Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\common\x86\cmem.cia
#include "common.h"
#if defined(__MEM_MACHINE_CODED__)
extern "C" {
// See header file e32cmn.h for the in-source documentation.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TAny* memmove(TAny* /*aTrg*/, const TAny* /*aSrc*/, unsigned int /*aLength*/)
asm("push ebx");
asm("push esi");
asm("push edi");
asm("mov edi,[esp+16]");// destination address into edi
asm("mov esi,[esp+20]");// source address into esi
asm("mov ecx,[esp+24]");// byte count into ecx
asm("mov eax,edi"); // return value
asm("cld"); // assume forward copy initially
asm("test ecx,ecx"); //
asm("jz short memcopy0");// if length=0, nothing to do
asm("xor edx,edx"); //
asm("cmp edi,esi"); // compare source and dest addresses
asm("je short memcopy0");// if equal, nothing to do
asm("jc short memcopy1");// if dest<source, must go forwards
asm("std"); // else go backwards
asm("add esi,ecx"); // and start at end of block
asm("add edi,ecx"); //
asm("inc edx"); // edx=1 if backwards, 0 if forwards
asm("cmp ecx,16"); // if length<16 don't bother with alignment check
asm("jc short memcopy2");//
asm("mov ebx,edi"); // ebx = destination address
asm("and ebx,3"); // ebx bottom 2 bits = alignment of destination wrt hardware bus
asm("jz short memcopy3");// if aligned, proceed with block move
asm("or edx,edx"); // check direction of move
asm("jnz short memcopy4");// if backwards, ebx = number of byte moves to align destination
asm("neg ebx"); // else number of byte moves = 4-ebx
asm("add ebx,4"); //
asm("sub ecx,ebx"); // subtract number of bytes from length
asm("xchg ecx,ebx"); // temporarily put length in ebx
asm("sub edi,edx"); // adjust if backwards move
asm("sub esi,edx"); //
asm("rep movsb"); // move bytes to align destination
asm("add edi,edx"); // adjust if backwards move
asm("add esi,edx"); //
asm("mov ecx,ebx"); // length back into ecx
asm("mov ebx,ecx"); // save length in ebx
asm("shl edx,2"); // adjustment 4 for backwards move
asm("shr ecx,2"); // number of dwords to move into ecx
asm("sub edi,edx"); // adjust if backwards move
asm("sub esi,edx"); //
asm("rep movsd"); // perform DWORD block move
asm("add edi,edx"); // adjust if backwards move
asm("add esi,edx"); //
asm("mov ecx,ebx"); // length back into ecx
asm("and ecx,3"); // number of remaining bytes to move
asm("jz short memcopy0");// if zero, we are finished
asm("shr edx,2"); // adjustment 1 for backwards move
asm("memcopy2:"); // *** come here for small move
asm("sub edi,edx"); // adjust if backwards move
asm("sub esi,edx"); //
asm("rep movsb"); // move remaining bytes
asm("pop edi");
asm("pop esi");
asm("pop ebx");
asm("ret"); // finished - return value in EAX
// See header file e32cmn.h for the in-source documentation.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TAny* memcpy(TAny* /*aTrg*/, const TAny* /*aSrc*/, unsigned int /*aLength*/)
asm("jmp %a0": :"i"(&memmove));
// See header file e32cmn.h for the in-source documentation.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TAny* wordmove(TAny* /*aTrg*/, const TAny* /*aSrc*/, unsigned int /*aLength*/)
asm("push esi");
asm("push edi");
asm("mov edi,[esp+12]");// destination address into edi
asm("mov esi,[esp+16]");// source address into esi
asm("mov ecx,[esp+20]");// byte count into ecx
asm("mov eax,edi"); // return value
asm("cld"); //
asm("test ecx,ecx"); //
asm("jz short memmove0");// if length=0, nothing to do
asm("cmp edi,esi"); // compare source and dest addresses
asm("je short memmove0");// if equal, nothing to do
asm("jc short memmove1");// if dest<source, must go forwards
asm("std"); // else go backwards
asm("lea esi,[esi+ecx-4]"); // and start at end of block - 4
asm("lea edi,[edi+ecx-4]"); //
asm("shr ecx,2"); // ecx now contains number of dwords to move
asm("rep movsd"); // do dword block move
asm("pop edi");
asm("pop esi");
asm("ret"); // finished - return value in EAX
// See header file e32cmn.h for the in-source documentation.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TAny* memset(TAny* /*aTrg*/, TInt /*aValue*/, unsigned int /*aLength*/)
asm("push edi");
asm("mov edi,[esp+8]"); // destination address into edi
asm("mov al,[esp+12]"); // fill value into al
asm("mov ecx,[esp+16]");// number of bytes to fill into ecx
asm("push edi"); // save destination for return value
asm("cld"); // go forwards through array
asm("test ecx,ecx"); //
asm("jz short memfill0");// if length zero, nothing to do
asm("cmp ecx,8"); // if array very small, just do byte fills
asm("jb short memfill1");
asm("mov ah,al"); // repeat al in all bytes of eax
asm("movzx edx,ax"); //
asm("shl eax,16"); //
asm("or eax,edx"); //
asm("mov edx,ecx"); // length into edx
asm("mov ecx,4"); // number of byte fills to align = 4-[edi mod 4]
asm("sub ecx,edi"); //
asm("and ecx,3"); //
asm("jz short memfill2");// if already aligned, proceed to dword fill
asm("sub edx,ecx"); // subtract alignment bytes from length
asm("rep stosb"); // do byte fills to align
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // length remaining into ecx
