author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// template\template_assp\pa_usbc.cpp
// Platform-dependent USB client controller layer (USB PSL).

#include <template_assp.h>									// /assp/template_assp/
#include <template_assp_priv.h>								// /assp/template_assp/

#include <drivers/usbc.h>

#include "pa_usbc.h"										// .

// Debug support
#ifdef _DEBUG
static const char KUsbPanicCat[] = "USB PSL";

// Define USB_SUPPORTS_PREMATURE_STATUS_IN to enable proper handling of a premature STATUS_IN stage, i.e. a
// situation where the host sends less data than first announced and instead of more data (OUT) will send an
// IN token to start the status stage. What we do in order to implement this here is to prime the TX fifo with
// a ZLP immediately when we find out that we're dealing with a DATA_OUT request. This way, as soon as the
// premature IN token is received, we complete the transaction by sending off the ZLP. If we don't prime the
// TX fifo then there is no way for us to recognise a premature status because the IN token itself doesn't
// raise an interrupt. We would simply wait forever for more data, or rather we would time out and the host
// would move on and send the next Setup packet.
// The reason why we would not want to implement the proper behaviour is this: After having primed the TX fifo
// with a ZLP, it is impossible for a user to reject such a (class/vendor specific) Setup request, basically
// because the successful status stage happens automatically. At the time the user has received and decoded
// the Setup request there's for her no way to stall Ep0 in order to show to the host that this Setup packet
// is invalid or inappropriate or whatever, because she cannot prevent the status stage from happening.
// (All this is strictly true only if the amount of data in the data stage is less than or equal to Ep0's max
//	packet size. However this is almost always the case.)

static const TUsbcEndpointCaps DeviceEndpoints[KUsbTotalEndpoints] =
	//                                                      Hardware #    iEndpoints index
	{KEp0MaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeControl	   | KUsbEpDirOut)}, //	 0 -  0
	{KEp0MaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeControl	   | KUsbEpDirIn )}, //	 0 -  1
	{KUsbEpNotAvailable, KUsbEpNotAvailable},				// --- Not present
	{KBlkMaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeBulk		   | KUsbEpDirIn )}, //	 1 -  3
	{KBlkMaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeBulk		   | KUsbEpDirOut)}, //	 2 -  4
	{KUsbEpNotAvailable, KUsbEpNotAvailable},				// --- Not present
	{KUsbEpNotAvailable, KUsbEpNotAvailable},				// --- Not present
	{KIsoMaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeIsochronous | KUsbEpDirIn )}, //	 3 -  7
	{KIsoMaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeIsochronous | KUsbEpDirOut)}, //	 4 -  8
	{KUsbEpNotAvailable, KUsbEpNotAvailable},				// --- Not present
	{KUsbEpNotAvailable, KUsbEpNotAvailable},				// --- Not present
	{KIntMaxPktSzMask,	(KUsbEpTypeInterrupt   | KUsbEpDirIn )}, //	 5 - 11

// --- TEndpoint --------------------------------------------------------------

// Constructor
	: iRxBuf(NULL), iReceived(0), iLength(0), iZlpReqd(EFalse), iNoBuffer(EFalse), iDisabled(EFalse),
	  iPackets(0), iLastError(KErrNone), iRequest(NULL), iRxTimer(RxTimerCallback, this),
	  iRxTimerSet(EFalse), iRxMoreDataRcvd(EFalse), iPacketIndex(NULL), iPacketSize(NULL)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TEndpoint::TEndpoint"));

void TEndpoint::RxTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr)
// (This function is static.)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TEndpoint::RxTimerCallback"));

	TEndpoint* const ep = static_cast<TEndpoint*>(aPtr);
	if (!ep)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: !ep"));
	else if (!ep->iRxTimerSet)
		// Timer 'stop' substitute (instead of stopping it,
		// we just let it expire after clearing iRxTimerSet)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("!ep->iRxTimerSet - returning"));
	else if (!ep->iRxBuf)
		// Request already completed
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("!ep->iRxBuf - returning"));
	else if (ep->iRxMoreDataRcvd)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > rx timer cb: not yet completing..."));
		ep->iRxMoreDataRcvd = EFalse;
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > rx timer cb: completing now..."));
		*ep->iPacketSize = ep->iReceived;

// --- TTemplateAsspUsbcc public ---------------------------------------------------

// Constructor.
	: iCableConnected(ETrue), iBusIsPowered(EFalse),
	  iInitialized(EFalse), iUsbClientConnectorCallback(UsbClientConnectorCallback),
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::TTemplateAsspUsbcc"));

	iAssp = static_cast<TemplateAssp*>(Arch::TheAsic());

	iSoftwareConnectable = iAssp->UsbSoftwareConnectable();

	iCableDetectable = iAssp->UsbClientConnectorDetectable();

	if (iCableDetectable)
		// Register our callback for detecting USB cable insertion/removal.
		// We ignore the error code: if the registration fails, we just won't get any events.
		// (Which of course is bad enough...)
		(void) iAssp->RegisterUsbClientConnectorCallback(iUsbClientConnectorCallback, this);
		// Call the callback straight away so we get the proper PIL state from the beginning.
		(void) UsbClientConnectorCallback(this);

	for (TInt i = 0; i < KUsbTotalEndpoints; i++)
		iEndpoints[i].iController = this;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Construct()
// Construct.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Construct"));

