Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfat\fat_config.inl
// FAT fsy configurator
//!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it
Meaning of this parameter:
if not 0, ScanDrive will not run on finalised FAT volume, i.e. that has "CleanShutdown" flag set in FAT[1] by
proper finalisation.
See CFatMountCB::ScanDrive().
TBool TFatConfig::ScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume() const
return iScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume;
Meaning of this parameter:
if not 0, enables asynchronous mounting of the FAT32 volumes.
In particular background FAT32 scan for free clusters. See CAtaFatTable::CountFreeClustersL().
TBool TFatConfig::FAT32_AsynchMount() const
return iFAT32_AsynchMount;
Meaning of this parameter:
if not 0, enables using FSInfo sector data during FAT32 volumes mounting to determine number of free clusters etc.
TBool TFatConfig::FAT32_UseFSInfoOnMount() const
return iFAT32_UseFSInfoOnMount;
Meaning of this parameter:
if not 0, enables using FAT32 bit supercache that makes free FAT entries lookup faster
TBool TFatConfig::FAT32_UseBitSupercache() const
return iFAT32_UseBitSupercache;
Meaning of this parameter:
Overall FAT directory cache size in bytes
TUint32 TFatConfig::DirCacheSize() const
return iDirCacheSizeKB * K1KiloByte;
Meaning of this parameter:
Log2 of the maximal size of the dir. cache page in bytes. (Minimal size will be current cluster size)
TUint32 TFatConfig::DirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2() const
return iDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2;
Get FAT16 fixed cache parameters
@param aRdGrLog2 Log2(read granularity)
@param aWrGrLog2 Log2(write granularity)
void TFatConfig::Fat16FixedCacheParams(TUint32& aRdGrLog2, TUint32& aWrGrLog2) const
aRdGrLog2 = iFat16FixedCacheReadGrLog2;
aWrGrLog2 = iFat16FixedCacheWriteGrLog2;
Get FAT32 LRU cache parameters
@param aRdGrLog2 Log2(read granularity)
@param aWrGrLog2 Log2(write granularity)
@param aCacheSize maximal cache size, bytes
void TFatConfig::Fat32LruCacheParams(TUint32& aRdGrLog2, TUint32& aWrGrLog2, TUint32& aCacheSize) const
aRdGrLog2 = iFat32LRUCacheReadGrLog2;
aWrGrLog2 = iFat32LRUCacheWriteGrLog2;
aCacheSize = iFat32LRUCacheSizeKB * K1KiloByte;
Meaning of this parameter:
if not 0, "clean shutdown mask" bit in FAT16[1] will be used during volume finalisation.
Otherwise, FAT16[1] will not be affected during finalisation
TBool TFatConfig::FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit() const
return iFAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit;
Get leaf dir cache size
@return leaf dir cache size
TUint32 TFatConfig::LeafDirCacheSize() const
return iLeafDirCacheSize;
get the minimum cache size setting for dynamic dir cache
@return minimum cache size in bytes
TUint32 TFatConfig::DynamicDirCacheSizeMin() const
ASSERT(iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB < (KMaxTUint32 >> K1KiloByteLog2)); //check data overflow
return iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB << K1KiloByteLog2;
get the maximum cache size setting for dynamic dir cache
@return maximum cache size in bytes
TUint32 TFatConfig::DynamicDirCacheSizeMax() const
ASSERT(iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB < (KMaxTUint32 >> K1KiloByteLog2)); //check data overflow
return iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB << K1KiloByteLog2;
retrieve the size of the maximal size of the dynamic dir cache page in log2.
(Minimal size will be current cluster size)
@return maximum page size in bytes in log2
TUint32 TFatConfig::DynamicDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2() const
return iDynamicDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2;