author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


#ifndef __RM_DEBUG_DRIVER_H__
#define __RM_DEBUG_DRIVER_H__

#include "d_rmd_stepping.h"
#include "d_rmd_breakpoints.h"
#include "d_driver_event_info.h"

// From mmboot.h header
const TLinAddr	KDataSectionEnd			=0x40000000u;
const TLinAddr	KRomLinearBase			=0xF8000000u;

#define ROM_LINEAR_BASE KRomLinearBase

// Result checking
#define ReturnIfError(x) { TInt y = x; if (KErrNone != y) return y; }

// class DRM_DebugDriverFactory
class DRM_DebugDriverFactory : public DLogicalDevice

	virtual TInt Install();
	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
	virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);

class DRM_DebugEventHandler;
// DRM_DebugChannel
class DRM_DebugChannel : public DLogicalChannel

	DRM_DebugChannel(DLogicalDevice* aLogicalDevice);

	virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);	
	virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
	virtual TInt SendMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
	TInt SendRequest(TMessageBase* aMsg);
	//called from the event handler
	TBool RemoveProcess(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool StartThread(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool AddLibrary(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool RemoveLibrary(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool HandleEventKillThread(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool HandleSwException(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool HandleHwException(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool HandleUserTrace(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool HandleUnsupportedEvent(TAny* a1, TAny* a2) { return EFalse; }
	TBool HandleAddProcessEvent(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool HandleRemoveProcessEvent(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	// Used to be able to signal events to the DSS
	DThread* ClientThread(void) {return iClientThread; };
	virtual void DoCancel(TInt aReqNo);
	virtual void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	virtual TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny *a1, TAny *a2);
	TInt PreAsyncGetValue(Debug::TEventInfo* aValue, TRequestStatus* aStatus);
	TInt CreateDfcQ();
	void DestroyDfcQ();
	TBool HandleInvalidOpCodeException(TDriverEventInfo& aEventInfo, DThread* aCurrentThread);

	TInt SetBreak(TSetBreakInfo* aBreakInfo);
	TInt StepRange(DThread* aThread, TRM_DebugStepInfo* aStepInfo);
	TInt ReadMemory(DThread* aThread, TRM_DebugMemoryInfo* aMemoryInfo);
	TInt WriteMemory(DThread* aThread, TRM_DebugMemoryInfo* aMemoryInfo);
	TInt ReadRegistersLegacy(DThread* aThread, TRM_DebugRegisterInfo* aRegisterInfo);
	TInt WriteRegistersLegacy(DThread* aThread, const TRM_DebugRegisterInfo* aRegisterInfo);
	TInt ReadRegisters(DThread* aThread, TRM_DebugRegisterInformation* aRegisterInfo) const;
	TInt WriteRegisters(DThread* aThread, TRM_DebugRegisterInformation* aRegisterInfo) const;
	TInt GetProcessInfo(TInt aIndex, TRM_DebugTaskInfo* aTaskInfo);
	TInt GetThreadInfo(TInt aIndex, TRM_DebugTaskInfo* aTaskInfo);
	TInt GetList(TListInformation* aListInformation) const;
	TInt Step(const TUint32 aThreadId, const TUint32 aNumSteps);
	TInt KillProcess(const TUint32 aProcessId, const TInt aReason);

	//Crash Flash	
	TInt ReadCrashLog(TFlashInfo* aBuffer);
	TInt WriteCrashLog(TFlashInfo* aBuffer) const;
	TInt EraseCrashLog();

