author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\klib\arm\ckdes8.cia

#include <e32cia.h>
#include <arm.h>
#include <kernel/kernel.h>


GLREF_C void KUDesInfoPanicBadDesType();
GLREF_C void KUDesSetLengthPanicBadDesType();
GLREF_C void KUDesSetLengthPanicOverflow();
GLREF_C void Des8PanicBadDesType();

Gets information about the specified descriptor.

If the current thread is a user thread, i.e. if the mode in spsr_svc is 'User',
then the descriptor is read using user mode privileges.

@param aSrc The descriptor for which information is to be fetched.
@param aLength On return, set to the length of the descriptor.
@param aMaxLength On return, set to the maximum length of the descriptor,
                  or 1 if the descriptor is not writable.

@return Address of first byte in descriptor.

@panic KERN-EXEC 33, if aSrc is not a valid descriptor type.

@pre  Do not call from User thread if in a critical section.
@pre  Interrupts must be enabled.
@pre  Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre  No fast mutex can be held.
@pre  Call in a thread context.
@pre  Can be used in a device driver.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ const TUint8* Kern::KUDesInfo(const TDesC8& /*aSrc*/, TInt& /*aLength*/, TInt& /*aMaxLength*/)
// Get information about a user descriptor

	asm("mrs ip, spsr ");
	asm("tst ip, #0x0f ");			// test for user or supervisor
	asm("ldreqt r3, [r0], #4 ");	// if user r3=type/len
	asm("bne 1f ");					// branch if supervisor
	asm("bic ip, r3, #0xf0000000 ");	// ip=length
	asm("str ip, [r1] ");			// store length
	asm("mvn ip, #0 ");				// ip=max length=-1 if not writeable
	asm("cmp r3, #0x50000000 ");
	asm("bcs  " CSM_Z24KUDesInfoPanicBadDesTypev);
	asm("eor r3, r3, r3, lsr #1 ");
	asm("msr cpsr_flg, r3 ");
	asm("ldrcst ip, [r0], #4 ");	// if writeable ip=max length and r0+=4
	asm("mov r1, r0 ");				// NB can't use ldrlet r0, [r0] - see ARM ARM
	asm("ldrlet r0, [r1] ");		// if pointer, r0=pointer field

	asm("2: ");
	asm("str ip, [r2] ");			// store max length
	asm("addeq r0, r0, #4 ");		// if BufCPtr, step r0 past TBufC length

	asm("1: ");
	asm("ldr r3, [r0], #4 ");		// r3=type/len
	asm("bic ip, r3, #0xf0000000 ");	// ip=length
	asm("str ip, [r1] ");			// store length
	asm("mvn ip, #0 ");				// ip=max length=-1 if not writeable
	asm("cmp r3, #0x50000000 ");
	asm("bcs  " CSM_Z24KUDesInfoPanicBadDesTypev);
	asm("eor r3, r3, r3, lsr #1 ");
	asm("msr cpsr_flg, r3 ");
	asm("ldrcs ip, [r0], #4 ");		// if writeable ip=max length and r0+=4
	asm("ldrle r0, [r0] ");			// if pointer, r0=pointer field
	asm("b 2b ");

Sets the length of the specified descriptor.

If the current thread is a user thread, i.e. if the mode in spsr_svc is 'User',
then the length is written using user mode privileges.

@param aDes The descriptor.
@param aLength The new descriptor length.

@panic KERN-EXEC 34, if aDes is not a modifiable descriptor type.
@panic KERN-EXEC 35, if aLength is longer that the maximum length of aDes.

@pre  Do not call from User thread if in a critical section.
@pre  Interrupts must be enabled.
@pre  Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre  No fast mutex can be held.
@pre  Call in a thread context.
@pre  Can be used in a device driver.

