Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <drivers/iic.h>
// #include <gpio.h> // Include if using GPIO functionality
#include "iic_psl.h"
#include "iic_master.h"
// Method called when transmission activity is ended. The method is used to indicate
// the success or failure reported in the first parameter
// All timers are cancelled, relevant interrupts are disabled and the transaction
// request is completed by calling the relevant PIL method.
void DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::ExitComplete(TInt aErr, TBool aComplete /*= ETrue*/)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::ExitComplete, aErr %d, aComplete %d", aErr, aComplete));
// Disable interrupts for the channel
// with something similar to the following lines:
// Interrupt::Disable(iRxInterruptId);
// Interrupt::Disable(iTxInterruptId);
// Cancel timers and DFCs..
// Change the channel state to EIdle so that subsequent transaction requests can be accepted
// once the current one has been completed
iState = EIdle;
// Call the PIL method to complete the request
// Callback function for the iHwGuardTimer timer.
// Called in ISR context if the iHwGuardTimer expires. Sets iTransactionStatus to KErrTimedOut
void DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::TimeoutCallback(TAny* aPtr)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::TimeoutCallback"));
DIicBusChannelMasterPsl *a = (DIicBusChannelMasterPsl*) aPtr;
a->iTransactionStatus = KErrTimedOut;
// HandleSlaveTimeout
// This method is called by the PIL in the case of expiry of a timer started by the PSL. It is
// specificaly intended to guard against the Slave not responding within an expected time
// The PIL method StartSlaveTimeoutTimer is available for the PSL to start the timer (this is
// called from ProcessNextTransfers, below).
// The PIL method CancelTimeOut is available for the PSL to cancel the same timer (this is called
// from ExitComplete, above)
// The PIL will call CompleteRequest() after this function returns, so the PSL needs only to clean-up
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::HandleSlaveTimeout()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("HandleSlaveTimeout"));
// Ensure that the hardware has ceased transfers, with something similar to the following line:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KBusConfigOffset, KIicPslBusDisableBit);
// GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EDisabled);
// Stop the PSL's operation, and inform the PIL of the timeout
ExitComplete(KErrTimedOut, EFalse);
// Perform any further hardware manipulation necessary
return KErrTimedOut;
// DFC
// For execution when a Rx buffer has been filled or a Tx buffer has been emptied
void DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::TransferEndDfc(TAny* aPtr)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::TransferEndDfc"));
DIicBusChannelMasterPsl *a = (DIicBusChannelMasterPsl*) aPtr;
// Start of optional processing - not necessary for all implementations
// When operating full-duplex transfers, one of the Rx and Tx operations may have caused an interrupt
// before the other has completed. For the example here, the Tx is assumed to have completed before the Rx
// and a timer is used to ensure that the outstanding Rx operation completes within an expected time.
// If there has been no error so far, may want to check if we are still receiving the data
if(a->iTransactionStatus == KErrNone)
// Use an active wait since this is likely to be a brief check.
// Start the guard timer (which will update iTransactionStatus with KErrTimedOut if it expires)
// while also polling the hardware to check if transmission has ceased.
// Polling the hardware would be something like the line below
// (AsspRegister::Read32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KStatusRegisterOffset) & KTransmissionActive));
// but for the template port will use a dummy condition (value of 1)
while((a->iTransactionStatus == KErrNone) && 1); // Replace 1 with a register read
// Now the timer has expired, deactivate the slave select until the current state has been processed, but only
// if this is not an extended transaction, in which case we want to leave the bus alone so that the multiple
// transactions making up the extended transaction become one big transaction as far as the bus is concerned.
