Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// SD-specific extensions of generic MMC classes adhering to SD Physical layer simplified spec v2.0
#ifndef __SDCARD_H__
#define __SDCARD_H__
#include <drivers/mmc.h>
class DSDStack;
enum TSDSessionTypeEnum
// empty.
const TUint KSDMinCustomSession = KMMCMinCustomSession + 1024;
const TUint32 KSDBusWidth1 = 0x00;
const TUint32 KSDBusWidth4 = 0x02;
const TUint32 KSDStatusBlockLength = 0x40;
const TUint32 KSDSCRLength = 0x08;
const TUint32 KSDSwitchFuncLength = 0x40;
const TUint32 KSDCheckFunctionHighSpeed = 0x00FFFF01;
const TUint32 KSDSwitchFunctionHighSpeed = 0x80FFFF01;
const TUint32 KSDCardIsSDCard = KBit16; // KMMCardFirstCustomFlag
const TUint32 KSDCardFirstCustomFlag = KBit24;
const TUint KSDDTClk25MHz = 25000; //25000KHz
const TUint KSDDTClk50MHz = 50000; //50000KHz
class TSDCSD : public TCSD
inline TSDCSD(const TCSD& aCSD);
inline TBool SDEraseBlkEn() const;
inline TBool SDSectorSize() const;
inline TBool SDWPGrpSize() const;
class TSDCard : public TMMCard
inline TBool IsSDCard() const;
inline TUint32 ProtectedAreaSize() const;
inline void SetProtectedAreaSize(TUint32 aPAS);
inline TUint8 GetAUSize() const;
inline void SetAUSize(TUint8 aAU);
inline TInt DeviceSize() const;
virtual TUint32 PreferredWriteGroupLength() const;
virtual TInt GetFormatInfo(TLDFormatInfo& aFormatInfo) const;
virtual TUint32 MinEraseSectorSize() const;
virtual TUint32 EraseSectorSize() const;
virtual TInt GetEraseInfo(TMMCEraseInfo& anEraseInfo) const;
virtual TInt MaxReadBlLen() const;
virtual TInt MaxWriteBlLen() const;
virtual TInt64 DeviceSize64() const;
enum {KPARootDirEndUnknown = 0};
inline TUint32 PARootDirEnd() const;
inline void SetPARootDirEnd(TUint32 aPARootDirEnd);
virtual TUint MaxTranSpeedInKilohertz() const;
TUint32 iProtectedAreaSize;
TUint32 iPARootDirEnd;
TUint8 iAUSize;
TUint8 iPad[3];
TUint32 iSpare[4];
class TSDCardArray : public TMMCardArray
inline TSDCardArray(DSDStack* aOwningStack);
IMPORT_C virtual TInt AllocCards();
inline TSDCard& Card(TUint aCardNumber) const;
inline TSDCard& NewCard(TUint aCardNumber) const;
void AddCardSDMode(TUint aCardNumber,const TUint8* aCID,TRCA* aNewRCA);
TInt StoreRCAIfUnique(TUint aCardNumber,TRCA& anRCA);
IMPORT_C virtual void DeclareCardAsGone(TUint aCardNumber);
enum TSDAppCmd
ESDACmdSetBusWidth = 6,
ESDACmdSDStatus = 13,
ESDACmdSendNumWrBlocks = 22,
ESDACmdSetWrBlkEraseCount = 23,
ESDACmdSDAppOpCond = 41,
ESDACmdSetClrCardDetect = 42,
ESDACmdSendSCR = 51
enum TSDSpecificCmd
ESDCmdSendRelativeAddress = 3,
ESDCmdSwitchFunction = 6,
ESDCmdSendIfCond = 8
class DSDSession : public DMMCSession
inline DSDSession(const TMMCCallBack& aCallBack);
static void FillAppCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDAppCmd aCmd);
static void FillAppCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDAppCmd aCmd, TMMCArgument aArg);
static void FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDSpecificCmd aCmd);
static void FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDSpecificCmd aCmd, TMMCArgument aArg);
// not implemented. No SD specific macros
// virtual TMMCSMSTFunc GetMacro(TInt aSessNum) const;
static void FillAppCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc);
static void FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc);
const TInt KSDMaxMBWRetries = 1;
const TUint32 KSDACMD22BlockLen = 4;
class DSDStack : public DMMCStack
inline DSDStack(TInt aBus, DMMCSocket* aSocket);
IMPORT_C virtual TInt Init();
IMPORT_C virtual TMMCErr AcquireStackSM();
IMPORT_C virtual TMMCErr CIMReadWriteBlocksSM();
IMPORT_C virtual DMMCSession* AllocSession(const TMMCCallBack& aCallBack) const;
virtual void AddressCard(TInt aCardNumber) = 0;
inline TSDCardArray& CardArray() const;
IMPORT_C virtual TMMCErr InitStackAfterUnlockSM();
static TMMCErr InitialiseMemoryCardSMST(TAny* aStackP);
TMMCErr InitialiseMemoryCardSM();
static TMMCErr ConfigureMemoryCardSMST(TAny* aStackP);
TMMCErr ConfigureMemoryCardSM();
static TMMCErr CIMReadWriteMemoryBlocksSMST(TAny* aStackP);
static TMMCErr BaseModifyCardCapabilitySMST(TAny* aStackP);
IMPORT_C virtual TMMCErr ModifyCardCapabilitySM();
static TMMCErr SwitchToHighSpeedModeSMST(TAny* aStackP);
TMMCErr SwitchToHighSpeedModeSM();
TInt iSpare;
enum TSDCardType {ESDCardTypeUnknown, ESDCardTypeIsMMC, ESDCardTypeIsSD};
TSDCardType iCxCardType; // Used when detecting whether an SD Memory card is present.
TUint8 iACMD22[KSDACMD22BlockLen];
// Dummy functions to maintain binary compatibility
IMPORT_C virtual void Dummy1();
IMPORT_C virtual void Dummy2();
IMPORT_C virtual void Dummy3();
IMPORT_C virtual void Dummy4();
// Reserved members to maintain binary compatibility
TInt iReserved[68];
#include <drivers/sdcard.inl>
#endif // #ifndef __SDCARD_H__