Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\drivers\comm.inl
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without noticed. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
This function informs the power model about the electrical current requirements.
@param aCurrent The required electrical current.
inline void DComm::SetCurrent(TInt aCurrent)
{ iLdd->iPowerHandler->SetCurrentConsumption(aCurrent); }
Handles the received character block from the ISR.
@param aChar points to received characters.
@param aCount number of characters received.
@param aXonXoff =1 if XON received, -1 if XOFF received, 0 if neither.
inline void DComm::ReceiveIsr(TUint* aChar, TInt aCount, TInt aXonXoff)
{ iLdd->ReceiveIsr(aChar,aCount,aXonXoff); }
Fetches the next character to be transmitted in an ISR.
@return The character to be transmitted.
inline TInt DComm::TransmitIsr()
{ return iLdd->TransmitIsr(); }
Checks the progress of transmission against the transmit buffer in the LDD.
inline void DComm::CheckTxBuffer()
{ iLdd->CheckTxBuffer(); }
Handles a state change in an ISR.
@param aSignals State change communicated by the ISR.
For Example: CTS, DSR, DCD, RNG
inline void DComm::StateIsr(TUint aSignals)
{ iLdd->StateIsr(aSignals); }
Checks the status of transmission.
@return ETrue if it transmitting chars, EFalse otherwise.
inline TBool DComm::Transmitting()
{ return iTransmitting; }
inline TBool DChannelComm::AreAnyPending() const
// Return TRUE if any requests are pending.
return (iRxBufReq.iBuf || iTxBufReq.iBuf);
inline TBool DChannelComm::IsTerminator(TUint8 aChar)
{ return (iTerminatorMask[aChar>>3]&(1<<(aChar&7))); }
inline void DChannelComm::SetTerminator(TUint8 aChar)
{ iTerminatorMask[aChar>>3] |= (1<<(aChar&7)); }
inline TInt DChannelComm::RxCount()
{ TInt r=iRxPutIndex-iRxGetIndex; return(r>=0 ? r : r+iRxBufSize); }
inline TInt DChannelComm::TxCount()
{ TInt r=iTxPutIndex-iTxGetIndex; return(r>=0 ? r : r+iTxBufSize); }
inline void DChannelComm::EnableTransmit()
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->EnableTransmit(); }
inline TInt DChannelComm::IsLineFail(TUint aFailSignals)
{ return(~iSignals & aFailSignals); }
inline void DChannelComm::SetStatus(TState aStatus)
{ iStatus=aStatus; }
inline TInt DChannelComm::PddStart()
{ return ((DComm*)iPdd)->Start(); }
inline void DChannelComm::Stop(TStopMode aMode)
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->Stop(aMode); }
inline void DChannelComm::PddBreak(TBool aState)
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->Break(aState); }
inline TUint DChannelComm::Signals() const
{ return ((DComm*)iPdd)->Signals(); }
inline void DChannelComm::SetSignals(TUint aSetMask,TUint aClearMask)
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->SetSignals(aSetMask,aClearMask); }
inline TInt DChannelComm::ValidateConfig(const TCommConfigV01 &aConfig) const
{ return ((DComm*)iPdd)->ValidateConfig(aConfig); }
inline void DChannelComm::PddConfigure(TCommConfigV01 &aConfig)
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->Configure(aConfig); }
inline void DChannelComm::PddCaps(TDes8 &aCaps) const
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->Caps(aCaps); }
inline void DChannelComm::PddCheckConfig(TCommConfigV01& aConfig)
{ ((DComm*)iPdd)->CheckConfig(aConfig); }
inline TBool DChannelComm::Transmitting()
{ return ((DComm*)iPdd)->iTransmitting; }