author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 6 0173bcd7697c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32/include/drivers/usbc.h
// Kernel side definitions for the USB Device driver stack (PIL + LDD).

 @file usbc.h

#ifndef __USBC_H__
#define __USBC_H__

#include <kernel/kernel.h>
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
#include <kernel/kpower.h>
#include <platform.h>

#include <d32usbc.h>

#include <drivers/usbcshared.h>

/** LDD Major version, This should agree with the information in RDevUsbcClient::TVer.
const TInt KUsbcMajorVersion = 0;

/** LDD Minor version, This should agree with the information in RDevUsbcClient::TVer.
const TInt KUsbcMinorVersion = 1;

/** LDD Build version, This should agree with the information in RDevUsbcClient::TVer.
const TInt KUsbcBuildVersion = KE32BuildVersionNumber;

/** Must correspond to the max enum of TRequest + 1;
	currently this is ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify = 10.
const TInt KUsbcMaxRequests = 11;

//########################### Logical Device Driver (LDD) #############################

/** USB LDD factory class.
class DUsbcLogDevice : public DLogicalDevice
	virtual TInt Install();
	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
	virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);

/** OUT buffering is a collection of flat buffers. Each is either fillable or drainable.
	When one buffer becomes full (notified by the PIL) it is marked as not-fillable and the next
	fillable buffer is used. When the buffer has finished draining it is marked as fillable.
class TDmaBuf
 	TDmaBuf(TUsbcEndpointInfo* aEndpointInfo, TInt aBandwidthPriority);
	TInt Construct(TUsbcEndpointInfo* aEndpointInfo);
	TInt BufferTotalSize() const;
	TInt BufferSize() const;
	TInt SetBufferAddr(TInt aBufInd, TUint8* aBufAddr);
	TInt BufferNumber() const;
	void SetMaxPacketSize(TInt aSize);
	void Flush();
	// Rx (OUT) variants
	void RxSetActive();
	void RxSetInActive();
	TBool RxIsActive();
	TBool IsReaderEmpty();
	void ReadXferComplete(TInt aNoBytesRx, TInt aNoPacketsRx, TInt aErrorCode);
	TInt RxCopyDataToClient(DThread* aThread, TClientBuffer *aTcb, TInt aLength, TUint32& aDestOffset,
							TBool aRUS, TBool& aCompleteNow);
	TInt RxCopyPacketToClient(DThread* aThread,TClientBuffer *aTcb, TInt aLength);
	TInt RxGetNextXfer(TUint8*& aBufferAddr, TUsbcPacketArray*& aIndexArray, TUsbcPacketArray*& aSizeArray,
					   TInt& aLength, TPhysAddr& aBufferPhys);
	TBool RxIsEnoughSpace(TInt aSize);
	inline TInt RxBytesAvailable() const;
	inline void IncrementBufferIndex(TInt& aIndex);
	inline TInt NoRxPackets() const;
	TInt SetDrainable(TInt aBufferNum);
	// Tx (IN) variants
	void TxSetActive();
	void TxSetInActive();
	TBool TxIsActive();
	TInt TxStoreData(DThread* aThread,TClientBuffer *aTcb, TInt aTxLength, TUint32 aBufferOffset);
	TInt TxGetNextXfer(TUint8*& aBufferAddr, TInt& aTxLength, TPhysAddr& aBufferPhys);
	TBool ShortPacketExists();

	TInt NoRxPacketsAlt() const;
	TInt NoRxBytesAlt() const;

	TBool AdvancePacket();
	inline TInt GetCurrentError();
	TBool NextDrainableBuffer();
	TBool NextFillableBuffer();
	void FreeDrainedBuffers();
	TInt PeekNextPacketSize();
	TInt PeekNextDrainableBuffer();
	void ModifyTotalRxBytesAvail(TInt aVal);
	void ModifyTotalRxPacketsAvail(TInt aVal);
	void AddToDrainQueue(TInt aBufferIndex);
	inline TInt CopyToUser(DThread* aThread, const TUint8* aSourceAddr, TInt aLength,
						   TClientBuffer *aTcb, TUint32& aDestOffset);
	TInt iExtractOffset;									// offset into current packet for data read
	TInt iMaxPacketSize;
	TInt iNumberofBuffers;
	TInt iBufSz;
	TBool iRxActive;
	TBool iTxActive;
	TInt iTotalRxBytesAvail;
	TInt iTotalRxPacketsAvail;
	TUint8* iBufBasePtr;
	TUint8* iCurrentDrainingBuffer;
	TInt iCurrentDrainingBufferIndex;
	TInt iCurrentFillingBufferIndex;
	TUint iCurrentPacket;
	TUsbcPacketArray* iCurrentPacketIndexArray;
	TUsbcPacketArray* iCurrentPacketSizeArray;
	TUint8* iBuffers[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TBool iDrainable[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TUsbcPacketArray iPacketInfoStorage[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax * KUsbcDmaBufNumArrays * KUsbcDmaBufMaxPkts];
	TUsbcPacketArray* iPacketIndex[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TUsbcPacketArray* iPacketSize[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TUint iNumberofBytesRx[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TUint iNumberofPacketsRx[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TInt iError[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TPhysAddr iBufferPhys[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TBool iCanBeFreed[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TInt iDrainQueue[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax + 1];
	TInt iDrainQueueIndex;
	TUint iEndpointType;

