THIS RELEASE NOTE NO LONGER IN USESee \E32\RELEASE.TXT for changes to E32TESTVersion 2.00.531============================(Made by XXX, XXX)1) OliverStuart 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF138318: SMP + Data Paging T_Chunk fails: t_chunk.exe::Local-c811fe18 Panic KERN-EXEC Modified to use thread pool in chunk-close race condition test to prevent KERN-EXEC 3 when stack is accessed after 50 CloseChunk threads have been created over and over again for 800 times until the backing store is exhausted and there is no storage left to commit to the stack page.Version 2.00.530============================(Made by DjordjeK, 18/08/2004)1) AndrewR 1) Fix DEF045247 - T_IDRV assumes that the RAM drive is on drive 02) CarlosF 1. Fix DEF046246 - Check in t_serial TimedCheckedWrite() sometimes loses the race 2. Fix DEF047403 - T_SERIAL does not exercise Hardware HandshakingVersion 2.00.529============================(Made by KamranN, 04/08/2004)1) AndrewR 1) Implement CR - LKUH-5WJMEA: Correct and improve EKA2 Stop-Mode Debug APIVersion 2.00.528============================(Made by AndrewJ, 21/07/20041) Djordje 1) REQ2731.3 (PREQ728): Descriptors API enhancement (RBuf) Added new t_rbuf test. 2) DEF045758 T_CHUNK shouldn't depend on shared io buffers - Removed D_CHUNK project. - T_Chunk does not check shared io buffers any more. - D_Sharedio now checks the buffer is initialised to all 0x03s every time it creates it.2) JonathanM 1) Fixed bug in T_HEAP which caused failures on the emulator.Version 2.00.527===========================(Made by AndrewH, 06/07/2004)1) MichaelP 1) Fixed defect DEF046550 - T_USB sends wrong buffer size for non-max size transfers: We now subtract 1 from the reported buffer size only for 64k transfers (=0xFFFF).Version 2.00.526===========================(Made by Michaelp, 17/06/2004)1) KamranN 1) Changes for CR HWIE-5YBETE Networking, GT0194 IP Networking, Configuration tool for Etherdrv2) DjordjeK 1) REQ2731.1 RArray API enhancement & REQ2731.2 RMessagePtr2 API enhancement: The following tests are changed: T_ARRAY - Added test cases to check leaving interface of TPointerArray<T>, TArray<T>, TArray<TInt> & TArray<TUint>. T_CAPSUP - Added test cases to check leaving interface of RMessagePtr2. T_MESSGE - Added test cases to check leaving interface of RMessagePtr2.Version 2.00.525===========================(Made by JonathanM, 26/05/2004)1) MichaelP 1) Fixed defect DEF045263 - "T_USBAPI to be made more generic for autotesting": a) We don't check any longer at the beginning of the test suite whether we're running on a 'UsbPlatform': If we're not, then the subsequent attempt to load the USB LDD will fail anyway. b) We now execute the endpoint stall tests only if we're running on a known supported platform, otherwise we just skip those tests. 2) AndrewHi 1) Fix for 'DEF043213 : Build dependency introduced between e32test t_lfsdrv2 and lubbock base port'Version 2.00.524===========================(Made by AndrewJ, 28/04/2004)1) JonathanM 1) Added new test case to T_TEXTNOTIFIER for defect DEF044341 - Notifier framework (ewsrv.dll) generated KErrNoMemory2) MichaelP 1) Fixed defect DEF044040 - "iMemMemPslInfo in DDmaTestChannel not set correctly": We now assign the DMA PSL cookie to the kernel side channel object in DDmaTestChannel::DoCreate() for a user side RTestDma::Open() call (instead of for an RTestDma::GetInfo() call).Version 2.00.523===========================(Made by JonathanM, 23/04/20041. JonathanM and KeithR 1) Updated T_CAPSUP to test new Platform Security APIs.Version 2.00.522===========================(Made by CarlosF, 14/04/2004)1) JonathanM 1) Added new test cases to T_SOUND which test playing tiny buffers.Version 2.00.521===========================(Made by JonathanM, 31/03/2004)1) CiprianM 1) Fixed defect INC041473 - T_TLOCL fails in WINS - deleting the test as it's considered worthless (see defect notes in TT)2) MichaelP 1) Fixed defect DEF042556 - "Wrong IPR categorisation on usbrflct binaries": Changed IPR category of USB test prgram USBRFLCT (in directory /e32test/win32/usbrflct_distribution) from B to E. Permission to do so was granted by way of accepted Source Categorisation Change Request CANY-5W8J8E - "Inconsistent USBRFLCT binary IPR classifications". 2) Fixed defect DEF043596 - "T_USB/USBRFLCT don't test zero-bytes transfers": We now start the loop transfers with 0 bytes instead of with 4. Upped USBRFLCT version number to 1.3.1.Version 2.00.520===========================(Made by JonathanM, 19/03/2004)1. JonathanM 1. Implemented the requirements: REQ2632 - Configurability of the enforcement of capabilities REQ2633 - Security violation diagnostic REQ3142 - Associate Platform Security information with an executable. See /cedar/generic/base/documentation/Base_How_To_Configure_Platform_Security_Settings.docVersion 2.00.519===========================(Made by JonathanM, 26/02/2004)1. JonathanM 1. Modified T_CAPSUP to test new Platform Security classes: TCapabilitySet and TSecurityInfo 2. Added T_PLATSECCONFIG which tests use of the PlatSecDisabledCaps keywork in OBY files and Emulator INI files.Version 2.00.518================(Made by AndrewHi, 23/01/2004)1. CiprianM 1. Fixed DEF040971 Benchmark suite test code optimised out by RVCT in ARM5 builds 2. AndrewHi 1. Modified t_lfsdrv2 to conditionally apply Read-While_Write tests for FLASH devices. The condition is dependent on the value of the device identifier read from the chip. Currently, these tests are only applied for TYAX flash devices.Version 2.00.517================(Made by StefanW, 09/01/2004)1. CarlosF 1. IBUG-5QNJZC "Implement CR IBUG-5N2DZE on Cedar": Modified T_SERIAL to test the new turnaround feature.Version 2.00.516================(Made by StefanW, 19/12/2003)1. MichaelP 1. Updated USBRFLCT to use USBIO v2.0: Upped USBRFLCT version to 1.2.0 and recompiled it against USBIOLIB 2.0. Updated USBRFLCT.SYS to version 2.0. Added separate driver version for Win98 (USBRFL98.SYS, renamed from USBIO98.SYS) and added entries to the usbrflct.inf file so it gets installed on Win98SE. 2. Deleted USB host side GUI test program USBTEST. This program has been discontinued. 