def)"
//!                             expected short name: "ABC\x65B0(~1";
//!                        2.4. original string: "abcd\x65B0(ef)"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCD\x65B0~1";
//!                        2.5. original string: "abcde\x65B0(f)"
//!                             expected short name: "ABCDE~1";
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						1. File should be created with no error;
//!                     2. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestConsistentShortNameGeneration()
	test.Next(_L("Test consistent short name generation"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	//unicode characters.
	_LIT(KTestFileName7C8B2U, 		"a\x65B0(bcd)");			// 7 characters, 8 bytes long ,Unicode character at the 2nd location.
	_LIT(KTestFileName7C8B2U_short, "A\x65B0(BCD)");			// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B3U, 		"ab\x65B0(cdef)");			// 9 characters, 10 bytes long ,Unicode character at the 3rd location.
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B3U_short,"AB\x65B0(C~1");			// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B4U, 		"abc\x65B0(def)");			// 9 characters, 10 bytes long ,Unicode character at the 4th location.
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B4U_short,"ABC\x65B0(~1");			// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B5U, 		"abcd\x65B0(ef)");			// 9 characters, 10 bytes long ,Unicode character at the 6th location.
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B5U_short,"ABCD\x65B0~1");			// Expected short name
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B6U, 		"abcde\x65B0(f)");			// 9 characters, 10 bytes long ,repeat Unicode character at the 6th location.
	_LIT(KTestFileName9C10B6U_short,"ABCDE~1");					// Expected short name
	// Test file creation and long/short name generation
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName7C8B2U, 		KTestFileName7C8B2U_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B3U, 		KTestFileName9C10B3U_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B4U, 		KTestFileName9C10B4U_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B5U, 		KTestFileName9C10B5U_short);
	doFileNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B6U, 		KTestFileName9C10B6U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName7C8B2U, 			KTestFileName7C8B2U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B3U, 		KTestFileName9C10B3U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B4U, 		KTestFileName9C10B4U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B5U, 		KTestFileName9C10B5U_short);
	doDirNameTest(KTestFileName9C10B6U, 		KTestFileName9C10B6U_short);
	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0409
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             DEF101875 INC100580
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test creation of files with their Unicode names are 
//!                     duplicate to existing files.
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates a file with its name contains 4 Unicode characters but occupies 
//!                        8 bytes ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6"), check for creation;
//!                     2. Creates a file with 11 bytes' long Unicode name and first 8 bytes are 
//!                        identical with the file created in Action 1 ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(A)"), 
//!                        check for file creation;
//!                     3. Gets the short name of the file created in Action 2, compares it with 
//!                        expected short name ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~1"), gets the long name of this 
//!                        file and compares it with its original Unicode name;
//!                     4. Creates a file with 12 bytes' long Unicode name and first 8 bytes are 
//!                        identical with the file created in Action 1 and Action 2 
//!                        ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(AB)"), check for file creation;
//!                     5. Gets the short name of the file created in Action 4, compares it with 
//!                        expected values ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~2"), gets the long name of this file 
//!                        and compares it with its original Unicode name;
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						1. File creation should return KErrNone;
//!                     2. File creation should return KErrNone;
//!                     3. Comparisons should return 0;
//!                     4. File creation should return KErrNone;
//!                     5. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestDuplicateLongFileNames()
	test.Next(_L("Testing tilde and numbers (\"~n\") are applied correctly for multiple long-named files"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	// These are to test "~1", "~2" behaviours when the first 8 bytes of new files
	//  are identical with existing files
	_LIT(KTestFileName4C8B, 			"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6.TXT");
	_LIT(KTestFileName7C11B, 			"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(A).TXT");	
	_LIT(KTestFileName7C11B_short, 		"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~1.TXT");
	_LIT(KTestFileName8C12B, 			"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(AB).TXT");	
	_LIT(KTestFileName8C12B_short, 		"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~2.TXT");	

	// 1. Test duplicate long file names
	TFileName sn;
	TInt r;	
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(KTestFileName7C11B, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KTestFileName7C11B_short);

	r = TheFs.GetShortName(KTestFileName8C12B, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KTestFileName8C12B_short);

	r = TheFs.Delete(KTestFileName4C8B);
	r = TheFs.Delete(KTestFileName7C11B);
	r = TheFs.Delete(KTestFileName8C12B);

