// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef MOBJECT_H
#define MOBJECT_H
#include "mrefcntobj.h"
#include "mmappinglist.h"
#include "mpagearray.h"
class DMemoryManager;
class DCoarseMapping;
Base class for memory objects.
A memory object is a sparse array of memory pages (#iPages) to which memory
mappings may be attached (#iMappings). All pages in the array are managed
in the same way (#iManager).
class DMemoryObject : public DReferenceCountedObject
virtual ~DMemoryObject();
Claim ownership of memory originally allocated by the bootstrap.
This is used during system boot to initialise this object's memory to contain
the pages which are already mapped at a given region of virtual addresses.
For coarse memory objects, this function also takes ownership of the page tables
being used to map the memory.
@param aBase Starting virtual address of memory to claim.
@param aSize Size, in bytes, of memory region to claim.
@param aPermissions The access permissions which the memory region
is mapped. As well as being required for correct object
initialisation this also enables the function to check
that the bootstrap code mapped the memory in manner
consistent with the flexible memory model implementation.
@param aAllowGaps True if the memory region may have gaps (unmapped pages) in it.
If false, the function faults if the region is not fully
populated with mapped pages.
@param aAllowNonRamPages True if the memory region contains memory pages which are
not RAM pages known to the kernel. I.e. are not
contained in the list of RAM banks supplied by the bootstrap.
Any such memory cannot be never be subsequently freed from the
memory object because the kernel can't handle this memory.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
virtual TInt ClaimInitialPages(TLinAddr aBase, TUint aSize, TMappingPermissions aPermissions, TBool aAllowGaps=false, TBool aAllowNonRamPages=false) = 0;
Update the page table entries for all attached mappings to add entries for
a specified set of memory pages.
This method is called by this object's manager whenever new pages of memory are added.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in this memory object.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into a mapping's page tables.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages);
Update the page table entries for all attached mappings to add new entry for
a specified memory page.
This method is called by this object's manager whenever the page is moved.
@param aPageArray The page array entry of the page in this memory object.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into a mapping's page tables.
@param aIndex The index of the page in this memory object.
@param aInvalidateTLB Set to ETrue when the TLB entries associated with this page
should be invalidated. This must be done when there is
already a valid pte for this page, i.e. if the page is still
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TBool aInvalidateTLB);
Update the page table entries for all attached mappings to remove entries for
a specified set of memory pages.
This method is called this object's manager whenever pages of memory are removed.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in this memory object.
Only array entries which return true for
RPageArray::TargetStateIsDecommitted should be unmapped
from a mapping's page tables.
@param aDecommitting True if memory is being permanently decommitted from
the memory object. False if the memory pages are only
temporarily being unmapped due to a demand paging 'page out'
virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TBool aDecommitting);
Update the page table entries for all attached mappings to apply access restrictions
to a specified set of memory pages.
This method is called by this object's manager whenever pages of memory are restricted.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in this memory object.
Only array entries which return true for
RPageArray::TargetStateIsDecommitted should be unmapped
from a mapping's page tables.
@param aRestriction A value from enum #TRestrictPagesType indicating the
kind of restriction to apply.
virtual void RestrictPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TRestrictPagesType aRestriction);
Add a memory mapping to this memory object.
This is only intended for use by #DMemoryMappingBase::Attach.
After verifying that the mapping is permitted (using #CheckNewMapping)
the mapping is linked into this objects list of mappings #iMappings.
@param aMapping The mapping to add.
@return KErrNone if successful,
otherwise KErrAccessDenied to indicate that the mapping is not allowed.
virtual TInt AddMapping(DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping);
Remove a memory mapping from this memory object.
This is only intended for use by #DMemoryMappingBase::Detach.
This unlinks the mapping from the list of mappings #iMappings.
@param aMapping The mapping to remove.
virtual void RemoveMapping(DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping);
Attempt to set the memory object read only. This will only succeed if
there are no writable mappings to the memory object.
NOTE - This can't be undone, page moving will break if a memory object
is made writable again.
@return KErrNone on success, KErrInUse if writable mappings are found.
virtual TInt SetReadOnly();
Create a mapping object to map this memory.
This is only intended for use by #MM::MappingNew.
The base class creates a #DFineMapping object. It is overridden by #DCoarseMemory to create a
#DCoarseMapping in appropriate circumstances.
@param aIndex The index of the start of the mapping into this memory object.
