author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 41 0ffb4e86fcc9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_file_cache.h


#if !defined(__SF_FILE_CACHE_H__)
#define __SF_FILE_CACHE_H__

#include "sf_cache_client.h"


NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFileCache) : public CFsDispatchObject
	static CFileCache* NewL(CFileShare& aShare);
	CFileCache* ReNewL(CFileShare& aShare);
	void Init(CFileShare& aShare);

	CMountCB& Mount() const;

	CFileCB* FileCB();

	void ReadAhead(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);
	void ResetReadAhead();

	static TInt CompleteRead(CFsRequest* aMsgRequest);
	static TInt CompleteWrite(CFsRequest* aMsgRequest);
	TInt ReadBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);
	TInt WriteBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);

	inline TBool IsDirty() {return iDirtyDataOwner != NULL;}
	TInt FlushDirty(CFsRequest* aOldRequest = NULL);
	void Purge(TBool aPurgeDirty = EFalse);

	// from CFsObject
	void Close();

	inline TInt64 Size64() const {return iSize64;}
	// Sets 64 bit (cached) file size
	void SetSize64(TInt64 aSize);
	TDrive& Drive() const;
	TUint32 NameHash() const;
	HBufC& FileNameF() const;

    void MarkFileClean();

	void ConstructL(CFileShare& aShare);
	void SetFileCacheFlags(CFileShare& aShare);

	TInt DoReadBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode, CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest);
	TInt DoWriteBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest, TUint aMode);
	TInt DoFlushDirty(CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest, CFsRequest* aOldRequest, TBool aFlushAll);

	inline TInt SegmentSize() const;
	inline TInt SegmentSizeLog2() const;
	inline TInt64 SegmentSizeMask() const;

	inline void UpdateSharePosition(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TMsgOperation& aCurrentOperation);

	static TInt CompleteFlushDirty(CFsRequest* aMsgRequest);
	TInt FlushDirtySm(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest);

	TInt AllocateRequest(CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest, TBool aWrite, CSessionFs* aSession = NULL);

	void DoReadAhead(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);

	void FileDirty(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest);
    TInt HandleWriteDirtyError(TInt aError);
	void PropagateFlushErrorToAllFileShares();

	static TInt ClosedTimerEvent(TAny* aFileCache);
	static TInt DirtyTimerEvent(TAny* aFileCache);

	TBool IsDriveThread();

	CCacheClient* iCacheClient;

	TInt iMaxReadAheadLen;
	TInt iCacheSize;

	TInt32 iClosedFileKeepAliveTime;	// in microseconds
	TInt32 iDirtyDataFlushTime;			// in microseconds

	CFileCB* iFileCB;
	RFastLock iLock;

	TInt iFlushError;
	TBool iFlushBusy;

	CDriveThread* iDriveThread;
	TInt iDriveNum;
	// closed queue eject timer
	TThreadTimer iClosedTimer;

	// dirty data flush timer
	TThreadTimer iDirtyTimer;
	// The last session writing to this file. If non-NULL indicates cache contains dirty data
	CSessionFs* iDirtyDataOwner;
	// The size of the file.
	TInt64 iSize64;
	// The size of the file at the start of a write request
	TInt64 iInitialSize;
	// The full name of the file, including drive and extensions - Folded. This is "stolen" 
	// from the owning CFileCB when the CFileCB destructor calls CFileCache::Close().
	HBufC* iFileNameF;

	TUint32	iNameHash;

	TDrive* iDrive;

	CMountCB* iMount;

	// Read-ahead 
	TInt iSequentialReads;
	TInt iReadAheadLen;
	TInt64 iReadAheadPos;
	TInt64 iLastReadPos;
	TInt iLastReadLen;
	TBool iFileCacheReadAsync;
	CFsClientMessageRequest* iReadAheadRequest;

	friend class TClosedFileUtils;
	friend class TFsFileWriteDirty;

class TFileCacheSettings
	class TFileCacheConfig
		TFileCacheConfig(TInt aDrive);
		static TFileCacheFlags ConvertEnumToFlags(const TInt aFileCacheRead, const TInt aFileCacheReadAhead, const TInt aFileCacheWrite);
		TInt iDrive;
		TFileCacheFlags iFlags;

		TBool iFileCacheReadAsync;
		TInt32 iFairSchedulingLen;			// in bytes
		TInt32 iCacheSize;					// in bytes
		TInt32 iMaxReadAheadLen;			// in bytes
		TInt32 iClosedFileKeepAliveTime;	// in microseconds
		TInt32 iDirtyDataFlushTime;			// in microseconds

	static TInt ReadPropertiesFile(TInt aDriveNumber);
	static void SetFlags(TInt aDrive, TFileCacheFlags alags);
	static TFileCacheFlags Flags(TInt aDrive);

	static TInt FileCacheReadAsync(TInt aDrive);
	static TInt FairSchedulingLen(TInt aDrive);
	static TInt MaxReadAheadLen(TInt aDrive);
	static TInt CacheSize(TInt aDrive);
	static TInt ClosedFileKeepAliveTime(TInt aDrive);
	static TInt DirtyDataFlushTime(TInt aDrive);
	static TInt GetFileCacheConfig(TInt aDrive, TFileCacheConfig*& aConfig);
	static void Init();
	static void ReadEnum(const TDesC8& aSection, const TDesC8& aProperty, TInt32& aEnumVal, const TPtrC8* aEnumStrings);

	static RArray<TFileCacheConfig>* iFileCacheSettings;

class TClosedFileUtils
	static void InitL();

	static TInt Count();
	static CFileCache* At(TInt aIndex);
	static TBool IsClosed(CFileCache* aFileCache);

	static void AddL(CFileCache* aFileCache, TBool aLock);

	static void Remove();
	static void Remove(TInt aDrvNumber);
	static void Remove(CFileCache* aFileCache);

	static void Lock();
	static void Unlock();

	static void ReOpen(CFileCache* aFileCache, TBool aLock);
	typedef TBool (*TTestFunc)(CFileCache& aFileCache, TAny* aVal);
	static void RemoveFiles(TTestFunc aTestFunc, TAny* aTestVal);

	static TBool TestDrive(CFileCache& aFileCache, TAny* aVal);
	static TBool TestFile(CFileCache& aFileCache, TAny* aVal);

	static CFsObjectCon* iClosedFiles;
