author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 23 1df514389a47
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_cache.cpp

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include "sf_std.h"
#include <e32uid.h>
#include <e32wins.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include "sf_cache.h"

const TInt KMaxCachedDirectories=6;

TInt RefreshDriveInfo();
void DestroyCachedDirectories(TPathListRecord* aPathRec);
void DestroyCachedDirectory(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDirectoryCacheHeader* aDirCache);
void DestroyCachedDirectory(TDriveNumber aDrive, TPathListRecord* aPathRec);

const TInt KCacheHeapGranularity=0x0800; // Allocate heap in 2K chunks

TBool gInitCacheCheckDrivesAndAddNotifications = EFalse;
TBool gCacheCheckDrives = ETrue;

// Cache per drive
TDriveCacheHeader* gDriveFileNamesCache[KMaxDrives];

TPathListRecord* TPathListRecord::First;
TPathListRecord* TPathListRecord::LastStatic;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
void dumpCache()
	TDriveNumber drive;
	for (drive=EDriveA; drive<=EDriveZ; ((TInt&)drive)++)
		TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[drive];
		RDebug::Printf("Dumping Drive %d", drive);
		if (!pDH)
			RDebug::Printf("Drive %d not cached",drive);
		TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = pDH->iDirectoryList;
		for (; p; p=p->iNext)
			RDebug::Printf("    Dumping directory %S", p->iPath->PathName());
			TFileCacheRecord** pIndexes = p->iCache;
			TInt j;
			for(j=0; j<p->iRecordCount; j++)
				TFileCacheRecord& f = *pIndexes[j];
				TBuf8<20> en = _S8("Entry ");
				f.Dump((const char*)en.Ptr());

CCacheNotifyDirChange::CCacheNotifyDirChange(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDirectoryCacheHeader& aDirHead)
	: CActive(EPriorityHigh), iDrive(aDrive), iDirHead(&aDirHead)


void CCacheNotifyDirChange::DoCancel()
void CCacheNotifyDirChange::RunL()
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Pop!! for drive %d path %S (%d)", iDrive, iDirHead->iPath->PathName(), iStatus.Int()));

	// unlink directory & delete it
	DestroyCachedDirectory(iDrive, iDirHead);
	gCacheCheckDrives = ETrue;

TInt CCacheNotifyDirChange::RegisterNotification(TPathListRecord* aPathRec, TNotifyType aType)
// Notification that a card has been mounted/removed
	TDriveUnit drive(iDrive);
	TFileName pathName(drive.Name());
	TInt dl = pathName.Length();
	const TText* ppp = pathName.Ptr() + dl;
	const TDesC8& p8 = *aPathRec->PathName();
	TInt p8l = p8.Length();
	pathName.SetLength(dl + p8l);
	TPtr pp((TText*)ppp, 0, KMaxFileName - dl);
	if (pathName[dl + p8l -1] != '\\')

	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("RegisterNotification for drive %d path %S", iDrive, &p8));
	__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("register notification for %S"), &pathName));
	gTheLoaderFs.NotifyChange(aType, iStatus, pathName);
		if (iStatus != KRequestPending)	\
			RDebug::Printf("Notifier Immediate Complete %d", iStatus.Int()); \
	return KErrNone;

TInt SetupNotify(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDirectoryCacheHeader& aDirHead)
	if (aDirHead.iNotify != NULL)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("SetupNotify!! notification already registered on drive %d path %S", aDrive, aDirHead.iPath->PathName()));
		return KErrNone;

	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("SetupNotify!! on drive %d path %S", aDrive, aDirHead.iPath->PathName()));
	CCacheNotifyDirChange* pNotifier = new CCacheNotifyDirChange(aDrive, aDirHead);
	if (!pNotifier)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	aDirHead.iNotify = pNotifier;
	return pNotifier->RegisterNotification(aDirHead.iPath, ENotifyFile);

TInt AddNotifications()
	TDriveNumber drive;
	for (drive=EDriveA; drive<EDriveZ; ((TInt&)drive)++)	// Z always read-only so no notifiers required
		TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[drive];
		if (!pDH)

		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("AddNotifications on drive %d att=0x%08x", drive, pDH->iDriveAtt));

		TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = pDH->iDirectoryList;
		for (; p; p=p->iNext)
			TInt r = SetupNotify(drive, *p);
			if (r != KErrNone)
				DestroyCachedDirectory(drive, p);
				return r;
	gCacheCheckDrives = EFalse;
	return KErrNone;

//=============================== TFileCacheRecord ==================================
TInt TFileCacheRecord::Order(const TFileCacheRecord& aL, const TFileCacheRecord& aR)
	return aL.Name().CompareF(aR.Name());

//=============================== TPathListRecord ==================================
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
void dumpPathList()
	RDebug::Printf("Dumping Pathlist");
	TPathListRecord* p = TPathListRecord::First;
	TInt count=0;
	for (; p; p=p->iNext, ++count)
		RDebug::Printf("Pathlist pos %d %S",count,p->PathName());

_LIT8(KDirSystemPrograms, "System\\Programs");
_LIT8(KDirSystemLibs, "System\\Libs");
_LIT8(KDirSystemBin, "System\\Bin");
_LIT8(KDirSysBin, "Sys\\Bin");

TInt TPathListRecord::Init()
	if (!AddToPathList(KDirSysBin, ETrue))
		return KErrNoMemory;
		if (!AddToPathList(KDirSystemPrograms, ETrue))
			return KErrNoMemory;
		if (!AddToPathList(KDirSystemLibs, ETrue))
			return KErrNoMemory;
		if (!AddToPathList(KDirSystemBin, ETrue))
			return KErrNoMemory;
	return KErrNone;

void TPathListRecord::MoveToHead()
	if (iKeep || this == LastStatic->iNext)
	TPathListRecord* p = First;
	// the record is always in the list
	for (; p && p->iNext!=this; p=p->iNext) {}
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(p, User::Invariant());
	p->iNext = iNext;
	iNext = LastStatic->iNext;
	LastStatic->iNext = this;

TPathListRecord* TPathListRecord::FindPathNameInList(const TDesC8& aPath)
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("TPathListRecord::FindPathNameInList %S",&aPath));
	TPathListRecord* p = DoFindPathNameInList(aPath);
	if (!p)
		p = AddToPathList(aPath, EFalse);
	return p;

TPathListRecord* TPathListRecord::DoFindPathNameInList(const TDesC8& aPath)
	// Accesses pathname list to retrieve pathname record
	TPathListRecord* p = First;
	for (; p; p=p->iNext)
		if (p->PathName()->CompareF(aPath) == 0)
			return p;
	return NULL;

TPathListRecord* TPathListRecord::AddToPathList(const TDesC8& aPath, TBool aKeep)
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Pathlist adding path %S keep %d",&aPath,aKeep));

	TPathListRecord* n = TPathListRecord::New(aPath, aKeep);
	if (!n)
		return NULL;
	TPathListRecord* p = First;
	TPathListRecord* q = NULL;
	TInt count = 0;
	for (; p && ++count<KMaxCachedDirectories; q=p, p=p->iNext) {}
	if (p)
		// need to kill off entry pointed to by p
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("In AddToPathList killing %S", p->PathName()));
		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!aKeep, User::Invariant());
		q->iNext = NULL;
		delete p;

	if (aKeep)
		// add to front of list
		n->iNext = First;
		First = n;
		if (!LastStatic)
			LastStatic = n;
		// add new entry to front of dynamic list
		n->iNext = LastStatic->iNext;
		LastStatic->iNext = n;

	// Refresh cache now we've added a new path
	gCacheCheckDrives = ETrue;

	return n;

TPathListRecord* TPathListRecord::New(const TDesC8& aPath, TBool aKeep)
	TInt l = aPath.Length();
	TInt size = sizeof(TPathListRecord) + Align4(l) + sizeof(TDesC8);
	TPathListRecord* p = (TPathListRecord*)User::Alloc(size);
	if (p)
		p->iNext = NULL;
		p->iKeep = aKeep;
		TInt* pb = (TInt*)(p+1);
		*pb = l;
		memcpy(pb+1, aPath.Ptr(), l);
	return p;

