Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// Ethernet.h
/** @file ethernet.h
Base classes for implementating ethernet support (Kernel-side only)
#ifndef __ETHERNET_H__
#define __ETHERNET_H__
#include <platform.h>
#include <d32ethernet.h>
#include <e32ver.h>
/** @addtogroup enet Ethernet Drivers
* Kernel Ethernet Support
/** @addtogroup enet_ldd Driver LDD's
* @ingroup enet
const TInt KEthernetMajorVersionNumber = 1;
const TInt KEthernetMinorVersionNumber = 0;
const TInt KEthernetBuildVersionNumber = KE32BuildVersionNumber;
const TInt KTxWorkBudgetLimit = 10;
// Card Rx constants.
const TInt KNumRXBuffers = 40;
const TInt KIRQWorkBudgetLimit = 4;
const TInt KRxWorkBudgetLimit = 6;
const TInt KMaxEthernetPacket = 1518;
const TUint16 CRC_LEN = 4;
/** @addtogroup enet_pdd Driver PDD's
* @ingroup enet
* @{
Different Stop Modes
enum TStopMode
EStopNormal, /**< Finish sending and then stop */
EStopEmergency /**< Just stop now */
class DChannelEthernet;
Ethernet driver base class
The base class for an ethernet driver that doesn't support power control
class DEthernet : public DBase
* Start receiving frames
* @return KErrNone if driver started
virtual TInt Start() =0;
* Stop receiving frames
* @param aMode The stop mode
virtual void Stop(TStopMode aMode) =0;
* Validate a new config
* Validates a new configuration should be called before Configure
* @param aConfig is the configuration to be validated
* @return ETrue or EFalse if the Configuration is allowed
* @see Configure()
virtual TInt ValidateConfig(const TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig) const =0;
* Configure the device
* Reconfigure the device using the new configuration supplied.
* This should not change the MAC address.
* @param aConfig The new configuration
* @see ValidateConfig()
* @see MacConfigure()
virtual TInt Configure(TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig) =0;
* Change the MAC address
* Attempt to change the MAC address of the device
* @param aConfig A Configuration containing the new MAC
* @see Configure()
virtual void MacConfigure(TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig) =0;
* Get the current config from the chip
* This returns the current configuration of the chip with the folling fields
* The Transmit Speed
* The Duplex Setting
* The MAC address
* @param aConfig is a TEthernetConfigV01 referance that will be filled in
virtual void GetConfig(TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig) const =0;
* Check a configuration
* @param aConfig a reference to the structure TEthernetConfigV01 with configuration to check
virtual void CheckConfig(TEthernetConfigV01& aConfig)=0;
* Querie the device's capibilitys
* @param aCaps To be filled in with the capibilites
virtual void Caps(TDes8 &aCaps) const =0;
* Transmit data
* @param aBuffer referance to the data to be sent
* @return KErrNone if the data has been sent
virtual TInt Send(TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> &aBuffer) =0;
* Retrieve data from the device
* Pull the received data out of the device and into the supplied buffer.
* Need to be told if the buffer is OK to use as if it not we could dump
* the waiting frame in order to clear the interrupt if necessory.
* @param aBuffer Referance to the buffer to be used to store the data in
* @param okToUse Bool to indicate if the buffer is usable
* @return KErrNone if the buffer has been filled.
virtual TInt ReceiveFrame(TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> &aBuffer,
TBool okToUse) =0;
* Disables all IRQ's
* @return The IRQ level before it was changed
* @see RestoreIrqs()
virtual TInt DisableIrqs()=0;
* Restore the IRQ's to the supplied level
* @param aIrq The level to set the irqs to.
* @see DisableIrqs()
virtual void RestoreIrqs(TInt aIrq)=0;
* Return the DFC Queue that this device should use
* @param aUnit The Channel number
* @return Then DFC Queue to use
virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit)=0;
* The Receive Isr for the device
inline void ReceiveIsr();
virtual TInt BgeChipIOCtrl(TPckgBuf<TChipIOInfo> &aIOData)=0;
* A pointer to the logical device drivers channel that owns this device
DChannelEthernet * iLdd ;
/** @} */ // End of pdd group
* @addtogroup enet_ldd_nopm_nopccard Ethernet LDD Not PCMCIA and No Power Managment
* @ingroup enet_ldd
* @ingroup enet_misa
* @ingroup enet_wins
* @{
Ethernet logical device
The class representing the ethernet logical device
class DDeviceEthernet : public DLogicalDevice
* The constructor
* Install the device
virtual TInt Install();
* Get the Capabilites of the device
* @param aDes descriptor that will contain the returned capibilites
virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
* Create a logical channel to the device
virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
Stores the Tx and RX buffers for use in a ethernet logical channel
class DChannelEthernetFIFO
* The TX Buffer
TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> iTxBuf;
* The constructor
* The destructor
* Get a empty receive buffer
* @return NULL or a pointer to the free buffer
TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> * GetFree();
* Get the next full buffer
* @return NULL or a pointer to the full buffer
TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> * GetNext();
* Move on to the next full buffer
void SetNext();
* The array of receive buffers
TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> iRxBuf[KNumRXBuffers];
* Index into the array of the next full buffer
TInt iRxQueIterNext;
* Index into the array of the next empty buffer
TInt iRxQueIterFree;
* Count of the number of empty buffers
TInt iNumFree;
The logical channel for ethernet devices
The basic ethernet logical channel that doesn't support
power control or PCCard ethernet devices
class DChannelEthernet : public DLogicalChannel
* The state of the logical channel
enum TState
EOpen, /**< The channel is open */
EActive, /**< The channel is open and busy */
EClosed /**< The channel is closed */
* Requests that can be made on the channel
enum TRequest
ERx=1, /**< Receive a frame */
ETx=2, /**< Transmit a frame */
EAll=0xff /**< Complete/cancel all outstanding requests */
* The constructor
* The destructor
* The ISR function for the channel
* This is called by the pycical channels ISR when data is received
* It passes a empty buffer to the PDD for it to store the frame in
virtual void ReceiveIsr();
* Create a logical ethernet channel
* @param aUnit The channel number to create
* @param anInfo not used, can be NULL
* @param aVer The minimun driver version allowed
* @return KErrNone if channel created
virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
* Handle a message from the channels user
* @param aMsg The message to handle
virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
* Cancel an outstanding request
* @param aMask A mask containing the requests to be canceled
void DoCancel(TInt aMask);
* Preform a control operation on the channel
* Control operations are:
* - Get the current configuration
* - Configure the channel
* - Set the MAC address for the channel
* - Get the capibilities of the channel
* @param aId The operation to preform
* @param a1 The data to use with the operation
* @param a2 can be NULL - not used
* @return KErrNone if operation done
TInt DoControl(TInt aId, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
* Preform an asynchros operation on the channel
* Operations are:
* - Read data from the channel
* - Write data to the channel
* @param aId The operation to perform
* @param aStatus The status object to use when complete
* @param a1 The data to use
* @param a2 The length of the data to use
* @return KErrNone if operation started ok
* @see Complete()
TInt DoRequest(TInt aId, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
//Override sendMsg to copy clients memory in client context for WDP.
