Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_image.h
#ifndef __SF_IMAGE_H__
#define __SF_IMAGE_H__
#include <f32file.h>
#include <f32image.h>
#include <e32ldr.h>
#include <e32ldr_private.h>
#include <e32rom.h>
#include "sf_deflate.h"
const TUint32 KCapabilityOffSet = 0x18;
const TUint32 KCapabilityLength = 0x04;
const TUint32 KCapabilityMask = 0x00000001;
enum TPanic
class E32Image;
class RImageArray : public RPointerArray<E32Image>
TInt Add(E32Image* aImage);
void Find(const TDesC8& aRootName, TInt& aFirst, TInt& aLast) const;
E32Image* Find(const TRomImageHeader* aRomImgHdr) const;
class TFileNameInfo
enum {
enum {
TInt Set(const TDesC8& aFileName, TUint aFlags);
void Dump() const;
inline TInt DriveLen() const {return iPathPos;}
inline TInt PathLen() const {return iBasePos-iPathPos;}
inline TInt BaseLen() const {return iVerPos-iBasePos;}
inline TInt VerLen() const {return iUidPos-iVerPos;}
inline TInt UidLen() const {return iExtPos-iUidPos;}
inline TInt ExtLen() const {return iLen-iExtPos;}
inline TPtrC8 Drive() const {return TPtrC8(iName, iPathPos);}
inline TPtrC8 Path() const {return TPtrC8(iName+iPathPos, iBasePos-iPathPos);}
inline TPtrC8 DriveAndPath() const {return TPtrC8(iName, iBasePos);}
inline TPtrC8 Base() const {return TPtrC8(iName+iBasePos, iVerPos-iBasePos);}
inline TPtrC8 VerStr() const {return TPtrC8(iName+iVerPos, iUidPos-iVerPos);}
inline TPtrC8 UidStr() const {return TPtrC8(iName+iUidPos, iExtPos-iUidPos);}
inline TPtrC8 Ext() const {return TPtrC8(iName+iExtPos, iLen-iExtPos);}
inline TUint32 Version() const {return iVersion;}
inline TUint32 Uid() const {return iUid;}
void GetName(TDes8& aName, TUint aFlags) const;
const TText8* iName;
TInt iPathPos;
TInt iBasePos;
TInt iVerPos;
TInt iUidPos;
TInt iExtPos;
TInt iLen;
TUint32 iVersion;
TUint32 iUid;
class RLoaderMsg;
// Information used to search for an image file
class RLdrReq : public TLdrInfo
void Close();
void Panic(TInt aPanic);
TInt CheckForSubstDriveInName();
TInt CheckForSubstDrivesInPath();
TInt AddFileExtension(const TDesC8& aExt);
void Dump(const char* aTitle) const;
TInt CheckSecInfo(const SSecurityInfo& aCandidate) const;
HBufC8* iFileName;
HBufC8* iCmd;
HBufC8* iPath;
const RLoaderMsg* iMsg;
SCapabilitySet iPlatSecCaps;
RThread iClientThread;
RProcess iClientProcess;
TFileNameInfo iFileNameInfo;
E32Image* iImporter;
class RLoaderFile : public RFile
inline TBool IsOpen()
{ return Session().Handle() && SubSessionHandle(); }
class TImageInfo
TUint32 iUid[KMaxCheckedUid];
TUint32 iModuleVersion;
SSecurityInfo iS;
TUint32 iAttr;
TUint16 iExportDirCount;
TUint8 iExportDescType;
TUint8 iNameLength;
enum TCacheStatusFlags
EHashChecked = 1,
TUint8 iCacheStatus;
// 8-bit name follows (store base+ext only, not version)
// export description follows name
// Information returned by a search for an image file
class TFileCacheRecord;
class RImageInfo : public TImageInfo
RImageInfo& operator=(const TFileCacheRecord& aRecord);
void Close();
void Accept(RImageInfo& aInfo);
inline TBool FileOpened() { return ((RLoaderFile*)&iFile)->IsOpen(); }
RFile iFile;
E32ImageHeader* iHeader; // header if available
TUint8* iFileData; // file data if it's been loaded
TUint32 iFileSize; // size of loaded data
const TRomImageHeader* iRomImageHeader; // pointer to ROM image header for XIP
TUint16 iExportDescSize;
const TUint8* iExportDesc; // points into cache record so only valid during a single directory search
TUint8 iNeedHashCheck; // true if hash check was skipped and must be done at load time
// Image finder - looks at candidates for a load and remembers the best one
class RImageFinder
TInt Set(const RLdrReq& aReq);
void Close();
TInt Search();
TInt Search(const TDesC8* aPath, TInt aDrive);
TInt SearchSingleDir();
TInt SearchExisting(const RImageArray& aArray);
TInt Try(RImageInfo& aInfo, const TDesC8& aRootName, const TDesC8& aDriveAndPath);
void RecordCorruptFile();
void SetName(const TDesC8& aRootName, const TDesC8& aDriveAndPath);
void Dump(const char* aTitle, TInt aR);
void CompareHashL(RImageInfo& aInfo, const TDesC8& aDriveAndPath);
TInt iNameMatches; // number of files for which name matches
TInt iUidFail; // number of files for which UIDs are incompatible
TInt iCapFail; // number of files for which capabilities/SID are incompatible
TInt iMajorVersionFail; // number of files with lower major version than requested
TInt iImportFail; // number of files which failed import check
TUint32 iCurrentVersion; // version of current best match
TPtrC8 iCurrentPath; // current search directory
