author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 29 743008598095
parent 8 538db54a451d
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_plugin_shim.cpp

#include "cl_std.h"
#include "sf_std.h"

*						RFsPlugin					   *

EXPORT_C RFsPlugin::RFsPlugin(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive)
  : iSessionHelper(&aRequest, aDirectToDrive)

EXPORT_C RFsPlugin::~RFsPlugin()

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::Connect()
Connects a file server plugin to the file server.

To end the file server session, use Close().

@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
	return KErrNone;

EXPORT_C void RFsPlugin::Close()
Closes a file server plugin session.

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::Delete(const TDesC& aName)
Deletes a single file.

@see RFs::Delete

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::Rename(const TDesC& aOldName,const TDesC& aNewName)
Renames a single file or directory.

@see RFs::Rename
	return(RFs::Rename(aOldName, aNewName));

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::Replace(const TDesC& aOldName,const TDesC& aNewName)
Replaces a single file with another.

@see RFs::Replace
	return(RFs::Replace(aOldName, aNewName));

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::Entry(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& aEntry) const
Gets the entry details for a file or directory.

@see RFs::Entry
	return(RFs::Entry(aName, aEntry));

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::SetEntry(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask)
Sets both the attributes and the last modified date and time for a file or directory.

@see RFs::SetEntry

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::ReadFileSection(const TDesC& aName,TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const
Reads data from a file without opening it.

The contents of the	file can be accessed regardless of the file's lock state.

@see RFs::ReadFileSection

EXPORT_C TInt RFsPlugin::Volume(TVolumeInfo &aVol, TInt aDrive) const
Gets volume information for a formatted device.

@see RFs::Volume
	return (RFs::Volume(aVol, aDrive));

TInt RFsPlugin::SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	return iSessionHelper.SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

TInt RFs::SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
		return RSessionBase::SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

	return ((RFsPlugin*) this)->SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

*						RFilePlugin					   *

EXPORT_C RFilePlugin::RFilePlugin(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive)
  : iSessionHelper(&aRequest, aDirectToDrive)

EXPORT_C RFilePlugin::~RFilePlugin()

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Open(const TDesC& aName,TUint aMode)
Opens an existing file for reading or writing.

If the file does not already exist, an error is returned.

@see RFile::Open
	RFs fs;

EXPORT_C void RFilePlugin::Close()
Closes the file.

@see RFile::Close

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Create(const TDesC& aName,TUint aFileMode)
Closes the file.

@see RFile::Create
	RFs fs;

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Replace(const TDesC& aName,TUint aFileMode)
Closes the file.

@see RFile::Replace
	RFs fs;

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Temp(const TDesC& aPath,TFileName& aName,TUint aFileMode)
Closes the file.

@see RFile::Temp
	RFs fs;

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::AdoptFromClient()
Closes the file.

@see RFile::AdoptFromClient
	TFsPluginRequest* request = iSessionHelper.Request();
	if(request == NULL)
		return KErrBadHandle;

	TInt clientSubSessionHandle;
	TInt err = request->ClientSubSessionHandle(clientSubSessionHandle);
	if (err != KErrNone)
		return err;

	RFs fs;
	err = CreateSubSession(fs,EFsFileDuplicate, TIpcArgs(clientSubSessionHandle, ETrue));
	if (err != KErrNone)
		return err;

	SetSubSessionHandle(SubSessionHandle() ^ KSubSessionMangleBit);

	return err;

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::TransferToClient()
Closes the file.

@see RFile::TransferToClient
	TFsPluginRequest* request = iSessionHelper.Request();
	if(request == NULL)
		return KErrBadHandle;

	// This doesn't behave like a standard duplicate as we're running in the context of the
	// client's session.  Instead, we can simply return our subsession handle to the client.
	TRAPD(err, request->Request()->WriteL(KMsgPtr3, TPckgC<TInt>(SubSessionHandle())));

	// Next we have to free up the close request reserved for our internal subsession
	// otherwise two messages will be reserved for the client...

	// And now we're done - we don't bother closing, as the client now completely owns the handle

	return err;

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Write(TInt64 aPos, const TDesC8& aDes)
Writes to the file at the specified offset within the file

@see RFile::Write
	return RFile::Write(I64LOW(aPos), aDes);
	return RFile64::Write(aPos, aDes);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aLen)
Writes the specified number of bytes to the file at the specified offset within the file.

@see RFile::Write
	return RFile::Write(I64LOW(aPos), aDes, aLen);
	return RFile64::Write(aPos, aDes, aLen);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Read(TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes) const
Reads from the file at the specified offset within the file

@see RFile::Read
	return RFile::Read(I64LOW(aPos), aDes);
	return RFile64::Read(aPos, aDes);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Read(TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLen) const
Reads the specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at a specified
offset within the file.