	TUsbcDeviceDescriptor* DeviceDesc = TUsbcDeviceDescriptor::New(
		0x00,												// aDeviceClass
		0x00,												// aDeviceSubClass
		0x00,												// aDeviceProtocol
		KEp0MaxPktSz,										// aMaxPacketSize0
		KUsbVendorId,										// aVendorId
		KUsbProductId,										// aProductId
		KUsbDevRelease,										// aDeviceRelease
		1);													// aNumConfigurations
	if (!DeviceDesc)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for dev desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	TUsbcConfigDescriptor* ConfigDesc = TUsbcConfigDescriptor::New(
		1,													// aConfigurationValue
		ETrue,												// aSelfPowered (see 12.4.2 "Bus-Powered Devices")
		ETrue,												// aRemoteWakeup
		0);													// aMaxPower (mA)
	if (!ConfigDesc)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for config desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	TUsbcLangIdDescriptor* StringDescLang = TUsbcLangIdDescriptor::New(KUsbLangId);
	if (!StringDescLang)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for lang id $ desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	// ('sizeof(x) - 2' because 'wchar_t KStringXyz' created a wide string that ends in '\0\0'.)

	TUsbcStringDescriptor* StringDescManu =
									   const_cast<TUint8*>(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(KStringManufacturer)),
									   sizeof(KStringManufacturer) - 2, sizeof(KStringManufacturer) - 2));
	if (!StringDescManu)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for manufacturer $ desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	TUsbcStringDescriptor* StringDescProd =
									   const_cast<TUint8*>(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(KStringProduct)),
									   sizeof(KStringProduct) - 2, sizeof(KStringProduct) - 2));
	if (!StringDescProd)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for product $ desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	TUsbcStringDescriptor* StringDescSer =
									   const_cast<TUint8*>(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(KStringSerialNo)),
									   sizeof(KStringSerialNo) - 2, sizeof(KStringSerialNo) - 2));
	if (!StringDescSer)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for serial no $ desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	TUsbcStringDescriptor* StringDescConf =
									   const_cast<TUint8*>(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(KStringConfig)),
									   sizeof(KStringConfig) - 2, sizeof(KStringConfig) - 2));
	if (!StringDescConf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for config $ desc failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	const TBool r =	InitialiseBaseClass(DeviceDesc,
	if (!r)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: UsbClientController::InitialiseBaseClass failed."));
		return KErrGeneral;

	return KErrNone;

// Destructor.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::~TTemplateAsspUsbcc"));

	// Unregister our callback for detecting USB cable insertion/removal
	if (iCableDetectable)
	if (iInitialized)
		// (The explicit scope operator is used against Lint warning #1506.)

TBool TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceStateChangeCaps() const
// Returns capability of hardware to accurately track the device state (Chapter 9 state).
	// TO DO: Return EFalse or ETrue here, depending on whether the UDC supports exact device state tracking
	// (most don't).
	return EFalse;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SignalRemoteWakeup()
// Forces the UDC into a non-idle state to perform a remote wakeup operation.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SignalRemoteWakeup"));

	// TO DO: Do here whatever is necessary for the UDC to signal remote wakeup.
	return KErrNone;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DumpRegisters()
// Dumps the contents of a number of UDC registers to the screen (using Kern::Printf()).
// Rarely used, but might prove helpful when needed.

	// TO DO: Print the contents of some (or all) UDC registers here.

TDfcQue* TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DfcQ(TInt /* aUnit */)
// Returns a pointer to the kernel DFC queue to be used buy the USB LDD.
	return Kern::DfcQue0();

// --- TTemplateAsspUsbcc private virtual ------------------------------------------

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetDeviceAddress(TInt aAddress)
// Sets the PIL-provided device address manually (if possible - otherwise do nothing).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetDeviceAddress: %d", aAddress));

	// TO DO (optional): Set device address here.

	if (aAddress)
		// Address can be zero.

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ConfigureEndpoint(TInt aRealEndpoint, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEndpointInfo)
// Prepares (enables) an endpoint (incl. Ep0) for data transmission or reception.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ConfigureEndpoint(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	const TInt n = ArrayIdx2TemplateEp(aRealEndpoint);
	if (n < 0)
		return KErrArgument;

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[aRealEndpoint];
	if (ep->iDisabled == EFalse)
	ep->iNoBuffer = EFalse;
	if (n == 0)
		iEp0Configured = ETrue;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeConfigureEndpoint(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Disables an endpoint (incl. Ep0).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeConfigureEndpoint(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	const TInt n = ArrayIdx2TemplateEp(aRealEndpoint);
	if (n < 0)
		return KErrArgument;

	if (n == 0)
		iEp0Configured = EFalse;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::AllocateEndpointResource(TInt aRealEndpoint, TUsbcEndpointResource aResource)
// Puts the requested endpoint resource to use, if possible.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::AllocateEndpointResource(%d): %d",
									aRealEndpoint, aResource));

	// TO DO: Allocate endpoint resource here.

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeAllocateEndpointResource(TInt aRealEndpoint, TUsbcEndpointResource aResource)
// Stops the use of the indicated endpoint resource, if beneficial.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeAllocateEndpointResource(%d): %d",
									aRealEndpoint, aResource));

	// TO DO: Deallocate endpoint resource here.

	return KErrNone;

TBool TTemplateAsspUsbcc::QueryEndpointResource(TInt aRealEndpoint, TUsbcEndpointResource aResource) const
// Returns the status of the indicated resource and endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::QueryEndpointResource(%d): %d",
									aRealEndpoint, aResource));

	// TO DO: Query endpoint resource here. The return value should reflect the actual state.
	return ETrue;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::OpenDmaChannel(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Opens a DMA channel for this endpoint. This function is always called during the creation of an endpoint
// in the PIL. If DMA channels are a scarce resource, it's possible to do nothing here and wait for an
// AllocateEndpointResource call instead.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::OpenDmaChannel(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	// TO DO (optional): Open DMA channel here.