void DestroyCachedDirectory(TDriveNumber aDrive, TPathListRecord* aPathRec)
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("DestroyCachedDirectory drive=%d path=%S",aDrive,aPathRec->PathName()));
	TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[aDrive];
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = pDH->iDirectoryList;
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* q = 0;
	for (; p && p->iPath!=aPathRec; q=p, p=p->iNext) {}
	if (p)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("    unlinking directory %S",p->iPath->PathName()));
		if (q)
			q->iNext = p->iNext;
			pDH->iDirectoryList = p->iNext;
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("    deleting directory %S",p->iPath->PathName()));
		delete p;

void DestroyCachedDirectory(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDirectoryCacheHeader* aDirCache)
	// First see if it contained in our list
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("DestroyCachedDirectory drive=%d path=%S", aDrive, aDirCache->iPath->PathName()));

	TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[aDrive];
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = pDH->iDirectoryList;
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* q = 0;
	for (; p && p!=aDirCache; q=p, p=p->iNext) {}
	if (p)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("    unlinking directory %S",p->iPath->PathName()));
		if (q)
			q->iNext = p->iNext;
			pDH->iDirectoryList = p->iNext;
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("    deleting directory %S", aDirCache->iPath->PathName()));
	delete aDirCache;

void DestroyCachedDirectories(TPathListRecord* aPathRec)
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("DestroyCachedDirectories %S",aPathRec->PathName()));
	TDriveNumber drive;
	for (drive=EDriveA; drive<=EDriveZ; ((TInt&)drive)++)
		TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[drive];
		if (pDH)
			__IF_DEBUG(Printf("DestroyCachedDirectories drive=%d driveatt=0x%08x",drive,pDH->iDriveAtt));
			DestroyCachedDirectory(drive, aPathRec);

//=============================== TCacheHeapList ==================================
TCacheHeapList::TCacheHeapList(TInt aSize)
	:	iAllocated(Align4(sizeof(TCacheHeapList))),

TAny* TCacheHeapList::Allocate(TInt aBytes)
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("TCacheHeapList::Allocate used=%d request=%d",iAllocated,aBytes));
	TInt req = Align4(aBytes);
	if (iAllocated+req > iSize)
		return NULL;
	TAny* p = PtrAdd(this, iAllocated);
	return p;

//=============================== TDriveCacheHeader==================================
	: iDirectoryList(NULL)

	while (iDirectoryList)
		TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = iDirectoryList;
		iDirectoryList = p->iNext;
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("    deleting directory %S",p->iPath->PathName()));
		delete p;

TDirectoryCacheHeader* TDriveCacheHeader::FindDirCache(TPathListRecord* aPath)
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = iDirectoryList;
	for (; p && p->iPath!=aPath; p=p->iNext) {}
	return p;

TInt TDriveCacheHeader::GetDirCache(TDirectoryCacheHeader*& aCache, TPathListRecord* aPath, const TDesC8& aDriveAndPath)
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf(">GetDirCache %S", &aDriveAndPath));
	aCache = FindDirCache(aPath);
	if (aCache)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("<GetDirCache already exists %08x", aCache));
		return KErrNone;
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* p = new TDirectoryCacheHeader(aPath);
	if (!p)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt r = p->PopulateFromDrive(aDriveAndPath);
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("PopulateFromDrive ret %d", r));
	if (r != KErrNoMemory && r != KErrLocked && iDriveNumber != EDriveZ)
		r = SetupNotify((TDriveNumber)iDriveNumber, *p);
	if (r == KErrNoMemory || r == KErrLocked)
		delete p;
		return r;
	// Ignore other errors and keep created entry anyway, so for things like 'path not found'
	// we have an empty directory cache which will get updated (via notification) if it get created.
	// This empty entry also allows for a quicker check the second time around.

	p->iNext = iDirectoryList;
	iDirectoryList = p;
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("<GetDirCache new %08x", p));
	aCache = p;
	return KErrNone;

//============================= TDirectoryCacheHeader================================
TDirectoryCacheHeader::TDirectoryCacheHeader(TPathListRecord* aPath)
	:	iFirstHeapBlock(NULL), iPath(aPath), iRecordCount(0), iCache(NULL),
		iNotPresent(ETrue), iNotify(NULL)