// Do this with something similar to the following line:
// if (!(a->iCurrTransaction->Flags() & KTransactionWithMultiTransc))
// {
// GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EDisabled);
// }
// Disable the hardware from further transmissions
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KBusConfigOffset, KIicPslBusDisableBit);
// Check if the guard timer expired
if(a->iTransactionStatus != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::TransferEndDfc(): error %d",a->iTransactionStatus));
a->ExitComplete(a->iTransactionStatus); // report the error
// Transfer completed successfully, so just cancel the guard timer
// End of optional processing - not necessary for all implementations
// At this point, prepare for subsequent transfers by performing any necessary clean-up.
// As stated above, for this example, it is assumed that any Rx or Tx transfer has completed -
// the following just checks if an Rx, Tx operation was started, and assumes that they completed.
// If the channel has been receiving data, may need to ensure that any FIFO used has been drained
// The example here checks if one extra data item remains in the FIFO
// To check if data remains in a FIFO, something similar to the following could be used:
// TInt8 dataRemains = AsspRegister::Read32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KRxFifoLevel);
// Reading data from the FIFO would be achieved with something like the line below
// value = AsspRegister::Read32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KRxData);
// but for the template port will just use a dummy values (data remains=1, value = 1)
TInt8 dataRemains = 1; // Would be a check of a Rx FIFO level
// If data remains in the Rx FIFO and the Rx buffer is not full, copy the data to the buffer
if(dataRemains && (a->iRxDataEnd - a->iRxData >= a->iWordSize) )
TUint8 value = 1; // Would be a read of the Rx FIFO data
*a->iRxData = value; // For this example, assumes one byte of data has been read from the FIFO
// but if operating in 16-bit mode, two "values" would be written the buffer
a->iRxData += a->iWordSize; // In this example, 8-bit mode is assumed (iWordSize=1)
// but if operating in 16-bit mode a->iRxData would be incremented by
// the number of bytes specified in a->iWordSize
// If the channel has been transmitting data, may need to ensure that any FIFO used has been flushed
// To check if data remains in a FIFO, something similar to the following could be used:
// TInt8 dataRemains = AsspRegister::Read32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KTxFifoLevel);
// The means to flush the FIFO will be platform specific, and so no example is given here.
// Start the next transfer for this transaction, if any remain
if(a->iState == EBusy)
TInt err = a->ProcessNextTransfers();
if(err != KErrNone)
// If the next transfer could not be started, complete the transaction with
// the returned error code
// ISR Handler
// If the channel is to be event driven, it will use interrupts that indicate the
// hardware has received or transmitted. To support this an ISR is required.
void DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::IicIsr(TAny* aPtr)
DIicBusChannelMasterPsl *a = (DIicBusChannelMasterPsl*) aPtr;
// The processing for Rx and Tx will differ, so must determine the status of the interrupts.
// This will be PSL-specific, but is likely to achieved by reading a status register, in a
// way similar to this:
// TUint32 status = AsspRegister::Read32(aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KStatusRegisterOffset);
// For the purposes of compiling the template port, just initialise status to zero.
TUint32 status = 0;
if(status & KIicPslTxInterrupt)
// Tx interrupt processing
// Clear the interrupt source, with something similar to the following line:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KStatusRegisterOffset, KIicPslTxInterrupt);
// Then check whether all the required data has been transmitted.
if(a->iTxData == a->iTxDataEnd)
// All data sent, so disable the Tx interrupt and queue a DFC to handle the next steps.
// Interrupt::Disable(a->iTxInterruptId);
// Data remaining - copy the next value to send to the Tx register
// TUint8 nextTxValue = *a->iTxData; // For this example, assumes one byte of data is to be transmitted
// but if operating in 16-bit mode, bytes may need arranging for
// endianness
// Write to the Tx register with something similar to the following:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KTxRegisterOffset, nextTxValue);
a->iTxData += a->iWordSize; // Then increment the pointer to the data. In this example, 8-bit mode is assumed
// (iWordSize=1), but if operating in 16-bit mode a->iTxData would be incremented
// by the number of bytes specified in a->iWordSize
if(status & KIicPslRxInterrupt)
// Rx interrupt processing
// Copy the received data to the Rx buffer.
