author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_notifier.h

#include "sf_std.h"
#include "sf_pool.h"
#include "e32hashtab.h" 
#include "cl_notification.h"
#include "f32notification.h"


 * Number of notifications in TFsNotificationType that the client can set
 * @internalTechnology
const TInt KNumRegisterableFilters = 8; 

 * This determines the size of the CFsPool.
 * Until we have read/write locks there is no point in this being more than 1.
 * @internalTechnology
const TInt KNotificationPoolSize = 1;

 * A CFsNotificationPathFilter is a simple class containing two HBufCs of the target to be notified about:
 * 1 for the drive and path
 * 1 for the filename
 *  A CFsNotificationPathFilter has a 1 to Many relationship with TFsNotificationTypeFilter
 * @internalTechnology
class CFsNotificationPathFilter
	static CFsNotificationPathFilter* NewL(const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aFilename);
	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aFilename);
	HBufC* iPath;
	HBufC* iFilename;

 * A TFsNotificationTypeFilter is a class which contains a pointer to the associated path to monitor
 * and the type of notification.
 * @internalTechnology
class TFsNotificationTypeFilter
	CFsNotificationPathFilter* iPathFilter;
	TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType iNotificationType; 
	//As we are storing filters in filter-specific
	//arrays then iNotificationType is potentially redundant.

//These typedefs are to appease the compiler as it does not like
//nested templated arguments.
  *  @internalTechnology
typedef RArray<TFsNotificationTypeFilter> TFsNotificationTypeArray;
 * @internalTechnology
typedef RArray<TFsNotificationTypeArray> TFsNotificationTypeDriveArray;

class CFsNotificationBlock; //forward decl.

 * CFsNotifyRequest is a file-server side object representation of an RFsNotify sub-session.   
 * @internalTechnology
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFsNotifyRequest) : public CFsObject
	 * Active means that the client is waiting for the first notification to be sent
	 * The status then changes to Outstanding when further notifications are sent to the buffer
	 * If the server overflows when in state EOutstanding then we move to state EOutstandingOverflow.
	 * From EOutstandingOverflow after the next call to RequestNotifications from the client, we must move to state EInactive.
	 * If we do not overflow then when RequestNotifications is called we can move back to state EActive.
	 * EInactive is when there are no notifications outstanding and request notifications hasn't been called. 
	enum TNotifyRequestStatus
		EActive,				//Server waiting for a notification (filters added, RequestNotifications called)
		EOutstanding,			//Server waiting for client to call RequestNotifications, has notification(s) to send.
		EOutstandingOverflow,	//Server waiting for client to call RequestNotifications, has notification(s) to send, buffer has overflowed.
		EInactive				//Server waiting for RequestNotification, no notifications outstanding 
	static CFsNotifyRequest* NewL();
	virtual ~CFsNotifyRequest();
	 * Returns the RArray<TFsNotificationFilter> for an index
	 * as returned from FsNotificationHelper::TypeToIndex()
	TFsNotificationTypeArray* FilterTypeList(TInt aDrive,TInt aIndex);
	//Removes all filters from iFilterList
	TInt RemoveFilters();

	//Add single filter to this request
	TInt AddFilterL(CFsNotificationPathFilter* aFilter, TUint aMask);

	//Sets filter as active/inactive
	void SetActive(TNotifyRequestStatus aValue);
	 *Get the status of this request.
	 *@See TNotifyRequestStatus 
	TNotifyRequestStatus ActiveStatus();
	 * Completes and frees notification request
	 * @param aIsCancel is used to determine whether 
	 * to write back to the client or not when aReason != KErrNone.
	 * In the case of closing the subsession you shouldn't write back to the client.
	void CompleteClientRequest(TInt aReason,TBool aIsCancel=EFalse);

	//RfsNotify::RequestNotifications has been called
	TInt SetClientMessage(const RMessage2& aClientMsg);

	 * Called from FsNotificationManager::HandleChange(),
	 * this function packages the data in to a CFsNotificationBlock in preperation for 
	 * notification of this operation to the client.
	 * Calling of this function means that we are notifying about this operation. (all checks passed)
	 * aRequest can be NULL when the request doesn't come from the file server 
	 * (such as when a media card is removed)
	TInt NotifyChange(CFsClientMessageRequest* aRequest, const TDesC& aName, TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType aNotificationType, CFsNotificationBlock& aBlock);
	 * This function performs the IPC to the client's buffer.
	TInt SynchroniseBuffer(CFsNotificationBlock& aBlock,TInt aServerTail, TInt aNotificationSize);
	//Closing this notification
	void CloseNotification();

