author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:29:07 +0100
changeset 30 8aab599e3476
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\nkernsmp\x86\ncthrd.cia

#include <x86.h>
#include <apic.h>

const TLinAddr NKern_Exit = (TLinAddr)NKern::Exit;
//const TLinAddr NKern_Lock = (TLinAddr)NKern::Lock;

extern "C" void send_resched_ipis(TUint32 aMask);
extern "C" void __fastcall add_dfc(TDfc* aDfc);

__NAKED__ void __StartThread()
	// On entry interrupts disabled, SThreadExcStack on stack
	asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : : "i"(X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
	asm("add esp, 4 ");		// get rid of iReason
	asm("shr eax, 24 ");
	asm("mov esi, [eax*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("lock xchg eax, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iReschedIPIs));
	asm("test eax, eax ");
	asm("jz short no_resched_ipis ");
	asm("push eax ");
	asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&send_resched_ipis));
	asm("add esp, 4 ");
	asm("no_resched_ipis: ");
	asm("pop ecx ");
	asm("pop edx ");
	asm("pop ebx ");
	asm("pop esi ");
	asm("pop edi ");
	asm("pop ebp ");
	asm("pop eax ");
	asm("pop ds ");
	asm("pop es ");
	asm("pop fs ");
	asm("pop gs ");
	asm("sti ");
	asm("push ebx ");
	asm("call eax ");
	asm("add esp, 4 ");
	asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_Exit));

extern "C" __NAKED__ TUint __tr()
	asm("xor eax, eax");
	asm("str ax");

__NAKED__ TUint32 X86::GetCR0()
	asm("mov eax, cr0");

__NAKED__ void X86::SetCR0(TUint32)
	asm("mov eax, [esp+4]");
	asm("mov cr0, eax");

__NAKED__ TUint32 X86::ModifyCR0(TUint32 /*clear*/, TUint32 /*set*/)
	asm("mov ecx, [esp+4]");
	asm("mov edx, [esp+8]");
	asm("mov eax, cr0");
	asm("not ecx");
	asm("and ecx, eax");
	asm("or ecx, edx");
	asm("mov cr0, ecx");

/**	Mark the beginning of an event handler tied to a thread or thread group

	Return the number of the CPU on which the event handler should run
__NAKED__ TInt NSchedulable::BeginTiedEvent()
	asm("mov eax, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("lock xadd [ecx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("test eax, 0x8000 ");		// EEventParent
	asm("jz short bte0 ");			// not set so don't look at group
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iParent));
	asm("cmp edx, 0 ");
	asm("jz short bte_bad ");		// no parent - shouldn't happen
	asm("cmp edx, ecx ");
	asm("jz short bte2 ");			// parent not yet updated, use iNewParent
	asm("bte1: ");
	asm("mov eax, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("lock xadd [edx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("bte0: ");
	asm("and eax, 0x1f ");			// EEventCpuMask

	asm("bte2: ");
	asm("lock add dword ptr [esp], 0 ");		// make sure iNewParent is read after iParent
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iNewParent));
	asm("cmp edx, 0 ");
	asm("jnz short bte1 ");
	asm("lock add dword ptr [esp], 0 ");		// make sure iParent is read after iNewParent
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iParent));	// iNewParent has been cleared, so iParent must now have been set
	asm("cmp edx, ecx ");
	asm("jnz short bte1 ");			// if iParent still not set, something is wrong

	asm("bte_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");

/**	Mark the end of an event handler tied to a thread or thread group

__NAKED__ void NSchedulable::EndTiedEvent()
	asm("test dword ptr [ecx+%0], 0x800" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));		// EEventParent
	asm("jnz short etep0 ");
	asm("ete1: ");
	asm("mov eax, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("ete2: ");
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("sub edx, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("cmp edx, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("jae short ete3 ");
	asm("mov dl, dh ");
	asm("and dl, 0x1f ");			// event cpu = thread cpu
	asm("ete3: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("jne short ete2 ");
	asm("cmp edx, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("jae short ete4 ");			// If this wasn't last tied event, finish
	asm("test edx, 0x4000 ");		// test deferred ready flag
	asm("jz short ete4 ");
	asm("push ecx ");
	asm("lea ecx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,i_IDfcMem));
	asm("call %a0" : : "i" (add_dfc));
	asm("pop ecx ");
	asm("ete4: ");

