Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h)
Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version
of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the
runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other
versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.
// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\drivers\usbcsc.h
// Kernel side definitions for the USB Device driver stack (PIL + LDD).
@file usbcsc.h
#ifndef __USBCSC_H__
#define __USBCSC_H__
#include <kernel/kernel.h>
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
#include <kernel/kpower.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <d32usbcsc.h>
#include <drivers/usbcshared.h>
/** LDD Major version, This should agree with the information in RDevUsbcClient::TVer.
const TInt KUsbcScMajorVersion = 0;
/** LDD Minor version, This should agree with the information in RDevUsbcClient::TVer.
const TInt KUsbcScMinorVersion = 1;
/** LDD Build version, This should agree with the information in RDevUsbcClient::TVer.
const TInt KUsbcScBuildVersion = KE32BuildVersionNumber;
/** Must correspond to the max enum of TRequest + 1;
currently this is ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify = 10.
const TInt KUsbcScMaxRequests = 11;
// Request queue sizes need to be power of 2.
/** The number of requests that can be queued on any IN endpoint */
const TInt KUsbcScInRequests = 4;
/** The number of requests that can be queued on any OUT endpoint */
const TInt KUsbcScOutRequests = 2;
/** In TUsbcScBuffer.iDirection, this indicates that the endpoint is an IN endpoint */
const TInt KUsbcScIn = 0;
/** In TUsbcScBuffer.iDirection, this indicates that the endpoint is an OUT endpoint */
const TInt KUsbcScOut = 1;
/** In TUsbcScBuffer.iDirection, this indicates that the endpoint is an Bidirectional endpoint
currently operating as an IN endpoint */
const TInt KUsbcScBiIn = 2;
/** In TUsbcScBuffer.iDirection, this indicates that the endpoint is an Bidirectional endpoint
currently operating as an OUT endpoint */
const TInt KUsbcScBiOut = 3;
/** The number of directions supported for endpoints, other then EP0. Currently 2, IN and OUT. */
const TInt KUsbcScDirections = 2;
/** In TUsbcScBuffer::iDirection, this indicates that the endpoint direction is Unknown. */
const TInt KUsbcScUnknown = 4;
const TInt KPageSize = 0x1000;
/** The default buffer size requested for a endpoint, if the user app does not specify a size.*/
const TInt KUsbcScDefaultBufferSize = 0x10000; // 64k
/** The size of the unmapped region of memory between endpoint buffers.
This serves as a guard region, making memory over/under runs more obviose.*/
const TInt KGuardSize = KPageSize;
/** The size put aside for the chunk header structre.*/
const TInt KHeaderSize = KPageSize;
/** For buffers of size >= KUsbScBigBuffIs, The smallest unit of continiouse memory that will be used.
No read will be set up smaller then this, to avoid overly fragmenting the data.
const TInt KUsbSc_BigBuff_MinimumRamRun = KPageSize;
/** For buffers of size < KUsbScBigBuffIs, The smallest unit of continiouse memory that will be used.
No read will be set up smaller then this, to avoid overly fragmenting the data.*/
const TInt KUsbSc_SmallBuff_MinimumRamRun = 1024;
/** The size a buffer request has to be to switch to using KUsbSc_BigBuff_MinimumRamRun.
If the requested buffer is smaller, then the smallest memory allocated to a buffer is KPageSize*/
const TInt KUsbScBigBuffIs = KPageSize*6;
// EP0 is mapped manually, unlike the other endpoints.
/** The position, within the chunk, that the EP0 IN buffer appears*/
const TInt KUsbScEP0InBufPos = 0x800;
/** The position, within the chunk, that the EP0 IN buffer ends*/
const TInt KUsbScEP0InBufEnd = KUsbScEP0InBufPos + 0x400;
// Its better for Out to go 2nd, so gaurd page after it.
