Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_ext.cpp
#include "sf_std.h"
typedef CProxyDriveFactory*(*TExtensionNew)();
typedef CExtProxyDriveFactory*(*TProxyDriveNew)();
Initialises drive extension count to zero.
Note that the class is intended only as an abstract base for other classes.
@panic FSERV 51 if the supplied CMountCB pointer is NULL.
CProxyDrive::CProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount)
// __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMount!=NULL,Fault(EProxyDriveConstruction));
Frees resources before destruction of the object.
An interface with which control commands can be passed to
the appropriate driver layer.
This base implementation performs no operations.
@param aMessage Message to be sent.
@param aCommand Command type.
@param aParam1 1st parameter of control message.
@param aParam2 2nd parameter of control message.
@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& /*aMessage*/,TInt /*aCommand*/,TAny* /*aParam1*/,TAny* /*aParam2*/)
// General purpose function for use by specific file systems and extensions
General purpose read function for use by specific file systems and extensions.
This base implementation performs no operations.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 /*aPos*/,TInt /*aLength*/,const TAny* /*aTrg*/,TInt /*aThreadHandle*/,TInt /*aOffset*/, TInt /*aFlags*/)
General purpose write function for use by specific file systems and extensions.
This base implementation performs no operations.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 /*aPos*/,TInt /*aLength*/,const TAny* /*aSrc*/,TInt /*aThreadHandle*/,TInt /*aOffset*/, TInt /*aFlags*/)
Issue a notification that a physical delete has occurred.
For example a cluster or partition has been freed.
This base implementation performs no operations.
@param aPos The position of the data which is being deleted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being deleted.
@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::DeleteNotify(TInt64 /*aPos*/, TInt /*aLength*/)
An interface with which information can be retrieved about disk errors.
This base implementation performs no operations.
@param aErrorInfo Reference to a descriptor containing disk error information.
@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8& /*aErrorInfo*/)
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::GetLocalDrive(TBusLocalDrive*& aLocDrv)
return (GetInterface(EGetLocalDrive, (TAny*&)aLocDrv, (TAny*)this)); // this GetInterface does the dirty work for you...
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::Finalise(TBool aIsFinalised)
TAny* dummyInterface;
return (GetInterface(EFinalised, dummyInterface, (TAny*)aIsFinalised));
Called to get a Proxy drive interface.
@param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
@param aInterface Address of variable that retrieves the specified interface.
@param aInput Data required for the instantiation of the interface.
This base implementation performs no operations.
@return KErrNotSupported
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt /*aInterfaceId*/,TAny*& /*aInterface*/,TAny* /*aInput*/)
EXPORT_C CLocDrvMountCB::CLocDrvMountCB() {}
Frees assigned Proxy drive before destruction of the object.
EXPORT_C CLocDrvMountCB::~CLocDrvMountCB()
__PRINT1(_L("CLocDrvMountCB::~CLocDrvMountCB() 0x%x"),this);
if(iProxyDrive && !LocalDrives::IsProxyDrive(Drive().DriveNumber()) && LocalDrives::IsValidDriveMapping(Drive().DriveNumber()))
Creates and initialises the local drive.