asm("shr ecx,2"); // number of dwords to fill into ecx
asm("rep stosd"); // perform dword fill
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // calculate number of leftover bytes
asm("and ecx,3"); // in ecx
asm("jz short memfill0");// if none left, exit
asm("rep stosb"); // do byte fills to make up correct length
asm("pop eax"); // return value
asm("pop edi");
// See header file e32cmn.h for the in-source documentation.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TAny* memclr(TAny* /*aTrg*/, unsigned int /*aLength*/)
asm("push edi");
asm("mov edi,[esp+8]"); // destination address into edi
asm("mov ecx,[esp+12]");// number of bytes to fill into ecx
asm("xor eax, eax"); // fill value
asm("push edi"); // save destination for return value
asm("cld"); // go forwards through array
asm("test ecx,ecx"); //
asm("jz short memclr0");// if length zero, nothing to do
asm("cmp ecx,8"); // if array very small, just do byte fills
asm("jb short memclr1");
asm("mov edx,ecx"); // length into edx
asm("mov ecx,4"); // number of byte fills to align = 4-[edi mod 4]
asm("sub ecx,edi"); //
asm("and ecx,3"); //
asm("jz short memclr2");// if already aligned, proceed to dword fill
asm("sub edx,ecx"); // subtract alignment bytes from length
asm("rep stosb"); // do byte fills to align
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // length remaining into ecx
asm("shr ecx,2"); // number of dwords to fill into ecx
asm("rep stosd"); // perform dword fill
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // calculate number of leftover bytes
asm("and ecx,3"); // in ecx
asm("jz short memclr0");// if none left, exit
asm("rep stosb"); // do byte fills to make up correct length
asm("pop eax"); // return value
asm("pop edi");
//EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt Mem::Compare(const TUint8* /*aLeft*/, TInt /*aLeftL*/, const TUint8* /*aRight*/, TInt /*aRightL*/)
// {
// asm("jmp _memcompare");
// }
// See header file e32cmn.h for the in-source documentation.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt memcompare(const TUint8* /*aLeft*/, TInt /*aLeftL*/, const TUint8* /*aRight*/, TInt /*aRightL*/)
asm("push esi");
asm("push edi");
asm("mov esi,[esp+12]");// left buffer address into esi
asm("mov ecx,[esp+16]");// left buffer length into ecx
asm("mov edi,[esp+20]");// right buffer address into edi
asm("mov eax,[esp+24]");// right buffer length into eax
asm("mov edx,ecx"); // edx = left len
asm("cld"); // go forwards through arrays
asm("sub edx,eax"); // edx = [left len - right len]
asm("jbe short memcmp1");//
asm("mov ecx,eax"); // ecx = min[ left len, right len ]
asm("mov eax,edx"); // save length difference for later use
asm("test ecx,ecx"); //
asm("jz short memcmp0");// if length=0, nothing to compare
asm("cmp ecx,8"); // for small buffers don't bother with alignment check
asm("jc short memcmp2");//
asm("mov edx,ecx"); // comparison length into edx
asm("mov ecx,4"); // number of byte compares to align left ptr = 4-[esi mod 4]
asm("sub ecx,esi"); //
asm("and ecx,3"); // number of byte compares to align in ecx
asm("jz short memcmp3");// if already aligned, proceed with dword compare
asm("sub edx,ecx"); // subtract number of byte compares from length
asm("repe cmpsb"); // do byte compares to align
asm("jne short memcmp4");// if a difference was found, exit
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // length back into ecx
asm("shr ecx,2"); // number of dwords to compare
asm("repe cmpsd"); // perform DWORD block comparison
asm("je short memcmp5");// if no difference found, proceed with leftover bytes
asm("mov eax,[esi-4]"); // differing left dword into eax [first char in al]
asm("mov edx,[edi-4]"); // differing right dword into edx [first char in dl]
asm("cmp al,dl"); // compare 1st chars
asm("jne short memcmp7");// if difference found, exit
asm("cmp ah,dh"); // compare 2nd chars
asm("jne short memcmp6");// if difference found, exit
asm("shr eax,16"); // 3rd and 4th chars into al, ah respectively
asm("shr edx,16"); // 3rd and 4th chars into dl, dh respectively
asm("cmp al,dl"); // compare 3rd chars
asm("jne short memcmp7");// if difference found, exit, else 4th chars must differ
asm("mov al,ah"); // differing bytes into al and dl
asm("mov dl,dh"); //
asm("movzx eax,al"); // zero extend al into eax
asm("movzx edx,dl"); // zero extend dl into edx
asm("jmp short memcmp8");// and exit with eax = difference of bytes
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // length back into ecx
asm("and ecx,3"); // number of remaining bytes to compare
asm("jz short memcmp0");// if zero, exit with eax=length difference
asm("memcmp2:"); // *** come here for small buffers
asm("repe cmpsb"); // compare remaining bytes
asm("je short memcmp0");// if no difference found, exit with eax=length difference
asm("memcmp4:"); // *** come here if a byte has been compared and differs
asm("movzx eax,byte ptr [esi-1]");
asm("movzx edx,byte ptr [edi-1]");
asm("sub eax,edx"); // return value is difference of bytes
asm("memcmp0:"); // *** come here if common initial segment identical
asm("pop edi");
asm("pop esi");