@oaram aCount The size in pages of the mapping.
virtual DMemoryMapping* CreateMapping(TUint aIndex, TUint aCount);
Get the physical address(es) for a region of pages in this memory object.
Depending on how the memory is being managed the physical addresses returned
may become invalid due to various reasons, e.g.
- memory being decommitted from the memory object
- ram defragmentation moving the memory contents to a different physical page
- paging out of demand paged memory
This function should therefore only be used where it is know that these
possibilities can't occur, e.g. this is used safely by DPhysicalPinMapping::PhysAddr.
@param aIndex Page index, within the memory, for the start of the region.
@param aCount Number of pages in the region.
@param aPhysicalAddress On success, this value is set to one of two values.
If the specified region is physically contiguous,
the value is the physical address of the first page
in the region. If the region is discontiguous, the
value is set to KPhysAddrInvalid.
@param aPhysicalPageList If not zero, this points to an array of TPhysAddr
objects. On success, this array will be filled
with the addresses of the physical pages which
contain the specified region. If aPageList is
zero, then the function will fail with
KErrNotFound if the specified region is not
physically contiguous.
@return 0 if successful and the whole region is physically contiguous.
1 if successful but the region isn't physically contiguous.
KErrNotFound, if any page in the region is not present,
otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt PhysAddr(TUint aIndex, TUint aCount, TPhysAddr& aPhysicalAddress, TPhysAddr* aPhysicalPageList);
Check specified region lies entirely within this memory object, and that it
is page aligned.
TBool CheckRegion(TUint aIndex, TUint aCount);
Clip the specified region to lie within the memory object,
void ClipRegion(TUint& aIndex, TUint& aCount);
Set the mutex used to lock operations on this memory object
void SetLock(DMutex* aLock);
Prevents any further mappings being added to this memory object.
void DenyMappings();
Return the memory attributes for this object's memory.
FORCE_INLINE TMemoryAttributes Attributes()
return (TMemoryAttributes)iAttributes;
Value for initialising SPageInfo::iFlags when allocating pages.
FORCE_INLINE TUint8 PageInfoFlags()
return iAttributes;
Value for #Mmu::TRamAllocFlags to use when allocating pages.
FORCE_INLINE Mmu::TRamAllocFlags RamAllocFlags()
return (Mmu::TRamAllocFlags)iRamAllocFlags;
Return true if this object is an instance of #DCoarseMemory.
return iFlags&ECoarseObject;
Return true if this object contains memory which is being demand paged.
FORCE_INLINE TBool IsDemandPaged()
return iFlags&EDemandPaged;
Return true if writeable mappings of the memory are not allowed.
return iFlags&EDenyWriteMappings;
Return true if executable mappings allowed on this memory object.
FORCE_INLINE TBool IsExecutable()
return !(iFlags&EDenyExecuteMappings);
Clear the flag that indicates that a mapping has been added.
FORCE_INLINE void ClearMappingAddedFlag()
__e32_atomic_and_ord8(&iFlags, (TUint8)~EMappingAdded);
Set the flag to indicate that a mapping has been added.
FORCE_INLINE void SetMappingAddedFlag()
__e32_atomic_ior_ord8(&iFlags, (TUint8)EMappingAdded);
Get the value of the mappings added flags
@return ETrue if a mapping has been added, EFalse otherwise.
FORCE_INLINE TBool MappingAddedFlag()
return iFlags & (TUint8)EMappingAdded;
Maximum number of bits which can be stored in an array entry by SetPagingManagerData.
KPagingManagerDataBits = RPageArray::KPagingManagerDataBits
Maximum value which can be stored in an array entry by SetPagingManagerData.
KMaxPagingManagerData = RPageArray::KMaxPagingManagerData
Write \a aValue to the paging manager data for page index \a aIndex.
The value must not exceed KMaxPagingManagerData.
This must only be used for demand paged memory objects.
void SetPagingManagerData(TUint aIndex, TUint aValue);
Return the paging manager data for page index \a aIndex.
This must only be used for demand paged memory objects.
@see SetPagingManagerData
TUint PagingManagerData(TUint aIndex);
Check that a given memory mapping is allowed to be attached to this memory object.
@param aMapping The mapping to check.
@return KErrNone if successful,
otherwise KErrAccessDenied to indicate that the mapping is not allowed.