@param aLocDrv The local drive to be created
@return System wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CLocDrvMountCB::CreateLocalDrive(TBusLocalDrive& aLocDrv)
TInt r;
CProxyDrive* pConcrete=CLocalProxyDrive::New(this,aLocDrv);
// if failure then pConcrete will be deleted by CreateProxyDriveL()
__PRINT1(_L("CreateLocalDrive r=%d"),r);
EXPORT_C TInt CLocDrvMountCB::CreateDrive(TInt aDriveNumber)
/** Create drive
Ascertain if the drive is mapped to a local drive or a proxy drive, and create the drive
as appropriate
@param aDriveNumer drive number
@return KErrNone on success
KErrArgument is the drive is not mapped to a proxy or a local drive or if the number
is invalid
// dunno why we are using TInts instead of TUints here
if (aDriveNumber<0 || aDriveNumber>=KMaxDrives) return KErrArgument;
TInt r = KErrNone;
TInt aDriveLocal = LocalDrives::DriveNumberToLocalDriveNumber(aDriveNumber);
if (aDriveLocal == KDriveInvalid) return KErrArgument;
if (aDriveLocal < KMaxLocalDrives)
return CreateLocalDrive(LocalDrives::GetLocalDrive(aDriveNumber)); // drive is really local
CExtProxyDrive* pProxyDrive = LocalDrives::GetProxyDrive(aDriveNumber);
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(pProxyDrive != NULL,User::Panic(_L("CreateDrive - pProxyDrive == NULL"), -999));
iProxyDrive = CreateProxyDriveL(pProxyDrive, this);
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iProxyDrive != NULL,User::Panic(_L("CreateDrive - CreateProxyDrive returned NULL"), -999));
r = InitLocalDrive();
return r;
Initialise the local drive
@panic FSERV 52 if initialise when no local drive exists.
@return system wide error code
EXPORT_C TInt CLocDrvMountCB::InitLocalDrive()
Dismount the local drive
@panic FSERV 53 if dismount when no local drive exists.
EXPORT_C void CLocDrvMountCB::DismountedLocalDrive()
static constructor.
Instatiates a CLocalProxyDrive objects with the given arguments.
@param aMount The mount control block
@param aLocDrv The local drive.
@return pointer to instantiated CLocalProxyDrive object.
CLocalProxyDrive* CLocalProxyDrive::New(CMountCB* aMount,TBusLocalDrive& aLocDrv)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveNew, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
aMount, aMount->DriveNumber());
CLocalProxyDrive* proxyDrive = new CLocalProxyDrive(aMount,aLocDrv);
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveNewRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, proxyDrive);
return proxyDrive;
@param aMount The mount control block.
@param aLocDrv The local drive.
CLocalProxyDrive::CLocalProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount,TBusLocalDrive& aLocDrv)
Initialise the connected drive.
This implementation performs no operations.
@return KErrNone.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Initialise()
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveInitialise, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveInitialiseRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, KErrNone);
Ensures any cached data is flushed before unmounting drive.
This implementation performs no operations.
@return KErrNone.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Dismounted()
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDismounted, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDismountedRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, KErrNone);
Increase the size of the connected drive by the specified length (in bytes).
@param aLength The length/size (in bytes) by which the drive is to be increased.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Enlarge(TInt aLength)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveEnlarge, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aLength);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Enlarge(aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveEnlargeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Reduce the size of the connected drive by removing the specified length
(in bytes) starting at the specified position.
Refer to relevant media driver documentation for implementation/restriction
@param aPos The start position of area to be removed.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being removed.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ReduceSize(TInt aPos, TInt aLength)
TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveReduceSize, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aPos, aLength);
TInt r = iLocDrv.ReduceSize(aPos,aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveReduceSizeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Read from the connected drive, and pass flags to driver.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset, TInt aFlags)
TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Read from the connected drive.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, anOffset);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,anOffset);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Read from the connected drive.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg)
TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, &aTrg);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveRead3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Write to the connected drive and pass flags to driver.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Write to the connected drive.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, anOffset);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,anOffset);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Write to the connected drive.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aSrc.Length(), &aSrc);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Write(aPos,aSrc);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveWrite3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Get the connected drive's capabilities information.
@param anInfo A descriptor of the connected drives capabilities.
@return system wide error code
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Caps(TDes8& anInfo)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveCaps, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Caps(anInfo);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveCapsRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Format the connected drive.
@param anInfo Device specific format information.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& anInfo)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Format(anInfo);
TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
r, anInfo.iFormatIsCurrent, anInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted, anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat);
return r;
Format the connected drive.
@param aPos The position of the data which is being formatted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being formatted.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength)
TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Format(aPos,aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveFormat2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Set the mount information on the local drive.
@param aMountInfo Information passed down to the media driver. The meaning of this information depends on the media driver.
