author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 8 538db54a451d
child 20 597aaf25e343
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include "sl_std.h"


TTime DosTimeToTTime(TInt aDosTime,TInt aDosDate)
//	Deciphers the dos time/date entry information and converts to TTime
	TInt secMask=0x1F;
	TInt minMask=0x07E0;
	TInt hrMask=0xF800;
	TInt dayMask=0x1F;
	TInt monthMask=0x01E0;
	TInt yearMask=0xFE00;

	TInt secs=(aDosTime&secMask)*2;
	TInt mins=(aDosTime&minMask)>>5;
	TInt hrs=(aDosTime&hrMask)>>11;
	TInt days=(aDosDate&dayMask)-1;
	TMonth months=(TMonth)(((aDosDate&monthMask)>>5)-1);
	TInt years=((aDosDate&yearMask)>>9)+1980;
	TDateTime datetime;
	TInt ret=datetime.Set(years,months,days,hrs,mins,secs,0);
	if (ret==KErrNone)

TInt DosTimeFromTTime(const TTime& aTime)
// Converts a TTime to a dos time
	TDateTime dateTime=aTime.DateTime();
	TInt dosSecs=dateTime.Second()/2;
	TInt dosMins=dateTime.Minute()<<5;
	TInt dosHrs=dateTime.Hour()<<11;
	return dosSecs|dosMins|dosHrs;

TInt DosDateFromTTime(const TTime& aTime)
// Converts a TTime to a dos date

	TDateTime dateTime=aTime.DateTime();
	TInt dosDays=dateTime.Day()+1;
	TInt dosMonths=(dateTime.Month()+1)<<5;
	TInt dosYears=(dateTime.Year()-1980)<<9;
	return dosDays|dosMonths|dosYears;

TBuf8<12> DosNameToStdFormat(const TDesC8& aDosName)
// Converts xxx.yyy to standard format aaaaaaaayyy

	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDosName.Length()>=0 && aDosName.Length()<=12,Fault(EFatBadDosFormatName));
	TBuf8<12> result;
	Mem::Fill((TUint8*)result.Ptr(),result.MaxSize(),' ');
	TInt dotPos=aDosName.Locate('.');
	if (dotPos==KErrNotFound)
		return result;
	TPtr8 ext(&result[8],3);
	return result;

TBuf8<12> DosNameFromStdFormat(const TDesC8& aStdFormatName)
// Converts aaaaaaaayyy to dos name format xxx.yyy

	TBuf8<12> result;
	TInt nameLen=aStdFormatName.Locate(' ');
	if (nameLen>8 || nameLen==KErrNotFound)
	TPtrC8 ext(&aStdFormatName[8],3);
	TInt extLen=ext.Locate(' ');
	if (extLen)
	if (extLen==KErrNotFound)
    if(result.Length() && result[0]==0x05 )
	return result;

TInt NumberOfVFatEntries(TInt aNameLength)
// Return the number of VFat entries required to describe a filename of length aNameLength
	TInt numberOfEntries=0;
	if (aNameLength%KMaxVFatEntryName)
		aNameLength++;	//	Include a zero terminator
//	If aNameLength is a exact multiple of KMaxVFatEntryName, don't bother
//	with a zero terminator - it just adds an unnecessary directory entry		
	if (aNameLength%KMaxVFatEntryName)

    Calculate DOS short name checksum
    @param aShortName short name descriptor (must be at least 11 bytes long)
    @return checksum
TUint8 CalculateShortNameCheckSum(const TDesC8& aShortName)

    ASSERT(aShortName.Length() >= KFatDirNameSize);
    const TUint8* pName = aShortName.Ptr();

    const TUint32 w0 = ((const TUint32*)pName)[0];
    const TUint32 w1 = ((const TUint32*)pName)[1];

    TUint32 chkSum = w0 & 0xFF;
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + ((w0 << 16) >> 24));
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + ((w0 << 8)  >> 24));
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + ( w0 >> 24));

    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + (w1) & 0xFF);
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + ((w1 << 16) >> 24));
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + ((w1 << 8)  >> 24));
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + ( w1 >> 24));

    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + pName[8]);
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + pName[9]);
    chkSum = (TUint8)(((chkSum<<7) | (chkSum>>1)) + pName[10]);

    return (TUint8)chkSum;