Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\drivers\uart16550.h
#ifndef __UART16550_H__
#define __UART16550_H__
#include <e32def.h>
// Register Definitions for 16550-type UARTs
const TUint8 K16550TXHROffset=0<<K16550OffsetShift; // Transmit Holding Register
const TUint8 K16550RXHROffset=0<<K16550OffsetShift; // Receive Holding Register
const TUint8 K16550BDLoOffset=0<<K16550OffsetShift; // Baud Rate Divisor Low
const TUint8 K16550IEROffset=1<<K16550OffsetShift; // Interrupt Enable Register
const TUint8 K16550BDHiOffset=1<<K16550OffsetShift; // Baud Rate Divisor High
const TUint8 K16550ISROffset=2<<K16550OffsetShift; // Interrupt Status Register
const TUint8 K16550FCROffset=2<<K16550OffsetShift; // FIFO Control Register
const TUint8 K16550LCROffset=3<<K16550OffsetShift; // Line Control Register
const TUint8 K16550MCROffset=4<<K16550OffsetShift; // Modem Control Register
const TUint8 K16550LSROffset=5<<K16550OffsetShift; // Line Status Register
const TUint8 K16550MSROffset=6<<K16550OffsetShift; // Modem Status Register
const TUint8 K16550ScratchpadOffset=7<<K16550OffsetShift; // Scratchpad Register
// Interrupt Enable Register
const TUint8 K16550IER_RDAI=1; // Received Data Available
const TUint8 K16550IER_THREI=2; // Transmit Holding Register Empty
const TUint8 K16550IER_RLSI=4; // Receive Line Status (error or break)
const TUint8 K16550IER_MSI=8; // Modem Status
// Interrupt Status Register
const TUint8 K16550ISR_NotPending=1; // Not Interrupt Pending
const TUint8 K16550ISR_IntIdMask=6; // Mask for Interrupt Identification
const TUint8 K16550ISR_RDAI=4; // Received Data Available
const TUint8 K16550ISR_THREI=2; // Transmit Holding Register Empty
const TUint8 K16550ISR_RLSI=6; // Receive Line Status
const TUint8 K16550ISR_MSI=0; // Modem Status
const TUint8 K16550ISR_RxTimeout=8; // Set if FIFO timeout (in conjunction with RDA)
// FIFO control Register
const TUint8 K16550FCR_Enable=1; // Enable TX and RX FIFOs
const TUint8 K16550FCR_RxReset=2; // Reset RX FIFO (self-clearing)
const TUint8 K16550FCR_TxReset=4; // Reset TX FIFO (self-clearing)
const TUint8 K16550FCR_TxRxRdy=8; //
const TUint8 K16550FCR_RxTrig1=0; // RX FIFO triggers when >=1 char received
const TUint8 K16550FCR_RxTrig4=64; // RX FIFO triggers when >=4 chars received
const TUint8 K16550FCR_RxTrig8=128; // RX FIFO triggers when >=8 chars received
const TUint8 K16550FCR_RxTrig14=192; // RX FIFO triggers when >=14 chars received
// Line Control Register
const TUint8 K16550LCR_Data5=0; // 5 bit characters
const TUint8 K16550LCR_Data6=1; // 6 bit characters
const TUint8 K16550LCR_Data7=2; // 7 bit characters
const TUint8 K16550LCR_Data8=3; // 8 bit characters
const TUint8 K16550LCR_Stop1=0; // 1 stop bit
const TUint8 K16550LCR_Stop2=4; // 2 stop bits
const TUint8 K16550LCR_ParityEnable=8; // Use parity
const TUint8 K16550LCR_ParityEven=16; // Use even parity
const TUint8 K16550LCR_ParityMark=40; // Use mark parity
const TUint8 K16550LCR_ParitySpace=56; // Use space parity
const TUint8 K16550LCR_TxBreak=64; // Transmit a break
const TUint8 K16550LCR_DLAB=128; // Divisor Latch Access
// Modem Control Register
const TUint8 K16550MCR_DTR=1;
const TUint8 K16550MCR_RTS=2;
const TUint8 K16550MCR_OUT1=4;
const TUint8 K16550MCR_OUT2=8;
const TUint8 K16550MCR_LocalLoop=16;
// Line Status Register
const TUint8 K16550LSR_RxReady=1; // Received data ready
const TUint8 K16550LSR_RxOverrun=2; // Receiver overrun
const TUint8 K16550LSR_RxParityErr=4; // Receiver parity error
const TUint8 K16550LSR_RxFrameErr=8; // Receiver framing error
const TUint8 K16550LSR_RxBreak=16; // Receive break detect
const TUint8 K16550LSR_TXHREmpty=32; // Transmit Holding Register Empty (FIFO empty)
const TUint8 K16550LSR_TxIdle=64; // Transmitter Idle
const TUint8 K16550LSR_RxErrPending=128; // FIFO contains an error or break indication
// Modem Status Register
const TUint8 K16550MSR_DeltaCTS=1;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_DeltaDSR=2;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_TERI=4;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_DeltaDCD=8;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_CTS=16;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_DSR=32;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_RI=64;
const TUint8 K16550MSR_DCD=128;
// Wrapper class
class T16550Uart
void ModifyFCR(TUint aClearMask, TUint aSetMask);
void ModifyLCR(TUint aClearMask, TUint aSetMask);
void ModifyMCR(TUint aClearMask, TUint aSetMask);
void ModifyIER(TUint aClearMask, TUint aSetMask);
void SetFCR(TUint aValue);
void SetLCR(TUint aValue);
void SetMCR(TUint aValue);
void SetIER(TUint aValue);
inline TUint FCR()
{return iFCR;}
inline TUint LCR()
{return iLCR;}
inline TUint MCR()
{return iMCR;}
inline TUint IER()
{return iIER;}
inline void SetTxData(TUint aData)
inline TUint RxData()
{return iBase[K16550RXHROffset];}
inline TUint ISR()
{return iBase[K16550ISROffset];}
inline TUint LSR()
{return iBase[K16550LSROffset];}
inline TUint MSR()
{return iBase[K16550MSROffset];}
inline TUint TestISR(TUint aMask)
{return iBase[K16550ISROffset]&aMask;}
inline TUint TestLSR(TUint aMask)
{return iBase[K16550LSROffset]&aMask;}
inline TUint TestMSR(TUint aMask)
{return iBase[K16550MSROffset]&aMask;}
inline void SetScratch(TUint aValue)
inline TUint Scratch()
{return iBase[K16550ScratchpadOffset];}
inline void SetBaudRateDivisor(TUint aValue)
{iBase[K16550BDHiOffset]=(TUint8)(aValue>>8); iBase[K16550BDLoOffset]=(TUint8)aValue;}
volatile TUint8* iBase; // base address
TUint8 iFCR; // FCR follower
TUint8 iLCR; // LCR follower
TUint8 iMCR; // MCR follower
TUint8 iIER; // IER follower