@param aMountInfoThreadHandle Message thread handle number.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::SetMountInfo(const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TInt aMountInfoThreadHandle)
TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveSetMountInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aMountInfo, aMountInfoThreadHandle);
TInt r = iLocDrv.SetMountInfo(aMountInfo,aMountInfoThreadHandle);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveSetMountInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Forces a remount on the local drive
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ForceRemount(TUint aFlags)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveForceRemount, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aFlags);
TInt r = iLocDrv.ForceRemount(aFlags);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveForceRemountRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
An interface with which control commands can be passed to
the appropriate driver layer.
@param aMessage Message to be sent.
@param aCommand Command type.
@param aParam1 1st parameter of control message.
@param aParam2 2nd parameter of control message.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& /*aMessage*/,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveControlIO, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iLocDrv.ControlIO(aCommand,aParam1,aParam2);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveControlIORet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Unlocks a password-enabled device.
@param aPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Unlock(TMediaPassword &aPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveUnlock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Unlock(aPassword,aStorePassword);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveUnlockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Locks a password-enabled device with the new password.
@param aOldPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aNewPassword A descriptor containing the new password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Lock(TMediaPassword &aOldPassword, TMediaPassword &aNewPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveLock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);
TInt r = iLocDrv.SetPassword(aOldPassword,aNewPassword,aStorePassword);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveLockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Clears a password from a device - controller sets password to null.
@param aPassword A descriptor containing the password.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::Clear(TMediaPassword &aPassword)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveClear, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iLocDrv.Clear(aPassword);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveClearRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Forcibly unlock a password-enabled drive.
@return system wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::ErasePassword()
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveErasePassword, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iLocDrv.ErasePassword();
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveErasePasswordRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Notify the media driver that an area of the partition has been deleted.
Used by some media drivers (e.g. NAND flash) for garbage collection.
@param aPos The position of the data which is being deleted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being deleted.
@return System wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::DeleteNotify(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDeleteNotify, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);
TInt r = iLocDrv.DeleteNotify(aPos, aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveDeleteNotifyRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Retrieve disk error information.
@param aErrorInfo Reference to a descriptor containing disk error information.
@return System wide error code.
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8 &aErrorInfo)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iLocDrv.GetLastErrorInfo(aErrorInfo);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
TInt CLocalProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetInterface, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, aInterfaceId, aInput);
TInt r;
case EGetLocalDrive:
r = KErrNone;
case ELocalBufferSupport:
aInterface = NULL;
r = KErrNone;
r= CProxyDrive::GetInterface(aInterfaceId,aInterface,aInput);
TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECLocalProxyDriveGetInterfaceRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r, aInterface);
return r;
@panic FSERV 54 if the supplied CMountCB pointer is NULL.
EXPORT_C CBaseExtProxyDrive::CBaseExtProxyDrive(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive, CMountCB* aMount)
Frees resources before destruction of the object.
EXPORT_C CBaseExtProxyDrive::~CBaseExtProxyDrive()
Initialise the proxy drive.
This implementation performs no operations.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Initialise()
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveInitialise, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->Initialise();
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveInitialiseRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Calls Dismounted() on the proxy drive.
@return KErrNone.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Dismounted()
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDismounted, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->Dismounted();
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDismountedRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Increase the size of the proxy drive by the specified length (in bytes).
@param aLength The length (in bytes) of which the drive is to be increased by.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Enlarge(TInt aLength)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveEnlarge, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aLength);
TInt r = iProxy->Enlarge(aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveEnlargeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Reduce the size of the proxy drive by removing the specified length
(in bytes) starting at the specified position.
Refer to relevant media driver documentation for implementation/restriction
@param aPos The start position of area to be removed.
