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// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description:// f32test\bench\t_fsropen.cpp// //#include <f32file.h>#include <e32test.h>#include "t_select.h"#include "..\server\t_server.h"#include "t_benchmain.h"GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("File Server Benchmarks, Open File"));//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_FSROPEN-0275//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMPREQ PREQ000//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case is measuring performance of the FAT implementation//! @SYMTestActions 0. Expects the files to exist in order to successful execution//! 1. Time the opening and read of 4 Kb of last.txt file in each directory //! 2. Time the opening and read of 4 Kb of last.txt file in each directory //! with two clients accessing the directory //! 3. Time the opening and read of 4 Kb of last.txt file in each directory //! with two clients accessing different directories //!//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Finishes if the system behaves as expected, panics otherwise//! @SYMTestPriority High//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOCAL_D RSemaphore client;LOCAL_D const TInt KHeapSize=0x6000;LOCAL_D TBuf8<4096> buf;LOCAL_D TDriveList gDriveList;LOCAL_D TFileName gFindEntryDir;LOCAL_D TBuf<100> gFindDir;LOCAL_D TFileName gFindEntryDir2;LOCAL_D TBuf<100> gFindDir2;// Concurrent threadRThread gSpeedy;RThread gSpeedyII;LOCAL_D TInt ThreadCount=0;_LIT(KDirMultipleName2, "dir%d_%d\\");/** Find entry in directory*/LOCAL_C TInt FindEntryAccess2(TAny*) { RFs fs; TInt r = fs.Connect(); RTest test(_L("test 2")); r = fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath); client.Signal(); FOREVER { TEntry entry; r = fs.Entry(gFindEntryDir2, entry); FailIfError(r); test.Printf(_L("1")); r=fs.Entry(gFindDir2, entry); FailIfError(r); } }/** Starts two concurrent client sessions in the same directory*/LOCAL_C void DoTest(TThreadFunction aFunction) { TBuf<50> buf = _L("Speedy"); buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++); TInt r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, aFunction, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL); FailIfError(r); buf = _L("Speedy"); buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++); r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, aFunction, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL); FailIfError(r); gSpeedy.SetPriority(EPriorityLess); gSpeedyII.SetPriority(EPriorityLess); gSpeedy.Resume(); gSpeedyII.Resume(); client.Wait(); client.Wait(); }/** Starts two concurrent client sessions in different directories*/LOCAL_C void DoTest2(TThreadFunction aFunction) { TBuf<50> buf=_L("Speedy"); buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++); TInt r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, aFunction, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL); FailIfError(r); buf = _L("Speedy"); buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++); r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, FindEntryAccess2, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL); FailIfError(r); gSpeedy.SetPriority(EPriorityLess); gSpeedyII.SetPriority(EPriorityLess); gSpeedy.Resume(); gSpeedyII.Resume(); client.Wait(); client.Wait(); }/** Kills the concurrent session*/LOCAL_C void DoTestKill() { gSpeedy.Kill(KErrNone); gSpeedy.Close(); gSpeedyII.Kill(KErrNone); gSpeedyII.Close(); }/** Find entry in directory*/LOCAL_C TInt FindEntryAccess(TAny*) { RFs fs; TInt r = fs.Connect(); RTest test(_L("test 2")); fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath); client.Signal(); FOREVER { TEntry entry; r = fs.Entry(gFindEntryDir, entry); FailIfError(r); r = fs.Entry(gFindDir,entry); FailIfError(r); } }/** Find last.txt by opening it and with two threads accessing the current directory and looking for the same file @param aN Number of files in the directory @param aStep Test step*/LOCAL_C void FindFileM2(TInt aN, TInt aStep) { TBuf16<100> dir1; TBuf16<100> dir2; TBuf16<100> dir3; TBuf16<100> dirtemp; TInt r = 0; TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0); RFile file; TInt timeTaken1 = -1, timeTaken2 = -1, timeTaken3 = -1; if(aN <= gFilesLimit) { dir1 = gSessionPath; dir2 = gSessionPath; dir3 = gSessionPath; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2, 1, aN); dir1.Append(dirtemp); gFindDir = dir1; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2, 2, aN); dir2.Append(dirtemp); dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2, 3, aN); dir3.Append(dirtemp); dir1.Append(KCommonFile); if(gTypes >= 1) { gFindEntryDir = dir1; DoTest(FindEntryAccess); User::After(200); startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir1, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken1 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 2) { gFindDir = dir2; dir2.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir = dir2; DoTest(FindEntryAccess); User::After(200); startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir2, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken2 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 3) { gFindDir = dir3; dir3.