	// An error should only  be returned in case of an actual DMA problem.
	return KErrNone;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::CloseDmaChannel(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Closes a DMA channel for this endpoint. This function is always called during the destruction of an
// endpoint in the PIL.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::CloseDmaChannel(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	// TO DO (optional): Close DMA channel here (only if it was opened via OpenDmaChannel).

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointRead(TInt aRealEndpoint, TUsbcRequestCallback& aCallback)
// Sets up a read request for an endpoint on behalf of the LDD.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointRead(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (!IS_OUT_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: !IS_OUT_ENDPOINT(%d)", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrArgument;
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[aRealEndpoint];
	if (ep->iRxBuf != NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > WARNING: iEndpoints[%d].iRxBuf != NULL", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrGeneral;
	ep->iRxBuf = aCallback.iBufferStart;
	ep->iReceived = 0;
	ep->iLength = aCallback.iLength;
	// For Bulk reads we start out with the assumption of 1 packet (see BulkReceive for why):
	ep->iPackets = IS_BULK_OUT_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint) ? 1 : 0;
	ep->iRequest = &aCallback;
	ep->iPacketIndex = aCallback.iPacketIndex;
	if (IS_BULK_OUT_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		*ep->iPacketIndex = 0;								// a one-off optimization
	ep->iPacketSize = aCallback.iPacketSize;

	const TInt n = ArrayIdx2TemplateEp(aRealEndpoint);
	if (ep->iDisabled)
		ep->iDisabled = EFalse;
	else if (ep->iNoBuffer)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > There had been no Rx buffer available: reading Rx FIFO now"));
		ep->iNoBuffer = EFalse;
		if (IS_BULK_OUT_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		else if (IS_ISO_OUT_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
			__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Endpoint not found"));

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointWrite(TInt aRealEndpoint, TUsbcRequestCallback& aCallback)
// Sets up a write request for an endpoint on behalf of the LDD.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointWrite(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (!IS_IN_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: !IS_IN_ENDPOINT(%d)", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrArgument;
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[aRealEndpoint];
	if (ep->iTxBuf != NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: iEndpoints[%d].iTxBuf != NULL", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrGeneral;
	ep->iTxBuf = aCallback.iBufferStart;
	ep->iTransmitted = 0;
	ep->iLength = aCallback.iLength;
	ep->iPackets = 0;
	ep->iZlpReqd = aCallback.iZlpReqd;
	ep->iRequest = &aCallback;

	const TInt n = ArrayIdx2TemplateEp(aRealEndpoint);
	if (IS_BULK_IN_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		if (ep->iDisabled)
			ep->iDisabled = EFalse;
	else if (IS_ISO_IN_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
	else if (IS_INT_IN_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Endpoint not found"));

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::CancelEndpointRead(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Cancels a read request for an endpoint on behalf of the LDD.
// No completion to the PIL occurs.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::CancelEndpointRead(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (!IS_OUT_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: !IS_OUT_ENDPOINT(%d)", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrArgument;
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[aRealEndpoint];
	if (ep->iRxBuf == NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > WARNING: iEndpoints[%d].iRxBuf == NULL", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrNone;
	ep->iRxBuf = NULL;
	ep->iReceived = 0;
	ep->iNoBuffer = EFalse;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::CancelEndpointWrite(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Cancels a write request for an endpoint on behalf of the LDD.
// No completion to the PIL occurs.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::CancelEndpointWrite(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (!IS_IN_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: !IS_IN_ENDPOINT(%d)", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrArgument;
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[aRealEndpoint];
	if (ep->iTxBuf == NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > WARNING: iEndpoints[%d].iTxBuf == NULL", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrNone;

	// TO DO (optional): Flush the Ep's Tx FIFO here, if possible.

	ep->iTxBuf = NULL;
	ep->iTransmitted = 0;
	ep->iNoBuffer = EFalse;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointZeroRead()
// Sets up an Ep0 read request (own function due to Ep0's special status).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointZeroRead"));

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_Out];
	if (ep->iRxBuf != NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > WARNING: iEndpoints[%d].iRxBuf != NULL", KEp0_Out));
		return KErrGeneral;
	ep->iRxBuf = iEp0_RxBuf;
	ep->iReceived = 0;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointZeroWrite(const TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aLength, TBool aZlpReqd)
// Sets up an Ep0 write request (own function due to Ep0's special status).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupEndpointZeroWrite"));

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_In];
	if (ep->iTxBuf != NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: iEndpoints[%d].iTxBuf != NULL", KEp0_In));
		return KErrGeneral;
	ep->iTxBuf = aBuffer;
	ep->iTransmitted = 0;
	ep->iLength = aLength;
	ep->iZlpReqd = aZlpReqd;
	ep->iRequest = NULL;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SendEp0ZeroByteStatusPacket()
// Sets up an Ep0 write request for zero bytes.
// This is a separate function because no data transfer is involved here.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SendEp0ZeroByteStatusPacket"));

	// This is possibly a bit tricky. When this function is called it just means that the higher layer wants a
	// ZLP to be sent. Whether we actually send one manually here depends on a number of factors, as the
	// current Ep0 state (i.e. the stage of the Ep0 Control transfer), and, in case the hardware handles some
	// ZLPs itself, whether it might already handle this one.

