author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 2 4122176ea935
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfat\sl_bpb.cpp
// Boot sector code, specific for EFat.fsy


//!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it

#include "sl_std.h"



/** initialises the boot sector data */
void TFatBootSector::Initialise()
    Mem::FillZ(this, sizeof(TFatBootSector));


    @return ETrue if the boot sector contents seems to be valid
TBool TFatBootSector::IsValid() const
    const TFatType fatType = FatType();
    const TUint32 totSectors = Max(TotalSectors(), HugeSectors());
    const TUint32 rootDirStartSec =  ReservedSectors() + FatSectors()*NumberOfFats(); //-- root directory start sector

    if(fatType == EInvalid || ReservedSectors() < 1 || NumberOfFats() < 1 || FatSectors() < 1 || rootDirStartSec < 3 ||
       RootDirEntries() < 1 || totSectors < 5)
        goto Invalid;

    if(TotalSectors() >0 && HugeSectors() >0 )
        goto Invalid; //-- values clash

    return ETrue;
        __PRINT(_L("TFatBootSector::IsValid() failed!"));

    return EFalse;


    Initialize boot sector object from the given bufer. Does not validate the data.
    @param  aBuf buffer with data.
void TFatBootSector::Internalize(const TDesC8& aBuf)
    ASSERT(aBuf.Size() >= KSizeOfFatBootSector);

    TInt pos=0;

    Mem::Copy(&iJumpInstruction, &aBuf[pos],3);     pos+=3; // 0    TUint8 iJumpInstruction[3]
    Mem::Copy(&iVendorId,&aBuf[pos],KVendorIdSize); pos+=KVendorIdSize; // 3    TUint8 iVendorId[KVendorIdSize]
    Mem::Copy(&iBytesPerSector,&aBuf[pos],2);       pos+=2; // 11   TUint16 iBytesPerSector
    Mem::Copy(&iSectorsPerCluster,&aBuf[pos],1);    pos+=1; // 13   TUint8 iSectorsPerCluster   
    Mem::Copy(&iReservedSectors,&aBuf[pos],2);      pos+=2; // 14   TUint16 iReservedSectors
    Mem::Copy(&iNumberOfFats,&aBuf[pos],1);         pos+=1; // 16   TUint8 iNumberOfFats
    Mem::Copy(&iRootDirEntries,&aBuf[pos],2);       pos+=2; // 17   TUint16 iRootDirEntries
    Mem::Copy(&iTotalSectors,&aBuf[pos],2);         pos+=2; // 19   TUint16 iTotalSectors
    Mem::Copy(&iMediaDescriptor,&aBuf[pos],1);      pos+=1; // 21   TUint8 iMediaDescriptor
    Mem::Copy(&iFatSectors,&aBuf[pos],2);           pos+=2; // 22   TUint16 iFatSectors
    Mem::Copy(&iSectorsPerTrack,&aBuf[pos],2);      pos+=2; // 24   TUint16 iSectorsPerTrack
    Mem::Copy(&iNumberOfHeads,&aBuf[pos],2);        pos+=2; // 26   TUint16 iNumberOfHeads
    Mem::Copy(&iHiddenSectors,&aBuf[pos],4);        pos+=4; // 28   TUint32 iHiddenSectors
    Mem::Copy(&iHugeSectors,&aBuf[pos],4);          pos+=4; // 32   TUint32 iHugeSectors
    Mem::Copy(&iPhysicalDriveNumber,&aBuf[pos],1);  pos+=1;// 36|64 TUint8 iPhysicalDriveNumber
    Mem::Copy(&iReserved,&aBuf[pos],1);             pos+=1;// 37|65 TUint8 iReserved
    Mem::Copy(&iExtendedBootSignature,&aBuf[pos],1);pos+=1;// 38|66 TUint8 iExtendedBootSignature
    Mem::Copy(&iUniqueID,&aBuf[pos],4);             pos+=4;// 39|67 TUint32 iUniqueID
    Mem::Copy(&iVolumeLabel,&aBuf[pos],KVolumeLabelSize);  // 43|71 TUint8 iVolumeLabel[KVolumeLabelSize]

    // 54|82    TUint8 iFileSysType[KFileSysTypeSize]
    ASSERT(aBuf.Size() >= pos+KFileSysTypeSize);


    Externalize boot sector object to the given data buffer.
    @param  aBuf buffer to externalize.
void TFatBootSector::Externalize(TDes8& aBuf) const
    ASSERT(aBuf.MaxSize() >= KSizeOfFatBootSector);

    if(aBuf.Size() < KSizeOfFatBootSector)

    TInt pos=0;

