author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\drivers\resource.h
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
//          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
//          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.

#ifndef __RESOURCE_H__
#define __RESOURCE_H__
#include <kernel/kernel.h>
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
#include <drivers/resourcecontrol_trace.h>
#include <drivers/resource_category.h>

//Definition for resource flag setting. Used by PSL.
static const TUint KTypeMask= 0x3;
static const TUint KUsageOffset=0x1F;
static const TUint KLongLatencySetOffset=0x1E;
static const TUint KLongLatencyGetOffset=0x1D;
static const TUint KClassOffset=0x1C;
static const TUint KSenseOffset=0x1A;
static const TUint KShared=0x1<<KUsageOffset;
static const TUint KLongLatencySet=0x1<<KLongLatencySetOffset;
static const TUint KLongLatencyGet=0x1<<KLongLatencyGetOffset;
static const TUint KLogical=0x1<<KClassOffset;
static const TUint KSenseNegative=0x01<<KSenseOffset;
static const TUint KSenseCustom=0x2<<KSenseOffset;

struct TPowerRequest;
struct SIdleResourceInfo;

 * List of operations that a Custom Function may be informed of. 
 * @publishedPartner
 * @prototype 9.5
enum TCustomOperation
	Client has requested the given level.

	Client has relinquished the given level.
	Client is changing the level.
	A dynamic resource is being deregistered.

 *  Function prototype for the Custom Function.
 *  @publishedPartner
 *  @prototype 9.5
typedef TBool (*TCustomFunction) (TInt& /*aClientId*/,
								  const TDesC8& /*aClientName*/,
                                  TUint /*aResourceId*/,
                                  TCustomOperation /*aCustomOperation*/,
                                  TInt& /*aLevel*/,
                                  TAny* /*aLevelList*/,
                                  TAny* /*aReserved*/);  // For future use

@prototype 9.5
class to represent static resources
class DStaticPowerResource : public DBase
    enum TType {EBinary = EResBinary, EMultilevel, EMultiProperty};
    enum TUsage {ESingleUse = EResSingleUse, EShared};
    enum TLatency {EInstantaneous = EResInstantaneous, ELongLatency};
    enum TClass {EPhysical = EResPhysical, ELogical};
    enum TSense {EPositive = EResPositive, ENegative, ECustom};
    //exported to allow construction from other base port components.
    IMPORT_C DStaticPowerResource(const TDesC8& aName, TInt aDefaultLevel);
    IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetInfo(TDes8* aInfo)const;
    inline void SetCustomFunction(TCustomFunction aCustomFunction)

    //private data inlined accessors
    TType Type() const {return TType(iFlags&KTypeMask);}
    TClass Class() const {return TClass((iFlags>>KClassOffset)&0x1);}
    TUsage Usage() const {return TUsage((iFlags>>KUsageOffset)&0x1);}
    TLatency LatencyGet() const
             {return TLatency((iFlags>>KLongLatencyGetOffset)&0x1);}
    TLatency LatencySet() const
             {return TLatency((iFlags>>KLongLatencySetOffset)&0x1);}
    TSense Sense() const {return TSense((iFlags>>KSenseOffset)&0x3);}
    //pure virtual function to be implement by PSL
    virtual TInt DoRequest(TPowerRequest& aRequest)=0;
	HBuf8* iName;
    TInt iPostBootLevel;
	TInt iDefaultLevel;
    TInt iCachedLevel;
	TUint iResourceId;
    SDblQue iNotificationList;
    SDblQue iClientList;
    TCustomFunction iCustomFunction;
    TInt iLevelOwnerId;
    SIdleResourceInfo* iIdleListEntry;
    TUint iFlags;
    friend class DPowerResourceController;

typedef void (*TPowerResourceCbFn)(TUint /*aClientId*/,
                                   TUint /*aResourceId*/,
                                   TInt /*aLevel*/,
								   TInt /*aLevelOwnerId*/,
                                   TInt /*aResult*/,
                                   TAny* /*aParam*/);