	asm("etep0: ");
	asm("lock add dword ptr [esp], 0 ");	// make sure iParent is read after seeing parent flag set
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iParent));
	asm("cmp edx, 0 ");
	asm("jz short ete_bad ");		// no parent - shouldn't happen
	asm("cmp edx, ecx ");
	asm("jz short etep1 ");			// parent not yet updated, use iNewParent
	asm("etep2: ");
	asm("push ecx ");
	asm("mov ecx, edx ");
	asm("call ete1 ");				// operate on parent state
	asm("pop ecx ");				// restore this
//		mb();
	asm("mov eax, 0xffff0000 ");	// -EEventCountInc
	asm("lock xadd [ecx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));	// decrement thread's event count

	asm("etep1: ");
	asm("lock add dword ptr [esp], 0 ");		// make sure iNewParent is read after iParent
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iNewParent));
	asm("cmp edx, 0 ");
	asm("jnz short etep2 ");
	asm("lock add dword ptr [esp], 0 ");		// make sure iParent is read after iNewParent
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iParent));	// iNewParent has been cleared, so iParent must now have been set
	asm("cmp edx, ecx ");
	asm("jnz short etep2 ");	// if iParent still not set, something is wrong

	asm("ete_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");

/**	Check for concurrent tied events when a thread/group becomes ready

	This is only ever called on a lone thread or a group, not on a thread
	which is part of a group.

	Update the thread CPU field in iEventState
	If thread CPU != event CPU and event count nonzero, atomically
	set the ready deferred flag and return TRUE, else return FALSE.
	If event count zero, set event CPU = thread CPU atomically.

	@param aCpu the CPU on which the thread/group is to become ready
	@return	TRUE if the ready must be deferred.
__NAKED__ TBool NSchedulable::TiedEventReadyInterlock(TInt aCpu)
	asm("push ebx ");
	asm("mov ebx, [esp+8] ");		// ebx = aCpu
	asm("and ebx, 0x1f ");
	asm("mov eax, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("teri1: ");
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("and dh, 0xe0 ");
	asm("or dh, bl ");				// set thread CPU field
	asm("cmp edx, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("jb short teri2 ");			// skip if event count zero
	asm("cmp dl, bl ");				// thread CPU = event CPU?
	asm("je short teri3 ");			// skip if same
	asm("or edx, 0x4000 ");			// EDeferredReady
	asm("jmp short teri3 ");
	asm("teri2: ");
	asm("mov dl, dh ");
	asm("and dl, 0x1f ");			// event CPU = thread CPU
	asm("teri3: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("jne short teri1 ");
	asm("xor eax, edx ");			// old iEventState ^ new iEventState
	asm("pop ebx ");
	asm("and eax, 0x4000 ");		// return TRUE if EDeferredReady was set

/**	Check for concurrent tied events when a thread leaves a group

	If event count zero, atomically	set the event and thread CPUs to the
	current CPU, clear the parent flag and return TRUE, else return FALSE.

	@return	TRUE if the parent flag has been cleared
__NAKED__ TBool NThreadBase::TiedEventLeaveInterlock()
	asm("push ebx ");
	asm("xor ebx, ebx ");
	asm("str bx ");
	asm("sub bl, 0x28 ");
	asm("shr bl, 3 ");
	asm("mov bh, bl ");
	asm("mov eax, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("teli1: ");
	asm("cmp eax, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("jae short teli0 ");		// if count >=1, finish and return FALSE
	asm("mov edx, ebx ");			// update CPUs, clear parent flag
								// NOTE: Deferred ready flag must have been clear since thread is running
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("jne short teli1 ");
	asm("pop ebx ");
	asm("mov eax, 1 ");				// return TRUE
	asm("teli0: ");
	asm("pop ebx ");
	asm("xor eax, eax ");			// return FALSE

/**	Check for concurrent tied events when a thread joins a group

	If event count zero, atomically	set the parent flag and return TRUE,
	else return FALSE.

	@return	TRUE if the parent flag has been set
__NAKED__ TBool NThreadBase::TiedEventJoinInterlock()
	asm("mov eax, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("teji1: ");
	asm("cmp eax, 0x10000 ");		// EEventCountInc
	asm("jae short teji0 ");		// if count >=1, finish and return FALSE
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("or edx, 0x8000 ");			// set parent flag
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(NSchedulable,iEventState));
	asm("jne short teji1 ");
	asm("mov eax, 1 ");				// return TRUE
	asm("teji0: ");
	asm("xor eax, eax ");			// return FALSE