// Do this in a loop in case there are more than one units of data to be handled. Data availability
// will be indicated by a PSL-specific register, and so may be handled by code similar to the following:
// while(AsspRegister::Read32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KRxData))
// But, to allow compilation of the template port, just use a dummy condition (while(1)):
// While there is space in the buffer, copy received data to it
if((a->iRxDataEnd - a->iRxData) >= a->iWordSize)
TUint8 nextRxValue = 0;
// Read from the Rx register with something similar to the following:
// TUint8 nextRxValue = AsspRegister::Read32(aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KRxRegisterOffset);
*a->iRxData = nextRxValue;
// If there is no space left in the buffer an Overrun has occurred
a->iTransactionStatus = KErrOverflow;
// Increment the pointer to the received data
a->iRxData += a->iWordSize;
// If the Rx buffer is now full, finish the transmission.
if(a->iRxDataEnd == a->iRxData)
// Disable the interrupt since it is no longer required
// Interrupt::Disable(a->iRxInterruptId);
// Then queue a DFC to perform the next steps
// After processing the data, clear the interrupt source (do it last to prevent the ISR being
// re-invoked before this ISR is finished), with something similar to the following line:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KStatusRegisterOffset, KIicPslRxInterrupt);
// Constructor, first stage
// The PSL is responsible for setting the channel number - this is passed as the first parameter to
// this overload of the base class constructor
DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DIicBusChannelMasterPsl(TInt aChannelNumber, TBusType aBusType, TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex) :
DIicBusChannelMaster(aBusType, aChanDuplex), // Base class constructor
iTransferEndDfc(TransferEndDfc, this, KIicPslDfcPriority), // DFC to handle transfer completion
iHwGuardTimer(TimeoutCallback, this) // Timer to guard against hardware timeout
iChannelNumber = aChannelNumber; // Set the iChannelNumber of the Base Class
iState = EIdle; // Initialise channel state machine
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DIicBusChannelMasterPsl: iChannelNumber = %d", iChannelNumber));
// Second stage construction
// Allocate and initialise objects required by the PSL channel implementation
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DoCreate()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("\nDIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DoCreate() ch: %d \n", iChannelNumber));
TInt r = KErrNone;
// Interrupt IDs (such as iRxInterruptId, iTxInterruptId, used in this file)would be initialised here.
// Also, information relevant to the channel number (such as the base register address,
// aRegisterSetBaseAddress) would be initialised here.
// Create the DFCQ to be used by the channel
TBuf8<KMaxName> threadName (KIicPslThreadName);
threadName.AppendNum(iChannelNumber); // Optional: append the channel number to the name
r = Kern::DfcQCreate(iDfcQ, KIicPslThreadPriority, &threadName);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DFC Queue creation failed, channel number: %d, r = %d\n", iChannelNumber, r));
return r;
// PIL Base class initialization - this must be called prior to SetDfcQ(iDfcQ)
r = Init();
if(r == KErrNone)
// Call base class function to set DFCQ pointers in the required objects
// This also enables the channel to process transaction requests
// PSL DFCQ initialisation for local DFC
NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity((NThread*)(iDfcQ->iThread), KCpuAffinityAny);
// Bind interrupts.
// This would be with something similar to the following lines:
// iMasterIntId = Interrupt::Bind(interruptIdToUse, IicPslIsr, this);
// Interrupt::Bind returns interruptId or an error code (negative value)
if(iMasterIntId < KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ERROR: InterruptBind error.. %d", r));
r = iMasterIntId;
return r;
// New
// A static method used to construct the DIicBusChannelMasterPsl object.
DIicBusChannelMasterPsl* DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::New(TInt aChannelNumber, const TBusType aBusType, const TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::NewL(): ChannelNumber = %d, BusType =%d", aChannelNumber, aBusType));
DIicBusChannelMasterPsl *pChan = new DIicBusChannelMasterPsl(aChannelNumber, aBusType, aChanDuplex);
TInt r = KErrNoMemory;
r = pChan->DoCreate();
if(r != KErrNone)
delete pChan;
pChan = NULL;
return pChan;
// Optional method - that determines if the previous transaction header is different to the current one.