3. Added complimentary version of USBRFLCT: USBRFLCTD.EXE is a version of USBRFLCT.EXE with lots of verbose output activated; otherwise it's exactly the same program. The output, most importantly the error messages, can be used to track down problems when trying to get USBRFLCT and T_USB to work together, either for the first time (after a Base/PSL port), or after installation changes on the PC.Version 2.00.515================(Made by JonathanM, 05/12/2003)1. ChrisM 1. Fixed Defect DEF040185 - Some e32tests make assumptions about the time and date formatting Set the locale before the test to the locale info used in the base test roms. Reset it back to the current locale at the end.2. MichaelP 1. Added new USB test program T_USBAPI: This program tests device side USB API functionality that is not dependent upon a physical USB connection; it requires no manual intervention and can thus be run as part of an automated test suite. These tests used to be part of T_USB but they have been removed from there.3. JonathanM 1. Modified T_TIMER on Lubbock so it doesn't attempt to power off. (Because the Base Port doesn't support this.)Version 2.00.514================(Made by StephanGu, 12/11/2003)1. MichaelP 1. - Renamed Win32 USB test program USBTEST(cmdline) to USBRFLCT, also restructured it. - Updated T_USB to use new PID 0x1111. - Added USBRFLCT binary distribution, complete with .sys driver and .inf file. 2. - Added new Win32 USB test program USBTEST (was internally: USBPCTester). - Updated T_USB2 to use new PID 0x2222. - Added USBTEST binary distribution, complete with .sys driver and .inf file.Version 2.00.513================(Made by JonathanM, 31/10/2003)1. JonathanM 1. Added test for RNotifier::Notify to T_TEXTNOTIFIERVersion 2.00.512================(Made by AndrewJ, 06/10/2003)1. CiprianM 1. Added Shared Io Buffers tests.Version 2.00.511================(Made by JonathanM, 24/09/2003)1. RobertJ 1. Added testing of USB endpoint status, device status ep0 max packet sizes and device control to t_usb.2. AndrewT 1. Added test case for DEF037709: NULL deref when setting a text RProperty to KNullDesC.Version 2.00.510================(Made by JonathanM, 05/08/2003)1. Nicolas 1. Extended DMA tests to exercise per-request max transfer sizes. 2. Extended DMA tests to exercise "missed interrupts" case.2. Raja Shekar Reddy 1. CR CANY-5JQFM3 "Enable e32/f32 test suite to be used from a CustKit or DevKit installation". For Typhoon most of the changes were winc specific files.3. CiprianM 1. Extended T_DES to reproduce defect DEF023302 - Invalid test in HBufC8/16::__DbgTestInvariant(). Invariant functions are now called by the test harness.4. Dennis 1. Extended T_ARRAY to test new binary search functions.5. RobertJ 1) Added testing of USB endpoint status, device status ep0 max packet sizes and device control to t_usb.Version 2.00.509================(Made by JonathanM, 19/05/2003)0. JonathanM and ChrisM 1. Changes resulting from making E32 compatible with with Symbian OS version 7.01. JonathanM 1. Added test case for fixed defect INC022668 - "Modifier example crashes the emulator"2. Dennis 1. Modified D_LDD to test global constructors and destructors for LDDs. Modified T_TLDD to test LDD unloading. Modified T_KHEAP to test OOM handling on LDD loading. 2. Modified T_SVR5 to do some more testing of asynchronous messages on shared sessions.3. Nicolas 1. Introduced T_EVENTTRACKER to exercise resource tracking events. See usage instruction at top of file. 2. Introduced T_CONTEXT to exercise get/set user context APIs, hardware/software exception trapping and thread death trapping. 3. Modified T_SCHEDHOOK to share some code with T_CONTEXT and use the new event handler scheme.4. Morgan 1. Introduced T_TRACEREDIRECT to exercise user trace redirection hook.Version 2.00.508================(Made by ChrisM, 17/03/2003)1. Dennis 1. Increased maximum loop size for T_MWAIT from 32K to 64K.2. Nicolas 1. Added missing critical section region in d_dma(sim).ldd 2. Added missing critical section region in d_schedhook.ldd 3. Migrated fix for Typhoon defect INC017119 - T_TLOCL fails cause test assumes locale UK. The UK-specific part of this test now runs only if the default locale is UK. 4. Fixed bugs in test DMA LDD: a. DMA buffers were deallocated before stopping transfers b. DMA requests and channels were closed without cancelling transfers in progress. 5. Fixed bugs in T_TRAP, T_THREAD and T_EUNIW: '=' instead of '==' in test assertions.3. JonathanM 1. Modified T_SOUND to provide a test case for DEF016645 - "Sound driver returns incorect length of data when recording" 2. Integrate T_MATCH test code changes for lost defect fix BAD-58CDM4 - "Locale change has no effect on contact filtering." and some "Extra folding tests added to T_Match"Version 2.00.507================(Made by JonathanM, 14/01/2003)1. JonathanM 1. Reorganised how tests get built: All Variant specific tests are now build by the variant. See relevent \variant_name\TEST\BLD.INF files. 