Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// Resmanus.h
// Base classes for implementating power resource support (Kernel-side only)
#ifndef __RESMANUS_H__
#define __RESMANUS_H__
#include <platform.h>
#include <d32resmanus.h>
#include <drivers/resourcecontrol.h> // For class DResourceController
#include <e32ver.h>
#include <e32des8.h> // for HBufC8
// Use the following macro for debug output of request-tracking information
// #define _DUMP_TRACKERS
const TInt KResManUsMajorVersionNumber = 1;
const TInt KResManUsMinorVersionNumber = 0;
const TInt KResManUsBuildVersionNumber = KE32BuildVersionNumber;
const TInt KMaxNumChannels = 4; // Limit for the number of channels to be open
const TInt KNumClientNamesResCtrl = 10; // Default number for kernel plus user side clients
const TInt KNumClientNamesUserSide = 10; // Sized as above (client may have PlatSec capabilities for access)
const TInt KNumResourceInfoResCtrl = 25; // To contain object types used by Resource Controller
const TInt KNumResourceInfoUserSide = 25; // To contain object types used by Client
const TInt KNumResourceDependencies = 5; // Default number of dependencies for a resource
const TUint8 KAllResInfoStored = 0xff;
const TUint8 KAllClientInfoStored = 0xff;
enum TAsyncOpType
#define USER_SIDE_CLIENT_BIT_MASK 0x4000 //Bit 14
class DChannelResManUs;
Classes used to track client usage
class TTrackingControl
DChannelResManUs* iOwningChannel;
SDblQue* iFreeQue;
SDblQue* iBusyQue;
TAsyncOpType iType;
TUint8 iReserved1; // reserved for future expansion
TUint8 iReserved2; // reserved for future expansion
TUint8 iReserved3; // reserved for future expansion
class TTrackingBuffer : public SDblQueLink
inline void SetTrackingControl(TTrackingControl* aControl){iTrackingControl=aControl;};
inline TTrackingControl* GetTrackingControl(){return iTrackingControl;};
inline TUint GetResourceId(){return iResourceId;};
inline void SetResourceId(TUint aResourceId){iResourceId=aResourceId;};
inline SDblQue* GetQue() {return iQue;};
inline void SetQue(SDblQue* aQue) {iQue=aQue;};
TTrackingControl* iTrackingControl;
SDblQue* iQue;
TUint iResourceId;
class TTrackGetStateBuf : public TTrackingBuffer
TTrackGetStateBuf(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr,
TDfcQue* aQue, TInt aPriority);
TPowerResourceCb iCtrlBlock;
TClientDataRequest2<TInt,TInt>* iRequest;
class TTrackSetStateBuf : public TTrackingBuffer
TTrackSetStateBuf(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr,
TDfcQue* aQue, TInt aPriority);
TPowerResourceCb iCtrlBlock;
TClientRequest* iRequest;
class TTrackNotifyBuf : public TTrackingBuffer
TTrackNotifyBuf(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr,
TDfcQue* aQue, TInt aPriority);
DPowerResourceNotification iNotifyBlock;
TClientRequest* iRequest;
Power resource logical device
The class representing the power resource logical device
class DDeviceResManUs : public DLogicalDevice
* The constructor
* The destructor
* Second stage constructor - install the device
virtual TInt Install();
* Get the Capabilites of the device
* @param aDes descriptor that will contain the returned capibilites
virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
* Create a logical channel to the device
virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
TDfcQue* iSharedDfcQue; // To allow access from device entry point
TDynamicDfcQue* iSharedDfcQue; // To allow LDD unload/re-load in testing
// The logical channel for power resource devices
class DChannelResManUs : public DLogicalChannel
* The constructor
* The destructor
// Helper methods
TInt RequestUserHandle(DThread* aThread, TOwnerType aType);
void FreeTrackingBuffer(TTrackingBuffer*& aBuffer);
inline TInt ClientHandle() {return iClientHandle;};
* Create a logical power resource channel
* @param aUnit The channel number to create
* @param anInfo not used, can be NULL
* @param aVer The minimun driver version allowed
* @return KErrNone if channel created
virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
* Handle a message from the channels user
* @param aMsg The message to handle
virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg); // Note: this is a pure virtual in DLogicalChannel
virtual TInt SendMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
TInt SendControl(TMessageBase* aMsg);
TInt SendRequest(TMessageBase* aMsg);
* Cancel an outstanding request
* @param aMask A mask containing the requests to be canceled
void DoCancel(TInt aMask); // Name for convenience!