TInt CheckNewMapping(DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping);
Emit BTrace traces identifying the initial attributes of this object.
void BTraceCreate();
@param aManager The manager object for this memory.
@param aFlags Initial value for #iFlags.
@param aSizeInPages Size of the memory object, in number of pages.
@param aAttributes Bitmask of values from enum #TMemoryAttributes.
@param aCreateFlags Bitmask of option flags from enum #TMemoryCreateFlags.
DMemoryObject(DMemoryManager* aManager, TUint aFlags, TUint aSizeInPages, TMemoryAttributes aAttributes, TMemoryCreateFlags aCreateFlags);
Second phase constructor.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt Construct();
The manager of this memory object.
DMemoryManager* iManager;
For use by this object's manager (iManager) to store any memory objects specific state
it requires to keep track of.
TAny* iManagerData;
For use by DMemoryManager::QueueCleanup to link objects which require a cleanup operation.
Access to this is protected by #DMemoryManager::iCleanupLock.
DMemoryObject* iCleanupNext;
For use by DMemoryManager::QueueCleanup to store flags representing each pending cleanup operation.
Access to this is protected by #DMemoryManager::iCleanupLock.
TUint32 iCleanupFlags;
Bit flags stored in #iFlags giving various state and attributes of the object.
enum TFlags
Flag set during object construction to indicate that this mapping is of
class #DCoarseMemory.
ECoarseObject = 1<<0,
Flag set during object construction to indicate that the memory for this object
is being demand paged in some manner.
EDemandPaged = 1<<1,
Flag set during object construction to indicate that all resources for this
object are to be reserved during construction; excluding memory pages owned by
object. Objects constructed in this way will not require additional memory
allocation when committing memory to them (other than allocating the memory
pages being committed.)
EReserveResources = 1<<2,
Flag set during object construction to indicate that pinned memory mappings
are not allowed to be attached to this object.
EDenyPinning = 1<<3,
Flag set by DenyMappings to indicate that no additional memory mappings
are allowed to be attached to this object.
EDenyMappings = 1<<4,
Flag set during object construction, or by SetReadOnly, to indicate that
the memory object is read-only and no writable mappings are allowed
to be attached to this object.
EDenyWriteMappings = 1<<5,
Flag set during object construction to indicate that executable memory mappings
are not allowed to be attached to this object.
This is mainly an optimisation to allow demand paging to avoid instruction cache
maintenance operations during page fault handling.
EDenyExecuteMappings = 1<<6,
Flag set whenever a new mapping is added to a memory object.
The object's mappings lock and MmuLock protects this flag when it is set
and the mappings lock protects when it is cleared.
EMappingAdded = 1<<7,
Bitmask of TFlags
TUint8 iFlags;
Value from TMemoryAttributes indicating type of memory in object.
TUint8 iAttributes;
#Mmu::TRamAllocFlags value to use when allocating RAM for this memory object.
TUint16 iRamAllocFlags;
List of mappings currently attached to this object.
TMappingList iMappings;
Size, in page units, of this memory object.
TUint iSizeInPages;
Lock currently being used to serialise explicit memory operations.
This is assigned using #MemoryObjectLock.
DMutex* iLock;
The array of memory pages assigned to this memory object.
RPageArray iPages;
A memory object which has a size that is an exact multiple
multiple of the region covered by a whole MMU page table;
that is a 'chunk' size (#KChunkSize) bytes.
When used in conjunction with DCoarseMapping this object
allows RAM to be saved by sharing MMU page tables between multiple
different mappings of the memory.
Fine memory mappings (DFineMapping) may also be attached
to this memory object but these won't benefit from page table
class DCoarseMemory : public DMemoryObject
// from DMemoryObject...
virtual ~DCoarseMemory();
virtual TInt ClaimInitialPages(TLinAddr aBase, TUint aSize, TMappingPermissions aPermissions, TBool aAllowGaps=false, TBool aAllowNonRamPages=false);
virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages);
virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TBool aInvalidateTLB);
virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TBool aDecommitting);
virtual void RestrictPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TRestrictPagesType aRestriction);
virtual TInt AddMapping(DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping);
virtual void RemoveMapping(DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping);
virtual TInt SetReadOnly();
virtual DMemoryMapping* CreateMapping(TUint aIndex, TUint aCount);
Create a new DCoarseMemory object.
@param aManager The manager object for this memory.
@param aSizeInPages Size of the memory object, in number of pages.
