Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_cache_man.h
#if !defined(__SF_CACHE_MAN_H__)
#define __SF_CACHE_MAN_H__
#ifdef _DEBUG
// forward ref
class CCacheManager;
class CCacheClient;
const TInt KByteToByteShift = 10;
enum TCacheManagerFault
ENoCacheManager = 0,
ECacheAlreadyCreated = 1,
EIllegalDriveNumber = 2,
EIllegalCacheSize = 3,
EIllegalPageSize = 4,
EInvalidAllocCount = 5,
EInvalidLockCount = 6,
EInvalidFillCount = 7,
EAppendToFreeQueueFailed = 8,
ESegmentNotFound = 9,
EUnlockFailed = 10,
EInvalidSegmentCount = 11,
EInvalidAddress = 12,
EInvalidDirtyCount = 13,
EDecommitFailed = 14,
EUnexpectedCommitFailure = 15,
EUnexpectedLockFailure = 16,
EInvalidCacheLine = 17,
EInvalidClient = 18,
ERemovingEmptyUnlocked = 19,
EFreeingLockedCacheLine = 20,
EFreeingDirtyCacheLine = 21,
ESetDirtyNotLocked = 22,
EClearDirtyNotLocked = 23,
ESetFilledNotLocked = 24,
EManagerNotLocked = 25,
EExtendingUnownedCacheline = 26,
EUnlockingUnownedCacheline = 27,
EInvalidLockedPageStart = 28,
EInvalidLockedPageCount = 29,
EInvalidLockRange = 30,
ESetDirtyInvalidLockRange = 31,
ELockingAndAlreadyDirty = 32,
EInvalidStats = 33
class CCacheManagerFactory
static void CreateL();
static TInt Destroy();
static CCacheManager* CacheManager();
static CCacheManager* iCacheManager;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCacheManager) : public CBase
class TCacheLine
TUint8* iAddr;
TUint8 iAllocatedSegments; // number of allocated pages
TUint8 iFilledSegments; // number of full pages (i.e. pages with data in)
TUint8 iDirtySegments; // number of dirty pages
TUint8 iLockCount; // number of times cacheline has been locked
TUint8 iLockedSegmentStart; // zero based index of first locked paged
TUint8 iLockedSegmentCount; // number of locked pages
TUint8 iSpare[2]; // padding
CCacheClient* iClient; // owner of this cacheline
TInt64 iPos; // arbitrary data owned by client
CCacheClient* CreateClientL();
void RegisterClient(CCacheClient& aClient);
void DeregisterClient(CCacheClient& aClient);
TInt SegmentSize();
TInt SegmentSizeLog2();
TInt64 SegmentSizeMask();
TInt CacheLineSize();
TInt CacheLineSizeLog2();
TInt CacheLineSizeInSegments();
// called from CCacheClient
TInt AllocateAndLockCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient, TInt64 aPos, const TCacheLine*& aCacheLine, TInt aSegmentCount);
TInt ReAllocateAndLockCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient, TInt64 aPos, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine, TInt aSegmentCount);
TInt ExtendCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine, TInt aSegmentCount);
void RemoveEmptySegments(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TInt LockCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine, TInt aLockedPageStart, TInt aLockedPageCount);
TBool UnlockCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TBool FreeCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TInt LockCount(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TInt FillCount(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TInt DirtyCount(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TBool TooManyLockedSegments();
void SetFilled(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine, TInt aSegmentCount);
void SetDirty(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine, TInt aSegmentCount);
void ClearDirty(CCacheClient* aClient, const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
TBool InUse(const TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
// called from CKernEventNotifier::FreeMemoryChangeCallback()
void FreeMemoryChanged(TBool aMemoryLow);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
void DumpCache();
void DumpCacheLine(TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
void SimulateLockFailureMode(TBool aEnable);
void AllocateMaxSegments(TBool aEnable);
TBool AllocateMaxSegments();
// stats
TFileCacheStats& Stats();
void SimulateWriteFailure();
TBool SimulateWriteFailureEnabled();
TBool SimulatedFailure(TInt& aFailureCount);
CCacheManager(TUint aCacheSize);
void ConstructL();
inline TUint8* Base();
inline void CacheLock();
inline void CacheUnlock();
TBool StealCacheLine(CCacheClient* aClient);
TInt Lock(TUint8* aAddr, TInt aSegmentCount);
TInt Unlock(TUint8* aAddr, TInt aSegmentCount);
TInt Commit(TUint8* aAddr, TInt aSegmentCount);
TInt Decommit(TUint8* aAddr, TInt aSegmentCount);
static CCacheManager* NewCacheL(TInt aUncommitedCacheSize);
void FreeCacheLine(TCacheLine& aCacheLine);
RFastLock iLock;
TCacheLine* iCacheLines;
RPointerArray<TCacheLine> iFreeQueue;
RPointerArray<TCacheLine> iUsedQueue;
TUint8* iBase;
TInt iNumOfCacheLines;
TInt iCacheLineSize;
TInt iCacheLineSizeLog2;
TInt iCacheSize;
TInt iMaxLockedSegments;
TInt iSegmentsPerCacheLine;
TInt iLockedSegmentCount;
RChunk iChunk;
TBool iSimulateLockFailureMode;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
TBool iManagerLocked;
TInt iLockFailureCount;
TInt iCommitFailureCount;
TInt iAllocFailureCount;
TBool iAllocateMaxSegments;
TFileCacheStats iStats;
TBool iSimulateWriteFailure;
// low memory notification stuff
TBool iMemoryLow; // ETrue if kernel has notified us that memory has fallen below a specified threshold
TInt iLowMemoryThreshold;
// index of the next cacheline in iUsedQueue to steal if
// all cachelines are in use
TInt iNextCacheLineToSteal;
friend class CCacheManagerFactory;
friend class CCacheClient;
static void ReadPropertiesFile();
static TBool Enabled();
static TInt CacheSize();
static TInt MaxLockedSize();
static TInt LowMemoryThreshold();
static TBool iEnabled;
static TInt32 iCacheSize;
static TInt32 iMaxLockedSize;
static TInt32 iLowMemoryThreshold;
#endif // !defined(__SF_CACHE_MAN_H__)