	//Simple getter
	TInt ClientMsgHandle();
	void ConstructL();
	//Check whether there is room for a new notification in the client's buffer
	TBool ValidateNotification(TInt aNotificationSize, TInt& aServerTail);
	 * The iTailSemaphore is used so that many CFsNotificationBlocks can
	 * be processed concurrently.
	 * This lock ensures that the iServerTail is safe.
	 //ToDo:  This should be a ReadWriteLock
	RFastLock iTailSemaphore;
	 * The iClientSyncLock is a Read/Write style lock whereby it is 
	 * set up with the value of KNotificationPoolSize.
	 * When a block is allocated it calls wait on this lock.
	 * This lock is to ensure that all of the currently processing blocks are
	 * written before the client is updated.
	 * i.e. if two blocks are being processed concurrently and the second 
	 * block is written we need to wait until the first one is also written
	 * before the client receives the updated tail.
	//ToDo: This should be a ReadWriteLock
	RFastLock iClientSyncLock;

	 * HashMap<DriveNumber, TFsNotificationTypeDriveArray>
	 * HashMap<DriveNumber, RArray<TFsNotificationTypeArray>>
	 * HashMap<DriveNumber, RArray<RArray<TFsNotificationTypeFilter>>>
	 * Each value of iDrivesTypesFiltersMap is of type TFsNotificationTypeDriveArray 
	 * associated with a particular drive.
	 * Each index of the TFsNotificationTypeDriveArray is a TFsNotificationTypeArray
	RHashMap<TInt,TFsNotificationTypeDriveArray> iDrivesTypesFiltersMap;
	 * The iPathFilterList is an RPointerArray of CFsNotificationPathFilters.
	 * These are normally only accessed via a TFsNotificationTypeFilter (via iDrivesTypesFiltersMap),
	 * not via this array directly.
	RPointerArray<CFsNotificationPathFilter> iPathFilterList;
	RMessage2 iBufferMsg; //To update buffer
	RMessage2 iClientMsg; //client notification request
	CSessionFs* iSession; //Session associated with this request (TFsSessionDisconnect::DoRequestL)
	TNotifyRequestStatus iNotifyRequestStatus;	//Current status of this request
	//The following 3 variables must be aligned when modified.
	TInt iClientHead;	//Offset where the client should start reading from.
						//If the server writes past this offset we must overflow the client.
	TInt iClientTail;	//The end of the client's accessible range.
	TInt iServerTail;	//The end of the server's accessible range.
						//Overflow occurs if iServerTail becomes more than iClientHead.
	TInt iClientBufferSize;		//Buffer size is word-aligned.
	friend class TFsNotificationBuffer;	//For access to iClientBufferSize and iBufferMsg
	friend class TFsNotificationRequest;//For access to iClientBufferSize
	friend class FsNotificationManager; //For access to iSession
	friend class TFsNotificationOpen; //For access to iSession
	friend class TFsNotificationRemove; //For access to iDrivesTypesFiltersMap

 * A CFsNotificationBlock is a chunk of memory which is used to represent a notification
 * such that a single IPC can be performed from server to client.
 * CFsNotificationBlocks are stored in a CFsPool<CFsNotificationBlock>. 
class CFsNotificationBlock
	static CFsNotificationBlock* New();
	TAny* Data();
	TText8 iData[KMinNotificationBufferSize];

 * Helper class to get certain attributes from or about a particular operation to used in a notification
 * @internalTechnology
class FsNotificationHelper
	static void NotificationType(TInt aFunction,TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType& aNotificationType);
	static void PathName(CFsClientMessageRequest& aRequest, TDes& aName);
	static void NewPathName(CFsClientMessageRequest& aRequest, TPtrC& aName);
	static TInt NotificationSize(CFsClientMessageRequest& aRequest, TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType aNotificationType, const TDesC& aName);
	static TInt TypeToIndex(TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType aType);
	static TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType NotificationType(TInt& aIndex);
	static TInt DriveNumber(const TPtrC& aPath);
	static void Attributes(CFsClientMessageRequest& aRequest, TUint& aSet, TUint& aClear);