	TInt iFillingOrder;
	TInt iFillingOrderArray[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
	TInt iDrainingOrder;
 	TUint iNumberofBytesRxRemain[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];
 	TUint iNumberofPacketsRxRemain[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax];

class DLddUsbcChannel;

/** Endpoint tracking for the LDD buffering etc.
class TUsbcEndpoint
	TUsbcEndpoint(DLddUsbcChannel* aLDD, DUsbClientController* aController,
				  const TUsbcEndpointInfo* aEndpointInfo, TInt aEndpointNum,
				  TInt aBandwidthPriority);
	TInt Construct();
	TInt TryToStartRead(TBool aReEntrant);
	TInt TryToStartWrite(TEndpointTransferInfo* pTfr);
	TInt CopyToClient(DThread* aThread, TClientBuffer *aTcb);
	TInt CopyToClient(DThread* aClient, TBool& aCompleteNow, TClientBuffer *aTcb);
	TInt ContinueWrite();
	void SetMaxPacketSize(TInt aSize);
	void CancelTransfer(DThread* aThread, TClientBuffer *aTcb);
	void AbortTransfer();
	inline TUsbcEndpointInfo* EndpointInfo();
	inline TInt RxBytesAvailable() const;

	inline TInt BufferSize() const;
	inline TInt SetBufferAddr( TInt aBufInd, TUint8* aAddr);
	inline TInt BufferNumber() const;

	inline void SetTransferInfo(TEndpointTransferInfo* aTransferInfo);
	inline void ResetTransferInfo();
	inline void SetClientReadPending(TBool aVal);
	inline void SetClientWritePending(TBool aVal);
	inline TBool ClientWritePending();
	inline TBool ClientReadPending();
	inline void SetRealEpNumber(TInt aRealEpNumber);
	inline TInt RealEpNumber() const;

	TDmaBuf* iDmaBuffers;

	static void RequestCallback(TAny* aTUsbcEndpoint);
	void TxComplete();
	TInt RxComplete(TBool aReEntrant);
	void RxCompleteNow();
	TInt EndpointComplete();

	DUsbClientController* iController;
	TUsbcEndpointInfo iEndpointInfo;
	TEndpointTransferInfo iTransferInfo;
	TBool iClientReadPending;
	TBool iClientWritePending;
	TInt iEndpointNumber;
	TInt iRealEpNumber;
	DLddUsbcChannel* iLdd;
	TInt iError;
	TUsbcRequestCallback* iRequestCallbackInfo;
	TUint32 iBytesTransferred;
	TInt iBandwidthPriority;

/** Linked list of 'alternate setting' info for use by the LDD.
class TUsbcAlternateSettingList

	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* iNext;
	TInt iNumberOfEndpoints;
	TUint iSetting;
	TInt iEpNumDeOrderedByBufSize[KMaxEndpointsPerClient + 1];
	TUsbcEndpoint* iEndpoint[KMaxEndpointsPerClient + 1];

struct TClientAsynchNotify
		TClientBufferRequest *iBufferRequest;
		TClientBuffer *iClientBuffer;
		void Reset();
/** The channel class - the actual USB LDD.
class DLddUsbcChannel : public DLogicalChannel
	virtual TInt SendMsg(TMessageBase * aMsg);
	TInt PreSendRequest(TMessageBase * aMsg,TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TInt SendControl(TMessageBase* aMsg);
	virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
	virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
	virtual TInt RequestUserHandle(DThread* aThread, TOwnerType aType);
	TInt DoRxComplete(TUsbcEndpoint* aTUsbcEndpoint, TInt aEndpoint, TBool aReentrant);
	void DoRxCompleteNow(TUsbcEndpoint* aTUsbcEndpoint, TInt aEndpoint);
	void DoTxComplete(TUsbcEndpoint* aTUsbcEndpoint, TInt aEndpoint, TInt aError);
	inline DThread* Client() const {return iClient;}
	inline TBool ChannelClosing() const {return iChannelClosing;}
	inline TUint AlternateSetting() const {return iAlternateSetting;}
	TClientBuffer *GetClientBuffer(TInt aEndpoint);

