author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// ubootldr\flash_nor.cpp

#define FILE_ID	0x464C5348

#include "bootldr.h"
#include "ubootldrldd.h"
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
#include "flash_nor.h"

const TUint KFlashRetries = 1000000;


TLinAddr FlashImageAddr;
TUint32 FlashImageSize;
TUint32 * FlashAddress;

volatile TUint32 Available;
volatile TBool Complete;

#define addr_to_page(a) (a&~(0x1000-1))
#define addr_pageoff(a) (a&(0x1000-1))

// Memory
RUBootldrLdd LddFlash;
RChunk TheFlashChunk;


#define PRINTF(x)
#define TYAX_PRINTF(x)
#define WRITE_PRINTF(x)

// Reset prototypes
TInt cfiReset (TUint32 flashId, TUint32 address);
TInt tyaxReset(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 address);

// Erase prototypes
TInt spansionErase(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 aBase,  TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize);
TInt tyaxErase    (TUint32 flashId, TUint32 aBase,  TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize);

// Write prototypes
TInt spansionWrite(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize, const TUint32* aPS);
TInt tyaxWrite    (TUint32 flashId, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize, const TUint32* aPS);

// This table holds all the information we have about supported flash devices
const TFlashInfo flashInfo [] =
//	Description                Manufacturer ID     Device ID           Reset fn   Erase fn       Write fn       Comments
	{_L(""),                   CFI_MANUF_ANY,      CFI_DEV_ANY,        cfiReset,  NULL,          NULL,          }, // This is the catch-all entry in case we aren't initialised

//	{_L("Spansion xyz"),       CFI_MANUF_SPANSION, CFI_DEV_xyz,        xyzReset,  xyzErase,      xyzWrite,      }, // Put new Spansion flash types here, before the CFI_DEV_ANY, or they won't get detected
	{_L("Spansion S29GL512N"), CFI_MANUF_SPANSION, CFI_DEV_S29GL512N,  cfiReset,  spansionErase, spansionWrite, }, // NaviEngine Rev B & C
	{_L("Spansion Generic"),   CFI_MANUF_SPANSION, CFI_DEV_ANY,        cfiReset,  spansionErase, spansionWrite, }, // Generic Spansion flash types

//	{_L("Intel xyz"),          CFI_MANUF_INTEL,    CFI_DEV_xyz,        xyzReset,  xyzErase,      xyzWrite,      }, // Put new Intel flash types here, before the CFI_DEV_ANY, or they won't get detected
	{_L("Intel Sibley"),       CFI_MANUF_INTEL,    CFI_DEV_SIBLEY,     tyaxReset, tyaxErase,     tyaxWrite,     }, // H4 with Intel Tyax flash parts
	{_L("Intel 28F256L18T"),   CFI_MANUF_INTEL,    CFI_DEV_28F256L18T, tyaxReset, tyaxErase,     tyaxWrite,     }, // H4 with Intel Tyax flash parts
	{_L("Intel Tyax"),         CFI_MANUF_INTEL,    CFI_DEV_ANY,        tyaxReset, tyaxErase,     tyaxWrite,     }, // Generic Intel Tyax flash support

	// End Of Table - no more entries after here
	{_L(""),                   0,                  0,                  NULL,          NULL,          NULL           }  // NULL entry used to mark end of table

// CFI Commands
// Query
const TCfiCommands CfiQuery [] =
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0xAA},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0x555,   0x55},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0x90},

		{CFI_END,     CFI_END, CFI_END} // Termination of command sequence - this entry is not a command

// Erase
const TCfiCommands CfiErase [] =
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0xAA},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0x555,   0x55},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0x80},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0xAA},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0x555,   0x55},
		{CFI_SECTOR8, 0x000,   0x30},

		{CFI_END,     CFI_END, CFI_END} // Termination of command sequence - this entry is not a command

// Write
const TCfiCommands CfiWrite [] =
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0xAA},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0x555,   0x55},
		{CFI_BASE8,   0xAAA,   0xA0},

		{CFI_END,     CFI_END, CFI_END} // Termination of command sequence - this entry is not a command