	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0410
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             DEF101875 INC100580
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test creation of directories with their Unicode names are 
//!                     duplicate to existing directories .
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates a directories  with its name contains 4 Unicode characters but occupies 
//!                        8 bytes ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6"), check for creation;
//!                     2. Creates a directories  with 11 bytes' long Unicode name and first 8 bytes are 
//!                        identical with the directories created in Action 1 ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(A)"), 
//!                        check for file creation;
//!                     3. Gets the short name of the directories created in Action 2, compares it with 
//!                        expected short name ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~1"), gets the long name of this 
//!                        directories and compares it with its original Unicode name;
//!                     4. Creates a directories with 12 bytes' long Unicode name and first 8 bytes are 
//!                        identical with the directories created in Action 1 and Action 2 
//!                        ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(AB)"), check for directories creation;
//!                     5. Gets the short name of the directories created in Action 4, compares it with 
//!                        expected values ("\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~2"), gets the long name of this directories 
//!                        and compares it with its original Unicode name;
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						1. Dir creation should return KErrNone;
//!                     2. Dir creation should return KErrNone;
//!                     3. Comparisons should return 0;
//!                     4. Dir creation should return KErrNone;
//!                     5. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestDuplicateLongDirNames()
	test.Next(_L("Testing tilde and number appended correctly for duplicate long name dirs"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	// These are to test "~1", "~2" behaviours when the first 8 bytes of new directories
	//  are identical with existing directories
	_LIT(KTestDirName4C8B, 				"\\F32-TST\\T_CODEPAGE_PLUGIN\\\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6\\");
	_LIT(KTestDirName7C11B, 			"\\F32-TST\\T_CODEPAGE_PLUGIN\\\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(A)\\");	
	_LIT(KTestDirName7C11B_short, 		"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~1");	
	_LIT(KTestDirName8C12B, 			"\\F32-TST\\T_CODEPAGE_PLUGIN\\\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6\x4EF6(AB)\\");	
	_LIT(KTestDirName8C12B_short, 		"\x65B0\x6587\x4EF6~2");	

	// Create 1st file with 8 bytes long/short name
	TInt r;
	TFileName sn;
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(KTestDirName7C11B, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KTestDirName7C11B_short);

	r = TheFs.GetShortName(KTestDirName8C12B, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KTestDirName8C12B_short);

	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-0791
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             DEF117345
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test short name with 'E5' as the leading byte is correctly 
//!						handled on FAT implementations 
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates a file with unicode long name "\x88F9.TXT", it will be converted into
//!							"\xE5E5.TXT" according to codepage 932 when creating short name.
//!                     2. Gets the short name and compare it with its original unicode "\x88F9.TXT", make
//!							sure the conversion "\xE5E5.TXT" has been handled correctly  
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!                     1. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestLeadingE5Handling()
	test.Next(_L("Test Leading \'E5\' byte handling (DEF117345)"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	_LIT(KTestFilePathAndName,		"\\F32-TST\\T_CODEPAGE_PLUGIN\\\x88F9.TXT");
	_LIT(KTestFileShortName, 		"\x88F9.TXT");

	TInt r;
	TFileName sn;
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(KTestFilePathAndName, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KTestFileShortName);

	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE
//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-2320
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             PDEF130334
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test creating a file with "\u3005" name correctly 
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Creates a file with unicode long name "\u3005.TXT"
//!                     2. Gets the short name and compare it with its original unicode "\u3005.TXT"
//!						3. Gets the long name and compare it with its original unicode "\u3005.TXT"
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!                     1. Comparisons should return 0;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestDEF130334()
	test.Next(_L("Test creating a file with \\x3005 name correctly (DEF128521)"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	_LIT(KTestFilePathAndName,		"\\F32-TST\\T_CODEPAGE_PLUGIN\\\x3005.TXT");
	_LIT(KTestFileName, 		"\x3005.TXT");

	TInt r;
	TFileName sn;
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(KTestFilePathAndName, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KTestFileName);
	TFileName ln;
	r = TheFs.GetLongName(KTestFilePathAndName, ln);
	r = ln.Compare(KTestFileName);

	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-1359
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             INC125768
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test the compatibility of file opening, to make sure files
//!						with only one DOS entry which contains unicode short name is accessible on Symbian OS
//!						from version 9.3 onwards.
//! @SYMTestActions     Manually creates a single entried, unicode named file under root direcotry, then
//!							access it via RFs::Entry() API using its uniocde name. Check the entry is accessible.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						RFs::Entry() should return with KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestCompatibility()
	test.Next(_L("test file opening compatibility"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	RFile file;
	TFileName fn = _L("\\ABCD");
	TInt r=file.Create(TheFs,fn,EFileRead);

	//	Assume this file is the first entry in the root directory
    //-- read the 1st dir entry, it should be a DOS entry 
    const TInt posEntry1=gBootSector.RootDirStartSector() << KDefaultSectorLog2; //-- dir entry1 position
    TFatDirEntry fatEntry1;
	TPtr8 ptrEntry1((TUint8*)&fatEntry1,sizeof(TFatDirEntry));
    test(TheDisk.Read(posEntry1, ptrEntry1)==KErrNone); 