/**	Decrement a fast semaphore count

	If count > 0, decrement and do memory barrier
	If count = 0, set equal to (thread>>2)|0x80000000
	Return original count
__NAKED__ TInt NFastSemaphore::Dec(NThreadBase*)
	asm("mov eax, [ecx]");
	asm("mov edx, eax");
	asm("dec edx");
	asm("jns short fsdec1");
	asm("mov edx, [esp+4]");
	asm("shr edx, 2");
	asm("or edx, 0x80000000");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx], edx");
	asm("jne short fsdec");

/**	Increment a fast semaphore count

	Do memory barrier
	If iCount >= 0, increment by aCount and return 0
	If iCount < 0, set count equal to aCount-1 and return (original count << 2)
__NAKED__ NThreadBase* NFastSemaphore::Inc(TInt)
	asm("mov eax, [ecx]");
	asm("mov edx, [esp+4]");
	asm("test eax, eax");
	asm("js short fsinc1");
	asm("lea edx, [edx+eax+1]");
	asm("dec edx");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx], edx");
	asm("jne short fsinc");
	asm("add eax, eax");
	asm("jc short fsinc2");
	asm("xor eax, eax");
	asm("add eax, eax");

/**	Reset a fast semaphore count

	Do memory barrier
	If iCount >= 0, set iCount=0 and return 0
	If iCount < 0, set iCount=0 and return (original count << 2)
__NAKED__ NThreadBase* NFastSemaphore::DoReset()
	asm("xor eax, eax");
	asm("lock xchg eax, [ecx]");
	asm("add eax, eax");
	asm("jc short fsrst0");
	asm("xor eax, eax");
	asm("add eax, eax");

/** Check whether a thread holds a fast mutex.
	If so set the mutex contention flag and return TRUE, else return FALSE.

	Called with kernel lock held

__NAKED__ TBool NThreadBase::CheckFastMutexDefer()
	asm("mov eax, [ecx+%0]": :"i"_FOFF(NThreadBase, iHeldFastMutex));
	asm("mov edx, 0xfffffffc");
	asm("and edx, eax");	// edx points to mutex if any, eax bit 0 = flag
	asm("jnz short checkfmd1");
	asm("xor eax, eax");	// no mutex - return FALSE

	// iHeldFastMutex points to a mutex
	asm("test al, 1");
	asm("jz short checkfmd2");

	// mutex being released
	asm("mov eax, ecx");
	asm("inc ecx");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [edx], ecx");	// if m->iHoldingThread==this, set m->iHoldingThread = this+1 ...
	asm("jz short checkfmd3");		// ... and return TRUE
	asm("cmp eax, ecx");			// otherwise check if contention flag already set
	asm("jz short checkfmd3");		// if so return TRUE
	asm("xor eax, eax");
	asm("dec ecx");
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], eax": :"i"_FOFF(NThreadBase, iHeldFastMutex));	// else already released, so set iHeldFastMutex=0
	THISCALL_EPILOG0()				// and return FALSE

	// mutex being acquired or has been acquired
	// if it has been acquired set the contention flag and return TRUE, else return FALSE
	asm("mov eax, ecx");
	asm("inc ecx");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [edx], ecx");	// if m->iHoldingThread==this, set m->iHoldingThread = this+1
	asm("jz short checkfmd3");		// ... and return TRUE
	asm("cmp eax, ecx");			// otherwise check if contention flag already set
	asm("jz short checkfmd3");		// if so return TRUE
	asm("xor eax, eax");
	THISCALL_EPILOG0()				// else return FALSE

	asm("mov eax, 1");				// return TRUE

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC or DFC when Add() is called

	0000->008n, 00Cn->00En, all other states unchanged
	Return original state.

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::AddStateChange()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("ascr: ");
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("test eax, eax ");
	asm("jne short asc1 ");
	asm("str dx ");
	asm("shr dl, 3 ");			// dl = current CPU number + 5
	asm("add dl, 0x7b ");		// 0000->008n
	asm("jmp short asc0 ");
	asm("asc1: ");
	asm("cmp eax, 0xE0 ");
	asm("jae short asc0 ");		// if outside range 00C0-00DF leave alone
	asm("cmp eax, 0xC0 ");
	asm("jb short asc0 ");
	asm("add dl, 0x20 ");		// 00Cn->00En
	asm("asc0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short ascr ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC just before running it.

