// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @internalComponent
#ifndef TESTCASE0684_H
#define TESTCASE0684_H
//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_OTGDI-0684
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc 'B' Device should accept all bMaxPower levels from 'A' device
//! @SYMFssID
//! @SYMPREQ 1305
//! @SYMREQ 8931
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestPriority 1
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 1. Set the bMaxPower to zero for B device. Set the bMaxPower to Zero for A Device.
//! 2. Calling BusRequest() on A Device to Raise VBus
//! 3. Checking: A device is in A_Host state ,
//! B device is in B_Peripheral state,
//! B device received B_HNP_ENABLE ,
//! bus is in SUSPEND
//! 4. call BusRequest() on B device to request a role swap
//! 5. Checking: B device temporarily get the host role, (since there are no Function driver load)
//! A device received a SET_CONFIGURATION
//! 6. Checking: The end state of role swapping is:
//! A in A_Peripheral and B in B_Host,
//! B device received B_HNP_ENABLE,
//! bus is in SUSPEND
//! 7. On A device, set the bMaxPower to 50 ma,
//! 8. On B device, Issue BusRequest()
//! 9. Checking: B device temporarily get the host role,
//! A device received a SET_CONFIGURATION
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults B device should not complain about A device's power request is too high since now it is in B IdPin mode
//! and never supply power to VBus.
//! @SYMTestStatus Defined
class CTestCase0684 : public CTestCaseB2BRoot
static CTestCase0684* NewL(TBool aHost);
virtual ~CTestCase0684();
virtual void ExecuteTestCaseL();
void DoCancel();
static void CancelKB(CTestCaseRoot *pThis);
void RunStepL();
TInt GetStepIndex() { return(iCaseStep); };
CTestCase0684(TBool aHost);
void ConstructL();
void RunStepLOLD();
enum TCaseSteps
// Fixed steps
ELoadLdd, // Load LDDs, trigger FDFActor
ESetMaxPower2Zero, // Set bMaxPower in the configure descriptor to 0
EReadyToRaiseVBus, // Wait until VBus arrives
EDefaultRoles, // B-device as peripheral, A-device as host (and link is "busy")
// Steps for this test case only
EAWaitForHNPEnabled, // A wait for HNPEnbaled
EAToPeripheral, //
EBConfigured, // B-Device is configured
EBSuspended, // B-device is suspended
// Fixed steps
EDropVBus, // Tidyup steps
TCaseSteps iCaseStep;
TInt iStateRetry; // swallow other events
TInt iBusRequestCounter;
TBool iIsTimeToDrop;
const static TTestCaseFactoryReceipt<CTestCase0684> iFactoryReceipt;
#endif // TESTCASE0683_H