    // Manually modify the short name into unicode characters
    // 	Unicode: 	0x(798F 5C71 96C5 6CBB)
    //	Shift-JIS: 	0x(959F 8E52 89EB 8EA1)

    TBuf8<8> unicodeSN = _L8("ABCD1234");
    unicodeSN[0] = 0x95;
    unicodeSN[1] = 0x9F;
    unicodeSN[2] = 0x8E;
    unicodeSN[3] = 0x52;
    unicodeSN[4] = 0x89;
    unicodeSN[5] = 0xEB;
    unicodeSN[6] = 0x8E;
    unicodeSN[7] = 0xA1;
    test(TheDisk.Write(posEntry1, ptrEntry1)==KErrNone);

	fn = _L("\\ABCD");
	fn[1] = 0x798F;
	fn[2] = 0x5C71;
	fn[3] = 0x96C5;
	fn[4] = 0x6CBB;
	TEntry entry;
	TInt err = TheFs.Entry(fn, entry);
	err = TheFs.Delete(fn);
	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-1395
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             INC126563
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test the definition of valid DOS characters on Symbian 
//!						FAT/FAT32 complies with FAT Spec.
//! @SYMTestActions     Manually creates a file with "0x7F" characters in its name, then check it can
//!						ben accessed successfully.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						RFs::Entry() should return with KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestINC126563()
	test.Next(_L("Test INC126563: FAT/FAT32: unable to open or delete file whose name contains illegal characters"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)

	RFile file;
	TFileName fn = _L("\\AB");
	test.Next(_L("create file \"AB\" under root directory"));
	TInt r=file.Create(TheFs,fn,EFileRead);

	test.Next(_L("manually change file name to \"0x7F0x450x7F0x45\" via raw disk accessing"));
	//	Assume this file is the first entry in the root directory
    //-- read the first dir entry, it should be a DOS entry 
    const TInt posEntry1=gBootSector.RootDirStartSector() << KDefaultSectorLog2; //-- dir entry1 position
    TFatDirEntry fatEntry1;
	TPtr8 ptrEntry1((TUint8*)&fatEntry1,sizeof(TFatDirEntry));
    test(TheDisk.Read(posEntry1, ptrEntry1)==KErrNone); 

    TBuf8<8> unicodeSN = _L8("ABCD");
    unicodeSN[0] = 0x7F;
    unicodeSN[1] = 0x45;
    unicodeSN[2] = 0x7F;
    unicodeSN[3] = 0x45;
    test(TheDisk.Write(posEntry1, ptrEntry1)==KErrNone);

 	test.Next(_L("access entries under root directory via RDir::Open()"));
	RDir dir;
	r = dir.Open(TheFs, _L("\\"), KEntryAttNormal);
	test(KErrNone == r);
	TEntryArray entryArray;
	r = dir.Read(entryArray);
	TBuf<0x10> name;
	TEntry entry;
	entry = entryArray[0];
	test.Printf(_L("entryArray[0] = \"%S\"\n"), &entry.iName);
	name = entry.iName;
	TFileName fullname= _L("\\");
	test.Next(_L("try to open or delete file entries retrieved"));
	r = file.Open(TheFs, fullname, EFileRead);
	test(KErrNone == r);
	r = TheFs.Delete(fullname);
	test(KErrNone == r);
	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-t_fatcharsetconv-1402
//! @SYMTestType        CIT
//! @SYMDEF             INC127905
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    This test case is to test RFs::ScanDrive() does not incorrectly remove files
//!						with unicode short file names.
//! @SYMTestActions     Creates a file with unicode file names then check if the file is still accessible
//!						after scandrive operations.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//!						RFs::Delete() should return with KErrNone;
//! @SYMTestPriority    High
//! @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
void TestINC127905()
	test.Next(_L("Test INC127905: Unicode name file deleted after Scandrive"));
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
	TFileName fn = _L("ABCDE");
	fn[0] = 0x3055;
	fn[1] = 0x307E;
	fn[2] = 0x3056;
	fn[3] = 0x307E;
	fn[4] = 0x306A;

	TInt r;
	_LIT(KShortName, "\x3055\x307E\x3056~1");
	TFileName sn;
	r = TheFs.GetShortName(fn, sn);
	r = sn.Compare(KShortName);
	r = TheFs.ScanDrive(_L("gSessionPath"));

	r = TheFs.Delete(fn);
	test(r == KErrNone);
	test.Printf(_L("Test only runs on DEBUG builds, see test logs of debug builds for details."));
#endif  // _DEBUG) || _DEBUG_RELEASE