// If configuration is the same, the hardware may not need to be re-initialized.
TBool DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::TransConfigDiffersFromPrev()
// The header will be specific to a particular bus type. Using a fictional
// bus type Abc, code similar to the following could be used to compare each
// member of the previous header with the current one
// TConfigAbcBufV01* oldHdrBuf = (TConfigAbcBufV01*) iPrevHeader;
// TConfigAbcV01 &oldHeader = (*oldHdrBuf)();
// TConfigAbcBufV01* newHdrBuf = (TConfigAbcBufV01*) iCurrHeader;
// TConfigAbcV01 &newHeader = (*newHdrBuf)();
// if( (newHeader.iHeaderMember != oldHeader.iHeaderMember) ||
// ... )
// {
// return EFalse;
// }
return ETrue;
// CheckHdr is called by the PIL when a transaction is queued, in function
// QueueTransaction. This is done in the context of the Client's thread.
// The PSL is required to check that the transaction header is valid for
// this channel.
// If the pointer to the header is NULL, return KErrArgument.
// If the content of the header is not valid for this channel, return KErrNotSupported.
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::CheckHdr(TDes8* aHdrBuff)
TInt r = KErrNone;
r = KErrArgument;
// Check that the contents of the header are valid
// The header will be specific to a particular bus type. Using a fictional
// bus type Abc,code similar to the following could be used to validate each
// member of the header:
// TConfigAbcBufV01* headerBuf = (TConfigAbcBufV01*) aHdrBuff;
// TConfigAbcV01 &abcHeader = (*headerBuf)();
// if( (abcHeader.iHeaderMember < ESomeMinValue) ||
// (abcHeader.iHeaderMember > ESomeMaxValue))
// {
// __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("iHeaderMember %d not supported",abcHeader.iHeaderMember));
// r = KErrNotSupported;
// }
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::CheckHdr() r %d", r));
return r;
// Initialise the hardware with the data provided in the transaction and slave-address field
// If a specified configuration is not supported, return KErrNotSupported
// If a configuration is supported, but the implementing configuration fails, return KErrGeneral
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::ConfigureInterface()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface()"));
// This method will be platform-specific and will configure the hardware as required to support
// the current transacation. This will be supported with something similar to the following:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KBusConfigOffset, KIicPslBusEnableBit);
// GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EEnabled);
// Depending on the platform, timers (such as iHwGuardTimer) may be used to check that the hardware
// responds in the required way within an allowed timeout. Since this is configuring the channel for
// an operation, it is acceptable to perform an active wait, with something similar to the following:
// iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
// iHwGuardTimer.OneShot(NKern::TimerTicks(KTimeoutValue));
// while((iTransactionStatus == KErrNone) &&
// AsspRegister::Read32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KBusConfigOffset, KIicPslBusEnableBit);
// if(iTransactionStatus != KErrNone)
// {
// return KErrGeneral;
// }
// else
// {
// iHwGuardTimer.Cancel();
// }
return KErrNone;
// Method called by StartTransfer to actually initiate the transfers. It manipulates the hardware to
// perform the required tasks.