@param aLength The length/size (in bytes) by which the drive is to be reduced.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ReduceSize(TInt aPos, TInt aLength)
TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveReduceSize, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aPos, aLength);
TInt r = iProxy->ReduceSize(aPos,aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveReduceSizeRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Read from the proxy drive, and pass flags to driver.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);
TInt r = iProxy->Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Read from the proxy drive.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aTrg, threadId, anOffset);
TInt r = iProxy->Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg,aThreadHandle,anOffset);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Read from the proxy drive.
@param aPos The address from where the read begins.
@param aLength The length of the read.
@param aTrg A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg)
TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, &aTrg);
TInt r = iProxy->Read(aPos,aLength,aTrg);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveRead3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Write to the proxy drive and pass flags to driver.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt aOffset,TInt aFlags)
TRACE8(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, aOffset, aFlags);
TInt r = iProxy->Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,aOffset,aFlags);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Write to the proxy drive.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aLength The length of the write.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aThreadHandle,TInt anOffset)
TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength, aSrc, threadId, anOffset);
TInt r = iProxy->Write(aPos,aLength,aSrc,aThreadHandle,anOffset);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Write to the proxy drive.
@param aPos The address from where the write begins.
@param aSrc A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite3, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aSrc.Length(), &aSrc);
TInt r = iProxy->Write(aPos,aSrc);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveWrite3Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Get the proxy drive's capabilities information.
@param anInfo A descriptor of the connected drives capabilities.
@return system wide error code
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Caps(TDes8& anInfo)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveCaps, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->Caps(anInfo);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveCapsRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Format the connected drive.
@param anInfo Device specific format information.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& anInfo)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat1, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->Format(anInfo);
TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat1Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
r, anInfo.iFormatIsCurrent, anInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted, anInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat);
return r;
Format the proxy drive.
@param aPos The position of the data which is being formatted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being formatted.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength)
TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat2, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);
TInt r = iProxy->Format(aPos,aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveFormat2Ret, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Set the mount information on the proxy drive.
@param aMountInfo Information passed down to the media driver. The meaning of this information depends on the media driver.
@param aMountInfoThreadHandle Message thread handle number.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::SetMountInfo(const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TInt aMountInfoThreadHandle)
TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveSetMountInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aMountInfo, aMountInfoThreadHandle);
TInt r = iProxy->SetMountInfo(aMountInfo,aMountInfoThreadHandle);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveSetMountInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Forces a remount on the proxy drive
@param aFlags Flags to be passed into the driver.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ForceRemount(TUint aFlags)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveForceRemount, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aFlags);
TInt r = iProxy->ForceRemount(aFlags);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveForceRemountRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Unlocks a password-enabled proxy drive.
@param aPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Unlock(TMediaPassword &aPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveUnlock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);
TInt r = iProxy->Unlock(aPassword,aStorePassword);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveUnlockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Locks a password-enabled proxy drive with the new password.
@param aOldPassword A descriptor containing the existing password.
@param aNewPassword A descriptor containing the new password.
@param aStorePassword If ETrue, the password is added to the password store.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Lock(TMediaPassword &aOldPassword, TMediaPassword &aNewPassword, TBool aStorePassword)
TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveLock, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this, aStorePassword);
TInt r = iProxy->Lock(aOldPassword,aNewPassword,aStorePassword);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveLockRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Clears a password from a proxy drive - controller sets password to null.
@param aPassword A descriptor containing the password.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::Clear(TMediaPassword &aPassword)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveClear, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->Clear(aPassword);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveClearRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Forcibly unlock a password-enabled proxy drive.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ErasePassword()
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveErasePassword, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->ErasePassword();
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveErasePasswordRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
An interface with which control commands can be passed to
the appropriate driver layer.
@param aMessage Message to be sent.
@param aCommand Command type.
@param aParam1 1st parameter of control message.
@param aParam2 2nd parameter of control message.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveControlIO, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->ControlIO(aMessage,aCommand,aParam1,aParam2);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveControlIORet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Initialise the provided interface extension.
@param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
@param aInterface Address of variable that retrieves the specified interface.