// CFI Command execution
// CFI implements a generic set of commands that can be used on all CFI flash
// parts.
// The commands usually write to the base address of the device + an offset,
// or to the sector/block address for some commands.
TInt CfiCommand(TUint32 base, TUint32 sector, const TCfiCommands * commands)
	if (commands != NULL)
		const TCfiCommands * pCmd = commands;
		while (pCmd->location != CFI_END)
			switch (pCmd->location)
				case CFI_BASE8:
					*(volatile TUint8*)(base   + pCmd->offset) = pCmd->command;
				case CFI_SECTOR8:
					*(volatile TUint8*)(sector + pCmd->offset) = pCmd->command;
					return KErrNotSupported;
	return KErrNone;

// TYAX specific routines
// Clear the status register
void tyaxClearStatus(TUint32 address)
	volatile TUint16 *p = (TUint16 *)address;
	*p=KCmdClearStatus;	// clear status reg

// Wait until cmd completes
void tyaxWaitUntilReady(TUint32 address, TUint16 cmd)
	volatile TUint16 *pF = (TUint16 *)address;
	TUint16 s=0;
	TInt i=KFlashRetries;

	for (; i>0 && ((s&KStatusBusy)!=KStatusBusy); --i)	// check ready bit
	if (i==0)
		PrintToScreen(_L("Write timed out"));
	if (s&KStatusCmdSeqError)
		PrintToScreen(_L("Write error s=%x pF=0x%x\n"), s, pF);

// Unlock Flash
void tyaxUnlock(TUint32 address)
	TYAX_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("tyaxUnlock(0x%08x)", address));
	TUint16 * pF = (TUint16*)address;
	// Unlock

// GENERIC - implementations of the generic routines
// - reset
// - erase
// - write
// Reset Flash
TInt cfiReset(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 address)
	SPANSION_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("cfiReset(0x%08x)", address));

	volatile TUint8 * p = (TUint8*)address;
	*(p)=0xF0;			// reset spansion flash
	return KErrNone;

// Reset Flash
TInt tyaxReset(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 address)
	TYAX_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("tyaxReset(0x%08x)", address));

	TUint16 * p = (TUint16*)address;

	// clear the status register

	// write to linear base and set strataflash into readarray mode
	return KErrNone;

// Erase a block of flash
TInt spansionErase(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 aBase, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize)
	SPANSION_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("spansionErase 0x%08x", anAddr));

	volatile TUint32 base=anAddr&~(KFlashEraseBlockSize-1);	// round base address down to block
	volatile TUint32 end=anAddr+aSize;
	end=(end+KFlashEraseBlockSize-1)&~(KFlashEraseBlockSize-1);	// round end address up to block
	TUint32 size=end-base;
	volatile TUint8* p=(volatile TUint8*)base;

	SPANSION_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("Erase anAddr=0x%08x, aSize=0x%08x, base=0x%08x, end=0x%08x, size=0x%08x, p=0x%08x", anAddr, aSize, base, end, size, p));

	cfiReset(flashId, aBase);
	for (; size; size-=KFlashEraseBlockSize, p+=(KFlashEraseBlockSize>>1))
		CfiCommand(aBase, base, CfiErase);

		TUint retries = KFlashRetries;
		while ((*(volatile TUint8*)anAddr != 0xFF) && (retries != 0))
		if (retries==0)
			RDebug::Printf("Erase Failed anAddr=0x%08x, aSize=0x%08x, base=0x%08x, end=0x%08x, size=0x%08x, p=0x%08x", anAddr, aSize, base, end, size, p);
		cfiReset(flashId, aBase);
	return 0;

// Erase a block of flash
TInt tyaxErase(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 aBase, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize)
	TUint32 base=anAddr&~(KFlashEraseBlockSize-1);	// round base address down to block
	TUint32 end=anAddr+aSize;
	end=(end+KFlashEraseBlockSize-1)&~(KFlashEraseBlockSize-1);	// round end address up to block
	TUint32 size=end-base;
	volatile TUint16* p=(volatile TUint16*)base;

	// write to linear base and set strataflash into readarray mode
	// clear the status register
	for (; size; size-=KFlashEraseBlockSize, p+=(KFlashEraseBlockSize>>1))
		// Unlock
		// Erase
		*p=KCmdBlockErase1;	// block erase
		*p=KCmdBlockErase2;	// block erase confirm