* Preform a control operation on the channel
* Control operations are:
* - Get the current configuration
* - Configure the channel
* - Set the MAC address for the channel
* - Get the capibilities of the channel
* @param aId The operation to preform
* @param a1 The data to use with the operation
* @param a2 can be NULL - not used
* @return KErrNone if operation done
TInt DoControl(TInt aId, TAny* a1, TAny* a2); // Name for convenience!
* Preform an asynchros operation on the channel
* Operations are:
* - Read data from the channel
* - Write data to the channel
* @param aId The operation to perform
* @param aStatus The status object to use when complete
* @param a1 The data to use
* @param a2 The length of the data to use
* @return KErrNone if operation started ok
* @see Complete()
TInt DoRequest(TInt aId, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2); // Name for convenience!
inline void SetClientHandle(TInt aHandle) {iClientHandle=aHandle;};
TInt InitTrackingControl(TTrackingControl*& aTracker, TUint8 aType, TUint8 aNumBuffers);
void GetNumCandidateAsyncResources(TUint& aNumResources);
TInt GetCandidateAsyncResourceId(TUint aIndex, TUint& aResourceId);
void GetNumCandidateSharedResources(TUint& aNumResources);
TInt GetCandidateSharedResourceId(TUint aIndex, TUint& aResourceId);
static void RegistrationDfcFunc(TAny* aChannel);
TInt RegisterWithResCtrlr();
TInt GetValidName(const TDesC8* aInfo);
void RemoveTrackingControl(TTrackingControl*& aTracker);
TInt GetAndInitTrackingBuffer(TTrackingControl*& aTracker, TTrackingBuffer*& aBuffer, TUint aResourceId, TRequestStatus* aStatus);
TInt GetStateBuffer(TTrackingControl*& aTracker, TTrackingBuffer*& aBuffer, TUint aResourceId, TInt *aState, TInt* aLevelOwnerPtr, TPowerResourceCb*& aCb, TRequestStatus* aStatus);
TTrackingControl* MapRequestToTracker(TInt aRequestType);
TInt CancelTrackerRequests(TTrackingControl* aTracker,TBool aSingleRsrc, TUint aResourceId, TRequestStatus* aStatus);
TInt CancelRequestsOfType(TInt aRequestType, TRequestStatus* aStatus);
TInt EnsureSizeIsSufficient(HBuf*& aBuffer, TInt aMinSize);
TInt ExtractResourceInfo(const TPowerResourceInfoV01* aPwrResInfo, TResourceInfoBuf& aInfo);
TInt DumpResource(const TPowerResourceInfoV01* aResource);
TInt DumpTracker(TTrackingControl* aTracker);
void CheckForCandidateAsyncResource(TPowerResourceInfoV01* aResource);
void CheckForCandidateSharedResource(TPowerResourceInfoV01* aResource);
typedef void ClientCopyFunc(TDes8*, const TPowerClientInfoV01*);
// Registration and identification support
DThread* iClient;
DPowerResourceController* iPddPtr;
NFastMutex iBufferFastMutex;
NFastSemaphore *iFastSem;
TInt iClientHandle;
TUint iNameProvidedLength;
HBuf8* iUserNameUsed;
// Support for usage tracking
TTrackingControl *iGetStateTracker;
TTrackingControl *iSetStateTracker;
TTrackingControl *iListenableTracker;
// Buffers to support acquisition of resource and client information
HBuf8* iClientNamesResCtrl; // Stores client information
TUint iClientInfoStoredResId; // The ID of the resource for which the data is stored (none=0, all=KAllClientInfoStored)
TUint iClientInfoStoredNum; // The number of clients for which data is stored
HBuf8* iResourceInfoResCtrl; // Stores resource information
TUint iResInfoStoredClientId; // The ID of the client for which the data is stored (none=0, all=KAllResInfoStored)
TUint iResInfoStoredNum; // The number of resources for which data is stored
HBuf8* iResourceDependencyIds; // To contain the identifiers for resource dependencies
TUint iNumResDepsStored;
// Support for testing
TBool iHaveLongLatencyResource;
// Array for candidate resources to use for testing
TUint iNoCandidateAsyncRes;
TUint iNoCandidateSharedRes;
// 8-bit values, placed here to aid size management
TUint8 iClientInfoValid; // To indicate if a valid set of client data is stored
TUint8 iResInfoValid; // To indicate if a valid set of resource data is stored
TUint8 iResDepsValid; // Guard flag for the RArray
TUint8 iReserved1; // reserved for future expansion