	// Here is an example of what the checking of the conditions might look like:

	if ((!iEp0ReceivedNonStdRequest && iEp0State == EP0_IN_DATA_PHASE) ||
	if ((!iEp0ReceivedNonStdRequest && iEp0State != EP0_IDLE) ||
		(iEp0ReceivedNonStdRequest && iEp0State != EP0_OUT_DATA_PHASE))
		// TO DO: Arrange for the sending of a ZLP here.

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StallEndpoint(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Stalls an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StallEndpoint(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (IS_ISO_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Iso endpoint cannot be stalled"));
		return KErrArgument;

	// TO DO: Stall the endpoint here.

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ClearStallEndpoint(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Clears the stall condition of an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ClearStallEndpoint(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (IS_ISO_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Iso endpoint cannot be unstalled"));
		return KErrArgument;

	// TO DO: De-stall the endpoint here.

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EndpointStallStatus(TInt aRealEndpoint) const
// Reports the stall status of an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EndpointStallStatus(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (IS_ISO_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Iso endpoint has no stall status"));
		return KErrArgument;

	// TO DO: Query endpoint stall status here. The return value should reflect the actual state.
	return ETrue;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EndpointErrorStatus(TInt aRealEndpoint) const
// Reports the error status of an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EndpointErrorStatus(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	if (!IS_VALID_ENDPOINT(aRealEndpoint))
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: !IS_VALID_ENDPOINT(%d)", aRealEndpoint));
		return KErrArgument;

	// TO DO: Query endpoint error status here. The return value should reflect the actual state.
	// With some UDCs there is no way of inquiring the endpoint error status; say 'ETrue' in that case.
	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ResetDataToggle(TInt aRealEndpoint)
// Resets to zero the data toggle bit of an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ResetDataToggle(%d)", aRealEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Reset the endpoint's data toggle bit here.
	// With some UDCs there is no way to individually reset the endpoint's toggle bits; just return KErrNone
	// in that case.

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SynchFrameNumber() const
// For use with isochronous endpoints only. Causes the SOF frame number to be returned.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SynchFrameNumber"));

	// TO DO: Query and return the SOF frame number here.
	return 0;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetSynchFrameNumber(TInt aFrameNumber)
// For use with isochronous endpoints only. Causes the SOF frame number to be stored.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetSynchFrameNumber(%d)", aFrameNumber));

	// We should actually store this number somewhere. But the PIL always sends '0x00'
	// in response to a SYNCH_FRAME request...
	// TO DO: Store the frame number. Alternatively (until SYNCH_FRAME request specification changes): Do
	// nothing.

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StartUdc()
// Called to initialize the device controller hardware before any operation can be performed.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StartUdc"));

	if (iInitialized)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: UDC already initialised"));
		return KErrNone;

	// Disable UDC (might also reset the entire design):

	// Enable UDC's clock:
	// TO DO: Enable UDC's clock here.

	// Even if only one USB feature has been enabled, we later need to undo it:
	iInitialized = ETrue;

	// Bind & enable the UDC interrupt
	if (SetupUdcInterrupt() != KErrNone)
		return KErrGeneral;

	// Write meaningful values to some registers:

	// Finally, turn on the UDC:

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StopUdc()
// Basically, makes undone what happened in StartUdc.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StopUdc"));

	if (!iInitialized)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: UDC not initialized"));
		return KErrNone;

	// Disable UDC:

	// Mask (disable) Reset interrupt:
	// TO DO: Mask (disable) the USB Reset interrupt here.

	// Disable & unbind the UDC interrupt:

	// Finally turn off UDC's clock:
	// TO DO: Disable UDC's clock here.

	// Only when all USB features have been disabled we'll call it a day:
	iInitialized = EFalse;

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcConnect()
// Connects the UDC to the bus under software control. How this is achieved depends on the UDC; the
// functionality might also be part of the Variant component (instead of the ASSP).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcConnect"));

	// Here: A call into the Variant-provided function.
	return iAssp->UsbConnect();

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcDisconnect()
// Disconnects the UDC from the bus under software control. How this is achieved depends on the UDC; the
// functionality might also be part of the Variant component (instead of the ASSP).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcDisconnect"));

	// Here: A call into the Variant-provided function.
	return iAssp->UsbDisconnect();

TBool TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UsbConnectionStatus() const
// Returns a value showing the USB cable connection status of the device.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UsbConnectionStatus"));

	return iCableConnected;

TBool TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UsbPowerStatus() const
// Returns a truth value showing whether VBUS is currently powered or not.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UsbPowerStatus"));

	return iBusIsPowered;

TBool TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceSelfPowered() const
// Returns a truth value showing whether the device is currently self-powered or not.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceSelfPowered"));