virtual TInt SendMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
TInt SendControl(TMessageBase* aMsg);
TInt SendRequest(TMessageBase* aMsg);
* Start the channel receiving
void Start();
* Shutdown the channel
void Shutdown();
* Complete an RX request
* Is run as the RX DFC and reads a buffer from the receive FIFO into
* the users buffer
void DoCompleteRx();
* Completes an outstanding request
* @param aMask Specifies what request to complete
* @param aReason The reason the request is complete
* @see DoRequest()
void Complete(TInt aMask, TInt aReason);
* Disables all IRQ's
* @return The IRQ level before it was changed
* @see RestoreIrqs()
inline TInt DisableIrqs();
* Restore the IRQ's to the supplied level
* @param aIrq The level to set the irqs to.
* @see DisableIrqs()
inline void RestoreIrqs(TInt aIrq);
* Calls the PDD's start method
* @return KErrNone if the PDD started ok
inline TInt PddStart();
* Calls the PDD's Validate method
* @param aConfig The configuration to be validated
* @return KErrNone if config is valid
inline TInt ValidateConfig(const TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig) const;
* Calls the PDD's Configure method
* Should call Validate first
* Will not change the MAC address
* @param aConfig The new configuration
* @see ValidateConfig()
inline void PddConfigure(TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig);
* Calls the PDD's MacConfigure method
* Will not change anything but the MAC address
* @param aConfig A configuration containing the new MAC address
inline void MacConfigure(TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig);
* Calls the PDD's ChheckConfig Method
* @param aConfig The config to check
inline void PddCheckConfig(TEthernetConfigV01 &aConfig);
* Calls the PDD's get capibilities method
* @param aCaps Filled in with the PDD capibilites on return
inline void PddCaps(TDes8 &aCaps) const;
* Sends data using the PDD
* @param aBuffer A referance to a buffer to be sent
* @return KErrNone if buffer sent
inline TInt PddSend(TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> &aBuffer);
* Receive a frame from the PDD
* @param aBuffer A referance to the buffer that the frame is to be put in
* @param okToUse Flag to say if the buffer is valid
* @return KErrNone if the buffer now contains a frame
inline TInt PddReceive(TBuf8<KMaxEthernetPacket+32> &aBuffer, TBool okToUse);
* The DFC called by the kernel
* @param aPtr A pointer to the channel object
static void CompleteRxDfc(TAny* aPtr);
* Start a read request
* @param aRxDes The buffer to be filled with data
* @param aLength The max size frame that can fit in the buffer
void InitiateRead(TAny* aRxDes, TInt aLength);
* Start a write request
* @param aTxDes The buffer containing the frame to be sent
* @param aLength The length of the frame to be sent
void InitiateWrite(TAny* aTxDes, TInt aLength);
* Validates and set a new configuration
* @param c The configuration to try
* @return KErrNone if new configuration set
TInt SetConfig(TEthernetConfigV01& c);
* Validates and sets a new MAC address
* @param c The configuration containing the MAC to be set
* @return KErrNone if the MAC is set ok
TInt SetMAC(TEthernetConfigV01& c);
* The current channel configuration
TEthernetConfigV01 iConfig;
* Pointer to the client thread
DThread* iClient;
* Current state of the LDD
TState iStatus;
* The receive complete DFC
TDfc iRxCompleteDfc;
* Records if the channel is being shutdown
TBool iShutdown; // ETrue means device is being closed
* The length of the clients buffer
TInt iRxLength;
* The TX and RX buffers
DChannelEthernetFIFO iFIFO;
//Read request to store user request status for WDP
TClientBufferRequest* iReadRequest;
//Read buffer to pin client buffer in client context for WDP
TClientBuffer* iClientReadBuffer;
//Write request to store user request status for WDP
TClientRequest* iWriteRequest;
TPckgBuf<TChipIOInfo> iChipInfo;
/** @} */
#include <drivers/ethernet.inl>