		// wait for the erase to finish
		while ((*p & KStatusBusy)!=KStatusBusy);

		// put the flash block back to normal
		TUint32 s=*p;
		*p=KCmdClearStatus;	// clear status reg
		if (s & KStatusLockBitError)
			// error
			RDebug::Printf("Erase Failed: addr:0x%x status: 0x%x", p, s);
			return (TUint32)p-anAddr+1;
	return 0;

// Write a block of flash
TInt spansionWrite(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize, const TUint32* aPS)
// Assume aSize <= KFlashWriteBufSize
	SPANSION_PRINTF(WRITE_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("spansionWrite anAddr=0x%08x, aSize=0x%08x", anAddr, aSize)));

	volatile TUint8  * base  = (TUint8 *)FlashAddress;
	volatile TUint16 * pDest = (TUint16*)anAddr;
	volatile TUint16 * pSrc  = (TUint16*)aPS;
	volatile TUint16 * pEnd  = (TUint16*)(anAddr+aSize);

	for (; pDest < pEnd; pDest++, pSrc++)
		CfiCommand((TUint32)base, (TUint32)base, CfiWrite);
		*pDest = *pSrc;

		TUint retries = KFlashRetries;
		while ((*pDest != *pSrc) && (retries != 0))

		if (*pDest != *pSrc)
			RDebug::Printf("Write failed 0x%x=0x%x == 0x%x", pDest, *pSrc, *pDest);
			return 1;
	return 0;

// Write a block of flash
// Assume aSize <= KFlashWriteBufSize
TInt tyaxWrite(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize, const TUint32* aPS)
	TYAX_PRINTF(WRITE_PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("tyaxWrite anAddr=0x%08x, aSize=0x%08x", anAddr, aSize)));

	volatile TUint16* pF=(volatile TUint16*)anAddr;


	if (flashInfo[flashId].deviceId == CFI_DEV_SIBLEY)
		tyaxWaitUntilReady(anAddr, KCmdWriteStatusSibley);
		tyaxWaitUntilReady(anAddr, KCmdWriteStatus);

	// convert to words - 1
	TInt16 l=(aSize>>1)-1;
	*pF=l;										// Write no of words
	const TUint16* pS=(const TUint16*)aPS;
	for (;l>=0;l--)
	pF=(volatile TUint16*)anAddr;
	*pF=0xD0;									// Confirm
	tyaxWaitUntilReady(anAddr, KCmdReadStatus);
	tyaxReset(flashId, anAddr);

	return 0;

// A top level routine to prevent each function checking the flash type
TInt flashReset(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 address)

	TInt retVal = KErrNotSupported;

	if (flashInfo[flashId].reset != NULL)
		retVal = flashInfo[flashId].reset(flashId, address);

	return retVal;

TInt flashErase(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 base, TUint32 address, TUint32 size)

	TInt retVal = KErrNone;

	if (flashInfo[flashId].erase != NULL)
		retVal = flashInfo[flashId].erase(flashId, base, address, size);

	return retVal;

TInt flashWrite(TUint32 flashId, TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize, const TUint32* aPS)

	TInt retVal = KErrNone;

	if (flashInfo[flashId].write != NULL)
		retVal = flashInfo[flashId].write(flashId, anAddr, aSize, aPS);
	return retVal;

// Flash ID
// Identify the flash part at the given address
// returns an index into the flashInfo structure
TInt flashId(TUint32 address)
	TUint deviceIndex = FLASH_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

	volatile TUint16* p16=(volatile TUint16*)address; // used for 16 bit read/write to the flash

	// Put flash into CFI query mode using 8 bit writes
	CfiCommand(address, address, CfiQuery);

