author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\drivers\trace\btracec.cpp

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include "d32btrace.h"
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32atomics.h>

void Panic(TInt aPanicNum)

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::Open()
	TInt r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KBTraceLddName);
	if(r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
		return r;
	r = DoCreate( Name(), TVersion(), KNullUnit, NULL, NULL, EOwnerThread);
		r = OpenChunk();
	return r;

TInt RBTrace::OpenChunk()
	TInt r = iDataChunk.SetReturnedHandle(DoControl(EOpenBuffer));
		iBuffer = (TBTraceBuffer*)iDataChunk.Base();
	iLastGetDataSize = 0;
	return r;

void RBTrace::CloseChunk()
	iLastGetDataSize = 0;
	iBuffer = NULL;

EXPORT_C void RBTrace::Close()

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::BufferSize()
		return 0;
	return iBuffer->iEnd;

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::ResizeBuffer(TInt aSize)
	TInt r = DoControl(EResizeBuffer,(TAny*)aSize);
		r = OpenChunk();
	return r;

EXPORT_C void RBTrace::Empty()
	TBTraceBuffer* buffer = iBuffer;
	TUint32 mode = __e32_atomic_swp_acq32(&buffer->iMode, 0);	/* read original mode and disable trace */
	while(__e32_atomic_load_acq32(&buffer->iGeneration) & 1)	/* wait for trace handler to complete */
		{ /* should really __chill() but not available user side */ }
	buffer->iTail = buffer->iHead;
	__e32_atomic_store_ord32(&buffer->iMode, mode);

EXPORT_C TUint RBTrace::Mode()
	return iBuffer->iMode;

EXPORT_C void RBTrace::SetMode(TUint aMode)
	iLastGetDataSize = 0;
	__e32_atomic_store_ord32(&iBuffer->iMode, aMode);

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::SetFilter(TUint aCategory, TInt aValue)
	return (TInt)DoControl(ESetFilter,(TAny*)aCategory,(TAny*)aValue);

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::SetFilter2(TUint32 aUid, TBool aValue)
	return (TInt)DoControl(ESetFilter2,(TAny*)aUid,(TAny*)aValue);

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::SetFilter2(const TUint32* aUids, TInt aNumUids)
	return (TInt)DoControl(ESetFilter2Array,(TAny*)aUids,(TAny*)aNumUids);

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::SetFilter2(TInt aGlobalFilter)
	return DoControl(ESetFilter2Global,(TAny*)aGlobalFilter);

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::Filter2(TUint32*& aUids, TInt& aGlobalFilter)
	TInt count = (TInt)DoControl(EGetFilter2Part1,&aUids,&aGlobalFilter);
		aUids = 0;
		return count;
	aUids = (TUint32*)User::Alloc(count*sizeof(TUint32));
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return count;

EXPORT_C TInt RBTrace::GetData(TUint8*& aData)
	TInt size = iBuffer->GetData(aData);
	iLastGetDataSize = size;
	return size;

EXPORT_C void RBTrace::DataUsed()
	TBTraceBuffer* buffer = iBuffer;
		/* Make sure change to iTail is not observed before the trace data reads
			which preceded the call to this function. */
		buffer->iTail += iLastGetDataSize;
	iLastGetDataSize = 0;

EXPORT_C void RBTrace::RequestData(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aSize)
		aSize = 0;
	aStatus = KRequestPending;
	if(aSize || iBuffer->iHead==iBuffer->iTail)
		TRequestStatus* s = &aStatus;

EXPORT_C void RBTrace::CancelRequestData()

EXPORT_C TBool RBTrace::SetTimestamp2Enabled(TBool aEnable)
	return (TBool)DoControl(ESetTimestamp2Enabled, (TAny*)aEnable);

Find out how much data is available.
@param aData Set to the buffer offset where the available trace data is located.
@param aTail Set to the the original value of the iTail pointer
@return Number of bytes of trace data, or an error.
TInt TBTraceBuffer::Data(TUint& aData, TUint& aTail)
	TUint head, tail, wrap;
	TUint32 g0;
	TInt retries=64;
	do	{
		if (--retries<0)
			return KErrInUse;
		// sleep every 8 tries to give the write a chance
		if (retries&7==0)
		g0 = iGeneration;
		head = iHead;
		wrap = iWrap;
		tail = __e32_atomic_and_rlx32(&iTail, ~TUint32(1));
		} while(iGeneration!=g0 || (g0&1));	// repeat until we get a consistent set
	tail &= ~1;
	aTail = tail;
	TUint end = head;
	if (head<tail)
		end = wrap;
		if (tail>=end)
			tail = iStart;
			end = head;
	aData = tail;
	return end - tail;