	// TO DO: Query and return self powered status here. The return value should reflect the actual state.
	// (This can be always 'ETrue' if the UDC does not support bus-powered devices.)
	return ETrue;

const TUsbcEndpointCaps* TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceEndpointCaps() const
// Returns a pointer to an array of elements, each of which describes the capabilities of one endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceEndpointCaps"));
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > Ep: Sizes Mask, Types Mask"));
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > --------------------------"));
	for (TInt i = 0; i < KUsbTotalEndpoints; ++i)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > %02d: 0x%08x, 0x%08x",
										i, DeviceEndpoints[i].iSizes, DeviceEndpoints[i].iTypesAndDir));
	return DeviceEndpoints;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceTotalEndpoints() const
// Returns the element number of the endpoints array a pointer to which is returned by DeviceEndpointCaps.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DeviceTotalEndpoints"));

	return KUsbTotalEndpoints;

TBool TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SoftConnectCaps() const
// Returns a truth value showing whether or not there is the capability to disconnect and re-connect the D+
// line under software control.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SoftConnectCaps"));

	return iSoftwareConnectable;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Suspend()
// Called by the PIL after a Suspend event has been reported (by us).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Suspend"));

	// TO DO (optional): Implement here anything the device might require after bus SUSPEND signalling.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Resume()
// Called by the PIL after a Resume event has been reported (by us).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Resume"));

	// TO DO (optional): Implement here anything the device might require after bus RESUME signalling.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Reset()
// Called by the PIL after a Reset event has been reported (by us).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Reset"));

	// This does not really belong here, but has to do with the way the PIL sets
	// up Ep0 reads and writes.
	TEndpoint* ep = &iEndpoints[0];
	ep->iRxBuf = NULL;
	ep->iTxBuf = NULL;
	// Idle

	// TO DO (optional): Implement here anything the device might require after bus RESET signalling.

	// Write meaningful values to some registers
	if (iEp0Configured)

// --- TTemplateAsspUsbcc private --------------------------------------------------

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::InitialiseUdcRegisters()
// Called after every USB Reset etc.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::InitialiseUdcRegisters"));

	// Unmask Suspend interrupt
	// TO DO: Unmask Suspend interrupt here.

	// Unmask Resume interrupt
	// TO DO: Unmask Resume interrupt here.

	// Unmask Start-of-Frame (SOF) interrupt
	// TO DO (optional): Unmask SOF interrupt here.

	// Disable interrupt requests for all endpoints
	// TO DO: Disable interrupt requests for all endpoints here.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcEnable()
// Enables the UDC for USB transmission or reception.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcEnable"));

	// TO DO: Do whatever is necessary to enable the UDC here. This might include enabling (unmasking)
	// the USB Reset interrupt, setting a UDC enable bit, etc.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcDisable()
// Disables the UDC.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcDisable"));

	// TO DO: Do whatever is necessary to disable the UDC here. This might include disabling (masking)
	// the USB Reset interrupt, clearing a UDC enable bit, etc.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EnableEndpointInterrupt(TInt aEndpoint)
// Enables interrupt requests for an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EnableEndpointInterrupt(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// Enable (unmask) interrupt requests for this endpoint:
	// TO DO: Enable interrupt requests for aEndpoint here.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DisableEndpointInterrupt(TInt aEndpoint)
// Disables interrupt requests for an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::DisableEndpointInterrupt(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// Disable (mask) interrupt requests for this endpoint:
	// TO DO: Disable interrupt requests for aEndpoint here.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ClearEndpointInterrupt(TInt aEndpoint)
// Clears a pending interrupt request for an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ClearEndpointInterrupt(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// Clear (reset) pending interrupt request for this endpoint:
	// TO DO: Clear interrupt request for aEndpoint here.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0IntService()
// ISR for endpoint zero interrupt.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0IntService"));

	// TO DO: Enquire about Ep0 status & the interrupt cause here. Depending on the event and the Ep0 state,
	// one or more of the following functions might then be called:


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0ReadSetupPkt()
// Called from the Ep0 ISR when a new Setup packet has been received.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0ReadSetupPkt"));

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_Out];
	TUint8* buf = ep->iRxBuf;
	if (!buf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: No Ep0 Rx buffer available (1)"));

	// TO DO: Read Setup packet data from Rx FIFO into 'buf' here.
	// (In this function we don't need to use "ep->iReceived" since Setup packets
	// are always 8 bytes long.)

	// Upcall into PIL to determine next Ep0 state:
	TUsbcEp0State state = EnquireEp0NextState(ep->iRxBuf);

	if (state == EEp0StateStatusIn)
		Ep0NextState(EP0_IDLE);								// Ep0 No Data
	else if (state == EEp0StateDataIn)
		Ep0NextState(EP0_IN_DATA_PHASE);					// Ep0 Control Read
		Ep0NextState(EP0_OUT_DATA_PHASE);					// Ep0 Control Write

	ep->iRxBuf = NULL;
	const TInt r = Ep0RequestComplete(KEp0_Out, 8, KErrNone);

	// Don't finish (proceed) if request completion returned 'KErrNotFound'!
	if (!(r == KErrNone || r == KErrGeneral))

	// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep0 Setup condition flags here.

	if (iEp0State == EP0_OUT_DATA_PHASE)
		// Allow for a premature STATUS IN
		// TO DO: Arrange for the sending of a ZLP here.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0ReadSetupPktProceed()
// Called by the PIL to signal that it has finished processing a received Setup packet and that the PSL can
// now prepare itself for the next Ep0 reception (for instance by re-enabling the Ep0 interrupt).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0ReadSetupPktProceed"));


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0Receive()
// Called from the Ep0 ISR when a data packet has been received.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0Receive"));

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_Out];
	TUint8* buf = ep->iRxBuf;
	if (!buf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: No Ep0 Rx buffer available (2)"));

	TInt n = 0;
	// TO DO: Read packet data from Rx FIFO into 'buf' and update 'n' (# of received bytes) here.

	ep->iReceived = n;
	ep->iRxBuf = NULL;
	const TInt r = Ep0RequestComplete(KEp0_Out, n, KErrNone);

	// Don't finish (proceed) if request was 'KErrNotFound'!
	if (!(r == KErrNone || r == KErrGeneral))

	// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep0 Rx condition flags here.

