Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\drivers\pbus\pccard\cis.h
// General definitions, applicable to multiple tuple types
const TUint8 KCisTplExt=0x80; // Extended tuple
const TUint8 KCisTplExponM=0x07; // Mask for exponent field.
const TUint8 KCisTplMantM=0x78; // Mask for mantisa field.
const TUint8 KCisTplMantFO=3; // Offset for mantisa field.
// Function Identification Tuple (KCisTplFuncId) - Function codes
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdMultiFunc=0x00;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdMemory=0x01;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdSerial=0x02;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdParallel=0x03;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdFixed=0x04;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdVideo=0x05;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdNetwork=0x06;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdAims=0x07;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdScsi=0x08;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdVendorSpecific=0xFE;
const TUint8 KCisTplFuncIdInvalid=0xFF;
// Configuration Tuple (KCisTplConfig)
const TUint8 KTpCcRaszM=0x03; // Mask for size of TPCC_RADR field.
const TUint8 KTpCcRaszFO=0; // Offset for size of TPCC_RADR field.
const TUint8 KTpCcRmszM=0x3C; // Mask for size of TPCC_RMSK field.
const TUint8 KTpCcRmszFO=2; // Offset for size of TPCC_RMSK field.
// Configuration Table Entry Tuple (KCisTplCfTableEntry)
const TUint8 KTpCeOptionM=0x3F; // Mask for Config. Option field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIsDefaultM=0x40; // Mask for Is Default field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIntfPresM=0x80; // Mask for interface present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIntfTypeM=0x0F; // Mask for interface type field.
const TUint8 KTpCeBvdM=0x10; // Mask for BVD active field
const TUint8 KTpCeWpM=0x20; // Mask for WP active field
const TUint8 KTpCeReadyM=0x40; // Mask for READY active field
const TUint8 KTpCeWaitM=0x80; // Mask for WAIT active field
const TUint8 KTpCePwrPresM=0x03; // Mask for Power present field.
const TUint8 KTpCePwrPresFO=0; // Offset for Power present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimPresM=0x04; // Mask for Timing present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimPresFO=2; // Offset for Timing present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoPresM=0x08; // Mask for IO space present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoPresFO=3; // Offset for IO space present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIrqPresM=0x10; // Mask for IRQ present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIrqPresFO=4; // Offset for IRQ present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemPresM=0x60; // Mask for Mem space present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemPresFO=5; // Offset for Mem space present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeMiscPresM=0x80; // Mask for Misc present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeMiscPresFO=7; // Offset for Misc present field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimWaitM=0x03; // Mask for wait timing field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimWaitFO=0; // Offset for wait timing field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimRdyM=0x1C; // Mask for ready timing field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimRdyFO=2; // Offset for ready timing field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimResM=0xE0; // Mask for reserved timing field.
const TUint8 KTpCeTimResFO=5; // Offset for reserved timing field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoLinesM=0x1F; // Mask for IOAddrLines field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoLinesFO=0; // Offset for IOAddrLines field.
const TUint8 KTpCeBus16_8M=0x60; // Mask for Bus16/8 field.
const TUint8 KTpCeBus16_8FO=5; // Offset for Bus16/8 field.
const TUint8 KTpCeRangePresM=0x80; // Mask for IO range field.
const TUint8 KTpCeRangePresFO=7; // Offset for IO range field.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoRangesM=0x0F; // Mask for number of IO ranges.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoRangesFO=0; // Offset for number of IO ranges.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoAddrSzM=0x30; // Mask for size of IO addr.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoAddrSzFO=4; // Offset for size of IO addr.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoAddrLenM=0xC0; // Mask for size of IO len.
const TUint8 KTpCeIoAddrLenFO=6; // Offset for size of IO len.
const TUint8 KTpCeIrqMaskM=0x10; // Mask for mask field in IRQ info.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemWindowsM=0x07; // Mask for number of memory windows.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemLenSzM=0x18; // Mask for size of each window len.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemLenSzFO=3; // Offset for size of each window len.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemAddrSzM=0x60; // Mask for size of each window addr.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemAddrSzFO=5; // Offset for size of each window addr.
const TUint8 KTpCeMemHostAddrM=0x80;// Mask for host address field
const TUint8 KTpCePwrDownM=0x20; // Mask for power down in Misc info.
// Device Information Tuples (KCisTplDevice,KCisTplDeviceA)
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeedM=0x07; // Mask for Device Speed field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeedNull=0;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeed250nS=1;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeed200nS=2;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeed150nS=3;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeed100nS=4;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSpeedExt=7;
const TUint8 KTpDiWpsM=0x08; // Mask for Write Prot. field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeM=0xF0; // Mask for Device Type field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeFO=4; // Offset for Device Type field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeNull=0;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeRom=1;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeOtprom=2;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeEprom=3;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeEeprom=4;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeFlash=5;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeSram=6;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeDram=7;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeFuncSpec=13;
const TUint8 KTpDiDTypeExtend=14;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSizeM=0x07; // Mask for Size Code field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDSizeFO=0; // Offset for Size Code field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDUnitsM=0xF8; // Mask for Num of Units field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDUnitsFO=3; // Offset for Num of Units field.
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize512=0;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize2K=1;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize8K=2;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize32K=3;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize128K=4;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize512K=5;
const TUint8 KTpDiDSize2M=6;
// Other Conditions Device Info. Tuples (KCisTplDeviceOC,KCisTplDeviceOA)
const TUint8 KTpDoMWaitM=0x01; // Mask for MWAIT field.
const TUint8 KTpDoVccUsedM=0x06; // Mask for VccUsed field.
const TUint8 KTpDoVccUsedFO=1; // Offset for VccUsed field.
const TInt KMaxTuplesPerCis=256;