	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("~TDirectoryCacheHeader %S",iPath->PathName()));
	delete iNotify;

	while (iFirstHeapBlock)
		TCacheHeapList* p = iFirstHeapBlock;
		iFirstHeapBlock = p->iNext;

TInt TDirectoryCacheHeader::GetMoreHeap()
	TAny* mem = User::Alloc(KCacheHeapGranularity);
	if (!mem)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TCacheHeapList* n = new (mem) TCacheHeapList(KCacheHeapGranularity);
	n->iNext = iFirstHeapBlock;
	iFirstHeapBlock = n;
	return KErrNone;

TAny* TDirectoryCacheHeader::Allocate(const TInt aBytes)
	TAny* p = iFirstHeapBlock ? iFirstHeapBlock->Allocate(aBytes) : NULL;
	if (!p)
		if (GetMoreHeap()!=KErrNone)
			return NULL;
		p = iFirstHeapBlock->Allocate(aBytes);
	return p;

TFileCacheRecord* TDirectoryCacheHeader::NewRecord(const TDesC8& aName, TUint32 aAttr, TUint32 aVer, const TEntry& aEntry)
	TInt l = aName.Length();
	TInt minsize = l + sizeof(TFileCacheRecord);
	TInt extra = aEntry.iSize >> 12;		// allow for 8 exports per 4K of file
		extra = 128;
	TInt size = (minsize + extra + 15) &~ 15;

	TFileCacheRecord* p = (TFileCacheRecord*)Allocate(size);
	if (p)
		memclr(p, sizeof(TFileCacheRecord));
		p->iAttr = aAttr;
		p->iModuleVersion = aVer;
		p->iExportDirCount = size - minsize;
		p->iNameLength = l;
		p->iExportDescType = (aEntry.iAtt & KEntryAttXIP) ? KImageHdr_ExpD_Xip : KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles;	// for now
		p->iCacheStatus = 0;
		memcpy(p+1, aName.Ptr(), l);
	return p;

TFileCacheRecord* TDirectoryCacheHeader::NewRecord(const TFileCacheRecord& aRecord, TInt aEDS)
	TInt l = aRecord.Name().Length();
	TInt minsize = l + sizeof(TFileCacheRecord);
	TInt extra = aEDS + 2;
	TInt size = (minsize + extra + 15) &~ 15;

	TFileCacheRecord* p = (TFileCacheRecord*)Allocate(size);
	if (p)
		memcpy(p, &aRecord, minsize);
		memclr((TUint8*)p + minsize, size - minsize);
	return p;

TInt TDirectoryCacheHeader::PopulateFromDrive(const TDesC8& aPathName)
	// Wildcard searches through a named directory on a drive.
	// Creates and fills records to newly populate the drive cache..

	// only want gen-u-ine files
	RDir d;
	TFileName dp;
	__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("Opening Directory %S"), &dp));

	TInt r=d.Open(gTheLoaderFs, dp, KEntryAttMatchExclude|KEntryAttDir|KEntryAttVolume);
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Returns %d", r));
	if (r != KErrNone)
		return r;
	TEntryArray array;
	TInt sizeofIndexArray=0;
	TFileCacheRecord** pIndexes=NULL;
	TInt currentIndex=0;
	do	{
		if (r==KErrNone || r==KErrEof)
			TInt count=array.Count();
			if (count==0)
			TInt newSize=currentIndex+count;
			// Round alloc granularity up to the size of the cache cells, to avoid heap fragmentation when
			// indexing large dirs (z:\sys\bin) - interference effect is minimised by allocating in larger blocks and by
			// ensuring the freed memory can be reused for cache cells. See INC065949 for original defect.
			const TInt arrayGranularity = KCacheHeapGranularity + RHeap::EAllocCellSize;
			sizeofIndexArray = (sizeof(TFileCacheRecord*)*newSize + arrayGranularity - 1) / arrayGranularity * arrayGranularity;
			TFileCacheRecord** p=(TFileCacheRecord**)User::ReAlloc(pIndexes,sizeofIndexArray);
			if (!p)
			TInt i=0;
			while (i<count)
				const TEntry& e = array[i++];
				TInt nl = e.iName.Length();
				if (nl > KMaxKernelName)
					__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Name length %d - too long", nl));
				TBuf8<KMaxKernelName> n8;
				r = CheckedCollapse(n8, e.iName);
				if (r != KErrNone)
					__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Non-ASCII name"));
				TFileNameInfo fni;
				r = fni.Set(n8, 0);
				if (r != KErrNone)
					__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Bad name"));
				TBuf8<KMaxKernelName> rootname;
				fni.GetName(rootname, TFileNameInfo::EIncludeBaseExt);
				TUint32 attr = fni.VerLen() ? ECodeSegAttExpVer : 0;
				TFileCacheRecord* pR = NewRecord(rootname, attr, fni.Version(), e);
				if (!pR)
				pIndexes[currentIndex] = pR;
		} while (r==KErrNone);
		return r;