/** The position, within the chunk, that the EP0 OUT buffer appears*/
const TInt KUsbScEP0OutBufPos = 0xc00;
/** The position, within the chunk, that the EP0 OUT buffer ends*/
const TInt KUsbScEP0OutBufEnd = KUsbScEP0OutBufPos + 0x400;
/** The number of the entry within the chunk BufferRecord table, for the OUT ep0 buffer.*/
const TInt KUsbcScEp0OutBuff = 0;
/** The number of the entry within the chunk BufferRecord table, for the IN ep0 buffer.*/
const TInt KUsbcScEp0InBuff = 1;
//########################### Logical Device Driver (LDD) #############################
/** USB LDD factory class.
class DUsbcScLogDevice : public DLogicalDevice
virtual TInt Install();
virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
class DLddUsbcScChannel;
class TUsbcScBuffer;
/** Endpoint tracking for the LDD buffering etc.
class TUsbcScEndpoint
TUsbcScEndpoint(DLddUsbcScChannel* aLDD, DUsbClientController* aController,
const TUsbcScEndpointInfo* aEndpointInfo, TInt aEndpointNum
TInt Construct();
void CancelTransfer(DThread* aThread);
void AbortTransfer();
inline TUsbcScEndpointInfo* EndpointInfo();
inline TInt RxBytesAvailable() const;
inline void ResetTransferInfo();
inline void SetClientReadPending(TBool aVal);
inline void SetClientWritePending(TBool aVal);
inline TBool ClientWritePending();
inline TBool ClientReadPending();
inline void SetRealEpNumber(TInt aRealEpNumber);
inline TInt RealEpNumber() const;
inline TInt EpNumber() const;
inline void StartBuffer();
inline void SetBuffer(TUsbcScBuffer* aBuffer);
inline TUsbcScBuffer* GetBuffer();
static void RequestCallback(TAny* aTUsbcScEndpoint);
void TxComplete();
TInt RxComplete(TBool aReEntrant);
void RxCompleteNow();
TUsbcRequestCallback* iRequestCallbackInfo;
DUsbClientController* iController;
TUsbcScEndpointInfo iEndpointInfo;
TBool iClientReadPending;
TBool iClientWritePending;
TInt iEndpointNumber;
TInt iRealEpNumber;
DLddUsbcScChannel* iLdd;
TInt iError;
TUint32 iBytesTransferred;
TInt iBandwidthPriority;
TUsbcScBuffer* iBuffer;
/** Linked list of 'alternate setting' info for use by the LDD.
class TUsbcScAlternateSetting
TUsbcScAlternateSetting* iNext;
TUsbcScAlternateSetting* iPrevious;
TInt iNumberOfEndpoints;
TUint iSetting;
TUsbcScEndpoint* iEndpoint[KMaxEndpointsPerClient + 1];
class TUsbcScAlternateSettingList
TUsbcScAlternateSetting* iHead;
TUsbcScAlternateSetting* iTail;
class TUsbcScChunkInfo
TUsbcScChunkInfo(DLogicalDevice* aLdd);
TInt CreateChunk(TInt aTotalSize);
void Close();
TInt ChunkAlloc(TInt aOffset, TInt aSize);
void ChunkCleanup();
TInt GetPhysical(TInt aOffset, TPhysAddr* aPhysical);
static TInt New(TUsbcScChunkInfo*& aChunk, TInt aSize, DLogicalDevice* aLdd);
TUint* iPhysicalMap;
DChunk* iChunk;
TDfc iCleanup;
TInt8 iPageNtz; // Number of trailing zeros for a page. (Eg 4k page has 12 t.z.)
TInt iAllocatedSize;
TInt8* iChunkMem;
TUint32 iChunkMapAttr;
DLogicalDevice* iLdd;
// Used to represent a matrix of endpoints with a column of sizes.