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir = dir3; DoTest(FindEntryAccess); User::After(200); startTime.HomeTime(); r=file.Open(TheFs, dir3, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken3 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } } PrintResult(aStep, 1, aN); PrintResultTime(aStep, 2, timeTaken1); PrintResultTime(aStep, 3, timeTaken2); PrintResultTime(aStep, 4, timeTaken3); }/** Find last.txt by opening it and without any other process @param aN Number of files in the directory @param aStep Test step*/LOCAL_C void OpenFile(TInt aN, TInt aStep) { TBuf16<100> dir1; TBuf16<100> dir2; TBuf16<100> dir3; TBuf16<100> dirtemp; TInt r = 0; TInt pos = 0; TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0); TInt timeTaken1 = -1, timeTaken2 = -1, timeTaken3 = -1; RFile file; if(aN <= gFilesLimit) { dir1 = gSessionPath; dir2 = gSessionPath; dir3 = gSessionPath; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 1, aN); dir1.Append(dirtemp); dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 2, aN); dir2.Append(dirtemp); dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 3, aN); dir3.Append(dirtemp); dir1.Append(KCommonFile); dir2.Append(KCommonFile); dir3.Append(KCommonFile); if(gTypes >= 1) { startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir1, EFileShareAny|EFileRead); FailIfError(r); r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos); FailIfError(r); r = file.Read(buf); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken1 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 2) { startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir2, EFileShareAny|EFileRead); FailIfError(r); r = file.Seek(ESeekStart,pos); FailIfError(r); r = file.Read(buf); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken2 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 3) { startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir3, EFileShareAny|EFileRead); FailIfError(r); r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos); FailIfError(r); r = file.Read(buf); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); file.Close(); timeTaken=endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken3 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } } PrintResult(aStep, 1, aN); PrintResultTime(aStep, 2, timeTaken1); PrintResultTime(aStep, 3, timeTaken2); PrintResultTime(aStep, 4, timeTaken3); }/** Find last.txt with TFindFile and with two threads accessing the current directory and other one @param aN Number of files in the directory @param aStep Test step*/LOCAL_C void FindFileMD1(TInt aN, TInt aStep) { TBuf16<100> dir1; TBuf16<100> dir2; TBuf16<100> dir3; TBuf16<100> dir4; TBuf16<100> dirtemp; TInt r = 0; TFindFile find(TheFs); TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0); TInt timeTaken1 = -1, timeTaken2 = -1, timeTaken3 = -1; if(aN <= gFilesLimit) { dir1 = gSessionPath; dir2 = gSessionPath; dir3 = gSessionPath; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2,1,aN); dir1.Append(dirtemp); gFindDir = dir1; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 2, aN); dir2.Append(dirtemp); dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 3, aN); dir3.Append(dirtemp); dir4=gSessionPath; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 3, 300); dir4.Append(dirtemp); gFindDir2 = dir4; dir1.Append(KCommonFile); dir2.Append(KCommonFile); dir3.Append(KCommonFile); dir4.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir2 = dir4; if(gTypes >= 1) { gFindEntryDir = dir1; dir4.Format(KDirMultipleName, 1, aN); DoTest2(FindEntryAccess); startTime.HomeTime(); r = find.FindByPath(dir1, &dir4); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken1 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 2) { dir4.Format(KDirMultipleName, 2, aN); gFindEntryDir=dir2; DoTest2(FindEntryAccess); startTime.HomeTime(); r = find.FindByPath(dir2,&dir4); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); DoTestKill(); timeTaken2 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 3) { dir4.Format(KDirMultipleName, 3, aN); gFindEntryDir = dir3; DoTest2(FindEntryAccess); startTime.HomeTime(); r = find.FindByPath(dir3,&dir4); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken3 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } } PrintResult(aStep, 1, aN); PrintResultTime(aStep, 2, timeTaken1); PrintResultTime(aStep, 3, timeTaken2); PrintResultTime(aStep, 4, timeTaken3); }/** Find last.txt by opening the file and with two threads accessing the current directory and other one @param aN Number of files in the directory @param aStep Test step*/LOCAL_C void FindFileMD2(TInt aN, TInt aStep) { TBuf16<100> dir1; TBuf16<100> dir2; TBuf16<100> dir3; TBuf16<100> dir4; TBuf16<100> dirtemp; TInt r = 0; TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0); TInt timeTaken1 = -1, timeTaken2 = -1, timeTaken3 = -1; RFile file; if(aN <= gFilesLimit) { dir1 = gSessionPath; dir2 = gSessionPath; dir3 = gSessionPath; dir4 = gSessionPath; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2, 1, aN); dir1.Append(dirtemp); gFindDir = dir1; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2, 2, aN); dir2.Append(dirtemp); dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName2, 3, aN); dir3.Append(dirtemp); dir1.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir = dir1; dirtemp.Format(KDirMultipleName, 3, 300); dir4.Append(dirtemp); gFindDir2 = dir4; dir4.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir2 = dir4; if(gTypes >= 1) { DoTest2(FindEntryAccess); User::After(200); startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs,dir1,EFileShareAny|EFileWrite); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken1 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 2) { gFindDir = dir2; dir2.