	iCache = (TFileCacheRecord**)User::ReAlloc(pIndexes,sizeof(TFileCacheRecord*)*currentIndex);
		return KErrNoMemory;
	iNotPresent = EFalse;
	iRecordCount = currentIndex;
	if (currentIndex>1)
		// don't sort an empty list, or a list with only 1 element
		RPointerArray<TFileCacheRecord> rarray(iCache, iRecordCount);

	__LDRTRACE(	{	\
	RDebug::Printf("RArray sorted");		\
	TInt i;									\
	for (i=0; i<iRecordCount; i++)			\
		{									\
		TFileCacheRecord* f = iCache[i];	\
		const TDesC8& name = f->Name();		\
		RDebug::Printf("%d: Entry=%S att %08x ver %08x", i, &name, f->iAttr, f->iModuleVersion);	\
		}									\
	return KErrNone;

TInt RefreshDriveInfo()
	// Find out what drives are present
	TDriveList list;
	TInt r = gTheLoaderFs.DriveList(list);
	if (r!=KErrNone)
		return r;
	TDriveInfo d;
	TDriveNumber drive;
	for (drive=EDriveA; drive<=EDriveZ; ((TInt&)drive)++)
		TInt att = list[drive];
		if (att)
			r = gTheLoaderFs.Drive(d,drive);
			if (r != KErrNone)
			if ((d.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemote) || (d.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttSubsted))
	            continue; //Don't cache remote or substituted drives
			if (gDriveFileNamesCache[drive] == NULL)
				__IF_DEBUG(Printf("In RefreshDriveInfo adding drive %d, drive= 0x%08x media=0x%08x", drive, d.iDriveAtt, d.iMediaAtt));
				TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = new TDriveCacheHeader;
				if (!pDH)
					return KErrNoMemory;
				gDriveFileNamesCache[drive] = pDH;
				pDH->iDriveAtt = d.iDriveAtt;
				pDH->iDriveNumber = drive;
		TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[drive];
		delete pDH;
		gDriveFileNamesCache[drive] = NULL;
	return KErrNone;

void InitializeFileNameCache()
	gInitCacheCheckDrivesAndAddNotifications = EFalse;
	gCacheCheckDrives = ETrue;
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(TPathListRecord::Init()==KErrNone, User::Invariant());

TInt CheckLoaderCacheInit()
	TInt r=KErrNone;
		// force z: drive cache to be refreshed
		__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("Deleting z: drive cache\r\n")));
		TDriveCacheHeader* pDH=gDriveFileNamesCache[EDriveZ];
		delete pDH;
	if (gCacheCheckDrives)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Refreshing cache"));
		r = RefreshDriveInfo();						// refreshing is a 'once-only' operation after setting
		gCacheCheckDrives = EFalse;					// gCacheCheckDrives so as to prevent excessive refreshing
	if (!gInitCacheCheckDrivesAndAddNotifications && StartupInitCompleted)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Refreshing cache and adding notifications after FS initialisation"));
		r = RefreshDriveInfo();						// this is to provide an extra refresh to explicitly find
		r = AddNotifications();						// all drives set up during FS initialisation
		gInitCacheCheckDrivesAndAddNotifications = ETrue;	
	return r;

TFileCacheRecordSearch::TFileCacheRecordSearch(const TDesC8& aSearchName)
	iNameLength = aSearchName.Length();
	memcpy(iSearchName, aSearchName.Ptr(), iNameLength);