(Must represent an exact 'chunk' size.)
@param aAttributes Bitmask of values from enum #TMemoryAttributes.
@param aCreateFlags Bitmask of option flags from enum #TMemoryCreateFlags.
@return The newly created DCoarseMemory or the null pointer if there was
insufficient memory.
static DCoarseMemory* New(DMemoryManager* aManager, TUint aSizeInPages, TMemoryAttributes aAttributes, TMemoryCreateFlags aCreateFlags);
Remove an mmu page table from this memory object's ownership.
This is called when a RAM page containing the page table is paged out.
This function delegates its action to DPageTables::StealPageTable.
@param aChunkIndex The index of the page table, i.e. the offset, in 'chunks',
into the object's memory that the page table is being used to map.
(The index into DPageTables::iTables.)
@param aPteType The #TPteType the page table is being used for.
(The index into #iPageTables.)
@pre #MmuLock is held.
@pre #PageTablesLockIsHeld
void StealPageTable(TUint aChunkIndex, TUint aPteType);
// Interface for DCoarseMapping
Get the page table to use for mapping a specified chunk if it exists.
@param aPteType The #TPteType the page tables will be used for.
@param aChunkIndex The index of the chunk.
@return The virtual address of the page table, or NULL.
@pre #MmuLock is held.
TPte* GetPageTable(TUint aPteType , TUint aChunkIndex);
Update the page tables to add entries for a specified set of demand paged memory
pages following a 'page in' or memory pinning operation.
@param aMapping The mapping the pages are being paged into.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in the memory object #iMemory.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into the page tables.
@param aPinArgs The resources required to pin any page tables.
Page table must be pinned if \a aPinArgs.iPinnedPageTables is
not the null pointer, in which case this the virtual address
of the pinned must be stored in the array this points to.
\a aPinArgs.iReadOnly is true if write access permissions
are not needed.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
@pre #MmuLock is held.
@post #MmuLock has been released.
TInt PageIn(DCoarseMapping* aMapping, RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
Update the page table entries to renable access to a specified memory page.
This method is called by #DCoarseMapping::MovingPageIn
@param aMapping The mapping which maps the page.
@param aPageArrayPtr The page array entry of the page to map.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into a mapping's page tables.
@param aIndex The index of the memory page.
TBool MovingPageIn(DCoarseMapping* aMapping, TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex);
Function to return a page table pointer for the specified linear address and
index to this mapping.
This method is called by #DCoarseMapping::FindPageTable.
@param aLinAddr The linear address to find the page table entry for.
@param aMemoryIndex The memory object index of the page to find the page
table entry for.
@return A pointer to the page table entry, if the page table entry couldn't
be found this will be NULL
TPte* FindPageTable(DCoarseMapping* aMapping, TLinAddr aLinAddr, TUint aMemoryIndex);
For arguments, see #New.
DCoarseMemory(DMemoryManager* aManager, TUint aSizeInPages, TMemoryAttributes aAttributes, TMemoryCreateFlags aCreateFlags);
The object which manages the page tables owned by a #DCoarseMemory object
and used by #DCoarseMapping objects. Each DPageTables is used for mappings
with a specific #TPteType e.g. set of memory access permissions, and all these
#DCoarseMapping objects are linked into this object whenever they are
attached to a DCoarseMemory.
class DPageTables : public DReferenceCountedObject
Create a new DPageTables.
This object is added to DCoarseMemory::iPageTables and all of
the mmu page tables will be initialised to map the memory currently
owned by the memory object (unless memory is demand paged).
@param aMemory The DCoarseMemory the new object is associated with.
@param aNumPages Size of the memory object, in number of pages.
(Must represent an exact 'chunk' size.)
@param aPteType The #TPteType the page tables will be used for.
@return The newly created DPageTables or the null pointer if there was
insufficient memory.
@pre The #MemoryObjectLock for the memory must be held by the current thread.
static DPageTables* New(DCoarseMemory* aMemory, TUint aNumPages, TUint aPteType);
virtual ~DPageTables();
Update the page tables to add entries for a specified set of memory pages.
This method is called by #DCoarseMemory::MapPages.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in the memory object #iMemory.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into the page tables.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages);
Update the page table entries for a specified memory page.
This method is called by #DCoarseMemory::RemapPage
@param aPageArray The page array entry of the page in this memory object.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into a mapping's page tables.
@param aIndex The index of the page in this memory object.
