Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_memory_man.cpp
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include "sf_std.h"
#include <e32uid.h>
#include <e32wins.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include "sf_memory_man.h"
#include "sf_memory_client.h"
Destructor of the CCacheMemoryManager, need to destroy all registered clients.
for (TInt i = 0; i < iRegisteredClients.Count(); i++)
delete iRegisteredClients[i];
Static factory function of CCacheMemoryManager
@param aCacheSize the total size of the virtual address space
CCacheMemoryManager* CCacheMemoryManager::NewL(TInt aCacheSize)
CCacheMemoryManager* cacheMemoryManager = new (ELeave) CCacheMemoryManager(aCacheSize);
CleanupStack::Pop(1, cacheMemoryManager);
return cacheMemoryManager;
Constructor of CCacheMemoryManager
@param aMaxSize the total size of the virtual address space
CCacheMemoryManager::CCacheMemoryManager(TUint32 aMaxSize)
Second phase constructor of CCacheMemoryManager.
Creates RChunk object and sets low memory threshold.
void CCacheMemoryManager::ConstructL()
// calculate the low-memory threshold below which we fail any attempt to allocate memory
TMemoryInfoV1Buf meminfo;
TInt r = UserHal::MemoryInfo(meminfo);
iLowMemoryThreshold = (meminfo().iTotalRamInBytes * TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::LowMemoryThreshold()) / 100;
TChunkCreateInfo createInfo;
r = iChunk.Create(createInfo);
iBase = iChunk.Base();
__PRINT3(_L("CCacheMemoryManager::ConstructL(lowMem=%d, iSize=%d, base=0x%lx)"), iLowMemoryThreshold, iSizeInBytes, iBase);
Connect or register a client.
Note: callers of this function should be constructor of various caches, it is their resposibility
to make sure that parameters are sensible when calling this function
@param aClientName an identifier of the client to be connected
@param aMinSizeInSegs minimum client size in segments
@param aMaxSizeInSegs maximum client size in segments
@return CCacheMemoryClient* pointer to the client that connected, or NULL if parameters are not valid.
@leave if no memory
EXPORT_C CCacheMemoryClient* CCacheMemoryManager::ConnectClientL(const TDesC& aClientName, TUint32 aMinSizeInSegs, TUint32 aMaxSizeInSegs)
__PRINT3(_L("CCacheMemoryManager::ConnectClientL([%S], minSeg=%d, maxSeg=%d)"), &aClientName, aMinSizeInSegs, aMaxSizeInSegs);
// search for existing clients by name
for (TInt i = 0; i < iRegisteredClients.Count(); i++)
if (aClientName.Compare(iRegisteredClients[i]->Name()) == 0)
ASSERT(iRegisteredClients[i]->iTouchedRegionFlag == 0);
__PRINT1(_L("CCacheMemoryManager::ConnectClientL: [%S] found!"), &aClientName);
return iRegisteredClients[i];
// if it is a new drive/file system who wants to connect, create a new client for it
// parameter validation
if (iSizeInBytes < iCurrentOffsetMark + (aMaxSizeInSegs << SegmentSizeInBytesLog2()))
__PRINT1(_L("CCacheMemoryManager::ConnectClientL([%S]) failed, please check \"GlobalCacheMemorySize\" setting!!!"), &aClientName);
// note: client creation may leave under OOM conditions
CCacheMemoryClient* client = CCacheMemoryClient::NewL(*this, aClientName, iCurrentOffsetMark, aMinSizeInSegs, aMaxSizeInSegs);
// if error happens during client registration, the client will be deleted
// this may leave under OOM conditions
TInt err = iRegisteredClients.Append(client);
if (err != KErrNone)
delete client;
client = NULL;
// record current offset mark for next client
iCurrentOffsetMark += (aMaxSizeInSegs << SegmentSizeInBytesLog2());
return client;
Commit a contiguous set of segments.
@param aStartRamAddr the start ram address of the region to be committed.
@param aSegmentCount the segment number of the contiguous region to be committed.
@return TInt KErrNone if succeeded, KErrNoMemory if passed low memory threshold, otherwise a system-wide error code.
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::AllocateAndLockSegments(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TInt aSegmentCount)
__PRINT2(_L("CCacheMemoryManager::AllocateAndLockSegments(base=0x%x, seg=%d)"), aStartRamAddr, aSegmentCount);
TMemoryInfoV1Buf meminfo;
TInt r = UserHal::MemoryInfo(meminfo);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
if (isMemoryLow || (meminfo().iFreeRamInBytes < iLowMemoryThreshold))
__PRINT(_L("CCacheMemoryManager: free RAM below threshold !!!"));
return KErrNoMemory;
return Commit(aStartRamAddr, aSegmentCount);
Notify the change of memory status
@param aIsMemoryLow the flag that sets current memory status
void CCacheMemoryManager::FreeMemoryChanged(TBool aIsMemoryLow)
isMemoryLow = aIsMemoryLow;
Decommit a contiguous set of segments.