TInt RImageFinder::SearchSingleDir()
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("SearchSingleDir %S drive %d", &iCurrentPath, iCurrentDrive));

	TDriveCacheHeader* pDH = gDriveFileNamesCache[iCurrentDrive];
	if (!pDH)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("No such drive"));
		return KErrNone;

	TInt pl = iCurrentPath.Length();
	TInt start = 0;
	TInt len = pl;
	if (pl)
		if (iCurrentPath[0] == '\\')
			start = 1, --len;
		if (len>0 && iCurrentPath[start + len - 1] == '\\')
	TPtrC8 path(iCurrentPath.Mid(start, len));
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Normalised path %S", &path));
	TChar c;
	RFs::DriveToChar(iCurrentDrive, c);
	TBuf8<KMaxFileName> drive_and_path = _S8("?:\\");
	drive_and_path[0] = (TText8)c;
	if (drive_and_path[drive_and_path.Length()-1] != '\\')

	TPathListRecord* prec = TPathListRecord::FindPathNameInList(path);
	if (!prec)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TDirectoryCacheHeader* dch = NULL;
	TInt r = pDH->GetDirCache(dch, prec, drive_and_path);
	if (r != KErrNone || dch->iNotPresent || dch->iRecordCount==0)
		return r;

	// set up to search for root name
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Search directory for %S", &iRootName));
	TFileCacheRecordSearch search(iRootName);
	__LDRTRACE({const TDesC8& sr = search.Name(); RDebug::Printf("Search record %S", &sr);});
	RPointerArray<TFileCacheRecord> rarray(dch->iCache, dch->iRecordCount);
	TInt first = rarray.SpecificFindInOrder(&search, &TFileCacheRecord::Order, EArrayFindMode_First);
	TInt last = rarray.SpecificFindInOrder(&search, &TFileCacheRecord::Order, EArrayFindMode_Last);
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("First %d Last %d", first, last));
	TInt ix;
	for (ix = first; ix < last; ++ix)
		TFileCacheRecord* f = dch->iCache[ix];
		RImageInfo img_info;
		r = KErrNone;
		if (!f->ExtrasValid())
			r = f->GetImageInfo(img_info, drive_and_path, dch, ix);
			if (r == KErrNoMemory)
				return r;
			f = dch->iCache[ix];	// may have been moved
		if (r==KErrNone)
			img_info = *f;
			r = Try(img_info, f->Name(), drive_and_path);
			if (r == KErrNoMemory)
				return r;
			f->iCacheStatus = img_info.iCacheStatus;
		if (r==KErrCompletion)
	return KErrNone;

// Populate the 'extras' in the cache record by reading the file header
// aPathName must be of the form ?:\dir\...\dir\ so that a fully qualified file name is obtained by
// appending the file name.
TInt TFileCacheRecord::GetImageInfo(RImageInfo& aInfo, const TDesC8& aPathName, TDirectoryCacheHeader* aDirHead, TInt aIndex)
	const TDesC8& rootname = Name();
	TBuf8<KMaxFileName> fn = aPathName;
	TFileNameInfo fni;
	fni.Set(rootname, 0);
	fni.iVersion = iModuleVersion;
	TUint flags = (iAttr & ECodeSegAttExpVer) ? TFileNameInfo::EForceVer : 0;
	fni.GetName(fn, TFileNameInfo::EIncludeBaseExt | flags);
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Opening file %S", &fn));
	TInt r = OpenFile8(aInfo.iFile, fn);
	__IF_DEBUG(Printf("Open file returns %d", r));
	if (r != KErrNone)
		return r;
	TInt address = 0;
	r = aInfo.iFile.Seek(ESeekAddress, address);
	if (r!=KErrNotSupported)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("ROM file at %08x", address));
		TUint att;
		r = aInfo.iFile.Att(att);
		if (r!=KErrNone)
			return r;
		if (att & KEntryAttXIP)
			const TRomImageHeader& rih = *(const TRomImageHeader*)address;
			__IF_DEBUG(Printf("XIP file"));
			if ((iAttr & ECodeSegAttExpVer) && iModuleVersion != rih.iModuleVersion)
				// version in file name does not match version in header
				return KErrBadName;
			iModuleVersion = rih.iModuleVersion;
			iS = rih.iS;
			iExportDirCount = (TUint16)rih.iExportDirCount;
			iExportDescType = (TUint8)KImageHdr_ExpD_Xip;
			iAttr |= rih.iFlags & (KRomImageFlagFixedAddressExe|KRomImageABIMask);
			__LDRTRACE(Dump("Cached Info XIP"));
			return KErrNone;
	TFileCacheRecord* t = this;
	r = E32ImageHeader::New(aInfo.iHeader, aInfo.iFile);
	if (r != KErrNone)
		__IF_DEBUG(Printf("E32ImageHeader::New returns %d", r));
		return r;
	E32ImageHeader* h = aInfo.iHeader;
	if ((iAttr & ECodeSegAttExpVer) && iModuleVersion != h->iModuleVersion)
		// version in file name does not match version in header
		return KErrBadName;
	wordmove(iUid, &h->iUid1, sizeof(iUid));
	iModuleVersion = h->ModuleVersion();
	iAttr |= (h->iFlags & ECodeSegAttFixed) | h->ABI();
		iAttr |= ECodeSegAttNmdExpData;
	TUint avail = iExportDirCount;
	iExportDirCount = (TUint16)h->iExportDirCount;
	iExportDescType = KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles;