	// Stop/go
	TInt DoSuspendThread(DThread *aThread);
	TInt DoResumeThread(DThread *aThread);
	TInt DoStepRange(DThread *aThread, const TUint32 aStartAddress, const TUint32 aStopAddress, TBool aStepInto, TBool aResumeOnceOutOfRange, const TUint32 aNumSteps, TBool aUserRequest = EFalse);
	TInt DoReadMemory(const DThread *aThread, const TUint32 aAddress, const TUint32 aLength, TDes8 &aData) const;
	TInt DoWriteMemory(DThread *aThread, const TUint32 aAddress, const TUint32 aLength, TDes8 &aData);
	TInt DoReadRegisters(DThread *aThread, const TInt16 aFirstRegister, const TInt16 aLastRegister, TDes8 &aValues);
	TInt DoReadRegisters(DThread *aThread, const TDesC8 &aRegisterIds, TDes8 &aRegisterValues, TDes8 &aRegisterFlags) const;
	TInt DoWriteRegisters(DThread *aThread, const TInt16 aFirstRegister, const TInt16 aLastRegister, TDesC8 &aValues);
	TInt DoWriteRegisters(DThread *aThread, const TDesC8 &aRegisterIds, TDesC8 &aRegisterValues, TDes8 &aRegisterFlags) const;
	TInt DoGetProcessInfo(const TInt aIndex, TRM_DebugTaskInfo *aInfo);
	TInt DoGetThreadInfo(const TInt aIndex, TRM_DebugTaskInfo *aInfo);
	TBool DoSecurityCheck();

	TInt TryToReadMemory(const DThread *aThread, const TAny *aSrc, TAny *aDest, const TUint32 aLength) const;
	TInt TryToWriteMemory(const DThread *aThread, TAny *aDest, const TAny *aSrc, const TUint32 aLength);
	TInt32 ReadRegister(DThread *aThread, TInt aNum);
	TInt32 ReadDebugRegisterValue(DThread *aThread, const Debug::TRegisterInfo aDebugRegisterId, T4ByteRegisterValue &aValue) const;
	TInt32 ReadKernelRegisterValue(DThread *aThread, const TArmReg aKernelRegisterId, T4ByteRegisterValue &aValue) const;
	void NotifyEvent(const TDriverEventInfo& aEventInfo);

	TInt GetTRegisterInfo(const TDesC8 &aRegisterIds, const TUint aIndex, Debug::TRegisterInfo &aValue) const;
	TInt GetDebugRegisterId(const TArmReg aKernelRegister, Debug::TRegisterInfo& aDebugRegister) const;
	TInt GetKernelRegisterId(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aDebugRegister, TArmReg& aKernelRegister) const;
	TBool GetFlagAtOffset(const TUint32 aFlags, const TArmReg aIndex) const;

	TInt AllocAndReadDes(DThread *aThread, const TDesC8& aSrcDes, TPtr8& aDestDes, const TBool aReadFromClient=ETrue, const TUint aOffset=0) const;

	TInt AttachProcess(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TInt DetachProcess(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TInt DetachAgent(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TInt SetEventAction(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TBool CheckSuspended(const DThread *aThread) const;

	// Needed so moved functions can access iBreakpoint list and related functions
	friend class D_RMD_Breakpoints;
	// Needed so moved functions can access stepping functionality
	friend class DRMDStepping;

	// helper function was previously in rm_debug_kerneldriver.cpp
	inline TInt Bitcount(TUint32 val)
			TInt nbits;

			for (nbits = 0; val != 0; nbits++)
				val &= val - 1;		// delete rightmost 1-bit in val
			return nbits;

	// Security critical - this returns whether the specified process is debuggable or not
	TInt IsDebuggable(const TUint32 aProcessId);

	DThread* iClientThread;
	DRM_DebugEventHandler* iEventHandler;
	TUint32 iExcludedROMAddressStart;
	TUint32 iExcludedROMAddressEnd;
	TUint32 iPageSize;
	RArray<Debug::TProcessInfo> iDebugProcessList; //processes that we are debugging

	D_RMD_Breakpoints* iBreakManager;	// new D_RMD_Breakpoints

	DRMDStepping* iStepper;				// new DRMDStepping

	DSemaphore* iStepLock;				// Synchronisation for stepping code.

	TDynamicDfcQue* iDfcQ;

	TBool	iInitialisedCodeModifier;	// Ensures we control its lifetime

	TClientDataRequest<Debug::TEventInfo>* iAsyncGetValueRequest;

#endif //__RM_DEBUG_DRIVER_H__