2. Made E32TEST code work when binaries are stored in \System\Bin 3. Extended T_FAIL to test use of ReAlloc. (Test case for defect DEF015827 - "OOM testing works incorrectly for ReAlloc") 4. Fixed ARM/Thumb interworking problems with T_MWAIT, also made this an automatic test. 5. Fixed ARM/Thumb interworking problems with T_IMB.2. AndrewT 1. Removed useless T_HUF test case 2. Added test T_CACTW for the CActiveSchedulerWait class3. ChrisM 1. Added T_ENV and T_ENV_CHILD to test parameter passing into process creation.4. Nicolas 1. Added EVENTPRINTER kernel extension in ..\debug. Intentionally not in bld.inf as it is useful only for manually testing event notification hooks. 2. Migrated fix for Typhoon defect INC014337 - T_TIMER locked timers failsVersion 2.00.506================(Made by AndrewT, 29/10/2002)1. JonathanM 1. Made capability checking test code only test using capabilities which have been defined. 2. Removed all usage of RProcess::SecureApi and User::RemoveCapabilities. 3. Fixed T_TIMER so it is more robust and accurate. (Applies same fix as for Typhoon defect INC002103)2. AndrewT 1. Fixed T_TIMER defect introduced by new power model: use new APIs instead of UserHal::SwitchOff. The test now passes on WINS as well.3. Nicolas 1. T_DMA and T_DMASIM do not fail anymore when passed an unexpected command-line.Version 2.00.505================(Made by JonathanM, 21/10/2002)1. Nicolas 1. T_MMCPW, T_MSGTXT, T_KILL: set capabilites to none.2. JonathanM 1. Made T_SHAL an Auto test3. ChrisM 1. Fixed DEF002050 t_dceutl panic on startup. Also removed build warnings & made secure kernel api changes.Version 2.00.504================(Made by JonathanM, 20/09/2002)1. Dennis 1. Split all ARM inline assembler into separate .cia files.2. JonathanM 1. Changed E32TESTs for secure APIs to use SETCAP.EXE.3. Kernel-Team 1. Made all test code work with secure kernel APIs and added CAPABILITY statements to MMP files.Version 2.00.503================(Made by Nicolas, 16/09/2002)1. VadimA 1. Implemented Pub/Sub Properties Tests.2) Nicolas 1) Fixed DEF000090 - E32TEST MMP files should not specify chkstk.obj for WINSCW builds.3) CarlosF 1) Changes to d_latncy.cpp, d_tick and d_mstim to support Integrator 2) Released bm_mi920_pdd PDD for the BM_SUITE test on Integrator4) RobertJ 1) Added Huffman test buffer\t_huff.cpp & mmp group\t_huff.mmp modified bld.infVersion 2.00.502================(Made by Dennis, 16/08/2002)1) Nicolas 1) Modified T_LDRTST to use Kern::CodeAccess() and Kern::EndCodeAccess(). 2) Added EXC, an utility which generates various kinds exceptions (data abort, ...).Version 2.00.501================(Made by AndrewT, 12/06/2002)1) AndrewT 1) Update t_float.exe in line with the fix for migrated Huricane defect (TLex::Val() should not give error for missing exponent) 2) Added t_emul.exe to test emulator specific functionality, in particular the 'escape' mechanism.Version 2.00.500================(Made by AndrewT, 23/05/2002)First release of EKA2 into Symbian OS mainline.Version 1.01.063================(Made by Dennis, 04/04/2002)1) Nicolas 1) Submitted Jon's changes to T_KHEAP. This test now checks that there is no memory leak if an OOM occurs while expanding the handle array.Version 1.01.062================(Made by CarlosF, 13/02/2002)1) Nicolas 1) In T_KHEAP, enabled again the process-related code which was commented out. This helped find an untrapped leave in the process creation code which has been fixed. 2) In T_KHEAP, enabled again the chunk-related code which was commented out. A comment said that the code (setting the next kernel heap allocation to fail and check that the chunk size can be adjusted) was disabled because it could not possibly work. Actually it does because the memory used when adjusting a chunk is taken straight from the physical memory pool, not from the kernel heap. 3) Silenced warnings in T_KHEAP.Version 1.01.061================(Made by ChrisM, 06/03/2002)1) MarkCa 1) Extended T_PWSTR to test E32 fix CAN-579MLN.2) CarlosF 1) Changes to T_SERIAL to introduce a new test to test the configurable power down timeout feature introduced on the serial driver LDD.Version 1.01.060================(Made by MarkCa, 15/01/2002)1) RobertJ 1) Fixed e32test\win32\usbrflct\posusb\brutus_pos.inf [SYMBIAN] section had a missing ']'. Removed references to 'ER6.2' 2) Renamed brutus_pos.inf to symbian_pos.inf2) Carlosf 1) Fixed FRS-54YG25 T_SERIAL fails on Assabet.Version 1.01.059================(Made by MichaelP, 20/11/2001)1) RobertJ 1) Modified e32test\win32\usbrflct\posusb\brutus_pos.inf to use official vendor id2) MarkCa 1) Updated T_ATADRV to unlock the secure area when it is run on drive e:.3) CarlosF 1) Fixed MOU-543FVR HAL attribute ECaseSwitch returns wrong value for Assabet. The following files were modified: \e32test\pccd\t_lfsdrv.cpp. Fixed FRS-534EWW T_SERIAL fails on Assabet. The following files were modified: \e32test\device\t_serial.cpp.Version 1.01.058================(Made by Dennis, 26/10/2001)1) MarkCa 1) Moved some definitions from P32MMC.H into T_PWSTR.CPP because it can only be included into ASSP-specific builds. See \e32\release.txt. 2) Updated T_MMCDRV to print read position only every 32k to speed up test.2) JonM 1) Added tests to T_TIME to verify defects FER-4XGDVT and FER-4XDK9G3) CarlosF 1) Fixed MOS-53LEVN t_lfsdrv uninitialised var on WINS.4) Pete Migrated the fixes for the following 6.1 defects: 1) Fixed SCE-534FSY "Serial power handling tests disabled in T_SERIAL" - Renabled the power handling tests and modified them to conform to the serial driver 'idle off' power scheme. 