	002g->00Cn, 008n->00Cn, 00An->00Cn, XXYY->XX00, XX00->0000
	other initial states invalid
	Return original state

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::RunIDFCStateChange()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("risr: ");
	asm("cmp ah, 0 ");
	asm("jne short ris1 ");
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("and dl, 0xfe ");
	asm("cmp dl, 0x20 ");
	asm("je short ris2 ");		// 002g
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("cmp dl, 0xc0 ");
	asm("jge short ris_bad ");	// not 80-BF
	asm("and dl, 0x1f ");

asm("push ebx ");
asm("str bx ");
asm("sub bl, 0x28 ");
asm("shr bl, 3 ");
asm("cmp bl, dl ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("jne short ris_bad ");

	asm("or dl, 0xc0 ");		// 008n->00Cn, 00An->00Cn
	asm("jmp short ris0 ");
	asm("ris_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");			// DIE
	asm("ris2: ");
asm("mov edx, eax ");
asm("xor dl, 0x21 ");
asm("cmp dl, [%a0]" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iIdleGeneration));
asm("jne short ris_bad ");
	asm("str dx ");
	asm("shr dl, 3 ");			// dl = current CPU number + 5
	asm("add dl, 0xbb ");		// 002g->00Cn
	asm("jmp short ris0 ");
	asm("ris1: ");
	asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp al, 0 ");
	asm("je short ris0 ");		// XX00->0000
asm("str dx ");
asm("sub dl, 0x28 ");
asm("shr dl, 3 ");
asm("xor dl, al ");
asm("and dl, 0x1f ");
asm("jne short ris_bad ");
asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("mov dh, ah ");			// XXYY->XX00
	asm("ris0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short risr ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC just after running it.

	First swap aS->iCurrentIDFC with 0
	If original value != this, return 0xFFFFFFFF and don't touch *this
	Else 00Cn->0000, 00En->008n, 006n->006n, XXCn->XX00, XXEn->XX00, XX6n->XX00, XX00->0000
	other initial states invalid
	Return original state

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::EndIDFCStateChange(TSubScheduler* /*aS*/)
	asm("mov edx, [esp+4] ");		// edx = aS
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("lock xchg eax, [edx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCurrentIDFC));		// swap aS->iCurrentIDFC with 0
	asm("xor eax, ecx ");			// if aS->iCurrentIDFC==this originally, eax=0
	asm("jne short eis9 ");			// else bail out
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("eisr: ");
	asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp al, 0 ");
	asm("je short eis0 ");			// XX00->0000
	asm("cmp al, 0x60 ");
	asm("jb short eis_bad ");		// bad if < 60
	asm("cmp al, 0xC0 ");
	asm("jl short eis_bad ");		// bad if 80-BF
asm("str dx ");
asm("sub dl, 0x28 ");
asm("shr dl, 3 ");
asm("xor dl, al ");
asm("and dl, 0x1f ");
asm("jne short eis_bad ");
asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp ah, 0 ");
	asm("je short eis1 ");
	asm("mov dh, ah ");				// XX6n->XX00, XXCn->XX00, XXEn->XX00
	asm("jmp short eis0 ");
	asm("eis1: ");
	asm("cmp al, 0xE0 ");
	asm("jl short eis0 ");			// 00Cn->0000
	asm("mov dl, al ");
	asm("jb short eis0 ");			// 006n->006n
	asm("sub dl, 0x60 ");			// 00En->008n
	asm("eis0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short eisr ");
	asm("eis9: ");
	asm("mov eax, 0xffffffff ");
	asm("eis_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC just after running it.

	006n->002g where g = TheScheduler.iIdleGeneration
	other initial states invalid
	Return original state

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::EndIDFCStateChange2()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("eis2r: ");
	asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp al, 0x60 ");
	asm("jl short eis2_bad ");	// if not 006n or XX6n, invalid
asm("str dx ");
asm("sub dl, 0x28 ");
asm("shr dl, 3 ");
asm("xor dl, al ");
asm("and dl, 0x1f ");
asm("jne short eis2_bad ");
asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("or dh, ah ");
	asm("jne short eis20 ");	// XX6n->XX00
	asm("mov edx, 0x20 ");
	asm("or dl, [%a0]" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iIdleGeneration));
	asm("eis20: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short eis2r ");
	asm("eis2_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");

/**	Transition the state of a DFC just before moving it from the IDFC queue to
	its final queue.