 * The FsNotificationManager is a static object
class FsNotificationManager
	//New notification request from client
	static void AddNotificationRequestL(CFsNotifyRequest* aNotificationRequest);

	//Notification request cancel
	static void RemoveNotificationRequest(CFsNotifyRequest* aNotificationRequest);
	//Notification request cancel (session closed)
	static void RemoveNotificationRequest(CSessionFs* aSession);

	/* A change has occurred represented by this request.
	 * Work out which CFsNotifyRequests are interested
	 * (if any) and call CFsNotifyRequest::NotifyChange.
	static void HandleChange(CFsClientMessageRequest& aRequest);
	/* A change has occurred represented by this request.
	 * Work out which CFsNotifyRequests are interested
	 * (if any) and call CFsNotifyRequest::NotifyChange.
	 * This override is used directly when we want to force a particular notification type
	static void HandleChange(CFsClientMessageRequest& aRequest, TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType aType);
	 * This override is used directly when we want to specify the current operation's name (src) and notification type.
	 * aRequest can be NULL when the request doesn't come from the file server 
	 * such as when a media card is removed, see LocalDrives::CompleteDriveNotifications
	 * @See LocalDrives::CompleteDriveNotifications(TInt aDrive)
	static void HandleChange(CFsClientMessageRequest* aRequest, const TDesC& aOperationName, TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType aType);

	//Initialise iNotifyRequests and iStaticNotification
	static void OpenL();
	static TBool IsInitialised();
	 * On CFsNotifyRequest closing, Close is called if this is the last request being removed.
	 * This removes all of the managers private data.
	static void Close();

	 * Calls SetFilterRegister for every valid notification set in aMask.
	static void SetFilterRegisterMask(TUint aMask,TBool aAdd);
	 * Adds or Removes to the count of filters set up for a particular type
	 * This is a global count such that if there are no fiters for a particular type 
	 * HandleChange doesn't need to do any iteration for that type.
	static void SetFilterRegister(TUint aFilter, TBool aAdd, TInt aCount = 1);
	 * Get the number of registers filters set up on a particular type.
	 * @param aIndex the TFsNotificationType's index as determined from FsNotificationHelper::TypeToIndex
	static TInt& FilterRegister(TInt aIndex);

	 * Returns the number of CFsNotifyRequests set up
	static TInt Count();
	 * Lock the iChainLock (currently not a ReadWriteLock)
	static void Lock();
	 * Unlock iChainLock
	static void Unlock();

     * @internalTechnology
	 * Used by DoMatchFilter and DoHandleChange to control the flow of 
	 * loop execution.
    enum TFsNotificationFilterMatch
        EDifferent  = 0x00, //Operation and Filters do not match.
        EMatch      = 0x01, //Operation and Filters do match.
        EContinue   = 0x02  //Data caged directory - Do not notify.
     * Checks whether aOperation matches the filter name and/or path set in aFilter. 
    static TFsNotificationFilterMatch DoMatchFilter(CFsClientMessageRequest* aRequest, const TDesC& aOperationName,CFsNotificationPathFilter& aFilter);
	 * Iterates filters for a particular drive.
	 * Called from HandleChange
	static void DoHandleChange(TFsNotificationTypeArray* aFilterTypeArray, TInt& aSeenFilter, CFsClientMessageRequest* aRequest, CFsNotifyRequest* aNotifyRequest, const TDesC& aOperationName, TFsNotification::TFsNotificationType& aType);
	 * Stores the CFsNotifyRequests
	static CFsObjectCon* iNotifyRequests;
	//As we are doing notifications 'in-place' which is multi-threaded
	//we need to have locking to protect iNotifyRequests.
	//ToDo: ReadWriteLock
	static RFastLock iChainLock;
	 * Global register per filter type. 
	 * Keeps a count of the number of filters set up for a particular type
	 * (NB: EMediaChange is reported regardless of filters set)
	static TInt iFilterRegister[KNumRegisterableFilters];
	 * This is a pool of blocks which are server-side versions of TFsNotification.
	 * They are used so that we can have a single IPC from server to client.
	 * it will also be used for coalescing changes.
	static CFsPool<CFsNotificationBlock>* iPool;
	friend class CFsNotifyRequest;
	friend class RequestAllocator;
	friend class TFsNotificationSubClose;

#endif /* SF_NOTIFIER_H */