	// Read ID codes using 16 bit reads
	// if we ever need to support 8 bit devices, we may need to change this to 2 x 8 bit reads per attribute
	TUint16 manufacturerId = *(p16  );
	TUint16 deviceId       = *(p16+1);

	for (TUint32 i=0; flashInfo[i].manufacturerId !=0; i++)
		PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("Check device: M 0x%04x D 0x%04x", flashInfo[i].manufacturerId, flashInfo[i].deviceId));

		if (  (  flashInfo[i].manufacturerId == manufacturerId)
		   && ( (flashInfo[i].deviceId       == CFI_DEV_ANY   ) // support generic flash devices
		      ||(flashInfo[i].deviceId       == deviceId      )
			PRINTF(RDebug::Print(_L("Found device: %s (Manufacturer=%x Device=%x)"), flashInfo[i].name.Ptr(), flashInfo[i].manufacturerId, flashInfo[i].deviceId));
			deviceIndex = i;
	if (deviceIndex == FLASH_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
		RDebug::Printf("Flash type unknown: Manufacturer ID = %04x, Device ID = %04x", manufacturerId, deviceId );
	flashReset(deviceIndex, (TUint32)FlashAddress);
	return deviceIndex;


GLDEF_C TUint32 * GetFlashChunk()
	// return if already initialised
	if (FlashAddress != NULL)
		return FlashAddress;

	TInt r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KBootldrLddName);

	r = LddFlash.Open();
	if (r!=KErrNone)
			PrintToScreen(_L("FAULT due to LddFlash open\r\n"));

	TUint8* kernelAddress;
	if (r!=KErrNone)
			PrintToScreen(_L("FAULT due to chunk create\r\n"));

	// If we're running from RAM flash will be in a different place...
	r = LddFlash.CommitMemory(KNORFlashTargetSize,addr_to_page(KNORFlashTargetAddr));
	if (r!=KErrNone)
			PrintToScreen(_L("FAULT due to commit\r\n"));

	r = LddFlash.GetChunkHandle(TheFlashChunk);
	if (r!=KErrNone)
			PrintToScreen(_L("FAULT due to handle\r\n"));

	TUint8* Base = TheFlashChunk.Base();
	FlashAddress = (TUint32*)Base;
	FlashId      = flashId((TUint32)FlashAddress);

	return FlashAddress;

GLDEF_C void NotifyDataAvailable(TInt aTotalAmount)

GLDEF_C void NotifyDownloadComplete()

GLDEF_C TBool BlankCheck(TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize)
	const TUint16* p=(const TUint16*)anAddr;
	const TUint16* pE=p+(aSize>>1);
	TBool rv=ETrue;

		if (*p!=0xffff)
			PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("BlankCheck %x is not blank! anAddr=0x%08x, aSize=0x%08x, p=0x%08x, *p=0x%08x", anAddr, anAddr, aSize, (TUint32)p, (TUint32)*p));
	if (rv)
		PRINTF(RDebug::Printf("BlankCheck: %x is blank", anAddr));
	return rv;

// Erase
// This function is used by the variant code.  The variant code shouldn't care
// about the Flash ID, so I've left this function here as a wrapper for the
// internal flashErase function, passing in a nasty global variable containing
// the Flash ID.
GLDEF_C TInt Erase(TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize)
	flashErase(FlashId, (TUint32)FlashAddress, anAddr, aSize);
	return 0;

// Write
// This function is used by the variant code.  As well as the Flash ID comment
// from above (see Erase), the variant shouldn't have to care about internal
// buffer sizes, etc.
GLDEF_C TInt Write(TUint32 anAddr, TUint32 aSize, const TUint32* aPS)
	TInt rv=0;
		if ((rv=flashWrite(FlashId, anAddr, KFlashWriteBufSize, aPS))!=0)
		} while(aSize);
	return rv;

TInt FlashThread(TAny*)
	// If this thread crashes we want it to take the system down

	if (FlashBootLoader)
		PrintToScreen(_L("*** Reflashing bootloader ***\r\n"));
		// sanity check...
		if ((TUint32)ImageSize > KNORFlashMaxBootloaderSize)
			PrintToScreen(_L("Image is larger than the flash area (%d > %d) bytes.\r\n"), ImageSize, KNORFlashMaxBootloaderSize);
			return KErrNotSupported;
		PrintToScreen(_L("*** Writing to NOR Flash ***\r\n"));

		// sanity check...
		if ((TUint32)ImageSize > KNORFlashMaxImageSize)
			PrintToScreen(_L("Image is larger than the flash area (%d > %d) bytes.\r\n"), ImageSize, KNORFlashMaxImageSize);
			return KErrNotSupported;


