// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Class declaration for CMassStorageMountCB.
#include <f32fsys.h>
Mass Storage Mount.
Only the MountL, Dismounted and Unlock methods are supported. All other methods
leave with KErrNotReady.
ControlIO is also supported for debug builds and returns KErrNotSupported for Release builds.
class TFatBootSector;
class CMassStorageMountCB : public CLocDrvMountCB
static CMassStorageMountCB* NewL(const RArray<TInt>& aDriveMapping);
void MountL(TBool aForceMount);
TInt ReMount();
void Dismounted();
void VolumeL(TVolumeInfo& aVolume) const;
void SetVolumeL(TDes& aName);
void MkDirL(const TDesC& aName);
void RmDirL(const TDesC& aName);
void DeleteL(const TDesC& aName);
void RenameL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
void ReplaceL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
void EntryL(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const;
void SetEntryL(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask);
void FileOpenL(const TDesC& aName,TUint aMode,TFileOpen anOpen,CFileCB* aFile);
void DirOpenL(const TDesC& aName,CDirCB* aDir);
void RawReadL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, const TAny* aTrg, TInt anOffset, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage) const;
void RawWriteL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, const TAny* aTrg, TInt anOffset, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
void ReadSectionL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aPos, TAny* aTrg, TInt aLength, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
void GetShortNameL(const TDesC& aLongName,TDes& aShortName);
void GetLongNameL(const TDesC& aShorName,TDes& aLongName);
TInt ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2);
TInt Unlock(TMediaPassword& aPassword, TBool aStore);
CMassStorageMountCB(const RArray<TInt>& aDriveMapping);
void WritePasswordData();
TInt DriveNumberToLun(TInt aDriveNumber);
TBool ValidateBootSector();
TInt ReadBootSector(TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
TInt DetermineFatType(TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
TInt CheckDriveNumberL();
TBool iIs16BitFat;
TBool iIs32BitFat;
const RArray<TInt>& iDriveMapping;
const TInt KSizeOfFatBootSector = 90;
const TInt KVendorIdSize = 8;
const TInt KVolumeLabelSize = 11;
const TInt KFileSysTypeSize = 8;
const TInt KBootSectorSignature = 0xAA55;
const TInt KSizeOfFatDirEntry = 32;
Boot sector parameter block, enables access to all file system parameters.
Data is populated at mount time from the BPB sector
class TFatBootSector
inline const TPtrC8 VendorId() const;
inline TUint16 BytesPerSector() const;
inline TInt SectorsPerCluster() const;
inline TInt ReservedSectors() const;
inline TInt NumberOfFats() const;
inline TInt RootDirEntries() const;
inline TInt TotalSectors() const;
inline TUint8 MediaDescriptor() const;
inline TInt FatSectors() const;
inline TInt SectorsPerTrack() const;
inline TInt NumberOfHeads() const;
inline TInt HiddenSectors() const;
inline TInt HugeSectors() const;
inline TInt PhysicalDriveNumber() const;
inline TInt ExtendedBootSignature() const;
inline TUint32 UniqueID() const;
inline const TPtrC8 VolumeLabel() const;
inline const TPtrC8 FileSysType() const;
inline TInt BootSectorSignature() const;
inline void SetJumpInstruction();
inline void SetVendorID(const TDesC8& aDes);
inline void SetBytesPerSector(TInt aBytesPerSector);
inline void SetSectorsPerCluster(TInt aSectorsPerCluster);
inline void SetReservedSectors(TInt aReservedSectors);
inline void SetNumberOfFats(TInt aNumberOfFats);
inline void SetRootDirEntries(TInt aRootDirEntries);
inline void SetTotalSectors(TInt aTotalSectors);
inline void SetMediaDescriptor(TUint8 aMediaDescriptor);
inline void SetFatSectors(TInt aFatSectors);
inline void SetSectorsPerTrack(TInt aSectorsPerTrack);
inline void SetNumberOfHeads(TInt aNumberOfHeads);
inline void SetHiddenSectors(TUint32 aHiddenSectors);
inline void SetHugeSectors(TUint32 aTotalSectors);
inline void SetPhysicalDriveNumber(TInt aPhysicalDriveNumber);
inline void SetReservedByte(TUint8 aReservedByte);
inline void SetExtendedBootSignature(TInt anExtendedBootSignature);
inline void SetUniqueID(TUint32 anUniqueID);
inline void SetVolumeLabel(const TDesC8& aDes);
inline void SetFileSysType(const TDesC8& aDes);
inline void SetFatSectors32(TUint32 aFatSectors32);
inline void SetFATFlags(TUint16 aFATFlags);
inline void SetVersionNumber(TUint16 aVersionNumber);
inline void SetRootClusterNum(TUint32 aRootCusterNum);
inline void SetFSInfoSectorNum(TUint16 aFSInfoSectorNum);
inline void SetBkBootRecSector(TUint16 aBkBootRecSector);
inline TUint32 FatSectors32() const;
inline TUint16 FATFlags() const;
inline TUint16 VersionNumber() const;
inline TUint32 RootClusterNum() const;
inline TUint16 FSInfoSectorNum() const;
inline TUint16 BkBootRecSector() const;
inline TBool Is16BitFat();
inline TBool Is32BitFat();
inline TInt FirstFatSectorPos();
inline TInt RootDirStartSector();
inline TInt FirstFreeSector();
Jump instruction used for bootable volumes
TUint8 iJumpInstruction[3];
Vendor ID of the file system that formatted the volume
TUint8 iVendorId[KVendorIdSize];
Bytes per sector
TUint16 iBytesPerSector;
Sectors per cluster ratio
TUint8 iSectorsPerCluster;
Number of reserved sectors on the volume
TUint16 iReservedSectors;
Number of Fats on the volume
TUint8 iNumberOfFats;
Number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32
TUint16 iRootDirEntries;
Total sectors on the volume, zero for FAT32
TUint16 iTotalSectors;
Media descriptor
TUint8 iMediaDescriptor;
Sectors used for the Fat table, zero for FAT32
TUint16 iFatSectors;
Sectors per track
TUint16 iSectorsPerTrack;
Number of heads
TUint16 iNumberOfHeads;
Number of hidden sectors in the volume
TUint32 iHiddenSectors;
Total sectors in the volume, Used if totalSectors > 65535
TUint32 iHugeSectors;
Start of additional elements @ offset 36 for FAT32
Sectors in Fat table for 32 bit volume
TUint32 iFatSectors32;
Fat flags
TUint16 iFATFlags;
Version number of the file system
TUint16 iVersionNumber;
Cluster number of the root directory
TUint32 iRootClusterNum;
Sector number containing the FSIInfo structure
TUint16 iFSInfoSectorNum;
Backup boot sector
TUint16 iBkBootRecSector;
Reserved space
End of Fat32 Only parameters section
TUint8 iReserved2[12];
Physical drive number, not used in Symbian OS
TUint8 iPhysicalDriveNumber;
Reserved byte
TUint8 iReserved;
Extended boot signiture
TUint8 iExtendedBootSignature;
Unique volume ID
TUint32 iUniqueID;
The volume's label
TUint8 iVolumeLabel[KVolumeLabelSize];
File system type
TUint8 iFileSysType[KFileSysTypeSize];
#include "tfatbootsector.inl"