Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_std.inl
#ifndef SF_STD_INL
#define SF_STD_INL
//Class CFsRequest
void CFsRequest::Kill(TInt aReason)
void CFsRequest::Terminate(TInt aReason)
void CFsRequest::Panic(const TDesC &aCategory,TInt aReason)
__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("CFsRequest::Panic %S %d"),&aCategory,aReason));
TBool CFsRequest::ErrorPlugin(TInt aError)
CFsMessageRequest& self = *(CFsMessageRequest*)this;
CFsPlugin* plugin = self.iOwnerPlugin;
plugin->iLastError = aError;
self.iOwnerPlugin = NULL;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// class CFsObjectIx
TInt CFsObjectIx::Count() const
TInt CFsObjectIx::ActiveCount() const
void CFsObjectIx::Lock()
void CFsObjectIx::Unlock()
// class CFsObjectCon
void CFsObjectCon::Lock()
void CFsObjectCon::Unlock()
TInt CFsObjectCon::UniqueID() const
TInt CFsObjectCon::Count() const
// class CDisconnectThread
CFsInternalRequest* CDisconnectThread::GetRequest()
// class CServerFs
void CServerFs::SessionQueueLockWait()
void CServerFs::SessionQueueLockSignal()
// class CSessionFs
void CSessionFs::IncResourceCount()
{ __e32_atomic_add_ord32(&iResourceCount, 1); }
void CSessionFs::DecResourceCount()
{ __e32_atomic_add_ord32(&iResourceCount, (TUint32)(-1)); }
CFsObjectIx& CSessionFs::Handles()
HBufC& CSessionFs::Path()
{/*__CHECK_MAINTHREAD();*/ return(*iPath);}
void CSessionFs::SetPath(HBufC* aPath)
{__CHECK_MAINTHREAD(); iPath=aPath;}
TThreadId& CSessionFs::ThreadId()
{ return iId; }
void CSessionFs::SetThreadId(const TThreadId& aId)
iId = aId;
// class TReservedDriveAccess
TReservedDriveAccess::TReservedDriveAccess(TInt aDriveNumber)
: iDriveNumber(aDriveNumber),
{ }
TReservedDriveAccess::TReservedDriveAccess(TInt aDriveNumber, TInt aReservedSpace)
: iDriveNumber(aDriveNumber),
{ }
// class TOperation
TBool TOperation::IsSync() const
{return(iFlags & ESync)?(TBool)ETrue:(TBool)EFalse;}
TInt TOperation::Function()
TInt TOperation::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TInt TOperation::PostInitialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TInt TOperation::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TFsPluginRequest::TF32ArgType TOperation::Arg(TUint aIndex)
inline void TMsgOperation::Set(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TUint8* aData, TInt aOffset, TInt aNextState)
iReadWriteArgs.iPos = aPos;
iReadWriteArgs.iTotalLength = iReadWriteArgs.iLength = aLength;
iReadWriteArgs.iData = aData;
iReadWriteArgs.iOffset = aOffset;
iClientRequest = EFalse;
iState = aNextState;
//Operations pushed from the client use this version of Set
inline void TMsgOperation::Set(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDesC8* aData, TInt aOffset, TInt aNextState)
iReadWriteArgs.iPos = aPos;
iReadWriteArgs.iTotalLength = iReadWriteArgs.iLength = aLength;
iReadWriteArgs.iData = aData;
iReadWriteArgs.iOffset = aOffset;
iClientRequest = ETrue;
iState = aNextState;
// class CFsRequest
TOperation* CFsRequest::Operation()
CSessionFs* CFsRequest::Session()
void CFsRequest::SetSession(CSessionFs* aSession)
TInt CFsRequest::DriveNumber()
void CFsRequest::SetDriveNumber(TInt aDriveNumber)
TBool CFsRequest::IsCompleted()
void CFsRequest::SetCompleted(TBool aIsCompleted)
TUint CFsRequest::ScratchValue()
{return I64LOW(iScratchValue);}
void CFsRequest::SetScratchValue(const TUint aValue)
TInt64 CFsRequest::ScratchValue64()
void CFsRequest::SetScratchValue64(const TInt64& aValue)
TBool CFsRequest::IsSeparateThread()
TBool CFsRequest::IsPostOperation() const
{return iFlags & EPostOperation;}
void CFsRequest::SetPostOperation(TBool aSet)
{aSet? iFlags |= EPostOperation : iFlags &= ~EPostOperation;}
TBool CFsRequest::IsPluginSpecific() const
{return(iOperation->iFunction == EFsPluginOpen ||
iOperation->iFunction == EFsPluginDoRequest ||
iOperation->iFunction == EFsPluginDoControl ||
iOperation->iFunction == EFsPluginDoCancel);}
TBool CFsRequest::IsExpectedResult(TInt aError) const
{return ((aError == KErrNone) ||
(iOperation->iFunction == EFsDirReadPacked && aError == KErrEof));}
void CFsRequest::SetError(TInt aError)
{iError = aError;}
TInt CFsRequest::GetError() const
{return iError;}
TBool CFsRequest::IsChangeNotify() const
{ return ( iSession && iSession->IsChangeNotify() && iOperation->IsChangeNotify()); }
void CFsRequest::SetState(TReqStates aReqState)
{ iReqState = aReqState; }
TBool CFsRequest::DirectToDrive()
{ return(iDirectToDrive); }
TBool CFsRequest::IsFsObjectOpen()
{ return iFlags & EFsObjectOpen;}
void CFsRequest::SetFsObjectOpen(TBool aSet)
{aSet? iFlags |= EFsObjectOpen : iFlags &= ~EFsObjectOpen;}
Returns ETrue if the IPC Message Argument slot is packed with descriptor data for
EFsFileRead, EFsFileWrite, EFsFileSeek, EFsFileLock, EFsFileUnLock, EFsFileSize,
EFsFileSetSize and EFsReadFileSection requests.