@prototype 9.5
An object of this type prepresents a customised Dfc
used to signal completion of the resource manager's asynchronous APIs
and completion of notifications
@see TPowerResourceManager
class TPowerResourceCb : public TDfc
	inline TPowerResourceCb(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr, TInt aPriority) : TDfc(DfcFunc, this, aPriority), 
		                                                            iParam(aPtr), iCallback(aFn){ }
	inline TPowerResourceCb(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr, TDfcQue* aQue, TInt aPriority):  
	                              TDfc(DfcFunc, this, aQue, aPriority), iParam(aPtr), iCallback(aFn) { }
    inline static void DfcFunc(TAny* aPtr)
        TPowerResourceCb* pCb = (TPowerResourceCb*) aPtr;
	    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">TPowerResourceCb::DfcFunc ClientId = 0x%x, ResourceId = %d, Level = %d, \
			                    LevelOwnerId = %d, Result = %d", pCb->iClientId, pCb->iResourceId, pCb->iLevel, \
								pCb->iLevelOwnerId, pCb->iResult));
	    // Call the client specified callback function
        pCb->iCallback(pCb->iClientId, pCb->iResourceId, pCb->iLevel, pCb->iLevelOwnerId, pCb->iResult, pCb->iParam);
		pCb->iResult = KErrCompletion; //Mark the callback object to act properly during cancellation of this request.
    TAny* iParam; //Stores the aPtr argument passed in the constructor, to be passed as 5th argument to the callback function
    TInt iResult; //Used to store the result aswell as binary usage count for the callback
    TInt iLevel; // Level of the resource
	TInt iLevelOwnerId; // Stores owner of the resource for asynchronous get operation
    TUint iResourceId; //Stores the ID of the resource whose state is changed/read asynchronously
    TUint iClientId; //Stores the ID of the client that requested the asynchronous operation
    TPowerResourceCbFn iCallback; //Callback function object
    friend class DPowerResourceController;

@prototype 9.5
Notifications class. Conditional and unconditional notifications are encapsulated in this class. 
It uses TPowerResourceCb to perform the actual notification call.
@see TPowerResourceCb
class DPowerResourceNotification : public DBase
    enum TType {EUnconditional, EConditional};
	enum TResNotiPanic {ENotificationObjectStillInList = 25}; 
	inline DPowerResourceNotification(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr, TInt aPriority): 
	                                                 iCallback(aFn, aPtr, aPriority) {}
	inline DPowerResourceNotification(TPowerResourceCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr, TDfcQue* aQue, TInt aPriority) : 
	                                                 iCallback(aFn, aPtr, aQue, aPriority) {}
	inline ~DPowerResourceNotification() 
			Kern::Fault("Power Resource Controller", ENotificationObjectStillInList);
	TInt iPreviousLevel; //Previous level of the resource. This is used for checking the threshold condition
	TUint8 iRegistered;
    TUint8 iType; // the type of notification required (conditional or unconditional).
    TUint16 iOwnerId; // the bottom 16 bits of the Id of the client which requested the notification
    TInt iThreshold; // the threshold which when crossed on a specified direction will cause a notification to be issued.
    TBool iDirection; // the direction of the resource change that together with the threshold to be crossed will result in the notification
    TPowerResourceCb iCallback; //Callback object associated with this notification
    SDblQueLink iNotificationLink; 
    DPowerResourceNotification* iNextInClient;
    friend class DPowerResourceController;

@prototype 9.5
class to represent resource properties
class TPowerResourceInfoV01
    DStaticPowerResource::TClass iClass;
    DStaticPowerResource::TLatency iLatencyGet;
    DStaticPowerResource::TLatency iLatencySet;
    DStaticPowerResource::TType iType;
    DStaticPowerResource::TUsage iUsage;
    DStaticPowerResource::TSense iSense;
    TDesC8* iResourceName;
    TUint iResourceId;
    TInt iDefaultLevel;  
    TInt iMinLevel;      //PSL mandatory field
    TInt iMaxLevel;      //PSL mandatory field
	TInt iReserved1;	 //Reserved for future use.	
	TInt iReserved2;	 //Reserved for future use.
	TInt iReserved3;	 //Reserved for future use.
    TInt iPslReserved1;  //PSL specific field
    TInt iPslReserved2;  //PSL specific field
    TInt iPslReserved3;  //PSL specific field

@prototype 9.5
typedef TPckgBuf<TPowerResourceInfoV01> TPowerResourceInfoBuf01;

@prototype 9.5
structure to represent client properties
struct TPowerClientInfoV01
    TUint iClientId;
    TDesC8* iClientName;

#endif // __RESOURCE_H__