2) Fixed PAS-4WRMQS "Requeing a read() after PowerOn Panics the Driver/Kernel" - Added tests to T_PCCD1 for the new KPccdConfigOverrideNormalPwrEvents option now supported by the PC Card Controller function: DPcCardController::RequestConfig(). 3) Fixed MAY-4ZGH8S: "t_serial shoots itself in the foot, and can never pass".Version 1.01.057================(Made by ChrisM, 05/10/2001)1) ChrisM 1) Fixed ROS-4Y3CUU (T_MATH and T_FLOAT rely on the compiler generating denormal constants) Defined the denormals used in the test in t_vals.h. Removed redundant repeated code in t_vals.h 2) Fixed MOS-52BH6B (t_math loop problem)2) Pete 1) Removed example device driver PDD - SEROMAWD.PDD. 2) Removed T_MEDCH and D_MEDCH. 3) Removed T_BEXFIQ and D_BEXFIQ. 4) Removed T_EXTFIQ and D_EXTFIQ. 5) Removed T_CRMDRV and T_CRRDRVVersion 1.01.056================(Made by Pete, 06/08/2001)1) MarkCa 1) Moved T_PWSTR from f32test to e32test. F32 API tested by T_MMC.2) Pete 1) Removed \e32test\group\mnt.bat which was redundant. 2) Fixed PSCE-4YTR5G "Update SEROUT example driver":- Improved the power handling in the example driver SEROUT.LDD - making it more representative of other device drivers. Modified the driver so that it supports 19200bps+9600bps rather than 9600bps+300bps (together with corresponding changes to the test program T_SEROUT). Removed simulation of emergency power down from the driver and test. Modified test program so that during the XON/XOFF test it runs until a key is pressed rather than running for a fixed period of time. Modified test program so it unloads the Brutus PDD rather than the Cogent PDD at the end. 3) Added new tests for functions TBusLocalDrive::SetMountInfo() and TBusLocalDrive::ForceRemount() to T_MEDDRV.EXE. Corresponding changes to MEDT1.PDD and MEDT2.PDD which now require the correct mount info descriptor to be supplied before opening.3) TimBa 1) Added tests for folding of Latin extension characters to T_MATCHVersion 1.01.055================(Made by Michael, 21/06/2001)1) MichaelP 1) Added and modified files for the MHELEN ASSP base port.2) MarkCa 1) Fixed test programs t_atadrv and t_mmcdrv to work with e32 fixes for EDNHLJT-4WZGTD and EDNHAAO-4WZFYR. 2) Added debug password notifier tests to t_mmcpw.Version 0.01.054================(Made by Carlos, 31/05/2001)1) Tim Band 1) T_Char can now check the graphical/printable attributes. Tests have been added to check the assigned private use area characters. 2) T_Match has now more stringent checks on matching folded, and tests new internal functions for matching folded. 3) Indic vowel swapping tests have been removed, as collation no longer has this functionality.Version 0.01.053================(Made by Pete, 10/05/2001)1) Pete 1) Minor change to T_PCCD3 to allow it to be re-run. Prior to this, it passes the first time run but then subsequently fails2) Nicolas 1) Added T_PROC3.EXE to test RProcess::GetMemoryInfo(). 2) Modified T_DEBUGGER and T_DEBUGGEE_1 to test the validity of the text section base address provided by RDebug.Version 0.01.052================(Made by Nicolas, 04/05/2001)1) Nicolas 1) Merged 6.1 release branch back into the mainline.Version 0.01.051================(Made by Dennis, 20/04/2001)1) William 1) Corrected cases where delete was used on pointers obtained with new[] - these should use delete[] instead. This only affects T_ARRAY, and was picked up by the CodeWarrior compiler which handles new and new[] differently.2) Morgan 1) Added T_SILENT to test 'silent running' functionality 2) Updated all tests that call UserHal::SwitchOff() to turn the screen back onVersion 0.01.050================(Made by RobertJ, 26/03/2001)1) MarkCa 1) Removed media change tests from t_atadrv for l7200. 2) Added more thorough checking of multi-block reads to t_mmcdrv. 3) Increased WINS PDD name buffer size for t_dtenot.2) Dennis 1) In test T_CPER defer all printing until after the timing-critical phase. 2) T_TIMER doesn't test power off on IQ80310.Version 0.01.049================(Made by Morgan, 08/03/2001)1) Dennis 1) Added test program T_CP0 to test the XScale DSP coprocessor. 2) Added test program CRASH to crash the system and get it into the crash monitor. 3) Modified test T_PS to use default screen size instead of hardcoded 78*18. This fixes defect HAS-4TVQ6D (T_PS crashes Brutus). 4) Modified test T_WWINS to take account of the screen size when setting up windows. This is part of the fix for HAS-4U7N92.Version 0.01.048================(Made by Carlos, 20/02/2001)1) Nicolas 1) Fixed defect EDNJHAS-4MKF4J (T_KILLER support test fails) by implementing suggested fix. Also fixed two bugs preventing the test to run on WINS. 2) Adding test case in T_SHADOW to verify code patching (following defect EDNNTHY-4PMKJW). 3) D_SHADOW.LPP now flushes caches after modifying shadow pages.2) Carlos 1) Fixed T_DTENOT for Assabet (see comments in t_dtenot.cpp) 2) Modified T_SERIAL for Assabet (see comments in t_serial.cpp)Version 0.01.040================(Made by Morgan, 09/04/2001)1) Jonathan 1) Fixed BRM-4V3E23 "T_NAME Colourful language".2) Pete 1) Fixed EDNPSCE-4K9MZJ "T_PCCD3 panics on Brutus"Version 0.01.039================(Made by Nicolas, 27/02/2001)1) MarkCa 1) Removed media change tests from t_atadrv for l7200. 