Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfat32\inc\sl_dir_cache.h
//!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it
#ifndef SL_DIR_CACHE_H
#define SL_DIR_CACHE_H
#include "sf_memory_man.h"
#include "sf_memory_client.h"
#include "sl_cache.h"
#include <e32hashtab.h>
class CDynamicDirCache;
The dynamic directory cache page class
class TDynamicDirCachePage
enum TPageType
static TDynamicDirCachePage* NewL(CDynamicDirCache* aOwnerCache, TInt64 aStartMedPos, TUint8* aStartRamAddr);
inline void SetLocked(TBool);
inline TBool IsLocked() const;
inline TUint8* StartPtr() const;
inline void SetStartPtr(TUint8* aPtr);
inline void SetValid(TBool aIsValid);
inline TBool IsValid() const;
inline void SetPageType(TPageType aType);
inline TPageType PageType();
inline TUint32 PageSizeInBytes() const;
inline TUint32 PageSizeInSegs() const;
inline void SetPos(TInt64 aPos);
inline void ResetPos();
inline TInt64 StartPos() const;
inline TUint8* PtrInPage(TInt64 aPos) const;
inline TBool PosCachedInPage(TInt64 aPos) const;
inline void Deque();
// declared to disable copying and assignment
TDynamicDirCachePage& operator=(const TDynamicDirCachePage&);
TDynamicDirCachePage(const TDynamicDirCachePage&);
// private constructor, as this class is not supposed to be created on stack
TDynamicDirCachePage(CDynamicDirCache* aOwnerCache, TInt64 aStartMedPos, TUint8* aStartRamAddr);
TDblQueLink iLink; ///< the embedded link object, see TCachePageList
TInt64 iStartMedPos; ///< the starting media address that this page caches
TUint8* iStartRamAddr; ///< the starting ram address that thsi page lives
CDynamicDirCache* iOwnerCache; ///< pointer to the cache that owns this page
TBool iValid :1; ///< flag to indicate the validity of the page content
TBool iLocked :1; ///< flag to indicate if the page is locked or not
TPageType iType; ///< page type, see TPageType
The lookup table entry class
@see CDynamicDirCache
class TLookupEntry
TLookupEntry(): iPos(0), iRange(0), iPage(NULL) {};
TLookupEntry(TInt64 aPos, TUint32 aRange, TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage): iPos(aPos), iRange(aRange), iPage(aPage) {};
TInt64 iPos;
TUint32 iRange;
TDynamicDirCachePage* iPage;
typedef TDblQue<TDynamicDirCachePage> TCachePageList;
Dynamic directory cache.
For now it is directly derived from MWTCacheInterface.
Provides caching FAT directory data.
class CDynamicDirCache : public CBase, public MWTCacheInterface
static CDynamicDirCache* NewL(TFatDriveInterface& aDrive, TUint32 aMinPageNum, TUint32 aMaxPageNum, TUint32 aPageSizeLog2, const TDesC& aClientName);
//-- overloads from the base class
void ReadL (TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDes8& aDes);
void WriteL(TInt64 aPos, const TDesC8& aDes);
void InvalidateCache(void);
void InvalidateCachePage(TUint64 aPos);
TUint32 PosCached(const TInt64& aPosToSearch, TInt64& aCachedPosStart);
TUint32 CacheSizeInBytes() const;
TInt Control(TUint32 aFunction, TUint32 aParam1, TAny* aParam2);
void SetCacheBasePos(TInt64 aBasePos);
void MakePageMRU(TInt64 aPos);
TUint32 PageSizeInBytesLog2() const;
TUint32 PageSizeInSegs() const;
// Debugging functions
void Dump();
void Info() const;
CDynamicDirCache(TFatDriveInterface& aDrive, TUint32 aMinSizeInBytes, TUint32 aMaxSizeInBytes, TUint32 aPageSizeInBytesLog2);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aClientName);
void ReadDataFromSinglePageL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDes8& aDes);
void WriteDataOntoSinglePageL(TInt64 aPos, const TUint8* aData, TUint32 aDataLen);
TDynamicDirCachePage* FindPageByPos(TInt64 aPos);
TDynamicDirCachePage* UpdateActivePageL(TInt64 aPos);
TDynamicDirCachePage* AllocateAndLockNewPageL(TInt64 aStartMedPos);
TUint8* LockPage(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
TInt UnlockPage(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
TInt DecommitPage(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
inline TInt64 CalcPageStartPos(TInt64 aPos) const;
void CheckThresholds();
inline TBool CacheIsFull() const;
inline TUint32 MaxCacheSizeInPages() const;
TInt DeQueue(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
TInt AddFirstOntoQueue(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage, TDynamicDirCachePage::TPageType aType);
TInt LookupTblRemove(TInt64 aPagePos);
TInt LookupTblAdd(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
TDynamicDirCachePage* LookupTblFind(TInt64 aPos);
TInt ResetPagePos(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
void MakePageLastLocked(TDynamicDirCachePage* aPage);
TUint32 iPageSizeLog2; ///< log2 value of cache pages size in bytes
TUint32 iMinCacheSizeInBytes; ///< minimum cache data size
TUint32 iMaxCacheSizeInBytes; ///< maximum cache data size
TUint32 iMinSizeInPages; ///< minimum cache page number
TUint32 iMaxSizeInPages; ///< maximum cache page number
TUint32 iPageSizeInBytes; ///< cache page size in bytes
TInt64 iCacheBasePos; ///< cache pages base position, used to align them at cluster size
TFatDriveInterface& iDrive; ///< reference to the driver for media access
TUint32 iCacheDisabled : 1; ///< if not 0 the cache is disabled totally and all reads and writes go via TFatDriveInterface directly
TDynamicDirCachePage* iActivePage; ///< a unique page in cache, used to read new page before make it MRU or have it replaced
// data structures for LRU page list
TCachePageList iLockedQ; ///< the locked queue that manages all locked pages, limited by minimum page number
TCachePageList iUnlockedQ; ///< the unlocked queue that manages all locked pages, limited by maximum page number - minimum page number
TUint32 iLockedQCount;
TUint32 iUnlockedQCount;
// data structures for look up table
THashFunction32<TLookupEntry> iHashFunction;
TIdentityRelation<TLookupEntry> iIdentityFunction;
RHashSet<TLookupEntry> iLookupTable; ///< a lookup table that used to speed up page look up
CCacheMemoryClient* iCacheMemoryClient; ///< interface to cache memory manager
#endif //SL_DIR_CACHE_H