	// Allow for a premature STATUS IN
	// TO DO: Arrange for the sending of a ZLP here.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0ReceiveProceed()
// Called by the PIL to signal that it has finished processing a received Ep0 data packet and that the PSL can
// now prepare itself for the next Ep0 reception (for instance by re-enabling the Ep0 interrupt).

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0Transmit()
// Called from either the Ep0 ISR or the PIL when a data packet has been or is to be transmitted.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0Transmit"));

	if (iEp0State != EP0_IN_DATA_PHASE)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > WARNING: Invalid Ep0 state when trying to handle EP0 IN"));
		// TO DO (optional): Do something about this warning.

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_In];
	const TUint8* buf = ep->iTxBuf;
	if (!buf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > No Tx buffer available: returning"));
	const TInt t = ep->iTransmitted;						// already transmitted
	buf += t;
	TInt n = 0;												// now transmitted

	// TO DO: Write packet data (if any) into Tx FIFO from 'buf' and update 'n' (# of tx'ed bytes) here.

	ep->iTransmitted += n;
	// coverity[dead_error_condition]
	// The next line should be reachable when this template file is edited for use
	if (n == KEp0MaxPktSz)
		if (ep->iTransmitted == ep->iLength && !(ep->iZlpReqd))
	else if (n && n != KEp0MaxPktSz)
		// Send off the data
		__ASSERT_DEBUG((ep->iTransmitted == ep->iLength),
					   Kern::Printf(" > ERROR: Short packet in mid-transfer"));
		// TO DO: Send off the data here.
	else // if (n == 0)
		__ASSERT_DEBUG((ep->iTransmitted == ep->iLength),
					   Kern::Printf(" > ERROR: Nothing transmitted but still not finished"));
		if (ep->iZlpReqd)
			// Send a zero length packet
			ep->iZlpReqd = EFalse;
			// TO DO: Arrange for the sending of a ZLP here.
			__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: nothing transmitted & no ZLP req'd"));

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0EndXfer()
// Called at the end of a Ep0 Control transfer.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0EndXfer"));

	// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep0 Rx condition flags here.

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_In];
	ep->iTxBuf = NULL;
	(void) Ep0RequestComplete(KEp0_In, ep->iTransmitted, KErrNone);

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0Cancel()
// Called when an ongoing Ep0 Control transfer has to be aborted prematurely (for instance when receiving a
// new Setup packet before the processing of the old one has completed).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0Cancel"));

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_In];
	if (ep->iTxBuf)
		ep->iTxBuf = NULL;
		const TInt err = (ep->iTransmitted == ep->iLength) ? KErrNone : KErrCancel;
		(void) Ep0RequestComplete(KEp0_In, ep->iTransmitted, err);

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0PrematureStatusOut()
// Called when an ongoing Ep0 Control transfer encounters a premature Status OUT condition.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0PrematureStatusOut"));

	// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep0 Rx condition flags here.


	// TO DO (optional): Flush the Ep0 Tx FIFO here, if possible.

	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[KEp0_In];
	if (ep->iTxBuf)
		ep->iTxBuf = NULL;
		(void) Ep0RequestComplete(KEp0_In, ep->iTransmitted, KErrPrematureEnd);

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0StatusIn()
// Called when an ongoing Ep0 Control transfer moves to a Status IN stage.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0StatusIn"));


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::BulkTransmit(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 1 (BULK IN).
// Called from either the Ep ISR or the PIL when a data packet has been or is to be transmitted.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::BulkTransmit(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Enquire about Ep status here.

	const TInt idx = 3;										// only in our special case of course!
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[idx];
	const TUint8* buf = ep->iTxBuf;
	if (!buf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: No Tx buffer has been set up"));
		ep->iDisabled = ETrue;
	const TInt t = ep->iTransmitted;						// already transmitted
	const TInt len = ep->iLength;							// to be sent in total
	// (len || ep->iPackets): Don't complete for a zero bytes request straight away.
	if (t >= len && (len || ep->iPackets))
		if (ep->iZlpReqd)
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > 'Transmit Short Packet' explicitly"));
			// TO DO: Arrange for the sending of a ZLP here.
			ep->iZlpReqd = EFalse;
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > All data sent: %d --> completing", len));
			ep->iTxBuf = NULL;
			ep->iRequest->iTxBytes = ep->iTransmitted;
			ep->iRequest->iError = KErrNone;
			ep->iRequest = NULL;
		buf += t;
		TInt left = len - t;								// left in total
		TInt n = (left >= KBlkMaxPktSz) ? KBlkMaxPktSz : left; // now to be transmitted
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > About to send %d bytes (%d bytes left in total)", n, left));

		// TO DO: Write data into Tx FIFO from 'buf' here.

		ep->iTransmitted += n;
		ep->iPackets++;										// only used for (len == 0) case
		left -= n;											// (still) left in total
		if (n < KBlkMaxPktSz)
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > 'Transmit Short Packet' implicitly"));
			// TO DO: Arrange for the sending of a ZLP here.
			ep->iZlpReqd = EFalse;
		// If double-buffering is available, it might be possible to stick a second packet
		// into the FIFO here.