@post The length of aDes is equal to aLength.
@post If aDes is a TPtr type then its maximum length is equal its new length.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void Kern::KUDesSetLength(TDes8& /*aDes*/, TInt /*aLength*/)
// Set the length of a user descriptor, checking the length is O.K.

	asm("mrs ip, spsr ");
	asm("tst ip, #0x0f ");
	asm("bne  " CSM_ZN5TDes89SetLengthEi);
	asm("ldrt r2, [r0], #4 ");			// r2=length/type, r0->maxlength
	asm("ldrt r3, [r0], #-4 ");			// r3=maxlength, r0->length/type
	asm("and r2, r2, #0xf0000000 ");	// r2=type field
	asm("cmp r2, #0x20000000 ");		// check for writeable descriptor
	asm("bcc  " CSM_Z29KUDesSetLengthPanicBadDesTypev);
	asm("cmp r1, r3 ");					// check length
	asm("bhi  " CSM_Z27KUDesSetLengthPanicOverflowv);
	asm("cmp r2, #0x40000000 ");		// check for EBufCPtr
	asm("orr r2, r2, r1 ");				// r2=type + new length
	asm("strt r2, [r0], #8 ");			// store new length, r0->ptr if EBufCPtr
	__JUMP(ne,lr);						// if not EBufCPtr finished
	asm("ldrt r2, [r0] ");				// r2=pointer to TBufCBase
	asm("strt r1, [r2] ");				// update length of TBufCBase

Checks whether the specified name is a valid Kernel-side object name.

A name is invalid, if it contains non-ascii characters, or any of
the three characters: "*", "?", ":".

@param  aName The name to be checked.

@return KErrNone, if the name is valid; KErrBadName, if the name is invalid.

@pre Calling thread can be either in a critical section or not.
@pre Interrupts must be enabled.
@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre No fast mutex can be held.
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Can be used in a device driver.
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
#error "TDesC is not 8-bit as __KERNEL_MODE__ is not defined (see e32cmn.h)"
__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt Kern::ValidateName(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
// Check for : * or ? in descriptor, return KErrBadName if found

	asm("ldr r2, [r0], #4 ");			// r2=length/type
	asm("cmp r2, #0x50000000 ");
	asm("bcs " CSM_Z19Des8PanicBadDesTypev );
	asm("bics r3, r2, #0xF0000000 ");	// r3=length
	asm("moveq r0, #0 ");				// if length=0, return KErrNone
	asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsr #1 ");
	asm("msr cpsr_flg, r2 ");
	asm("addcs r0, r0, #4 ");
	asm("ldrle r0, [r0] ");
	asm("addeq r0, r0, #4 ");			// r0=this.Ptr()
	asm("1: ");
	asm("ldrb r1, [r0], #1 ");			// r1=*r0++
	asm("cmp r1, #0x20 ");				// is it < 0x20 ?
	asm("rsbhss r2, r1, #0x7f ");		// if not, compare 0x7f with char
	asm("bls 2f ");						// if char < 0x20 or 0x7f <= char, error
	asm("cmp r1, #'*' ");				// is it *
	asm("cmpne r1, #':' ");				// if not, is it :
	asm("cmpne r1, #'?' ");				// if not, is it ?
	asm("subnes r3, r3, #1 ");			// if none of these, decrement length
	asm("bne 1b ");
	asm("2: ");
	asm("cmp r3, #0 ");					// reached end of string?
	asm("moveq r0, #0 ");				// if we did, return KErrNone
	asm("mvnne r0, #%a0" : : "i" (~KErrBadName));	// else return KErrBadName

extern "C" EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt memicmp(const TAny* /*aLeft*/, const TAny* /*aRight*/, TUint /*aLength*/)
	// r0 = aLeft, r1 = aRight, r2 = aLength
	asm("str r4, [sp, #-4]! ");
	asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");

	asm("1: ");
	asm("subs r2, r2, #1 ");
	asm("ldrneb r3, [r0], #1 ");
	asm("beq 0f ");
	asm("ldrb r4, [r1], #1 ");
	asm("orr ip, r3, #0x20 ");
	asm("cmp ip, #0x61 ");
	asm("rsbcss ip, ip, #0x7a ");
	asm("eors ip, r3, r4 ");
	asm("andcss ip, ip, #0xdf ");
	asm("beq 1b ");
	asm("orrcs r3, r3, #0x20 ");
	asm("cmp r4, #0x41 ");
	asm("rsbcss ip, r4, #0x5a ");
	asm("orrcs r4, r4, #0x20 ");
	asm("subs r0, r3, r4 ");
	asm("0: ");
	asm("moveq r0, #0 ");
	asm("ldr r4, [sp], #4 ");