TUint8 iCurrentDrive; // current search drive
TUint8 iFindExact;
TUint8 iNewValid; // a valid new image has been found
const RLdrReq* iReq;
E32Image* iExisting; // pointer to existing image if that is currently the best
RImageInfo iNew; // new image info if that is currently the best
TBuf8<KMaxFileName> iNewFileName; // full path name for new image file
TBuf8<KMaxKernelName> iRootName;
extern RFs gTheLoaderFs;
extern TAny* gExeCodeSeg;
extern TUint32 gExeAttr;
extern TAny* gKernelCodeSeg;
extern TUint32 gKernelAttr;
extern TBool gExecutesInSupervisorMode;
TInt GetModuleInfo(RLdrReq& aReq);
TInt GetInfoFromHeader(const RLoaderMsg& aMsg);
TInt CheckSystemBin(const TDesC& aThePath);
TInt LoadProcess(RLdrReq& aReq);
TInt LoadLibrary(RLdrReq& aReq);
TInt LoadDeviceDriver(RLdrReq& aReq, TInt aDeviceType);
TInt LoadLocale(RLdrReq& aReq, TLibraryFunction* aExportsList);
TInt CheckUids(const TUidType& aUids, const TUidType& aRequestedUids);
TInt OpenFile8(RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aName);
TInt CheckSubstDrive(TDes8& aDest, const TDesC8& aSrc);
TInt CompareVersions(TUint32 aL, TUint32 aR);
TInt CheckRequiredImports(E32Image* aImporter, E32Image* aExporter, TInt aAction);
TInt CheckRequiredImports(E32Image* aImporter, const RImageInfo& aExporter, TInt aAction);
TInt CheckedCollapse(TDes8& aDest, const TDesC16& aSrc);
enum TVersionCompareResult
TInt DetailedCompareVersions(TUint32 aCandidate, TUint32 aRequest);
TInt DetailedCompareVersions(TUint32 aCandidate, TUint32 aRequest, TUint32 aCurrent, TBool aStrict);
enum TVersionCompareAction
class E32Image : public TProcessCreateInfo
void Reset();
TInt Construct(RImageFinder& aFinder);
void Construct(const TRomImageHeader& a);
TInt OpenFile();
TBool AlwaysLoaded();
TInt LoadProcess(const RLdrReq& aReq);
TInt LoadCodeSeg(const RLdrReq& aReq);
TInt DoLoadCodeSeg(const RLdrReq& aReq, RImageFinder& aFinder);
TInt DoLoadCodeSeg(const TRomImageHeader& aRomImgHdr);
TInt CheckAlreadyLoaded();
TInt CheckRomXIPAlreadyLoaded();
TInt ProcessFileName();
void GetRomFileName();
static TBool TraverseDirs(const TRomDir& aDir, const TRomImageHeader* aHdr, TDes8& aName);
TInt LoadToRam();
TInt LoadFile();
TInt LoadFileNoCompress();
TInt Read(TUint aPos,TUint8* aDest,TUint aSize,TBool aSvPerms=EFalse);
void LoadFileInflateL();
void LoadFileBytePairUnpakL();
TInt RelocateCode();
TInt RelocateExports();
TInt LoadAndRelocateData();
TInt RelocateSection(E32RelocSection* aSection, TUint32 aLoadAddress);
static TUint8* WordCopy(TAny* aDestination, const TAny* aSource, TInt aNumberOfBytes);
static TUint8* MemCopy(TAny* aDestination, const TAny* aSource, TInt aNumberOfBytes);
TInt ReadImportData();
TInt ProcessImports();
TInt LoadDlls(RImageArray& aDllArray);
TInt GetCurrentImportList(const E32ImportBlock* aBlock);
static TInt FixupDlls(RImageArray& aDllArray);
TUint64* ExpandFixups(TInt aNumFixups);
TInt FinaliseDlls(RImageArray& aDllArray);
void CleanupDlls(RImageArray& aDllArray);
TInt LastCurrentImport();
void SortCurrentImportList();
static TInt Order(const E32Image& aL, const E32Image& aR);
TInt ReadExportDirLoad();
// for demand paging...
TInt ShouldBeCodePaged(TBool& aPage);
TInt LoadCompressionData();
TInt LoadCompressionDataNoCompress();
void LoadCompressionDataBytePairUnpakL();
TInt BuildCodeBlockMap();
TInt AllocateRelocationData(E32RelocSection* aSection, TUint32 aAreaSize, TUint32 aLoadAddress, TUint32*& aProcessedBlock);
TInt BuildImportFixupTable();
const TRomImageHeader* iRomImageHeader;
E32ImageHeader* iHeader;
E32RelocSection* iCodeRelocSection; // address within iRestOfFileData
E32RelocSection* iDataRelocSection; // address within iRestOfFileData
TUint32* iImportData;
TUint8* iRestOfFileData; // buffer holding all file data after code section
TUint32 iRestOfFileSize; // size of data at iRestOfFileData
TUint32 iConversionOffset;
RFile iFile;
TUint8* iFileData; // file data if it's been loaded
TUint32 iFileSize; // size of loaded data
TUint32* iCopyOfExportDir;
TUint32 iExportDirLoad;
TUint32 iExportDirEntryDelta; // value to add to all values read from iExportDirLoad
E32Image* iMain;
TAny* iCloseCodeSeg;
TInt iCurrentImportCount;
TInt iNextImportPos;
TUint32* iCurrentImportList;
TUint8 iCurrentImportListSorted;
TUint8 iIsDll;
TUint8 iAlreadyLoaded;
TUint8 iPadding2;
TInt iFixupCount; // number of fixups in iFixups
TUint64* iFixups; // array of fixups to apply to demand paged code {addr,value} pairs
inline TBool CheckUid(TUint32 aUid, TUint32 aRequestedUid)
return (aRequestedUid==0 || aRequestedUid==aUid);