2) Added more thorough checking of multi-block reads to t_mmcdrv. 3) Increased WINS PDD name buffer size for t_dtenot.2) Dennis 1) Modified test T_PS to use default screen size instead of hardcoded 78*18. This fixes defect HAS-4TVQ6D (T_PS crashes Brutus). 2) Modified test T_WWINS to take account of the screen size when setting up windows. This is part of the fix for HAS-4U7N92.3) Markdo 1) Modified romutil.mke so that D_DRVIF and D_PCCDIF ldds are build into rom for cogent.Version 0.01.038================(Made by Markdo, 07/02/2001)1) Alastair 1) Added test to check the fix for EDNTBAD-4Q8M2F "CBufSeg can leak memory" works.2) Nicolas 1) Fixed defect EDNJHAS-4MKF4J (T_KILLER support test fails) by implementing suggested fix. Also fixed two bugs preventing the test to run on WINS.Version 0.01.037================(Made by Pete, 19/01/2001)1) Morgan 1) Added test code for RMessagePtr::IsNull to T_MESSGEVersion 0.01.036================(Made by RobertJ, 13/12/2000)1) Alastair 1) Added new test, t_thread2, because t_thread was becoming quite big. Currently this test just checks that deadlock doesn't occur when a thread suspends itself.2) Morgan 1) Disabled serial logging over time critical parts of T_CPER for platforms with slow serial devices3) Dennis 1) Fixed defect EDNRFID-4PXFJ8 (Not enough output in T_Y2K).Version 0.01.035================Made by Nicolas, 19/10/20001) Pete 1) Disabled T_PCCD1, T_PCCD2 and T_PCCD3 in WINS builds since WINS is now built with an MMC Peripheral bus controller rather than an PC Card MMC Controller. (These tests will be re-enabled in WINS when multiple Peripheral Bus Controllers are supported).Version 0.01.034================Made by MarkCa, 29/09/20001) Jonathan 1) Adjusted MMP files to match E32 301 include file re-org.2) MarkCa 1) Added MLNK to list of platforms supported in bld.inf.Version 0.01.033================Made by Dennis, 13/09/20001) William 1) Modified T_FUNC, T_LEX, T_TIME and T_BUF to get rid of GCC warnings "decimal integer constant is so large that it is unsigned". The fix is to put the "u" qualifier on the constants involved.Version 0.01.032================Made by Alastair, 2/8/20001) Alastair 1) Completed fix to EDNCMOS-4M8F52 "t_thread undertaker test failure".Version 0.01.031================Made by RobertJ, 20/7/001) Morgan 1) Added locale specific test code to to T_LEX2) AlastairB 1) Fixed EDNCMOS-4M8F52 "t_thread undertaker test failure" 2) Fixed EDNCMOS-4M8FDR "t_euniw fails if logged on as a user"3) Dennis 1) Modified T_CPER to print the times at which the locked timers expire. 2) Modified T_INACT and T_TIMER to test that inactivity timers are unaffected by system time changes.Version 0.01.030================Made by Morgan, 5/7/001) RobertJ 1) Modified t_fir2 to be more rigorous. Now writes the sent length into the first 2 bytes of the buffer so that the receiver can see if the correct length was received. Also modified text menus, added a nominal 1ms delay and changed 2051 bytes option to 2042 so that 2051 is covered at the upper limit of the test. Text report now shows the number of frames, the number of errors and the error %geVersion 0.01.029================Made by Bob 29-06-20001) Pete 1) Modified serial tests so that it is possible to open a channel on Com4 for Brutus. Changes to:- - T_SERIAL - T_MODEM1 - T_COMMSK - T_DCEUTLVersion 0.01.028================Made by Dennis 22-06-20001) Morgan 1) Removed nasty hacky memory snoopoing from T_CALIB2) Graham Asher 1) Changes to T_BUF and T_CHAR to test TDesC16::MatchC.Version 0.01.027================(Made by MarkCa, 16/05/00)1) Pete 1) Modifications to T_SERIAL and T_DTENOT to allow it to work with PCMCIA serial ports. 2) Updated T_MODEM1 and removed T_MODEM2.2) Alastair 1) Fixed EDNABRY-4K2LQA "Test t_tdll fails under WINS" 2) Fixed EDNABRY-4K2LBC "Test T_Messge failing under WINS UDEB"Version 0.01.026================(Made by Morgan, 7/4/2000)1) Alastair 1) Fixed EDNABRY-4JHLV3 "Test T_Thread failing intermittently under WINS UDEB"Version 0.01.025================(Made by Morgan, 14.04.2000)1) Pete 1) Removed calls of UserPcCardCntrl::PwrDown(); 2) Modified serial tests so that it is possible to overide the default serial port designated to be used by that test by supplying a serial port number on the command line:- - T_SERIAL p1 p2 - T_MODEM1 p1 - T_COMMSK p1 - T_DCEUTL p12) Nicolas 1) Removed T_DBG and T_BREAK. application debugging tests are now in F32TEST because F32 is needed to copy support files to the RAM-drive.3) MarkCa 1) \E32TEST\WINDOW\T_MMCPW.CPP: no longer tests that KMaxMediaPassword % 4 == 0.4) Morgan 1) Copied k32snd.* and d32snd.* from \e32\include into e32test so the sound test programs build. These files are no longer exported from E325) Alastair 1) Updated t_euniw test to cope with CreateMutex() and OpenMutex().Version 0.01.024================(Made by Robert, 17/03/00)1) Morgan 1) Added User::ResetInactivityTime tests to T_TIMER.CPP2) MarkCa 1) \E32TEST\WINDOW\T_MMCPW.CPP: minor change to password notifier test routine.Version 0.01.023================(Made by MarkCa, 03/03/00)1) MarkCa 1) Minor changes to T_SEROUT. 2) Added T_MMCPW.CPP to test new password notifier.2) Petes 1) Alterations to T_MODEM2 to work with CF card serial port on Brutus.Version 0.01.022================(Made by Pete, 24/02/00)1) Pete 1) Change to T_COMMSK to work with MAWD CF card modem driver. 2) Completed T_DCE test program to test DCE Serial driver on Cogent. 