    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iJumpInstruction,3);      pos+=3;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iVendorId,KVendorIdSize); pos+=8;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iBytesPerSector,2);       pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iSectorsPerCluster,1);    pos+=1;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iReservedSectors,2);      pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iNumberOfFats,1);         pos+=1;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iRootDirEntries,2);       pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iTotalSectors,2);         pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iMediaDescriptor,1);      pos+=1;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iFatSectors,2);           pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iSectorsPerTrack,2);      pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iNumberOfHeads,2);        pos+=2;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iHiddenSectors,4);        pos+=4;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iHugeSectors,4);          pos+=4;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iPhysicalDriveNumber,1);  pos+=1;
    Mem::FillZ(&aBuf[pos],1);                       pos+=1;
    Mem::Copy(&aBuf[pos],&iUniqueID,4);             pos+=4;
    ASSERT(aBuf.MaxSize() >= pos+KFileSysTypeSize);


#ifdef _DEBUG
/** replaces all non-printable characters in a buffer with spaces */
static void FixDes(TDes& aDes)
    for(TInt i=0; i< aDes.Length(); ++i)
        TChar ch=aDes[i];
            aDes[i]=' ';    

    Print out the boot sector info.
void TFatBootSector::PrintDebugInfo() const
#ifdef _DEBUG
    __PRINT(_L("\n======== BootSector info: =======\n"));
    TBuf<40> buf;
    buf.Copy(FileSysType()); FixDes(buf);    
    __PRINT1(_L("FAT type:%S"), &buf);

    buf.Copy(VendorId()); FixDes(buf);    
    __PRINT1(_L("Vendor ID:%S"), &buf);

    __PRINT1(_L("Total Sectors:%d"),TotalSectors());
    __PRINT1(_L("Root Cluster Number:%d"),RootClusterNum());
    __PRINT1(_L("FSInfo Sector Number:%d"),FSInfoSectorNum());
    __PRINT1(_L("Backup Boot Rec Sector Number:%d"),BkBootRecSector());
    buf.Copy(VolumeLabel()); FixDes(buf);    
    __PRINT1(_L("VolumeLabel:%S"), &buf);



    Determine FAT type according to the information from boot sector, see FAT32 specs.
    @return  FAT type. 
TFatType TFatBootSector::FatType(void) const
    //-- check iBytesPerSector validity; it shall be one of: 512,1024,2048,4096
    if(!IsPowerOf2(iBytesPerSector) || iBytesPerSector < 512 ||  iBytesPerSector > 4096)
        return EInvalid; //-- invalid iBytesPerSector value

    //-- check iSectorsPerCluster validity, it shall be one of: 1,2,4,8...128
    if(!IsPowerOf2(iSectorsPerCluster) || iSectorsPerCluster > 128)
        return EInvalid; //-- invalid iSectorsPerCluster value

    const TUint32 rootDirSectors = (iRootDirEntries*KSizeOfFatDirEntry + (iBytesPerSector-1)) / iBytesPerSector;
    const TUint32 totSec = iTotalSectors ? iTotalSectors : iHugeSectors;
    const TUint32 dataSec = totSec - (iReservedSectors + (iNumberOfFats * iFatSectors) + rootDirSectors);
    const TUint32 clusterCnt = dataSec / iSectorsPerCluster;

    //-- magic. see FAT specs for details.
    if(clusterCnt < 4085)
        return EFat12;
    else if(clusterCnt < 65525)
        return EFat16;
        return EInvalid; //-- FAT32 is not supported by this fsy


/** @return The first Fat sector number */
TInt TFatBootSector::FirstFatSector() const
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValid(), Fault(EFatBadBootSectorParameter));
    return ReservedSectors();

    @return Number of sectors in root directory. 0 for FAT32
TUint32 TFatBootSector::RootDirSectors() const
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValid(), Fault(EFatBadBootSectorParameter));
    return ( (RootDirEntries()*KSizeOfFatDirEntry + (BytesPerSector()-1)) / BytesPerSector() );

/** @return Start sector number of the root directory */
TInt TFatBootSector::RootDirStartSector()  const
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValid(), Fault(EFatBadBootSectorParameter));

    //-- FAT12/16 root dir starts just after the FATs
    return ReservedSectors() + TotalFatSectors()*NumberOfFats();

/** @return first data sector number. for FAT32 it includes the root directory */
TInt TFatBootSector::FirstDataSector() const
    return( ReservedSectors() + NumberOfFats()*TotalFatSectors() + RootDirSectors() );

/** @return FAT-type independent sector count on the volume */
TUint32 TFatBootSector::VolumeTotalSectorNumber() const
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValid(), Fault(EFatBadBootSectorParameter));
    return TotalSectors() >0 ? (TUint32)TotalSectors() : (TUint32)HugeSectors();

/** @return FAT-type independent number of sectors in one FAT */
TUint32 TFatBootSector::TotalFatSectors() const
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValid(), Fault(EFatBadBootSectorParameter));
    return (TUint32)FatSectors();