@param aStartRamAddr the start ram address of the region to be decommitted.
@param aSegmentCount the segment number of the contiguous region to be decommitted.
@return TInt KErrNone if succeeded, otherwise a system-wide error code.
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::DecommitSegments(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TUint32 aSegmentCount)
return Decommit(aStartRamAddr, aSegmentCount);
Lock a contiguous set of segments.
@param aStartRamAddr the start ram address of the region to be locked.
@param aSegmentCount the segment number of the contiguous region to be locked.
@return TInt KErrNone if succeeded, otherwise a system-wide error code.
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::LockSegments(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TUint32 aSegmentCount)
return Lock(aStartRamAddr, aSegmentCount);
Unlock a contiguous set of segments.
@param aStartRamAddr the start ram address of the region to be unlocked.
@param aSegmentCount the segment number of the contiguous region to be unlocked.
@return TInt KErrNone if succeeded, otherwise a system-wide error code.
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::UnlockSegments(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TUint32 aSegmentCount)
return Unlock(aStartRamAddr, aSegmentCount);
Commit a contiguous set of segments.
@param aStartRamAddr the start ram address of the region to be committed.
@param aSegmentCount the segment number of the contiguous region to be committed.
@return TInt KErrNone if succeeded, otherwise a system-wide error code.
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::Commit(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TInt aSegmentCount)
TInt offset = aStartRamAddr - iBase;
TInt r = iChunk.Commit(offset, aSegmentCount << KSegmentSizeLog2);
return r;
Actual implementation of DecommitSegments().
@see CCacheMemoryManager::DecommitSegments().
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::Decommit(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TInt aSegmentCount)
return iChunk.Decommit(aStartRamAddr - iBase, aSegmentCount << KSegmentSizeLog2);
Actual implementation of UnlockSegments().
@see CCacheMemoryManager::UnlockSegments().
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::Unlock(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TInt aSegmentCount)
TInt r = iChunk.Unlock(aStartRamAddr - iBase, aSegmentCount << KSegmentSizeLog2);
return r;
Actual implementation of LockSegments().
@see CCacheMemoryManager::LockSegments().
TInt CCacheMemoryManager::Lock(TUint8* aStartRamAddr, TInt aSegmentCount)
return iChunk.Lock(aStartRamAddr - iBase, aSegmentCount << KSegmentSizeLog2);
TUint8* CCacheMemoryManager::Base()
return iChunk.Base();
Get function, returns log2 value of a segment size in bytes.
EXPORT_C TUint CCacheMemoryManager::SegmentSizeInBytesLog2() const
return KSegmentSizeLog2;
The singleton of global cache memory manager
CCacheMemoryManager* CCacheMemoryManagerFactory::iCacheMemoryManager = NULL;
Global factory function of CCacheMemoryManager.
void CCacheMemoryManagerFactory::CreateL()
if (TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::CacheSize() > 0)
iCacheMemoryManager = CCacheMemoryManager::NewL(TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::CacheSize());
__PRINT(_L("\"GlobalCacheMemorySize\" set <= 0, CCacheMemoryManager is not created!!!"));
Global get function of CCacheMemoryManager.
EXPORT_C CCacheMemoryManager* CCacheMemoryManagerFactory::CacheMemoryManager()
return iCacheMemoryManager;
Global destroy function of CCacheMemoryManager.
void CCacheMemoryManagerFactory::Destroy()
delete iCacheMemoryManager;
iCacheMemoryManager = NULL;
const TInt KByteToByteShift = 10;
TInt32 TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::iCacheSizeInBytes = KDefaultGlobalCacheMemorySize << KByteToByteShift;
TInt32 TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::iLowMemoryThreshold = KDefaultLowMemoryThreshold;
Read ESTART.TXT file for global cache memory settings
void TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::ReadPropertiesFile()
// Get size of cache in kilobytes
TInt32 cacheSizeInKBytes;
if (F32Properties::GetInt(KLitSectionNameCacheMemory, _L8("GlobalCacheMemorySize"), cacheSizeInKBytes))
iCacheSizeInBytes = cacheSizeInKBytes << KByteToByteShift;
// Get low memory threshold
TInt32 lowMemoryThreshold;
if (F32Properties::GetInt(KLitSectionNameCacheMemory, _L8("LowMemoryThreshold"), lowMemoryThreshold))
iLowMemoryThreshold = lowMemoryThreshold;
TInt TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::CacheSize()
return iCacheSizeInBytes;
TInt TGlobalCacheMemorySettings::LowMemoryThreshold()
return iLowMemoryThreshold;