@param aInvalidateTLB Set to ETrue when the TLB entries associated with this page
should be invalidated. This must be done when there is
already a valid pte for this page, i.e. if the page is still
virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TBool aInvalidateTLB);
Update the page table entries to renable access to a specified memory page.
This method is called by #DCoarseMemory::MovingPageIn
@param aPageArrayPtr The page array entry of the page to map.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into a mapping's page tables.
@param aIndex The index of the memory page.
virtual TBool MovingPageIn(TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex);
Update the page tables to remove entries for a specified set of memory pages.
This method is called by #DCoarseMemory::UnmapPages.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in the memory object #iMemory.
Only array entries which return true for
RPageArray::TargetStateIsDecommitted should be unmapped
from the page tables.
@param aDecommitting True if memory is being permanently decommitted from
the memory object. False if the memory pages are only
temporarily being unmapped due to a demand paging 'page out'
virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TBool aDecommitting);
Update the page tables to apply access restrictions to a specified set of memory pages.
This method is called by #DCoarseMemory::RestrictPagesNA.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in the memory object #iMemory.
Only array entries which return true for
RPageArray::TargetStateIsDecommitted should be unmapped
from the page tables.
virtual void RestrictPagesNA(RPageArray::TIter aPages);
Update the page tables to add entries for a specified set of demand paged memory
pages following a 'page in' or memory pinning operation.
@param aPages An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
in the memory object #iMemory.
Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
should be mapped into the page tables.
@param aPinArgs The resources required to pin any page tables.
Page table must be pinned if \a aPinArgs.iPinnedPageTables is
not the null pointer, in which case this the virtual address
of the pinned must be stored in the array this points to.
\a aPinArgs.iReadOnly is true if write access permissions
are not needed.
@param aMapping The mapping that took the page fault or is being pinned.
@param aMapInstanceCount The instance count of the mapping.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
virtual TInt PageIn(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs,
DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
Flush the MMUs TLB entries associated with all attached memory mappings
for a specified region of memory pages.
This is used by UnmapPages and RestrictPages.
@param aStartIndex Page index, within the memory, for start of the region.
@param aEndIndex Page index, within the memory, for the first page after
the end of the region.
void FlushTLB(TUint aStartIndex, TUint aEndIndex);
Get the page table being used for a specified chunk index if it exists.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@return The virtual address of the page table,
or the null pointer if one wasn't found.
inline TPte* GetPageTable(TUint aChunkIndex)
return iTables[aChunkIndex];
Get the page table being used for a specified chunk index; allocating
a new one if it didn't previously exist.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@return The virtual address of the page table,
or the null pointer if one wasn't found and couldn't be allocated.
TPte* GetOrAllocatePageTable(TUint aChunkIndex);
Get and pin the page table being for a specified chunk index; allocating
a new one if it didn't previously exist.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@param aPinArgs The resources required to pin the page table.
On success, the page table will have been appended to
\a aPinArgs.iPinnedPageTables.
@return The virtual address of the page table,
or the null pointer if one wasn't found and couldn't be allocated.
TPte* GetOrAllocatePageTable(TUint aChunkIndex, TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
Allocate a single page table.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@param aDemandPaged True if the page table is for mapping demand paged memory. Most of the
time this will be determined by the #EDemandPaged bit in #iFlags.
@param aPermanent True, if the page table's permanence count is to be incremented.
@return The virtual address of the page table,
or the null pointer if one wasn't found and couldn't be allocated.
TPte* AllocatePageTable(TUint aChunkIndex, TBool aDemandPaged, TBool aPermanent=false);
Free a single page table if it is unused.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
void FreePageTable(TUint aChunkIndex);
Allocate all the mmu page tables for this object (iTables) and ensure that
they are not freed even when they no longer map any pages.
This method increments iPermanenceCount.
This is called by DCoarseMemory::AddMapping when a memory mapping is
added with the #DMemoryMappingBase::EPermanentPageTables attribute is set.
This will also be true if the memory object has the #EReserveResources
@pre The #MemoryObjectLock for the memory must be held by the current thread.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt AllocatePermanentPageTables();
Reverses the action of #AllocatePermanentPageTables.