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DoTransfer(TInt8 *aBuff, TUint aNumOfBytes, TUint8 aType)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("\nDIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DoTransfer() - aBuff=0x%x, aNumOfBytes=0x%x\n",aBuff,aNumOfBytes));
TInt r = KErrNone;
// Validate the input arguments
if((aBuff == NULL) || (aNumOfBytes == 0))
r = KErrArgument;
// This method will be platform-specific and will configure the hardware as required
// This will likely be supported with calls similar to the following:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KBusConfigOffset, KIicPslBusEnableBit);
// GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EEnabled);
// Interrupt::Enable(aInterruptId);
// Steps that may be typically required are described below
case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite:
// If using a Tx FIFO, may wish to disable transmission until the FIFO has been filled to certain level
// If using a Tx FIFO, may wish to flush it and re-initialise any counters or pointers used
// If using a FIFO, copy data to it until either the FIFO is full or all data has been copied
// Checking the FIFO is full will be reading a flag in a status register, by use of code similar the following
// TUint32 status = AsspRegister::Read32(aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KStatusRegisterOffset);
// if(status & KTxFifoFullBitMask)
// ... FIFO is full
// For this example base port, represent the FIFO full status by a dummy value (zero).
TUint8 txFifoFull = 0;
while(!txFifoFull && (iTxData != iTxDataEnd))
// TUint8 nextTxValue = *iTxData; // For this example, assumes one byte of data is to be transmitted
// but if operating in 16-bit mode, bytes may need arranging for
// endianness
// Write to the Tx FIFO register with something similar to the following:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KTxRegisterOffset, nextTxValue);
iTxData += iWordSize; // Then increment the pointer to the data. In this example, 8-bit mode is assumed
// (iWordSize=1), but if operating in 16-bit mode a->iTxData would be incremented
// by the number of bytes specified in a->iWordSize
// May wish to enable transmission now - or wait until after the Read transfer has been initialised
case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead:
// If using an Rx FIFO, it will already have been drained at the end of the last transfer by TransferEndDfc
// so no need to do it again here.
// May wish to enable reception now - or group with the code, below
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Unsupported TransactionType %x", aType));
r = KErrArgument;
// Final stages of hardware preparation
// Enable hardware interrupts
// Finally, enable (start) transmission and reception
return r;
// This method performs the initialisation required for either a read or write transfer
// and then invokes the next stage of the processing (DoTransfer)
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::StartTransfer(TIicBusTransfer* aTransferPtr, TUint8 aType)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::StartTransfer() - aTransferPtr=0x%x, aType=%d",aTransferPtr,aType));
if(aTransferPtr == NULL)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::StartTransfer - NULL pointer\n"));
return KErrArgument;
TInt r = KErrNone;
case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite:
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting EMasterWrite, duplex=%d", iFullDTransfer));
// Get a pointer to the transfer object's buffer, to facilitate passing arguments to DoTransfer
const TDes8* aBufPtr = GetTferBuffer(aTransferPtr);
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Length %d, iWordSize %d", aBufPtr->Length(), iWordSize));
// Store the current address and ending address for Transmission - they are required by the ISR and DFC
iTxData = (TInt8*) aBufPtr->Ptr();
iTxDataEnd = (TInt8*) (iTxData + aBufPtr->Length());
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Tx: Start: %x, End %x, bytes %d\n\n", iTxData, iTxDataEnd, aBufPtr->Length()));
// Set the flag to indicate that we'll be transmitting data
iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting = ETrue;
// initiate the transmission..
r = DoTransfer((TInt8 *) aBufPtr->Ptr(), aBufPtr->Length(), aType);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting Write failed, r = %d", r));
case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead:
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting EMasterRead, duplex=%x", iFullDTransfer));
// Get a pointer to the transfer object's buffer, to facilitate passing arguments to DoTransfer
const TDes8* aBufPtr = GetTferBuffer(aTransferPtr);
// Store the current address and ending address for Reception - they are required by the ISR and DFC
iRxData = (TInt8*) aBufPtr->Ptr();
iRxDataEnd = (TInt8*) (iRxData + aBufPtr->Length());
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Rx: Start: %x, End %x, bytes %d", iRxData, iRxDataEnd, aBufPtr->Length()));
// Set the flag to indicate that we'll be receiving data
iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving = ETrue;
// initiate the reception
r = DoTransfer((TInt8 *) aBufPtr->Ptr(), aBufPtr->Length(), aType);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting Read failed, r = %d", r));
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Unsupported TransactionType %x", aType));
r = KErrArgument;
return r;
// This method determines the next transfers to be processed, and passes them to the next stage
// in the processing (StartTransfer).
