author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 2 4122176ea935
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfat\inc\fat_dir_entry.inl


//!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it

#if !defined(FAT_DIR_ENTRY_INL)


Defined cast of Fat directory entry data read to structure allowing access to data
#define pDir ((SFatDirEntry*)&iData[0])

inline TFatDirEntry::TFatDirEntry() 

/** zero-fill the entry contents  */
inline void TFatDirEntry::InitZ() 
    Mem::FillZ(iData, KSizeOfFatDirEntry);

Return the Dos name of a directory entry

@return A descriptor containing the Dos name of a directory entry
inline const TPtrC8 TFatDirEntry::Name() const
    {return TPtrC8((TUint8*)&(pDir->iName),KFatDirNameSize);}
@return The attributes for the Directory entry
inline TInt TFatDirEntry::Attributes() const
    {return pDir->iAttributes;}
@param aOffset This offset will be subtracted from the returned time.
@return Time of file modification
inline TTime TFatDirEntry::Time(TTimeIntervalSeconds aOffset) const
    TTime time=DosTimeToTTime(pDir->iTime,pDir->iDate);
    return time-=aOffset;
@return The Start cluster for the file or directory for this entry 
inline TInt TFatDirEntry::StartCluster() const      
    const TUint16 KStClustMaskHi = 0x0FFF;  
    return ((pDir->iStartClusterHi & KStClustMaskHi) << 16) | pDir->iStartClusterLo;

@return The size of file or directory for this entry 
inline TUint32 TFatDirEntry::Size() const
    {return pDir->iSize;}
@return True if the entry is erased
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsErased() const
    {return (TBool)(iData[0]==KEntryErasedMarker);}
@return True if the entry refers to the current directory
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsCurrentDirectory() const
    {return (TBool)(iData[0]==KDotEntryByte && iData[1]==KBlankSpace);}
@return True if the Entry refers to the parent directory
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsParentDirectory() const
    {return (TBool)(iData[0]==KDotEntryByte && iData[1]==KDotEntryByte);}
@return True if end of directory
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsEndOfDirectory() const
    {return (TBool)(iData[0]==0x00);}
Set the Dos name of a directory entry

@param aDes A descriptor containg the name
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetName(const TDesC8& aDes)
    TPtr8 name(pDir->iName,KFatDirNameSize);
Set the file or directory attributes for this entry

@param anAtts The file or directory attributes
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetAttributes(TInt anAtts)
Set the modification time and date of the directory entry

@param aTime Modification time of the file or directory
@aOffset aOffset This offset will be added to the time. 
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetTime(TTime aTime, TTimeIntervalSeconds aOffset)

inline void TFatDirEntry::SetCreateTime(TTime aTime, TTimeIntervalSeconds aOffset)

Set the start cluster number of the file or directory refered to by the entry

@param aStartCluster The start cluster number
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetStartCluster(TInt aStartCluster)
    pDir->iStartClusterHi=(TUint16)(aStartCluster >> 16);
Set the size of the file or directory refered to by the entry

@param aFileSize Size of the file
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetSize(TUint32 aFileSize)
Set the directory entry as erased
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetErased()
Set the current entry to refer to the current directory
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetCurrentDirectory()
    Mem::Fill(&iData[1],KFatDirNameSize-1,' ');
Set the current entry to refer to the parent directory
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetParentDirectory()
    Mem::Fill(&iData[2],KFatDirNameSize-2,' ');
Set the current entry to be the end of directory marker
inline void TFatDirEntry::SetEndOfDirectory()

    Get VFAT entry ID. Uset by Rugged FAT and Scan Drive to fix broken entries
    Uses 1 byte from "Last Access Date" field, offset 19. Hack.
TUint TFatDirEntry::RuggedFatEntryId() const
    return pDir->iReserved2;

    Set VFAT entry ID. Uset by Rugged FAT and Scan Drive to fix broken entries
    Uses 1 byte from "Last Access Date" field, offset 19. Hack.
void  TFatDirEntry::SetRuggedFatEntryId(TUint16 aId) 
    pDir->iReserved2 = aId;

@return True if the entry is the start of a long name set of entries
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsLongNameStart() const
    {return (TBool)((iData[0]&0x40) != 0);}
@return True is the Entry is a VFat entry
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsVFatEntry() const
    {return (TBool)(Attributes()==KVFatEntryAttribute && IsEndOfDirectory()==EFalse);}
@return The number of following VFat entries
inline TInt TFatDirEntry::NumFollowing() const
    {return (iData[0]&0x3F);}

inline TUint8 TFatDirEntry::CheckSum() const
        return iData[13];

@return  ETrue if the Directory entry contains garbage data
inline TBool TFatDirEntry::IsGarbage() const
    return (iData[0]==0xFF);