Adjust trace data size so it represents a whole number of trace records.
@param aData The buffer offset where the available trace data is located.
@param aSize The size of data at aTail. Must be >= KMaxBTraceRecordSize.
@return An adjusted value for aSize.
TInt TBTraceBuffer::Adjust(TUint aData, TInt aSize)
	TInt adjustedSize = (aSize&~3) - KMaxBTraceRecordSize;
	if (adjustedSize<0)
	volatile TUint8* recordOffsets = (volatile TUint8*)this + iRecordOffsets;
	adjustedSize += recordOffsets[(aData+adjustedSize)>>2]<<2;
	if (adjustedSize>aSize)
	return adjustedSize;

Update the stored tail offset.
@param aOld The value which iTail is expected to have if no more overwrites have occurred
@param aNew The new value for iTail
@return aNew on success, 0 if the previous tail value had changed before we could update it.
TUint TBTraceBuffer::UpdateTail(TUint32 aOld, TUint32 aNew)
	if (__e32_atomic_cas_rel32(&iTail, &aOld, aNew))
		return aNew;	// if iTail==aOld, set iTail=aNew and return aNew
	return 0;	// else return 0

Copy data out of the main trace buffer into the 'copy buffer'.
This may fail if the data is overwritten before it hase been successfully copied.
@param aData The buffer offset where the available trace data is located.
@param aTail The value which iTail is expected to have if no more overwrites have occurred
@param aSize The size of data at aTail
@return The number of bytes successfully copied.
@post iBuffer.iTail has been updated to point to the trace record following those copied.
TInt TBTraceBuffer::CopyData(TUint aData, TUint aTail, TInt aSize)
	// clip size to copy buffer
	TInt maxSize = iCopyBufferSize;
	if (aSize>maxSize)
		aSize = Adjust(aData,maxSize);

	if (iTail & 1)
		return 0; // give up if data we're about to copy has been overwritten

	memcpy((TUint8*)this+iCopyBuffer, (TUint8*)this+aData, aSize);

	if (!UpdateTail(aTail, aData+aSize))
		return 0;

	return aSize;

Get pointer to as much contiguous trace data as is available.
@param aData Pointer to the first byte of trace data.
@return The number of bytes of trace data available at aData.
TInt TBTraceBuffer::GetData(TUint8*& aData)
	TInt retries = 4;

	// get availabe data...
	TUint data, tail;
	TInt size = Data(data, tail);
	if (!size)
		return size; // no data available

	if (!(iMode & RBTrace::EFreeRunning))
		// if we got an error from Data but aren't in free-running mode, something has
		// been interrupting the writing thread for some time while it has interrupts
		// turned off. give up.
		if (size<0)
			return 0;
		// were not in free-running mode, so we can leave the data where it is...
		aData = (TUint8*)this + data;
		iTail = data;	// OK since iTail never updated by kernel in this mode
		return size;

	// if we couldn't get a consistent snapshot of the pointers, we need to disable
	// free running, otherwise we will stall for a very long time.
	if (size==KErrInUse)
		goto giveup;

	// copy data to the copy buffer...
	aData = (TUint8*)this + iCopyBuffer;
	size = CopyData(data, tail, size);
	if (size)
		return size; // success

	// data copy failed because new data was added during copy; this happens when the buffer
	// is full, so now we'll attempt to discard data to give us some breathing space...
		// see what data is available...
		size = Data(data, tail);
		if (!size)
			return size; // no data in buffer (shouldn't happen because buffer was full to start with)
		if (size==KErrInUse)
			goto giveup;

		// discard a proportion of the data...
		TInt discard = iCopyBufferSize>>retries;
		if (discard>=size)
			discard = size;
			discard = Adjust(data, discard); // make sure we only discard a whole number of trace records
		size -= discard;
		data = UpdateTail(tail, data+discard);
		if (!data)
			continue;	// tail was updated before we could discard, so try again
		if (!size)
			continue;	// we discarded everything - make sure and then exit

		// try and copy remaining data...
		size = CopyData(data, data, size);
		if (size)
			break; // success!

		// loop around for another go, discard more this time

	if (!size)
		// we haven't managed to copy data, so give up and do it with free-running mode off...
		TUint32 mode = __e32_atomic_and_acq32(&iMode, ~(TUint32)RBTrace::EFreeRunning);	/* read original mode and disable free running */
		size = Data(data, tail);
		// as above: if we get an error here then something has been interrupting the writer
		// for an unreasonable time, give up.
		if (size<0)
			return 0;
		size = CopyData(data, tail, size);
		__e32_atomic_store_ord32(&iMode, mode);	/* restore original mode */

	// we discarded some data, so mark first trace record to indicate that some records are missing...
	aData[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] |= BTrace::EMissingRecord;

	return size;