@see RFile::Read
	return RFile::Read(I64LOW(aPos), aDes, aLen);
	return RFile64::Read(aPos, aDes, aLen);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Size(TInt64& aSize) const
Gets the current file size.

@see RFile::Size
	TInt size = I64LOW(aSize);
	TInt err = RFile::Size(size);
	aSize = size;
	return err;
	return RFile64::Size(aSize);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::SetSize(TInt64 aSize)
Sets the file size.

@see RFile::SetSize
	return RFile::SetSize(I64LOW(aSize));
	return RFile64::SetSize(aSize);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Lock(TInt64 aPos, TInt64 aLength) const
Locks a region within the file as defined by a range of bytes.

@see RFile::Lock
	return RFile::Lock(I64LOW(aPos), I64LOW(aLength));
	return RFile64::Lock(aPos, aLength);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::UnLock(TInt64 aPos, TInt64 aLength) const
Unlocks a region within the file as defined by a range of bytes.

@see RFile::UnLock
	return RFile::UnLock(I64LOW(aPos), I64LOW(aLength));
	return RFile64::UnLock(aPos, aLength);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Seek(TSeek aMode,TInt64& aPos) const
Sets the the current file position.

@see RFile::Seek
	TInt position = I64LOW(aPos);
	TInt err = RFile::Seek(aMode, position);
	if(err != KErrNone)
		return err;
	aPos = position;
	return KErrNone;
	return RFile64::Seek(aMode, aPos);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Flush()
Commits data to the storage device and flushes internal buffers without closing
the file.

@see RFile::Flush
	return RFile::Flush();

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Att(TUint& aVal) const
Gets the file's attributes.

@see RFile::Att
	return RFile::Att(aVal);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::SetAtt(TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask)
Sets or clears file attributes using two bitmasks.

@see RFile::SetAtt
	return RFile::SetAtt(aSetAttMask, aClearAttMask);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Modified(TTime& aTime) const
Gets local date and time the file was last modified, in universal time.

@see RFile::Modified
	return RFile::Modified(aTime);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::SetModified(const TTime& aTime)
Sets the date and time the file was last modified. UTC date and time should be used.

@see RFile::SetModified
	return RFile::SetModified(aTime);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Set(const TTime& aTime,TUint aMask,TUint aVal)
Sets the file’s attributes, and the date and time it was last modified.

@see RFile::Set
	return RFile::Set(aTime, aMask, aVal);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::ChangeMode(TFileMode aNewMode)
Switches an open file's access mode between EFileShareExclusive and EFileShareReadersOnly.

@see RFile::ChangeMode
	return RFile::ChangeMode(aNewMode);

EXPORT_C TInt RFilePlugin::Rename(const TDesC& aNewName)
Renames a file.

@see RFile::Rename
	return RFile::Rename(aNewName);

void RFilePlugin::SetHandle(TInt aHandle)
	*(((TInt*) this) + 0) = aHandle;

void RFilePlugin::SetSubSessionHandle(TInt aHandle)
	*(((TInt*) this) + 1) = aHandle;

TInt RFilePlugin::CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession, TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs)
	TInt reply;
	TInt err = iSessionHelper.CreateSubSession(aSession, aFunction, aArgs, &reply);
	if(err == KErrNone)

void RFilePlugin::CloseSubSession(TInt aFunction)
	if (SubSessionHandle())


TInt RFilePlugin::SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	return iSessionHelper.SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs, ((RFilePlugin*) this)->SubSessionHandle());

TInt RFile::CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession,TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs)
	if(SubSessionHandle() == KErrBadHandle)
		return ((RFilePlugin*) this)->CreateSubSession(aSession, aFunction, aArgs);

	return RSubSessionBase::CreateSubSession(aSession, aFunction, aArgs);

void RFile::CloseSubSession(TInt aFunction)
	if((Session().Handle() ^ CObjectIx::ENoClose) != KErrBadHandle)
		((RFilePlugin*) this)->CloseSubSession(aFunction);

TInt RFile::SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	if((Session().Handle() ^ CObjectIx::ENoClose) != KErrBadHandle)
		return RSubSessionBase::SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

	return ((RFilePlugin*) this)->SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

*						RDirPlugin					   *

EXPORT_C RDirPlugin::RDirPlugin(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive)
  : iSessionHelper(&aRequest, aDirectToDrive)

EXPORT_C RDirPlugin::~RDirPlugin()

EXPORT_C TInt RDirPlugin::Open(const TDesC& aMatchName,const TUidType& aUidType)
Opens a directory using the specified UID type to filter the
directory entry types that will subsequently be read.

@see RDir::Open
	RFs fs;

	TPckgC<TUidType> pckgUid(aUidType);

EXPORT_C TInt RDirPlugin::Open(const TDesC& aMatchName,TUint anAttMask)
Opens a directory using an attribute bitmask to filter the directory entry
types that will subsequently be read.