@panic if the aMsgNum is greater than the number of IPC message arguments, KMaxMessageArguments.
@param IPC message argument index
TBool CFsRequest::IsDescData(TInt aMsgNum)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMsgNum < KMaxMessageArguments, Fault(EBadMessageSlotIndex));
return ((1 << (aMsgNum + KIpcFlagOffset)) & Message().Function())?(TBool)ETrue:(TBool)EFalse;
Least 16 bits (0 to 15) are used for file server operation index.
Remaining bits (16 to 31) are reserved for other purposes.
Should be called in place of CFsRequest::Message().Function()
if the file server operation index is required.
@return Returns the file server operation index by masking the upper 16 bits.
TInt CFsRequest::FsFunction()
{return (Message().Function() & KIpcFunctionMask);}
// class CFsMessageRequest
void CFsMessageRequest::SetMessage(RMessage2& aMessage)
TMsgOperation* CFsMessageRequest::CurrentOperationPtr()
{return iCurrentOperation;}
// class CFsInternalRequest
void CFsInternalRequest::SetThreadHandle(TInt aThreadHandle)
TInt CFsInternalRequest::ThreadHandle()
TRequestStatus& CFsInternalRequest::Status()
TBool CFsInternalRequest::IsAllocated()
void CFsInternalRequest::SetAllocated()
// class CFsMessageRequest
TBool CFsMessageRequest::IsFreeChanged()
{return(iFlags & EFreeChanged);}
void CFsMessageRequest::SetFreeChanged(TBool aChanged)
{ if (aChanged) iFlags |= EFreeChanged; else iFlags &= ~EFreeChanged;};
TBool CFsMessageRequest::IsAllocated()
{return(iFlags & EIsAllocated);}
void CFsMessageRequest::SetAllocated()
{iFlags |= EIsAllocated;}
{iFlags &= ~EIsAllocated;}
TBool CFsMessageRequest::PostInterceptEnabled()
{return iFlags & EPostInterceptEnabled;}
void CFsMessageRequest::EnablePostIntercept(TBool aEnable)
{if (aEnable) iFlags |= EPostInterceptEnabled; else iFlags &= ~EPostInterceptEnabled;}
inline TInt& CFsMessageRequest::LastError()
return iLastError;
inline void CFsMessageRequest::SetLastError(TInt aLastError)
iLastError = aLastError;
inline void CFsMessageRequest::Init()
iCurrentOperation = NULL;
// class CNotifyInfo
CSessionFs* CNotifyInfo::Session()
TRequestStatus* CNotifyInfo::Status()
#if defined(_USE_CONTROLIO) || defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
// Class RequestAllocator
/** returns number of permanently & dynamically allocated requests */
TInt RequestAllocator::RequestCount()
{ return iRequestCount;}
TInt RequestAllocator::RequestCountPeak()
{ return iRequestCountPeak;}
TInt OperationAllocator::FreeCount()
{ return iFreeCount;}
TInt OperationAllocator::RequestCount()
{ return iRequestCount;}
TInt OperationAllocator::RequestCountPeak()
{ return iRequestCountPeak;}
inline CFileSystem* CMountBody::GetFileSystem() const
return iFSys;
inline void CMountBody::SetFileSystem(CFileSystem* aFsys)
iFSys = aFsys;
#endif //SF_STD_INL