	// get export description...
	E32ImageHeaderV* v = (E32ImageHeaderV*)h;
	iExportDescType = v->iExportDescType;
	TUint eds = v->iExportDescSize;
	if (eds + 2 > avail)
		// must reallocate this entry
		t = aDirHead->NewRecord(*this, eds);
		if (!t)
			return KErrNoMemory;
		aDirHead->iCache[aIndex] = t;
	TUint8* xd = (TUint8*)t->ExportDescription();
	xd[0] = (TUint8)eds;
	xd[1] = (TUint8)(eds>>8);
	memcpy(xd+2, v->iExportDesc, eds);

	__LDRTRACE(t->Dump("Cached Info"));
	return KErrNone;

RImageInfo& RImageInfo::operator=(const TFileCacheRecord& aRecord)
	wordmove(this, &aRecord, sizeof(TImageInfo));
	if (aRecord.ExtrasValid())
		if (aRecord.IsXIP())
			iRomImageHeader = aRecord.RomImageHeader();
			wordmove(iUid, &iRomImageHeader->iUid1, sizeof(iUid));
		else if (iExportDescType != KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles)
			const TUint8* xd = (TUint8*)aRecord.ExportDescription();
			iExportDescSize = (TUint16)(xd[0] | (xd[1]<<8));
			iExportDesc = xd + 2;
	return *this;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
extern void memory_dump(const TAny* a, TUint l);

void TFileCacheRecord::Dump(const char* aTitle)
	TUint32 uid1 = iUid[0];
	TBool xip = (uid1 != (TUint32)KExecutableImageUidValue && uid1 != (TUint32)KDynamicLibraryUidValue);
	const TDesC8& name = Name();
	if (xip)
		const TRomImageHeader* rih = RomImageHeader();
		RDebug::Printf("Name: %S Ver %08x Attr %08x", &name, rih->iModuleVersion, iAttr);
		RDebug::Printf("UIDS %08x %08x %08x SID %08x CAP %08x %08x", rih->iUid1, rih->iUid2, rih->iUid3,
										rih->iS.iSecureId, rih->iS.iCaps[1], rih->iS.iCaps[0]);
		RDebug::Printf("ExportDirCount %d ExportDescType %02x", rih->iExportDirCount, iExportDescType);
		RDebug::Printf("Name: %S Ver %08x Attr %08x", &name, iModuleVersion, iAttr);
		RDebug::Printf("UIDS %08x %08x %08x SID %08x CAP %08x %08x", iUid[0], iUid[1], iUid[2],
										iS.iSecureId, iS.iCaps[1], iS.iCaps[0]);
		RDebug::Printf("ExportDirCount %d ExportDescType %02x", iExportDirCount, iExportDescType);
		if (iExportDescType != KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles)
			const TUint8* xd = ExportDescription();
			TUint eds = (xd[1]<<8) | xd[0];
			RDebug::Printf("ExportDescSize %04x", eds);
			memory_dump(xd+2, eds);