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir = dir2; DoTest2(FindEntryAccess); User::After(200); startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir2, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken2 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } if(gTypes >= 3) { gFindDir = dir3; dir3.Append(KCommonFile); gFindEntryDir = dir3; DoTest2(FindEntryAccess); User::After(200); startTime.HomeTime(); r = file.Open(TheFs, dir3, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite); FailIfError(r); endTime.HomeTime(); DoTestKill(); file.Close(); timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime); timeTaken3 = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit); } } PrintResult(aStep, 1, aN); PrintResultTime(aStep, 2, timeTaken1); PrintResultTime(aStep, 3, timeTaken2); PrintResultTime(aStep, 4, timeTaken3); }/** Times the system when opening a file with multiple clients accessing the directory Precondition: This test expects the drive already filled with files @param aSelector Configuration in case of manual execution*/LOCAL_C TInt TestOpenEntry(TAny* aSelector) { TInt i = 100, r = 0; TInt testStep = 1; TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalSeconds timeTaken; Validate(aSelector); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Open and read 4 Kb entry last.txt, RFile::Open \n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase); startTime.HomeTime(); while(i <= KMaxFiles) { if(i == 100 || i == 1000 || i == 5000 || i == 10000) OpenFile(i, testStep++); i += 100; } gTestCase++; endTime.HomeTime(); r = endTime.SecondsFrom(startTime, timeTaken); FailIfError(r); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Timing_%d,%d=%d\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase, timeTaken.Int()); return(KErrNone); }/** Times the system when opening a file with multiple clients accessing the directory Precondition: This test expects the drive already filled with files @param aSelector Configuration in case of manual execution*/LOCAL_C TInt TestOpenEntryMultipleClients(TAny* aSelector) { TInt i = 100, r = 0; TInt testStep; TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalSeconds timeTaken; Validate(aSelector); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Find entry mult clients accessing same directory, RFile::Open \n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase); startTime.HomeTime(); i = 100; testStep = 1; while(i <= KMaxFiles) { if(i == 100 || i == 1000 || i == 5000 || i == 10000) FindFileM2(i, testStep++); i += 100; } gTestCase++; endTime.HomeTime(); r = endTime.SecondsFrom(startTime, timeTaken); FailIfError(r); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Timing_%d,%d=%d\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase, timeTaken.Int()); return(KErrNone); }/** Times the system when opening a file with multiple clients accessing dif directory Precondition: This test expects the drive already filled with files @param aSelector Configuration in case of manual execution*/LOCAL_C TInt TestOpenEntryMultipleClientsDD(TAny* aSelector) { TInt i = 100, r = 0; TInt testStep; TTime startTime; TTime endTime; TTimeIntervalSeconds timeTaken; Validate(aSelector); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Find entry mult clients accessing dif directory, TFindFile\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase); startTime.HomeTime(); testStep = 1; while(i <= KMaxFiles) { if(i == 100 || i == 1000 || i == 5000 || i == 10000) FindFileMD1(i, testStep++); i += 100; } gTestCase++; endTime.HomeTime(); r = endTime.SecondsFrom(startTime, timeTaken); FailIfError(r); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Timing_%d,%d=%d\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase, timeTaken.Int()); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Find entry mult clients accessing dif directory, RFile::Open \n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase); startTime.HomeTime(); i = 100; testStep = 1; while(i <= KMaxFiles) { if(i == 100 || i == 1000 || i == 5000 || i == 10000) FindFileMD2(i, testStep++); i += 100; } gTestCase++; endTime.HomeTime(); r = endTime.SecondsFrom(startTime, timeTaken); FailIfError(r); test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Timing_%d,%d=%d\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase, timeTaken.Int()); return(KErrNone); }/** It goes automatically through all the options @param aSelector Configuration in case of manual execution*/LOCAL_C TInt TestAll(TAny* aSelector) { Validate(aSelector); TestOpenEntry(aSelector); TestOpenEntryMultipleClients(aSelector); TestOpenEntryMultipleClientsDD(aSelector); return(KErrNone); }/** Call all tests*/GLDEF_C void CallTestsL() { TInt r = client.CreateLocal(0); FailIfError(r); CSelectionBox* TheSelector = CSelectionBox::NewL(test.Console()); gFileSize = 8; // Each test case of the suite has an identifyer for parsing purposes of the results gTestHarness = 4; gTestCase = 1; CreateDirWithNFiles(300, 3); PrintHeaders(1, _L("t_fsropen. File Open")); if(gMode == 0) { // Manual gSessionPath=_L("?:\\"); TCallBack createFiles(TestFileCreate, TheSelector); TCallBack openFile(TestOpenEntry, TheSelector); TCallBack openFileMC(TestOpenEntryMultipleClients, TheSelector); TCallBack openFileMCDD(TestOpenEntryMultipleClientsDD, TheSelector); TCallBack allOpen(TestAll,TheSelector); TheSelector->AddDriveSelectorL(TheFs); TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("Create all files"), createFiles); TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("Open random file"), openFile); TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("With mult clients same directory"), openFileMC); TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("With mult clients dif large directories"), openFileMCDD); TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("All options"), allOpen); TheSelector->Run(); } else { // Automatic TestAll(TheSelector); } client.Close(); test.Printf(_L("#~TestEnd_%d\n"), gTestHarness); delete TheSelector; }