author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\nkernsmp\nk_irq.h
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
//          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
//          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.


#ifndef __NK_IRQ_H__
#define __NK_IRQ_H__

#ifndef NK_MAX_IRQS
#if defined(__CPU_ARM)
#define NK_MAX_IRQS			96	// 32-127 on GIC
#define NK_MAX_IRQS			32

#if defined(__CPU_ARM)

#include <nklib.h>
#include <nk_event.h>

class NSchedulable;
class NThreadBase;
class NThread;
class NFastSemaphore;
class NFastMutex;

 * Class per peripheral interrupt
class NIrqHandler;
class NIrqX;
class NIrq
	// client services
	TInt BindRaw(NIsr aIsr, TAny* aPtr);
	TInt UnbindRaw();
	TInt DisableRaw(TBool aUnbind);
	TInt EnableRaw();
	TInt Bind(NIrqHandler* aH);
	static TInt FromHandle(TInt& aHandle, NIrq*& aIrq, NIrqHandler*& aHandler);
	// HW access
	void HwIsr();
	void HwEoi();
	void HwEnable();
	void HwDisable();
	void HwSetCpu(TInt aCpu);
	void HwSetCpuMask(TUint32 aMask);
	void HwInit();
	static void HwInit0();
	static void HwInit1();
	static void HwInit2AP();
	TBool HwPending();
	void HwWaitCpus();
	// functions to manipulate iIState
	TUint32 EnterIsr();			// wait for EWait clear, increment run count, return original iIState
	TBool IsrDone();			// decrement run count, return TRUE if still not zero
	void Wait();				// wait until run count is zero and we can transition EWait from 0 to 1
	void Done();				// set EWait back to 0
	enum	{	// iStaticFlags
			ELevel=0x01,		// set for level triggered, clear for edge
			EPolarity=0x02,		// set for active high, clear for active low
			EShared=0x10,		// set if interrupt can be shared
	enum	{	// iIState bits 0-7
			ERaw=0x02,			// raw ISR with no processing, can't be shared
			ECount=0x04,		// if set count all interrupts else limit pending count to 1
			EUnbind=0x08,		// raw ISR being unbound
	TSpinLock			iNIrqLock;
	SDblQue				iHandlers;
	volatile TUint32	iIState;		// bits 0-7=flags, bits 8-15=CPU on which it is running, bits 16-31=run count
	TUint16				iStaticFlags;
	TUint16				iIndex;
	volatile TUint32	iEventsPending;
	volatile TUint32	iEnabledEvents;	// bits 1-31 = count of enabled handlers, bit 0 = 1 if temporarily disabled
	volatile TUint32	iGeneration;	// incremented on unbind raw or enable while bound as raw
	TUint32				iHwId;
	TUint32				iVector;
	NIrqX*				iX;
	TUint32				iNIrqSpare[16-10-sizeof(TSpinLock)/sizeof(TUint32)];


class NIrqX
	typedef void (*TEoiFn)(NIrq*);
	typedef void (*TEnableFn)(NIrq*);
	typedef void (*TDisableFn)(NIrq*);
	typedef void (*TSetCpuFn)(NIrq*, TUint32);
	typedef void (*TInitFn)(NIrq*);
	typedef TBool (*TPendingFn)(NIrq*);
	typedef void (*TWaitFn)(NIrq*);
	TEoiFn				iEoiFn;
	TEnableFn			iEnableFn;
	TDisableFn			iDisableFn;
	TSetCpuFn			iSetCpuFn;
	TInitFn				iInitFn;
	TPendingFn			iPendingFn;
	TWaitFn				iWaitFn;

 * Class per interrupt handler
typedef NEventFn NIsr;
class TSubScheduler;
class NIrqHandler : public NEventHandler
	static NIrqHandler* Alloc();
	void Free();
	void Activate(TInt aCount);
	TInt Enable(TInt aHandle);
	TInt Disable(TBool aUnbind, TInt aHandle);
	TInt Unbind(TInt aId, NSchedulable* aTied);
	void DoUnbind();
	// functions to manipulate iHState
	TUint32 DoSetEnabled();			// if EUnbound clear, clear EDisable. Return original iHState
	TUint32 DoActivate(TInt);
	TUint32 EventBegin();
	TUint32 EventDone();
	enum	{	// iHState bits 8-31
			EDisable		=0x00000100u,
			EUnbind			=0x00000200u,				// this handler is being unbound
			EBind			=0x00000400u,				// this handler has been bound but not enabled
			ENotReady		=0x00000800u,				// this handler is being bound
			ECount			=0x00001000u,				// if set count all interrupts else limit pending count to 1
			EActive			=0x00002000u,				// handler is running or about to run
			EExclusive		=0x00004000u,				// exclusive access to shared interrupt
			ERunCountMask	=0xffff0000u
	SDblQueLink				iIrqLink;		// link to NIrq
	NIrq* volatile			iIrq;
	volatile TUint32		iGeneration;	// incremented on enable or bind
	volatile TUint32		iHandle;		// bits 0-15 = array index, bits 16-30 = cookie, 1-32767
	TUint32					iNIrqHandlerSpare[3];		// round to power of 2
	static NIrqHandler*		FirstFree;		// protected by NEventHandler::TiedLock


#if 0
#include <e32btrace.h>
#define IRQ_TRACE_CAT			253			// FIXME
#define	TRACE_IRQ0(n)			BTraceContextPc0(IRQ_TRACE_CAT, n)
#define	TRACE_IRQ4(n,a)			BTraceContextPc4(IRQ_TRACE_CAT, n, a)
#define	TRACE_IRQ8(n,a,b)		BTraceContextPc8(IRQ_TRACE_CAT, n, a, b)
#define	TRACE_IRQ12(n,a,b,c)	BTraceContextPc12(IRQ_TRACE_CAT, n, a, b, c)
#define	TRACE_IRQ0(n)
#define	TRACE_IRQ4(n,a)
#define	TRACE_IRQ8(n,a,b)
#define	TRACE_IRQ12(n,a,b,c)

#endif	// __NK_IRQ_H__