	TUint32 imgSzMb=(FlashImageSize+0xfffff)&~0xfffff;	// round image size up to 1Mb

	TUint32 base=FlashImageAddr;
	TUint32 end=base+imgSzMb;
	TInt r=KErrNone;
		if (!BlankCheck(base,KFlashEraseBlockSize))
			r=Erase(base, KFlashEraseBlockSize);
			if (r!=KErrNone)
				PrintToScreen(_L("Erase failed 0x%x\r\n"), r);
				RDebug::Printf("Erase failed 0x%x", r);
				// make this a rdebug
		if (!BlankCheck(base,KFlashEraseBlockSize))
			PrintToScreen(_L("BlankCheck failed 0x%x\r\n"),base);
			RDebug::Printf("BlankCheck failed at adress 0x%08x with error code 0x%x",base,r);
			//BOOT_FAULT();	// why crash at this point, retry is better, surely?
			// only move to next block and update progress if the block erase passed


		if (!BlankCheck(base,KFlashEraseBlockSize))
			PrintToScreen(_L("BlankCheck 2 failed 0x%x\r\n"),base);
			RDebug::Printf("BlankCheck 2 failed at adress 0x%08x with error code 0x%x",base,r);

	TUint32 source=DestinationAddress();		// start of image in RAM
	if (ImageHeaderPresent)
		source+=256;							// skip header if present
	TUint32 target=FlashImageAddr;						// target in flash
	TBool complete=EFalse;
	TUint32 used_bytes=0;

	// while the image hasn't been written fully
	while ((target-FlashImageAddr) < FlashImageSize)

		complete=Complete;					// must check Complete before Available

		// if there isn't anything ready, go back to the top
		if (Available<(used_bytes+256) && !complete)
			continue;									// wait for 256 bytes more data
		TUint32 write_block_size=Available-used_bytes;	// how much is ready
		write_block_size &= ~(KFlashWriteBufSize-1);	// only write whole buffers

		while (write_block_size)
			TUint32 write_size=Min(write_block_size,(TUint32)0x400);	// update progress after each 1K
			r=Write(target,write_size,(const TUint32*)source);
			if (r!=KErrNone)
				PrintToScreen(_L("Write failed 0x%x"),r);


	PrintToScreen(_L("Verifying image...\r\n"));

	source=DestinationAddress();				// start of image in RAM
	if (ImageHeaderPresent)
		source+=256;							// skip header if present
	volatile TUint16* pRam=(volatile TUint16*)source;
	volatile TUint16* pFlash=(volatile TUint16*)base;
	volatile TUint16* pFlashEnd=pFlash+(FlashImageSize>>1);

	InitProgressBar(1, FlashImageSize, _L("VERIFY"));
		if (*pFlash++ != *pRam++)
			PrintToScreen(_L("Verify error at byte %d (0x%x != 0x%x)\r\n"),
				((pFlash-1) - (volatile TUint16*)base) * 2, (*(pFlash-1)), (*(pRam-1)));

			PrintToScreen(_L("VERIFY %d"),(TInt)(pFlash-1));

		if (!((TUint32)pFlash % 0x400))

	PrintToScreen(_L("Verify complete\r\n"));

	if (FlashBootLoader)
		PrintToScreen(_L("Rebooting in %d Seconds...\r\n"), KRebootDelaySecs);

		InitProgressBar(1, KRebootDelaySecs, _L("DELAY "));
		for (TUint i=0 ; i<KRebootDelaySecs ; ++i)
			User::After(1000000);	// Sleep in millisecs
			UpdateProgressBar(1, i);
		UpdateProgressBar(1, KRebootDelaySecs);	// let it get to the end

	PrintToScreen(_L("Booting Image...\r\n"));
	Restart(KtRestartReasonBootRestart | KtRestartReasonNORImage);

	return 0;

GLDEF_C TInt InitFlashWrite()
	// start thread
	RThread t;
	TInt r=t.Create(KLitThreadName,FlashThread,0x2000,NULL,NULL);
	if (r!=KErrNone)
		return r;
	return KErrNone;