@see RDir::Open
	RFs fs;

	TUidType uidType(TUid::Null(),TUid::Null(),TUid::Null());
	TPckgC<TUidType> pckgUid(uidType);

EXPORT_C void RDirPlugin::Close()
Closes the the directory.

@see RDir::Close

EXPORT_C TInt RDirPlugin::Read(TEntryArray& aArray)
Reads all filtered directory entries into the specified array.

@see RDir::Read
	return RDir::Read(aArray);

EXPORT_C TInt RDirPlugin::Read(TEntry& aEntry)
Reads all filtered directory entries into the specified array.

@see RDir::Read
	return RDir::Read(aEntry);

void RDirPlugin::SetHandle(TInt aHandle)
	*(((TInt*) this) + 0) = aHandle;

void RDirPlugin::SetSubSessionHandle(TInt aHandle)
	*(((TInt*) this) + 1) = aHandle;

TInt RDirPlugin::CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession, TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs)
	TInt reply;
	TInt err = iSessionHelper.CreateSubSession(aSession, aFunction, aArgs, &reply);
	if(err == KErrNone)

void RDirPlugin::CloseSubSession(TInt aFunction)
	if (SubSessionHandle())


TInt RDirPlugin::SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	return iSessionHelper.SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs, ((RDirPlugin*) this)->SubSessionHandle());

TInt RDir::SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	if((Session().Handle() ^ CObjectIx::ENoClose) != KErrBadHandle)
		return RSubSessionBase::SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

	return ((RDirPlugin*) this)->SendReceive(aFunction, aArgs);

*				TFsPluginSessionHelper				   *

	{ memclr(this, sizeof(TPluginSessionHelper)); }

TPluginSessionHelper::TPluginSessionHelper(TFsPluginRequest* aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive)
  : iPlugin(aRequest->Request()->iCurrentPlugin),
	// need to initialise RLocalMessage with client session
	*((RMessage2*) &iMessage) = aRequest->Message();
	iMessage.InitHandle();	// set handle to KLocalMessageHandle
	memclr(iSpare, sizeof(iSpare));

TInt TPluginSessionHelper::CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession, TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TInt* aReply)

	// Init message
	TIpcArgs args;
	args.iArgs[0] = aArgs.iArgs[0];
	args.iArgs[1] = aArgs.iArgs[1];
	args.iArgs[2] = aArgs.iArgs[2];
	args.iFlags = aArgs.iFlags&((1<<(3*TIpcArgs::KBitsPerType))-1);

	TPckgBuf<TInt> reply;

	// copy session pointer
	RLocalMessage message = iMessage;

	TInt err = Dispatch(aFunction, args);
	if (err == KErrNone)
		*aReply = reply();

	return err;

TInt TPluginSessionHelper::Dispatch(TInt aFunction, TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	// copy session pointer
	RLocalMessage message = iMessage;

	// allocate request
	CFsClientMessageRequest* newRequest;
	const TOperation& oP = OperationArray[aFunction & KIpcFunctionMask];
	TInt err = RequestAllocator::GetMessageRequest(oP, message, newRequest);
	if (err != KErrNone)
		return err;

	newRequest->Set(message, oP, iSession);
	//This is wrong. drive number is set in TFsXxx::initialise

	newRequest->iCurrentPlugin = iPlugin;
	newRequest->iOwnerPlugin   = iPlugin;
	newRequest->iDirectToDrive = iDirectToDrive;


	// NOTE : newRequest will be free'd by the File Server before completing the
	//        request so it's not safe to touch the request from now on...

TInt TPluginSessionHelper::SendReceive(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TInt aSubSessionHandle) const
	// Init message
	TIpcArgs args;
	args.iArgs[0] = aArgs.iArgs[0];
	args.iArgs[1] = aArgs.iArgs[1];
	args.iArgs[2] = aArgs.iArgs[2];
	args.iFlags   = aArgs.iFlags&((1<<(3*TIpcArgs::KBitsPerType))-1);
	args.iArgs[3] = aSubSessionHandle;

	return Dispatch(aFunction, args);

TInt TPluginSessionHelper::SendReceive(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const
	// Init message
	TIpcArgs args;
	args.iArgs[0] = aArgs.iArgs[0];
	args.iArgs[1] = aArgs.iArgs[1];
	args.iArgs[2] = aArgs.iArgs[2];
	args.iArgs[3] = aArgs.iArgs[3];
	args.iFlags = aArgs.iFlags&((1<<(3*TIpcArgs::KBitsPerType))-1);

	return Dispatch(aFunction, args);

GLDEF_C void Panic(TClientPanic aPanic)
// Panic the current client with a file server client side panic.
	User::Panic(_L("FS_PLUGIN_CLIENT panic"),aPanic);