// This is called from DoRequest (for the first transfer) and TransferEndDfc (after a transfer
// has completed)
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::ProcessNextTransfers()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::ProcessNextTransfers(),BUSY=%d", iState));
// Since new transfers are strating, clear exisiting flags
iOperation.iValue = TIicOperationType::ENop;
// Some hardware preparation may be required before starting the transfer using something similar
// to the following line:
// AsspRegister::Write32(a->aRegisterSetBaseAddress + KBusConfigOffset, KIicPslBusEnableBit);
// If this is the first transfer in the transaction the channel will be in state EIdle
if(iState == EIdle)
// Get the pointer to half-duplex transfer object..
iHalfDTransfer = GetTransHalfDuplexTferPtr(iCurrTransaction);
// Get the pointer to full-duplex transfer object..
iFullDTransfer = GetTransFullDuplexTferPtr(iCurrTransaction);
// Update the channel state to EBusy and initialise the transaction status
iState = EBusy;
iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
// Use the PIL funcitonality to start a timer that will timeout if the transaction
// is not completed within a specified time period (the client may have specified a period
// to use in the transaction header - some something similar tot he following could be used)
// StartSlaveTimeOutTimer(iCurrHeader->iTimeoutPeriod);
// If the timer expires, callback function HandleSlaveTimeout (implemented by the PSL, above)
// will be called. This will ensure that the hardware ceases transfer activity, and calls ExitComplete
// with KErrTImedOut, which will return the channel state to EIdle.
// If not in state EIdle, process the next transfer in the linked-list held by the transaction
// Get the pointer the next half-duplex transfer object..
iHalfDTransfer = GetTferNextTfer(iHalfDTransfer);
// Get the pointer to the next half-duplex transfer object..
iFullDTransfer = GetTferNextTfer(iFullDTransfer);
TInt r = KErrNone;
if(!iFullDTransfer && !iHalfDTransfer)
// If all of the transfers were completed, just notify the PIL and return.
// (if either Rx or Tx has not finished properly ExitComplete() would have been called
// from TransferEndDfc if there was an error during the transfer)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("All transfers completed successfully"));
// Transfers remain to be processed
// For full-duplex transfers, the order in which read and write transfers are started may be significant.
// Below is an example where the read transfer is explicitly started before the write transfer.
TInt8 hDTrType = (TInt8) GetTferType(iHalfDTransfer);
if(hDTrType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead)
r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead);
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = StartTransfer(iFullDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite);
else // hDTrType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite)
r = StartTransfer(iFullDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead);
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite);
// This is a HalfDuplex transfer - so just start it
r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, hDTrType);
return r;
// The gateway function for PSL implementation
// This method is called by the PIL to initiate the transaction. After finishing it's processing,
// the PSL calls the PIL function CompleteRequest to indicate the success (or otherwise) of the request
TInt DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DoRequest(TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DIicBusChannelMasterPsl::DoRequest (aTransaction=0x%x)\n", aTransaction));
// If the pointer to the transaction passed in as a parameter, or its associated pointer to the
// header information is NULL, return KErrArgument
if(!aTransaction || !GetTransactionHeader(aTransaction))
return KErrArgument;
// The PSL operates a simple state machine to ensure that only one transaction is processed
// at a time - if the channel is currently busy, reject the request with KErrInUse.
if(iState != EIdle)
return KErrInUse;
// Make a copy of the pointer to the transaction
iCurrTransaction = aTransaction;
// Configure the hardware to support the transaction
TInt r = KErrNone;
if(TransConfigDiffersFromPrev()) // Optional: check if hardware needs reconfiguration
r = ConfigureInterface();
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
// start processing transfers of this transaction.
r = ProcessNextTransfers();
return r;