		// TO DO (optional): Send another packet if possible (& available) here.


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::BulkReceive(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 2 (BULK OUT) (This one is called in an ISR.)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::BulkReceive(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Enquire about Ep status here.
	const TUint32 status = *(TUint32*)0xdefaced;			// bogus

	const TInt idx = 4;										// only in our special case of course!
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[idx];
	TUint8* buf = ep->iRxBuf;
	if (!buf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > No Rx buffer available: setting iNoBuffer"));
		ep->iNoBuffer = ETrue;
		ep->iDisabled = ETrue;
	TInt bytes = 0;
	const TInt r = ep->iReceived;							// already received
	// TO DO: Check whether a ZLP was received here:
	if (status & 1)											// some condition
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > received zero-length packet"));
	else if (status & 2)									// some other condition
		// TO DO: Get number of bytes received here.
		bytes = *(TUint32*)0xdadadada;						// bogus
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > Bulk received: %d bytes", bytes));
		if (r + bytes > ep->iLength)
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > not enough space in rx buffer: setting iNoBuffer"));
			ep->iNoBuffer = ETrue;
			*ep->iPacketSize = ep->iReceived;

			// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep Rx condition flags here.

		buf += r;											// set buffer pointer

		// TO DO: Read 'bytes' bytes from Rx FIFO into 'buf' here.

		ep->iReceived += bytes;
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Inconsistent Ep%d state", aEndpoint));

		// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep Rx condition flags here.


	if (bytes == 0)
		// ZLPs must be recorded separately
		const TInt i = ep->iReceived ? 1 : 0;
		ep->iPacketIndex[i] = r;
		ep->iPacketSize[i] = 0;
		// If there were data packets before: total packets reported 1 -> 2
		ep->iPackets += i;

	if ((bytes < KBlkMaxPktSz) ||
		(ep->iReceived == ep->iLength))
		*ep->iPacketSize = ep->iReceived;
		// since we have no buffer any longer we disable interrupts:
		ep->iDisabled = ETrue;
		if (!ep->iRxTimerSet)
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > setting rx timer"));
			ep->iRxTimerSet = ETrue;
			ep->iRxMoreDataRcvd = ETrue;

	// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep Rx condition flags here.


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::BulkReadRxFifo(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 2 (BULK OUT) (This one is called w/o interrupt to be served.)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::BulkReadRxFifo(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Enquire about Ep status here.
	const TUint32 status = *(TUint32*)0xdefaced;			// bogus

	const TInt idx = 4;										// only in our special case of course!
	TEndpoint* const ep = &iEndpoints[idx];
	TUint8* buf = ep->iRxBuf;
	if (!buf)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: No Rx buffer has been set up"));
	TInt bytes = 0;
	const TInt r = ep->iReceived;							// already received
	// TO DO: Check whether a ZLP was received here:
	if (status & 1)											// some condition
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > received zero-length packet"));
	else if (status & 2)									// some other condition
		// TO DO: Get number of bytes received here.
		bytes = *(TUint32*)0xdadadada;						// bogus
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > Bulk received: %d bytes", bytes));
		if (r + bytes > ep->iLength)
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > not enough space in rx buffer: setting iNoBuffer"));
			ep->iNoBuffer = ETrue;
			*ep->iPacketSize = ep->iReceived;
		buf += r;											// set buffer pointer

		// TO DO: Read 'bytes' bytes from Rx FIFO into 'buf' here.

		ep->iReceived += bytes;
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Inconsistent Ep%d state", aEndpoint));

	if (bytes == 0)
		// ZLPs must be recorded separately
		const TInt i = ep->iReceived ? 1 : 0;
		ep->iPacketIndex[i] = r;
		ep->iPacketSize[i] = 0;
		// If there were data packets before: total packets reported 1 -> 2
		ep->iPackets += i;

	if ((bytes < KBlkMaxPktSz) ||
		(ep->iReceived == ep->iLength))
		*ep->iPacketSize = ep->iReceived;
		if (!ep->iRxTimerSet)
			__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > setting rx timer"));
			ep->iRxTimerSet = ETrue;
			ep->iRxMoreDataRcvd = ETrue;

	// TO DO (optional): Clear Ep Rx condition flags here.


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IsoTransmit(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 3 (ISOCHRONOUS IN).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IsoTransmit(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Write data to endpoint FIFO. Might be similar to BulkTransmit.


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IsoReceive(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 4 (ISOCHRONOUS OUT) (This one is called in an ISR.)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IsoReceive(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Read data from endpoint FIFO. Might be similar to BulkReceive.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IsoReadRxFifo(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 4 (ISOCHRONOUS OUT) (This one is called w/o interrupt to be served.)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IsoReadRxFifo(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Read data from endpoint FIFO. Might be similar to BulkReadRxFifo.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IntTransmit(TInt aEndpoint)
// Endpoint 5 (INTERRUPT IN).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::IntTransmit(%d)", aEndpoint));

	// TO DO: Write data to endpoint FIFO. Might be similar to BulkTransmit.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::RxComplete(TEndpoint* aEndpoint)
// Called at the end of an Rx (OUT) transfer to complete to the PIL.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::RxComplete"));

	TUsbcRequestCallback* const req = aEndpoint->iRequest;