3) Exteneded T_DTENOT to cover signal change notification for each of the CTS/DSR/DCD signals becoming MARK or SPACE. Test now passes on WINS,MAWD,MISA,MEIG,MCGA.2) Robert 1) Added Slow IR test T_SLOWIRVersion 0.01.021================(Made by Dennis, 14-02-2000)1) Dennis 1) Replaced most UserHal:: calls with corresponding HAL:: calls (if they exist).2) Mark 1) Added T_EUNIW to test unicode wrapper functions in EUNIW.DLL.3) MarkCa 1) Added T_SEROUT test program to test SEROMAWD.PDD, SEROWINS.PDD and SEROUT.LDD in EXAMPLE dir.4) Pete 1) Further changes to T_MODEM2 to work with MAWD CF card modem driver.Version 0.01.020================(Made by Simon, 03-02-2000)1) Pete 1) Modified T_MODEM2 to work with MAWD CF card modem driver. 2) Modified T_DCE to take into account Cogent Serial PDD re-org.2) Simon 1) Replaced '/e32/inc' paths with '/epoc32/include /epoc32/include/kernel' in a number of mmp files.Version 0.01.019================(Made by Dennis, 19/01/00)1) Alastair 1) Removed ARM3 and MARM targets from BLD.INF. 2) Minor fix to T_EXC so that it works under WINC. 2) Minor change to T_WBC to format test output correctly.2) Pete 1) Changes due to the removal in E32 of the classes TLocalDrive, RLogicalChannel, RDevComm.1) Dennis 1) Removed tests for functions which no longer exist. 2) Changed T_BUF, T_R32 and T_FLOAT to use TRealX instead of TReal96. 3) Added chkstk.obj to T_FLOAT so it works on WINS. 4) Removed T_R96 since TReal96 no longer exists. 5) Temporarily removed T_R64 since it made extensive use of TReal96 and simply changing over to TRealX doesn't work since the extra precision of TRealX makes the tests fail. What is really needed is a set of test vectors for TReal64. 6) Increased stack size for T_BUF to 12K.Version 0.01.018================(Made by Peter, 21st December 1999)1) Pete 1) Added T_DTENOT to test DTE serial driver change notifiers. 2) Added T_DCE and T_DCEUTL to test DCE serial driver.Version 0.01.017================(Made by Morgan, 3/12/99)1) Dennis 1) Fixed T_MESSGE problem caused by different panic code following IPC changes. 2) Modified tests so they can run from any drive, not just Z:. This basically involved removing explicit references to Z: - we use RProcess().FileName() to determine the path instead. 3) Added test program T_WBC to test that write back cache is flushed when memory is unmapped. 4) Changed T_SVR3 and T_SVR6 to support since they don't terminate.2) Morgan 1) Added T_CLI to test RProcess::CommandLine()Version 0.01.016================(Made by Simon 25-11-1999)1) Chris 1) Changed t_fir2 to test config and added t_fir.2) Pete 1) Added T_MMCDRV.3) Alastair 1) Fixed minor typo in T_BMA.Version 0.01.015================(Made by Morgan, 26/8/99)1) Alastair 1) Added E32SDRV.PDD and E32SOUND.LDD, previously part of E32. 2) Added new keywords to various .MMP files so that .IBY files can be generated by ABLD TEST ROMFILE, also added extension makefile GROUP\ROMSTUFF.MKE. 3) Fixed WINS compilation problem in PCCD\T_PCCD3.CPP. 4) Added extension makefile GROUP\ROMUTIL.MKE, to incorporate required executables from E32UTILS into ROMS. This is a temporary measure and should be undone once the executables in question are moved from E32UTILS into E32TEST.2) Pete 1) Changes to T_PCCD3 to allow it to work on Brutus.3) Chris 1) Added TestContiguousAllocation() to t_bma to test ImpMmu::RemoveRamPages(). 2) Added t_fir2. 3) Tidied up T_Serial. Tested for Wins and Brutus.4) Dennis 1) Fixed structure packing problems in T_FARRAY with new GCC. Use 4-character arrays instead of 3 in the offending code. 2) Modified T_TLDD and D_LDD to test initialisation of .bss. 3) Various fixes to T_TPARSE. 4) Fixed operator precedence errors in T_TPARSE, T_ATADRV, T_ATDRV2, T_CRRDRV, T_IDRV, T_CHNOT. 5) Added __SWITCH_TO_ARM macros to some tests so that they can build for THUMB.5) Morgan 1) Renamed t_fircon2.cpp to (8.3) t_firco2.cppVersion 0.01.014================(Made by Alastair, 2.8.1999)1) Alastair 1) Added ARMI, ARM4 and THUMB platforms to BLD.INF file.Version 0.01.013================(Made by Dennis, 13.7.1999)1) Alastair 1) Added and to GROUP directory for use with MNT.BAT.2) Dennis 1) Modified T_MESSGE, T_ARRAY to work with new GCC/THUMB. 2) Added tests to T_BUF to test variable precision TDes::Format() and precision applied to strings. 3) Modified MMP files for T_CALIB, T_COLOUR, T_PS, T_WJPWIN, T_WSIMP and T_WWINS to link against EWSRV.LIB instead of ECONS.LIB. 4) Removed tests of the form (boolean expr)==TRUE from T_R96.CPP. 5) Changed checked panic category in T_TRAP from USER-Plat to USER-Arch. 6) Took updated version of T_CHAR from Graham Asher to match new unicode collation scheme. 7) Changed status of some tests to 'support'.Version 0.01.12================(Made by Alastair, 9.6.99)1) Malcolm 1) Moved the *.rel files to e*.rel to match e32 and f32 \group\*.rel \group\e*.rel2) Pete 1) Modification to T_PCCDSK to allow the soak test buffer size to be input in units of a sector. Prior to this, the buffer size had to be input in units of 1Kbyte, with 8K being the largest size. 2) Modified T_ATADRV - added additional tests to verify the operation of the functon TBusLocalDrive::Format(TInt aPos,TInt aLength). This allows just part of a disk to be formatted and was added to E32-181. 3) Added the new test program T_LFSDRV.CPP to test the LFS media driver on WINS/Brutus. 