	002g->0001, 008n->0001, XX2g->XX00, XX8n->XX00, XX00->0000
	other initial states invalid
	Return original state
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::MoveToFinalQStateChange()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("mfqr: ");
	asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp al, 0xa0 ");
	asm("jl short mfq1a ");		// 80-9F ok
	asm("cmp al, 0x20 ");
	asm("je short mfq1 ");		// 20 ok
	asm("cmp al, 0x21 ");
	asm("je short mfq1 ");		// 21 ok
	asm("cmp eax, 0 ");
	asm("je short mfq_bad ");	// 0000 -> bad
	asm("cmp al, 0 ");			// XX00 ok
	asm("je short mfq0 ");		// XX00->0000
	asm("jmp short mfq_bad ");	// not 002g, 008n, XX2g, XX8n, XX00
asm("mfq1a: ");
asm("str dx ");
asm("sub dl, 0x28 ");
asm("shr dl, 3 ");
asm("xor dl, al ");
asm("and dl, 0x1f ");
asm("jne short mfq_bad ");
asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("mfq1: ");
	asm("cmp ah, 0 ");
	asm("jne short mfq2 ");
	asm("mov dl, 1 ");
	asm("jmp short mfq0 ");		// 002g->0001, 008n->0001
	asm("mfq2: ");
	asm("mov dh, ah ");			// XXYY->XX00
	asm("mfq0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short mfqr ");
	asm("mfq_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC when transferring it to another CPU

	002g->00Am, 008n->00Am, XXYY->XX00, XX00->0000
	other initial states invalid
	Return original state

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled and target CPU's ExIDfcLock held.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::TransferIDFCStateChange(TInt /*aCpu*/)
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("tisr: ");
	asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp al, 0xa0 ");
	asm("jl short tis1a ");		// 80-9F ok
	asm("cmp al, 0x20 ");
	asm("je short tis1 ");		// 20 ok
	asm("cmp al, 0x21 ");
asm("je short tis1 ");		// 21 ok
	asm("jne short tis_bad ");	// not 002g or 008n -> bad
asm("tis1a: ");
asm("str dx ");
asm("sub dl, 0x28 ");
asm("shr dl, 3 ");
asm("xor dl, al ");
asm("and dl, 0x1f ");
asm("jne short tis_bad ");
asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("tis1: ");
	asm("cmp ah, 0 ");
	asm("jne short tis2 ");
	asm("mov dl, [esp+4] ");
	asm("or dl, 0xA0 ");
	asm("jmp short tis0 ");		// 002g->00Am, 008n->00Am
	asm("tis2: ");
	asm("cmp al, 0 ");
	asm("je short tis0 ");		// XX00->0000
	asm("mov dh, ah ");			// XXYY->XX00
	asm("tis0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short tisr ");
	asm("tis_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xff ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC/DFC just before cancelling it.

	0000->0000, XX00->ZZ00, xxYY->zzYY
	Return original state

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::CancelInitialStateChange()
	asm("push ebx ");
	asm("str bx ");
	asm("shr bl, 3 ");
	asm("add bl, 3 ");			// bl = current cpu number + 8
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("cisr: ");
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("test eax, eax ");
	asm("je short cis0 ");		// 0000->0000
	asm("bts edx, ebx ");		// XX00->ZZ00, xxYY->zzYY
	asm("cis0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short cisr ");
	asm("pop ebx ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC/DFC at the end of a cancel operation

	XXYY->XX00, XX00->0000
	Return original state

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::CancelFinalStateChange()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("cfsr: ");
	asm("xor edx, edx ");
	asm("cmp al, 0 ");
	asm("je short cfs0 ");		// XX00->0000
	asm("mov dh, ah ");			// XXYY->XX00
	asm("cfs0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short cfsr ");

/**	Transition the state of an IDFC or DFC when QueueOnIdle() is called

	0000->002g where g = TheScheduler.iIdleGeneration,
	00Cn->006n, all other states unchanged
	Return original state.

	Enter and return with interrupts disabled and IdleSpinLock held.
__NAKED__ TUint32 TDfc::QueueOnIdleStateChange()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("qisr: ");
	asm("mov edx, eax ");
	asm("test eax, eax ");
	asm("jne short qis1 ");
	asm("mov edx, 0x20 ");
	asm("or dl, [%a0]" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iIdleGeneration));
	asm("jmp short qis0 ");
	asm("qis1: ");
	asm("cmp eax, 0xE0 ");
	asm("jae short qis0 ");		// if outside range 00C0-00DF leave alone
	asm("cmp eax, 0xC0 ");
	asm("jb short qis0 ");
	asm("sub dl, 0x60 ");		// 00Cn->006n
	asm("qis0: ");
	asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+10], dx ");
	asm("jne short qisr ");

__NAKED__ void TDfc::ResetState()
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("lock xchg ax, [ecx+10] ");
	asm("cmp eax, 0 ");
	asm("je short rst_bad ");
	asm("rst_bad: ");
	asm("int 0xf8 ");