// Used by TRealizeInfo
class TEndpointSortBufs
TUsbcScEndpoint** iEp;
TInt* iSizes;
TInt iEps;
// This is used to calculate the layout of the shared chunk
// based on a list of alternative settings / endpoints provided.
class TRealizeInfo
void Init(TUsbcScAlternateSettingList* aAlternateSettingList);
TInt CopyAndSortEndpoints();
void CalcBuffSizes();
void Free();
void LayoutChunkHeader(TUsbcScChunkInfo* aChunkInfo);
TInt iMaxEndpoints;
TInt iTotalSize;
TInt iTotalBuffers;
TInt iAltSettings;
TEndpointSortBufs iBufs[KUsbcScDirections];
TUsbcScAlternateSettingList* iAlternateSettingList;
// Chunk layout info.
TUsbcScChunkBuffersHeader* iChunkStuct;
TUsbcScChunkAltSettingHeader* iAltSettingsTbl;
/** The channel class - the actual USB LDD.
class DLddUsbcScChannel : public DLogicalChannel
virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
virtual TInt RequestUserHandle(DThread* aThread, TOwnerType aType);
inline DThread* Client() const {return iClient;}
inline TBool ChannelClosing() const {return iChannelClosing;}
inline TUint AlternateSetting() const {return iAlternateSetting;}
static void RequestCallbackEp0(TAny* aTUsbcScChannel);
TInt DoCancel(TInt aReqNo, TUint aMask, TUint a1);
TInt DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
TInt DoReadDataNotify(TRequestStatus* aStatus, TInt aBufferNum, TInt aLength);
void StartDataRead(TInt aBufferNum);
TInt DoWriteData(TRequestStatus* aStatus,TInt aBufferNum, TUint aStart, TUint aLength, TUint aFlags);
TBool AlternateDeviceStateTestComplete();
TInt SetInterface(TInt aInterfaceNum, TUsbcScIfcInfo* aUserInterfaceInfoBuf);
void StartEpReads();
void DestroyAllInterfaces();
void DestroyInterface(TUint aInterface);
void DestroyEp0();
inline TBool ValidEndpoint(TInt aEndpoint);
TInt GetRealEpForEpResource(TInt aEndpoint, TInt& aRealEp);
inline TBool Configured();
TInt DoEmergencyComplete();
void ReadDes8(const TAny* aPtr, TDes8& aDes);
TInt SetupEp0();
void CancelNotifyEndpointStatus();
void CancelNotifyOtgFeatures();
static void StatusChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
static void EndpointStatusChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
static void OtgFeatureChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
static void EmergencyCompleteDfc(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel);
void DeConfigure(TInt aErrorCode);
TInt SelectAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting);
TInt EpFromAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting, TInt aEndpoint);
TInt ProcessAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting);
TInt32 StartNextInAlternateSetting();
TInt ProcessDeviceState(TUsbcDeviceState aDeviceState);
void ResetInterface(TInt aErrorCode);
void PanicClientThread(TInt aReason);
TInt RealizeInterface(void);
DUsbClientController* iController;
DThread* iClient;
TBool iValidInterface;
TUsbcScAlternateSettingList* iAlternateSettingList;
TUsbcScEndpoint** iEndpoint; // Pointer to the current endpoint set.
static const TInt KUsbcMaxRequests = RDevUsbcScClient::ERequestMaxRequests;
TRequestStatus* iRequestStatus[KUsbcMaxRequests];
TUsbcClientCallback iCompleteAllCallbackInfo;
TAny* iStatusChangePtr;
TUsbcStatusCallback iStatusCallbackInfo;
TAny* iEndpointStatusChangePtr;
TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo;
TAny* iOtgFeatureChangePtr;
TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo;
TUint8* iBufferBaseEp0;
TInt iBufferSizeEp0;
TInt iNumberOfEndpoints;
TUsbcDeviceState iDeviceState;
TUsbcDeviceState iOldDeviceState;
TBool iOwnsDeviceControl;
TUint16 iAlternateSetting;
TUint16 iAsSeq;
TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue* iStatusFifo;
TBool iUserKnowsAltSetting;
TBool iDeviceStatusNeeded;
TBool iChannelClosing;
TBool iRealizeCalled;
TUsbcScChunkInfo* iChunkInfo;
TInt iNumBuffers;
TUsbcScBuffer *iBuffers;
TUsbcScEndpoint* iEp0Endpoint;
TInt iEP0InBuff;
TInt iEP0OutBuff;
friend class TUsbcScBuffer;
friend void TUsbcScEndpoint::AbortTransfer();
This class is used by TUsbcScStatusList to form a queue of status requests.