@param aInput Data required for the instantiation of the interface.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetInterface, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, aInterfaceId, aInput);
TInt r;
if (aInterfaceId==EGetLocalDrive)
r = iProxy->GetLocalDrive((TBusLocalDrive*&)aInterface); // iProxy is of type CLocalProxyDrive, so OK to reenter
r = CProxyDrive::GetInterface(aInterfaceId,aInterface,aInput);
TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetInterfaceRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r, aInterface);
return r;
Retrieve proxy drive disk error information.
@param aErrorInfo Reference to a descriptor containing disk error information.
@return System wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8 &aErrorInfo)
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfo, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, this);
TInt r = iProxy->GetLastErrorInfo(aErrorInfo);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveGetLastErrorInfoRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
Issue a notification that a physical delete has occurred.
For example a cluster or partition has been freed.
@param aPos The position of the data which is being deleted.
@param aLength The length of the data which is being deleted.
@return System wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CBaseExtProxyDrive::DeleteNotify(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDeleteNotify, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive,
this, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);
TInt r = iProxy->DeleteNotify(aPos, aLength);
TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleProxyDrive::ECBaseExtProxyDriveDeleteNotifyRet, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, r);
return r;
EXPORT_C CProxyDriveFactory::CProxyDriveFactory()
Remove the Proxy driver factory.
This implementation performs no operations.
@return KErrNone
EXPORT_C TInt CProxyDriveFactory::Remove()
GLDEF_C CExtProxyDriveFactory* GetProxyDriveFactory(const TDesC& aName)
// Lookup an extension by name.
TInt h=0;
TInt r=ProxyDrives->FindByName(h,aName);
if (r!=KErrNone)
// construct a extension proxy drive device
EXPORT_C CExtProxyDriveFactory::CExtProxyDriveFactory()
EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDriveFactory::Remove()
return KErrNone;
EXPORT_C void CExtProxyDriveFactory::AsyncEnumerate()
Create a proxy drive using the local proxy drive passed in
and any extensions that have been added to the drive.
@param aConcreteDrive local proxy drive
@param aMount local proxy drive mount control block
@return pointer to instantiated CProxyDrive object.
EXPORT_C CProxyDrive* CreateProxyDriveL(CProxyDrive* aConcreteDrive,CMountCB* aMount)
TDrive& drive=TheDrives[aMount->Drive().DriveNumber()];
TBool extSupported = drive.FSys().IsExtensionSupported();
TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleFileSys::ECFileSystemIsExtensionSupported, EF32TraceUidProxyDrive, extSupported);
CProxyDrive* pOrig=aConcreteDrive;
CProxyDrive* pFinal=NULL;
for(TInt i=0;i<drive.ExtInfo().iCount;++i)
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("adding extension %S"),drive.ExtInfo().iInfo[i].iFactory->Name());
__PRINT1(_L("extension is primary = %d"),drive.ExtInfo().iInfo[i].iIsPrimary);
Lookup a proxy drive extension by name.
@param aName name of extension to be found
@return system wide error code
CProxyDriveFactory* GetExtension(const TDesC& aName)
TInt h=0;
TInt r=Extensions->FindByName(h,aName);
if (r!=KErrNone)
// construct a extension proxy drive
EXPORT_C CExtProxyDrive::CExtProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount,CExtProxyDriveFactory* aDevice)
: CProxyDrive(aMount),
// delete a extension proxy drive
EXPORT_C CExtProxyDrive::~CExtProxyDrive()
delete iMediaChangeNotifier;
EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDrive::NotifyChange(TDes8 &/*aChanged*/, TRequestStatus* /*aStatus*/)
return KErrNotSupported;
EXPORT_C void CExtProxyDrive::NotifyChangeCancel()
EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDrive::SetInfo(const RMessage2& /*aMsg*/, TAny* /*aMessageParam2*/, TAny* /*aMessageParam3*/)
return KErrNone;
Initialise the provided interface extension.
@param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
@param aInterface Address of variable that retrieves the specified interface.
@param aInput Data required for the instantiation of the interface.