4) Added general media driver test T_MEDDRV and two associated media drivers - MEDT1.PDD and MEDT2.PDD.3) Alastair 1) Changed zips of releasables put onto the network. There is now one zip file for each platform containing full \Epoc32 paths to each item. There is also a zip file for exported header files. Hence, the contents of S:\e32test\zip includes wins.<ver>, meig.<ver>, misa.<ver>, marm.<ver> mawd.<ver> and winc.<ver>. The files within these zip files now also have full pathnames so ensure you unzip them into the root of your EPOC drive with any flags required to recreate the directory structure. Added new command, MNT CHECKREL, to check that all releasables are present before doing an MNT PUTREL. Before doing MNT CHECKREL or MNT PUTREL call BLDMAKE -v RELFILES to create the lists of releasables. 2) Changed D_LDDNS.MMP and added BMARM\D_LDDNS.DEF to avoid new makmake warnings arising from LDD targettypes having the wrong second uid specified. 3) Replaced all B[plat].PRJ files for use with BLDMAKE with BLDMAKE.PRJ in accordance with ER5u bldmake changes. No MAWD or SARM tests are now built in addition to the MARM tests - there doesn't seem to be any need since the __MAWD__ and __SINGLE__ macros haven't been used anywhere to build the test differently from the old standard MARM build. Where tests do behave differently according to the h/w platform, if they do, then this should be tested at runtime and the behaviour of the test changed accordingly. 4) Removed superseded \E32TEST\GROUP\RUN.BAT. 5) Removed the batch files used for running tests. These batch files are now created by BLDMAKE in \Epoc32\Bldmake\E32test\[platform]\, and are now called AUTO.BAT and MANUAL.BAT. 6) ETIMR and T_DEVC have been moved into this project from E32. 7) Removed all *.REL files from GROUP directory and changed MNT.BAT so that MNT PUTREL looks for .REL files generated by BLDMAKE instead. Updated BLDMAKE.PRJ accordingly. 8) Changed #defines in the following files now that __MEIG__ is being used to mean __MARM__ and __MARM__ is being used to mean ARM CPU: SYSTEM\T_EXC.CPP, SYSTEM\T_DBG.CPP. 9) Updated MNT GETBLD to fetch the SDMODELS component which replaces the SWINS component that E32 used to release. 10) Added the following .DEF files:- BWINS\ D_TLSDLL.DEF, T_DLL.DEF, T_DLL1.DEF, T_DLL2.DEF, T_START1.DEF, T_START2.DEF, T_START3.DEF, T_DUID.DEF, BMARM\ T_DLL.DEF, T_DLL1.DEF, T_DLL2.DEF, T_DLLA1.DEF, T_DLLA3.DEF, T_START1.DEF, T_START2.DEF, T_START3.DEF, T_DUID.DEF 11) Added \EPOC32\INCLUDE\KERNEL\ as a systeminclude path to those .MMP files requiring it. 12) Specified EKERN.LIB as an ASSPLIBRARY in those .MMP files requiring it.Version 0.01.11================(Made by Jonathan, 23rd February 1999)0) Everyone 1) Boilerplated source.1) Dennis 1) Commented out tests in T_REALX involving assigning a NaN from a float or double to a TRealX in MSVC builds. This is because MSVC insists on passing the NaN through the X86 FPU which quietens the NaNs and causes the tests to fail.2) Morgan 2) Added test to check that switch-off is disabled for 5 seconds before an alarm is due.3) Jonathan 1) Withdrew T_RTIM test. 2) Made T_DBG build for MAWD as well as MARM. MAWD version doesn't contain assumptions about Eiger registers.Version 0.01.10================(Made by Jonathan, 10th February 1999)1) Jonathan 1) Conditioned compilation of functions in T_PROT related to instruction exceptions on __EPOC32__ to prevent WINS/C warnings and fixed cast in ExceptionThread() to keep MSVC compiler happy.2) Morgan 1) Updated T_TLDD. 2) Added D_LDDNS.LDD which is an LDD with dodgy UID's.3) Pete 1) Modified BMAWD.PRJ to remove EIGER specific test programs.Version 0.01.09================(Made by Pete, 3rd February 1999)1) Morgan 1) More tests in T_TDLLA to test calling of Dll entrypoints with EProcessAttach and EThreadAttach 2) Added case switch on/off test2) Dennis 1) Updated T_PROT.CPP to test that data abort, prefetch abort and undefined instruction exceptions in user mode all result in KERN-EXEC 3 panics rather than killing the kernel.3) Jonathan 1) Added new tests to T_DBG to check that RDebug::ReadMemory and RDebug::WriteMemory return errors (and don't panic the kernel - problem EDN671244) when reading/writing to/from unmapped address space.4) Pete 1) Changed over to use the TBusLocalDrive class rather than TLocalDrive for local drive access. This in turn required converting calls to TBusLocalDrive::Caps() to take a TLocalDriveCapsBuf parameter rather than a TLocalDriveCaps. 2) Added T_ATDRV2.CPP to test TLocalDrive class specifically.Version 0.01.08================(Made by Morgan, 27th January 1999)1) Dennis 1) Modified T_SOUND.CPP so it can be run on a Snowdrop.Version 0.01.07================(Made by Pete, 21st December 1998)1) Alastair 1) Updated D_PATCH*.MMP to specify KPatchLddUid as third uid, in line with changes to F32 version 123. 2) Moved T_LDLL to F32TEST. 3) Minor modifications to MNT.BAT. 4) Minor change to T_REALX to avoid VC5 compilation problem.2) Morgan 1) Killed SARMBE3) Pete 1) Modified T_PCCD1, T_PCCD2, T_PCCD3 to work with E32UTILS 025. 2) Removed a call to a UserPcCardCntrl function which was removed from EUSER in E32-158. (The call was already redundant since the function has been withered for a while). 3) Released MAWD releasables.Version 0.01.06================(Made by Jonathan, 27th October 1998)1) Dennis 1) Added code from Andrew Thoelke to T_DES.CPP to test compiler-generated literal descriptors.2) Alastair 1) Updated .MMP files so that UNICODE builds are available in line with UNICODE changes to E32TOOLP 095.Version 0.01.05================(Made by Morgan, 21st October 1998)1) Alastair 1) Changed WINS T_SERIAL.CPP to link to a new dll, D_TLSDLL.DLL, the entrypoint of which sets thread local storage. This will test whether the deadlock problem described by Epoc Proposal SW1 - 19 is avoided. T_SOUND.CPP should link to this in the future. 