These requests are on a buffer basis, so that all buffers can have at least two requests
pending, at the same time. (i.e. buffer 1 could have two requests outstanding, as well as 2 on buffer 2.)
class TUsbcScStatusElement
TRequestStatus* iStatus;
TInt iLength;
TUint iStart;
TUint iFlags;
enum TUsbcScStatusState
class TUsbcScStatusList
TInt Construct(TInt aSize, DThread* aThread);
void Destroy();
TUsbcScStatusElement* Next();
void Pop();
TInt Add(TRequestStatus* aStatus, TInt aLength, TUint aStart, TUint aFlags);
void CancelQueued(TInt aErrorCode=KErrCancel);
TInt Complete(TInt aError);
void Complete();
TUsbcScStatusState iState;
DThread* iClient;
TInt iHead; // The element at the head of the queue, ie, the earliest added, and next to be removed.
TInt iLength; // Length of queue, ie number of elements within
TInt iSize; // size of array, ie, max # of requests at a time.
TUsbcScStatusElement* iElements;
This class holds the kernel's copy of all the details related to a shared endpoint buffer,
and provides methods for the LDD to manipulate it.
class TUsbcScBuffer
static const TInt8 KNoEpAssigned=0;
static const TInt8 KEpIsEnding=1;
static const TInt8 KEpIsStarting=2;
TInt Construct(TInt aDirection, DLddUsbcScChannel* aLdd, TInt aBufferOffset, TInt aBufferEndOffset, TInt aMinReadSize, TInt aMaxPacketSize, TInt aMaxReadSize);
void CreateChunkBufferHeader();
void StartEndpoint(TUsbcRequestCallback* iRequestInfo, TUint iFlags);
void Destroy();
TInt StartDataRead();
void CompleteRead(TBool aStartNextRead=ETrue);
void PopStall();
void StartDataWrite();
void CompleteWrite();
void Cancel(TInt aErrorCode);
void UpdateBufferList(TInt aByteCount,TUint aFlags, TBool aStartNextRead=ETrue);
void Ep0CancelLddRead();
void SendEp0StatusPacket(TInt aState);
TInt8 iDirection;
TInt8 iMode;
TInt8 iNeedsPacket;
TInt8 iReserved;
DLddUsbcScChannel* iLdd;
TLinAddr iChunkAddr;
SUsbcScBufferHeader* iBufferStart;
TUint iBufferEnd; // One word on from the last word in the buffer.
TUint iAlignMask;
TUsbcScStatusList iStatusList;
TUsbcRequestCallback* iCallback;
TInt iHead; // Out endpoints only;
TUint iSent; // In endpoints only
TUsbcScChunkInfo* iChunkInfo;
TInt iMinReadSize;
TInt iMaxReadSize;
TInt iMaxPacketSize; // 0 indicates unconfiured.
TInt iFirstPacket;
TInt iStalled;
// needed for backwards compatibility
TUsbcPacketArray iIndexArray[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax]; // Has 2 elements
TUsbcPacketArray iSizeArray[KUsbcDmaBufNumMax]; // Has 2 elements
#ifdef _DEBUG
TUint iSequence;
#include <drivers/usbcsc.inl>
#endif // __USBCSC_H__