	TInt DoCancel(TInt aReqNo);
	void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
	TInt DoTransferAsyncReq(TInt aEndpointNum, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TBool& aNeedsCompletion);
	TInt DoOtherAsyncReq(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TBool& aNeedsCompletion);
	TBool AlternateDeviceStateTestComplete();
	TInt SetInterface(TInt aInterfaceNum, TUsbcIfcInfo* aUserInterfaceInfoBuf);
	void StartEpReads();
	void DestroyAllInterfaces();
	void DestroyInterface(TUint aInterface);
	void DestroyEp0();
	inline TBool ValidEndpoint(TInt aEndpoint);
	TInt DoEmergencyComplete();
	void ReadDes8(const TAny* aPtr, TDes8& aDes);
	TInt SetupEp0();
	DPlatChunkHw* ReAllocate(TInt aBuffersize, DPlatChunkHw* aHwChunk, TUint32 aCacheAttribs);
	DPlatChunkHw* Allocate(TInt aBuffersize, TUint32 aCacheAttribs);
	void ClosePhysicalChunk(DPlatChunkHw* &aHwChunk);
	void CancelNotifyEndpointStatus();
	void CancelNotifyOtgFeatures();
	static void StatusChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
	static void EndpointStatusChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
	static void OtgFeatureChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
	static void EmergencyCompleteDfc(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
	void DeConfigure(TInt aErrorCode);
	TInt SelectAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting);
	TInt EpFromAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting, TInt aEndpoint);
	TInt ProcessAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting);
	TInt ProcessDeviceState(TUsbcDeviceState aDeviceState);
	void ResetInterface(TInt aErrorCode);
	void AbortInterface();
	// Set buffer address of the interface
	void ReSetInterfaceMemory(TUsbcAlternateSettingList* aAlternateSettingListRec,
	        RArray<DPlatChunkHw*> &aHwChunks );
	void UpdateEndpointSizes();
	// Check and alloc memory for the interface
	TInt SetupInterfaceMemory(RArray<DPlatChunkHw*> &aHwChunks, 
	        TUint32 aCacheAttribs );
	void PanicClientThread(TInt aReason);
	TInt PinMemory(TDesC8 *aDes, TVirtualPinObject *iPinObj); //Descriptor pinning helper.
	void CompleteBufferRequest(DThread* aThread, TInt aReqNo, TInt aReason);
	DUsbClientController* iController;
	DThread* iClient;
	TBool iValidInterface;
	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* iAlternateSettingList;
	TUsbcEndpoint* iEndpoint[KMaxEndpointsPerClient + 1];	// include ep0
	TRequestStatus* iRequestStatus[KUsbcMaxRequests];
	TClientAsynchNotify* iClientAsynchNotify[KUsbcMaxRequests];
	TUsbcClientCallback iCompleteAllCallbackInfo;
	TAny* iStatusChangePtr;
	TUsbcStatusCallback iStatusCallbackInfo;
	TAny* iEndpointStatusChangePtr;
	TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo;
	TAny* iOtgFeatureChangePtr;
	TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo;
	TInt iNumberOfEndpoints;
    RArray<DPlatChunkHw*> iHwChunksEp0;
    RArray<DPlatChunkHw*> iHwChunks;

	TUsbcDeviceState iDeviceState;
	TUsbcDeviceState iOldDeviceState;
	TBool iOwnsDeviceControl;
	TUint iAlternateSetting;
	TBool iDeviceStatusNeeded;
	TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue* iStatusFifo;
	TBool iChannelClosing;
	TVirtualPinObject *iPinObj1;
	TVirtualPinObject *iPinObj2;
	TVirtualPinObject *iPinObj3;
	TClientDataRequest<TUint> *iStatusChangeReq;
	TClientDataRequest<TUint> *iEndpointStatusChangeReq;
	TClientDataRequest<TUint> *iOtgFeatureChangeReq;
	TEndpointTransferInfo iTfrInfo;

#include <drivers/usbc.inl>

#endif	// __USBC_H__