2) Changed all the .rel files so that they specify T_DUID.DLL rather that non-existent T_DUID.EXE. 3) Removed T_ARRAY from AWINC.BAT since it isn't built or released under WINC. 4) Turned off just-in-time debugging in T_THREAD.CPP and T_PROC1.CPP where these tests panic threads and then check their status in WINS debug builds. Now that code jumps into the debugger whenever a thread is panicked (E32 152), rather than just whenever a thread is panicked with RThread::Panic(), these tests would have jumped into the debugger rather than completing successfully.2) Malcolm 1) Added new test program: T_Y2K.EXE - tests the Year 2000 compliance of E32Version 0.01.04================(Made by Pete, 20/08/1998)1) Dennis 1) Added new test programs: T_ARRAY.EXE - tests new RArray<> classes T_MWAIT.EXE - tests core clock and memory access speeds T_PROF.EXE - retrieves and displays thread profiling information D_PROF.LDD - LDD for use with T_PROF.EXE T_CTXSW.EXE - measures raw context-switch speed (not message passing) T_PAGES.EXE - dumps all MMU page tables to serial port T_PANIC.EXE - prints out a threads context when it dies 2) Modified T_CHUNK to test RChunk::IsReadable() and RChunk::IsWritable(). 3) Added another test to T_MATH2.CPP to test the accuracy of Math::Mod() using the Java IEEERemainder test vector data.2) Morgan 1) Turned off just in time debugging in T_THREAD, T_MESSGE, and T_EXC 2) Massaged T_TDLL.CPP for Dll MODULE_HANDLE changes3) Matthew 1) Turned off just-in-time debugging in T_SOUND, and removed WINS test which is only valid when the driver does dummy recording. 2) Added test to T_SOUND to check that memory allocated in prepare functions is recoverable. 3) Changed T_SOUND so that it passes (with warnings) on hardware which doesn't support all possible capabilities. 4) Switched off just-in-time debugging in T_TIMER.4) Petteri 1) Changed .mmp files D_LDLL, D_RTIM, T_DLLA1 and T_DLLA35) Alastair 1) Changed t_reset test so that it checks that 3 dummy patch ldds are reloaded after a warm reset. Added dummy patch ldds D_PATCH1.SYS, D_PATCH2.SYS and D_PATCH3.SYS. 2) Minor changes to T_SVR.CPP, T_MSTIM.CPP to remedy compilation warnings. 3) Change to T_CHUNK2.CPP for !WINC builds to allow for E32 change in total RAM size to 64Mb under WINS in E32 141. 4) Updated T_CHAR.CPP to take account of Graham Asher's changes to E32 141. 5) Fixed MNT GETSRC so that it handles version numbers correctly. 6) Minor corrections to T_THREAD.CPP.6) Peter 1) Added T_PCCDSR to PCCD. This is a program for repeatly writing to a fixed number of sectors on a CF card - to test if the wear leveling scheme on the card causes any problems. 2) Modified T_PCCD1.CPP,T_PCCD2.CPP and T_PCCD3.CPP to use D_PCCDIF.LDD for accessing the PC Card Contoller rather than UserPcCardCntrl. 3) Modified T_CRMDRV.CPP to use D_DRVIF.LDD for direct access of the media device rather than UserPcCardCntrl. 4) Modified T_PCCDSK.CPP to use UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia() rather than UserPcCardCntrl::PwrDown(); 5) Added further tests to T_ATADRV - testing reads and writes which are longer than the media drivers local buffer - particularly required after the changes to the ATA media driver in E32-143.Version 0.01.03================(Made by Graham, 26th March 1998)1) Morgan 1) Added T_TLDD and D_LDD to test LDD static data. EPOC only. 2) Modified Dll static data tests (T_TDLLA). Added MiniRomLoader and reload tests.2) Alastair 1) Changed MNT.BAT to retrieve E32TOOLS 091 and E32TOOLP 091.3) Matthew 1) Changes Test6() and Test8() in T_COBJ to use less stack and hence build on WINS/WINC without __chkstk errors. 2) Changed D_RTIM and D_BEXFIQ interrupt binding to use narrow descriptors, in order to work with E32 127 and higher. 3) Removed User::After(999999) from T_CHNOT, to speed it up. This wait is not needed, since midnight-crossover changes now happen earlier than they used to. 4) Changed T_CHUNK2 so that it did something more sensible on WINC, where the concept of "free ram" is different. 5) Changed T_REGRAM so that is disables auto switch-off while running. 6) Fixed a few incorrect tests in T_THREAD.Version 0.01.02================(Made by Jonathan, 10th February 1998)1) Alastair 1) Changed t_sec.cpp to test new security function for E32. The function will only be tested if the version of E32 being used supports the new function, so that the new version of t_sec.cpp will still work with old versions of E32.2) Petteri 1) Added the test program T_COLOUR to test the new colour text window server.3) Graham 1) Reoved kernel heap checking fro a number of tests. We need to rethink our strategy for this since the current system is clearly broken 2) Removed superfluous operator attendance from T_TIMER, T_COBJ. 3) Added AMARM.BAT, AWINS.BAT, etc which run all the automatic tests fro a given platform.Version 0.01.01================(Made by Graham, 23rd January 1998)E32TEST contains those test programs which used to be a part of E321) Some renaming: drvbench -> t_pccdbm, drvsoak -> t_pccdsk and more2) Known problems: t_svr2 fails due to heap debugging code errors on MARM t_cobj won't compile for WINS - needs stack use reducing t_tdll,t_rtim and t_irqs seem to fail