@return system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt CExtProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
TInt CExtProxyDrive::SetupMediaChange()
TRAPD(err, iMediaChangeNotifier->RequestL());
return err;
TRAPD(err, iMediaChangeNotifier = CExtNotifyMediaChange::NewL(this));
return(err == KErrNotSupported ? KErrNone : err);
TInt TFsAddExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Add an extension
__PRINT(_L("TFsAddExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)"));
RLibrary lib;
// Get library handle
if (lib.Type()[1]!=TUid::Uid(KFileSystemUidValue))
return KErrNotSupported;
TExtensionNew e=(TExtensionNew)lib.Lookup(1);
if (!e)
return KErrCorrupt;
CProxyDriveFactory* pP=(*e)();
return KErrNoMemory;
TInt r=pP->Install();
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("InstallExtension %S"),pP->Name());
if (r==KErrNone)
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
if (r==KErrNone)
TInt TFsAddExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TSecurityPolicy policy(RProcess().SecureId(), ECapabilityTCB);
if (!policy.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Add File System Extension")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
return KErrNone;
TInt TFsAddProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Load a proxy drive
__PRINT(_L("TFsAddProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)"));
RLibrary lib;
// Get library handle
if (lib.Type()[1]!=TUid::Uid(KFileSystemUidValue))
return KErrNotSupported;
TProxyDriveNew e=(TProxyDriveNew)lib.Lookup(1);
if (!e)
return KErrCorrupt;
CExtProxyDriveFactory* pP=(*e)();
return KErrNoMemory;
TInt r=pP->Install();
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("Install Proxy Drive %S"),pP->Name());
if (r==KErrNone)
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
__PRINT1TEMP(_L("r == %d"), r);
if (r==KErrNone)
TInt TFsAddProxyDrive::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TSecurityPolicy policy(RProcess().SecureId(), ECapabilityTCB);
if (!policy.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Add File System Proxy Drive")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
return KErrNone;
TInt TFsMountExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Mount an extension
TFullName name;
CProxyDriveFactory* pE=GetExtension(name);
if (pE==NULL)
TInt TFsMountExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int1(),aRequest);
TInt TFsDismountExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Dismount extension
TFullName name;
CProxyDriveFactory* pE=GetExtension(name);
if (pE==NULL)
TInt TFsDismountExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
if (!KCapFsDismountExtension.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Dismount File Extension")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int1(),aRequest);
TInt TFsRemoveExtension::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Remove an extension
TFullName name;
CProxyDriveFactory* pE=GetExtension(name);
if (pE==NULL)
TInt r=pE->Remove();
if (r!=KErrNone)
RLibrary lib=pE->Library();
TInt TFsRemoveExtension::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
if (!KCapFsRemoveExtension.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Remove File Extension")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
return KErrNone;
TInt TFsRemoveProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Remove a proxy drive
TFullName name;
CExtProxyDriveFactory* pD=GetProxyDriveFactory(name);
// are there any mounted drives using this extension?
if (LocalDrives::IsProxyDriveInUse(pD)) return KErrInUse;
if (pD==NULL)
TInt r=pD->Remove();
if (r!=KErrNone)
RLibrary lib=pD->Library();
TInt TFsRemoveProxyDrive::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
if (!KCapFsRemoveProxyDrive.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Remove Proxy Drive")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
return KErrNone;
TInt TFsExtensionName::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Return the name of an extension for a given drive and extension chain position
TFullName name;
TInt r=aRequest->Drive()->ExtensionName(name,aRequest->Message().Int2());
TInt TFsExtensionName::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int1(),aRequest);
TInt TFsDismountProxyDrive::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
// Dismount a proxy extension
return aRequest->Drive()->DismountProxyDrive();
TInt TFsDismountProxyDrive::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
if (!KCapFsDismountProxyDrive.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Dismount Proxy Drive")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
TInt r=ValidateDrive(aRequest->Message().Int0(),aRequest);
return KErrNone;