	__ASSERT_DEBUG((req != NULL), Kern::Fault(KUsbPanicCat, __LINE__));

	aEndpoint->iRxBuf = NULL;
	aEndpoint->iRxTimerSet = EFalse;
	aEndpoint->iRxMoreDataRcvd = EFalse;
	req->iRxPackets = aEndpoint->iPackets;
	req->iError = aEndpoint->iLastError;
	aEndpoint->iRequest = NULL;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StopRxTimer(TEndpoint* aEndpoint)
// Stops (cancels) the Rx timer for an endpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::StopRxTimer"));

	if (aEndpoint->iRxTimerSet)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > stopping rx timer"));
		aEndpoint->iRxTimerSet = EFalse;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EndpointIntService(TInt aEndpoint)
// ISR for endpoint interrupts.
// Note: the aEndpoint here is a "hardware endpoint", not a aRealEndpoint.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::EndpointIntService(%d)", aEndpoint));

	switch (aEndpoint)
	case 0:
	case 1:
	case 2:
	case 3:
	case 4:
	case 5:
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Endpoint not found"));

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ResetIntService()
// ISR for a USB Reset event interrupt.
// This function returns a value which can be used on the calling end to decide how to proceed.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ResetIntService"));

	// Clear an interrupt:
	// TO DO: Clear reset interrupt flag here.

	// TO DO (optional): Enquire about special conditions and possibly return here.


	return KErrNone;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SuspendIntService()
// ISR for a USB Suspend event interrupt.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SuspendIntService"));

	// Clear an interrupt:
	// TO DO: Clear suspend interrupt flag here.


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ResumeIntService()
// ISR for a USB Resume event interrupt.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ResumeIntService"));

	// Clear an interrupt:
	// TO DO: Clear resume interrupt flag here.


void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SofIntService()
// ISR for a USB Start-of-Frame event interrupt.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SofIntService"));

	// Clear an interrupt:
	// TO DO: Clear SOF interrupt flag here.

	// TO DO (optional): Do something about the SOF condition.

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcInterruptService()
// Main UDC ISR - determines the cause of the interrupt, clears the condition, dispatches further for service.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::InterruptService"));

	// TO DO: Find the cause of the interrupt (possibly querying a number of status registers) here.

	// Determine the type of UDC interrupt & then serve it:
	// (The following operations are of course EXAMPLES only.)
	volatile const TUint32* const status_reg = (TUint32*) 0xdefaced;
	const TUint32 status = *status_reg;
	enum {reset_interrupt, suspend_interrupt, resume_interrupt, sof_interrupt, ep_interrupt};

	// Reset interrupt
	if (status & reset_interrupt)

	// Suspend interrupt
	if (status & suspend_interrupt)

	// Resume interrupt
	if (status & resume_interrupt)

	// Start-of-Frame interrupt
	if (status & sof_interrupt)

	// Endpoint interrupt
	if (status & ep_interrupt)
		const TInt ep = status & 0xffff0000;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0NextState(TEp0State aNextState)
// Moves the Ep0 state to aNextState.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::Ep0NextState"));

	iEp0State = aNextState;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcIsr(TAny* aPtr)
// This is the static ASSP first-level UDC interrupt service routine. It dispatches the call to the
// actual controller's ISR.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UdcIsr"));


TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UsbClientConnectorCallback(TAny* aPtr)
// This function is called in ISR context by the Variant's UsbClientConnectorInterruptService.
// (This function is static.)
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::UsbClientConnectorCallback"));

	TTemplateAsspUsbcc* const ptr = static_cast<TTemplateAsspUsbcc*>(aPtr);
	ptr->iCableConnected = ptr->iAssp->UsbClientConnectorInserted();
#ifdef _DEBUG
	_LIT(KIns, "inserted");
	_LIT(KRem, "removed");
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > USB cable now %lS", ptr->iCableConnected ? &KIns : &KRem));
	if (ptr->iCableConnected)

	return KErrNone;

TInt TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupUdcInterrupt()
// Registers and enables the UDC interrupt (ASSP first level interrupt).
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::SetupUdcInterrupt"));

	// Register UDC interrupt:
	const TInt error = Interrupt::Bind(EAsspIntIdUsb, UdcIsr, this);
	if (error != KErrNone)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Binding UDC interrupt failed"));
		return error;

	// Enable UDC interrupt:

	return KErrNone;

void TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ReleaseUdcInterrupt()
// Disables and unbinds the UDC interrupt.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TTemplateAsspUsbcc::ReleaseUdcInterrupt"));

	// Disable UDC interrupt:

	// Unregister UDC interrupt:

// --- DLL Exported Function --------------------------------------------------

// Creates and initializes a new USB client controller object on the kernel heap.
	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > Initializing USB client support (Udcc)..."));

	TTemplateAsspUsbcc* const usbcc = new TTemplateAsspUsbcc();
	if (!usbcc)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Memory allocation for TTemplateAsspUsbcc failed"));
		return KErrNoMemory;

	TInt r;
	if ((r = usbcc->Construct()) != KErrNone)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Construction of TTemplateAsspUsbcc failed (%d)", r));
		delete usbcc;
		return r;

	if (usbcc->RegisterUdc(0) == NULL)
		__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: PIL registration of PSL failed"));
		delete usbcc;
		return KErrGeneral;

	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf(" > Initializing USB client support: Done"));

	return KErrNone;

// --- EOF --------------------------------------------------------------------