This method decrements iPermanenceCount and if this reaches zero,
the mmu page tables for this object are freed if the are no longer in use.
void FreePermanentPageTables();
This is called by DCoarseMemory::AddMapping when a coarse memory mapping is
@param aMapping The coarse memory mapping to add.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt AddMapping(DCoarseMapping* aMapping);
This is called by DCoarseMemory::RemoveMapping when a coarse memory mapping is
@param aMapping The coarse memory mapping to remove.
void RemoveMapping(DCoarseMapping* aMapping);
Overriding DReferenceCountedObject::Close.
This removes the linkage with #iMemory if this object is deleted.
void Close();
Overriding DReferenceCountedObject::AsyncClose.
This removes the linkage with #iMemory if this object is deleted.
void AsyncClose();
Remove an mmu page table from this object's ownership.
This is called from DCoarseMemory::StealPageTable when a RAM page containing
the page table is paged out.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@pre #MmuLock is held.
@pre #PageTablesLockIsHeld
void StealPageTable(TUint aChunkIndex);
For arguments, see #New.
DPageTables(DCoarseMemory* aMemory, TInt aNumPts, TUint aPteType);
Second phase constructor.
This initialises all of the mmu page tables to map the memory currently owned
by the memory object (#iMemory).
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt Construct();
Reverses the action of #AllocatePermanentPageTables for a range of page tables.
This is an implementation factor for #FreePermanentPageTables().
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the first page table.
@param aChunkCount The number of page tables.
void FreePermanentPageTables(TUint aChunkIndex, TUint aChunkCount);
Assign a newly allocated page table to this object.
This adds the page table to the page directory entries associated with
all mappings attached to this object.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@param aPageTable The page table.
@pre #PageTablesLockIsHeld.
void AssignPageTable(TUint aChunkIndex, TPte* aPageTable);
Unassign a page table to this object.
This removes the page table from the page directory entries associated with
all mappings attached to this object.
This is called by FreePageTable and StealPageTable.
@param aChunkIndex The index into #iTables of the page table.
@pre #PageTablesLockIsHeld.
void UnassignPageTable(TUint aChunkIndex);
The coarse memory object which owns us.
DCoarseMemory* iMemory;
The #TPteType the page tables are being used for.
(This object's index in #iMemory->iPageTables.)
TUint iPteType;
The list of coarse mappings attached to this object.
These mappings use the mmu page tables owned by us.
TMappingList iMappings;
The page table entry (PTE) value for use when mapping pages into the page tables.
This value has the physical address component being zero, so a page's physical
address can be simply ORed in.
TPte iBlankPte;
Reference count for the number of times #AllocatePermanentPageTables
has been called without #FreePermanentPageTables.
TUint iPermanenceCount;
Number of entries in #iTables.
TUint iNumPageTables;
Array of page tables owned by this object. This may extend into memory
beyond the end of this object and contains #iNumPageTables entries.
Each entry in the array corresponds to a #KChunkSize sized region of #iMemory.
The null pointer indicating that no page table exists for the corresponding
The contents of the array are protected by the PageTableAllocator lock AND #MmuLock
TPte* iTables[1];
Get or allocate the page tables container for a given PTE type
@pre #MemoryObjectLock for this object must be held.
DPageTables* GetOrAllocatePageTables(TUint aPteType);
Array of #DPageTables objects owned by this memory object.
Updates to this array require the #MmuLock.
DPageTables* iPageTables[ENumPteTypes];
friend class DCoarseMemory::DPageTables; // for DPageTables::Close() / AsyncClose()
A memory object without the special case optimisations of DCoarseMemory.
class DFineMemory : public DMemoryObject
// from DMemoryObject...
virtual ~DFineMemory();
virtual TInt ClaimInitialPages(TLinAddr aBase, TUint aSize, TMappingPermissions aPermissions, TBool aAllowGaps=false, TBool aAllowNonRamPages=false);
Create a new DFineMemory object.
@param aManager The manager object for this memory.
@param aSizeInPages Size of the memory object, in number of pages.
@param aAttributes Bitmask of values from enum #TMemoryAttributes.
@param aCreateFlags Bitmask of option flags from enum #TMemoryCreateFlags.
@return The newly created DFineMemory or the null pointer if there was
insufficient memory.
static DFineMemory* New(DMemoryManager* aManager, TUint aSizeInPages, TMemoryAttributes aAttributes, TMemoryCreateFlags aCreateFlags);
For arguments, see #New.
DFineMemory(DMemoryManager* aManager, TUint aSizeInPages, TMemoryAttributes aAttributes, TMemoryCreateFlags aCreateFlags);